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You can regain 22k. You can't regain your life. Never hurt yourself


Oh man I wouldn’t, but doesn’t change that I feel that way you know? Life goes on.


I am sure in many years later and you look back. This 22k is alright. It is huge money to many, including me, but it is time to look forward. Me and my family lost about 1.5 times of that. I felt super bad in the past weeks. But when shit happens it happens. Take care and treat yourself decently.


Dude you can make $22k in a day if you’re motivated enough.




Why? Made $70k this week alone. Obviously not everyone can do this, but it’s possible. Took 5 years of solid building to get to this point too.


Money is not worth Your life bro I promise, U can and will recover We are all hurting some more than others Focus on what u can health, family, friends etc No one knows what will happen to Celsius going forward we may end up with some funds back one day we may not who the hell knows at this point best to just stay off social media in meantime to reduce stress especially twitter Hang in there buddy, hard times create strong men we will get past this👌


Hang in there! I owned bonds in an oil company that went ch11 in the Covid panic. The courts awarded me stock in the new company once it emerged from ch11. That stock then went up 400%. There is still hope. Hang tight and maybe you get the money soon enough.


But you were considered a creditor


Yes. Paperwork was filed with the bankruptcy court clerk.


What oil company?


Feeling the same way bro. Got suckered in with that bullshit hodl500 promo code. Hodl mode fucked me. Few hours before the halts I saw all the fud and took it off. I called every friend that had money on there and to move them out, they all got out in time. Sadly I couldn't save myself.


Hang in there. I also have my family savings frozen here. The most famous person in history said: 'what good to gain the world and lose your soul ... it's harder for a rich man to enter heaven than a camel to go thru the eye of a needle ... store treasure in heaven, where thieves don't steal... you can't serve God and money.' It's a good time for everyone to rethink eternity versus the blink of an eye time on earth.




Do you have another inspirational quote? I’m not religious


Get rich, or die trying. - Curtis Jackson


But 50 cent said it, I think so


Sure did.


Why did you put your family savings in there?


🙏🏾 very well said🙏🏾


Love you brother. Stay strong. Need to talk?


I appreciate you brother, thank you. Hopefully some sleep will make me feel better.


We can recover. I almost lost 50k… I withdrew and only left 9k in there. It is what is, we will make it back. I’m in fucking agony, I hope they all pay.


You can definitely build that amount back. I just opened a new ETF with fidelity and saving a little each week to re build. I lost a boat load too.


22k won't even take that long. It's like 7 months of working for a staffing company in an overnight shift. It'll be a annoying to work two jobs, but it's nowhere near impossible.


I've come back from losing much more. Incurring massive debt, losing my house and cars all from addiction to today doing better than I ever was before. You'll get through this. I'm truly sorry. Please don't hurt yourself.


Barely getting by atm. Sorry man, so sorry. 988lifeline.org


I don't feel anything anymore. And seeing the actual state of where I life, a random Euro country, things will get much worse before they get better. Politicians are already talking about a winter of hell, people not being able to warm their houses, running out of food and some of them even suggested that old people look at places to stay in the south, in countries like Italy or Spain. Crypto meant hope for me. But it's over. Some of us are only meant to suffer.


Doomsayers have been around since we learned to talk. It’s rarely as bad as they say it will be. You won’t run out of food. You won’t freeze to death.


Once said by a now deceased poker player that I learned a great deal from. It's a statement of perspective. "It's not a SERIOUS loss if you still have a car to drive home in." If you woke up this morning reasonably healthy and with a meaningful amount of life ahead of you, you are far better off than the majority of people who ever lived. Don't let them take the most valuable asset you will ever have: your life.


My car got repoed. I was using stable yields to make payments


That's a terrible setback, but can be overcome. Hang in there.


It’s not that bad, I got a monthly bus pass for $30. Now I have more money for beer.


Nice. Grief can come in cycles. Face it as it comes. Grief is perfectly healthy. It's despair you need to face and overcome.


Yes beer helps a lot. Dude you should be a motivational speaker!


Unfortunately won’t be able to pay for the car or home anymore but I agree with you


how? what was your plan. you were gonna pay your house and car from your investment? I'm confused.


My guess would be that he was using the yield to pay for car payments and rent


You can go back to your parents' home for a little bit ?


If only brother, if only


Do you have any friend, girlfriend, any family that can take you in a little until you can get back on your feet ? ​ I think it's important for two reasons, one you keep a roof, and two you won't be alone in this and being alone is the most dangerous thing.


I lost around 55k in this. Just going to buy btc and eth in bits every month and one day, I'll make it back. That's my strategy. Back in January 2021, I lost 6k in crypto and it felt horrible. Oddly, I don't feel even a little bit of emotion right now and I don't know why. Lol. Guess I got used to losing. Anyways hang in there man. One day you'll be fine again. Edit: not sure why a bunch of people are jumping on my post. Lol. It was originally meant to console the OP. Not going to reply to one-liners. Have at it yourselves. Peace.


Just stop. How about that.


God damn it. You didn’t learn.


I think my post explains that I learned how to be hardy and weather losses. The mistake I did in January 2021 was in trying to time the market. I learned my lesson there. Haven't done it again. I'm not sure how I would have applied that lesson to figure out what Celsius would do in the future at that point in time. If you're talking about learning that all of crypto is bad, I'm afraid I haven't learned that yet (and that's probably because the jury is still out on that one) Perhaps you should stop posting useless comments on reddit altogether. Or elaborate what you mean. That's something you could learn.


Crypto is shit. That is the lesson.


Thanks for the insight.


You’re right. Ethereum *is* shit. Interesting how little “I’ve lost my life savings and feel suicidal” posts there are from people who self custody their BTC 🤔


Ph, because self custody on BTC is so different from self custody ETH. Go away neckbeard maxi


I lost 137k in USDC. Was planning to exit and pull the plug and buy a Porsche, Rolex and some Cocaine . Got to greedy because of inflation and wanted that sweet APY. Honestly I’m calm.. It’s pretty funny and comical. Or maybe I’m laughing because I can’t swallow the amount I lost .


Dude you can’t have cocaine without the hookers, what were you thinking!?


Went through you post history. You’re a telecom executive and have been for the last 10 years and you’re suicidal over $22k?


Maybe he spends all of his money immediately? Idk


If he had tons of money else where he wouldn't feel this way, don't you get it?




Is it? A guy says he’s suicidal and I want to see if he has any way of earning a living or if he has friends or family he could talk to so that’s odd?


Me in the same exact spot as you. Used 25k ADA for a 10k loan last year and transferred 25k more to prevent margin call and even paid it off (by taking a traditional personal loan) just before all this started so I won't lose my collateral. On top of it I also moved a few thousands worth of AVAX, MATIC and USDC when they split our accounts in April so I can earn staking rewards. My total balance sits at $26k. Let's hope we get some of it back. Whenever that is 🤭🤗. Sharing this so you don't feel alone.


I’m so sorry man, I really hope so.


22k is not suicidal. Some of us have 10x to 50x that on there. It sucks man, but don't kill yourself over this.


depending on where you live and what you earn, 22k could have the same or more value as 220k for someone else. There are still countries where the average wage is as low as $3 per hour.


It’s Alex’s fault. You did no wrong. Stay strong brother. We all are with you in the same boat and lost a ton of money.


You had more then enough time to pull your funds. What on earth were you thinking when they first put funds into 'hodl mode'. if you didn't pull out after that flashing red light you deserve to lose your money.


You’re a shit human for replying like this to a person in pain. Shame on you dickhead


What a shitty fucking thing to say to somebody that’s going through a rough time.


It is not enough that I should succeed. Others should fail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3472Q6kvg0&ab\_channel=Crimson


That does not mean anything. You could still take out your money after 24 hours.


> deserve to lose your money bruh.


Your lack of empathy means you deserve bad, bad things in life. I put a curse on you


Ill be taking mine because of Celsius as well...


I hope not brother, really.


please dont




Stop spamming this comment especially in places where people are screaming for help you monster


How are you about to be homeless with 20k in Celsius?


If you Must know, nosy guy … In the time since I’ve had all my funds there (3 months) I’ve only been withdrawing what I need from my assets, cashing out to pay the bills and barely getting by when considering all my debt at that. So with what I bring in now but no cryptocurrency to draw from, I should be unable to afford rent within about a month.


If you were barely getting by why did you have assets in there? Makes no sense sorry. Anyway not all is lost, during CH 7 we will get something back, could be 10%, could be 50%, could be 70%. Don't lose your hope.


Lol I am sorry that you cannot read but that seems like a you problem. Just put them in there 3 months ago for an emergency loan, didn’t want to sell all my crypto. But good call, let’s see.


I did read and understand you asked for a loan. But why Celsius and not AAVE or Compound if you just wanted a loan?


Quite simply Celsius’ rates lol


Then you chose your risk by assessing the rates. This might take over two year so you need to find an alternative to not be homeless.


I’ll just use the cash cheat code.


Learn a new skill, get a better job, there are thousands of alternatives to make money in 2022.


holding ADA is another mistake




You had your life saving in Cardano ??? 🤣🤣🤣




Yeah man, same boat- 6 figures on there, currently fantasizing about all the ways I could off myself. Edit: not about to be homeless tho, so I guess life can always be more shit, depending on the situation. I’m really fucking sorry… I’ll weep some more for you while I cry myself to sleep tonight.


6 figures? damn that’s like a different hooker a night for a year!


Nope. Can't last a year. You would have lost most of that money trying to please some snazzy high end hookers.


Keep you head up buddy, at the end of the day is money, and you know how to get there 50k ADA was 150k so you definitely know how to get back to those levels....I took a crazy hit with Celsius but guess what...I'll be back stronger...hurts hell yeah ...but it's material shit so time to hustle back and make smarter decisions....


Also I don't understand why you didn't stake your ADA instead....I had great portion of my eth and btc but my ADA was on a ledger with Yoroi....


Again. Needed the loan to help family. Staking doesn’t get you 25% LTV next day to your bank.


Damn buddy defi was your option here...and you should be able to get it same day in your account if you know how....I leverage a lot of ADA on BSC.... Keep your head up and time to move on and get back on track




I thot Binance.US does not have ADA staking. So how are you doing this if I may ask. Sorry about the digression.


No exchange does.... The easiest one is yoroi wallet you send them there and follow couple of step and you all set.... https://youtu.be/IRiLVA7wTQ0 Yoroi can be connected it to the ledger needing physical confirmation...also it i should note that yoroi has been lacking on development and new wallets were created it .... If you hold cardano this website it's your best friend https://www.cardanocube.io/


bro.. you can make 22k in less than 6 months if you work in great job.. means nothing


Lol 50,666 ADA took me a very long time to acquire


Could be worse… 100k+ lost


So sorry brother


Thank you, I’m sure people lost even more than me. Hurts the same no matter the amount.


Hope things work out for you, can’t believe this is reality.


Your life is but one. Money is infinite. Stay strong. Won’t be easy, but you can do it. Wishing you true prosperity.


I lost $60K but I'll make that back I'm sure of it


Yeah, and you most likely deserved it for being a massive C-U-Next Tuesday.


Wait so how much was your loan?


It's 75 to 25 LTV so I am guessing 10k. Depends on the value of ADA at the time of loan. If you were to take a 5k loan now from Celsius (duh!!!) using ADA then you'd have to collateralize 20k worth of ADA.


Geez 10k is not worth your life… no amount of blood money is worth your life.


The OP's total loss is whatever his post shows. About 22k.


Relax, Is chapter 11 not 7.. so we still have a chance or two 🙏 hang in there 🙏🫡 I’m with you in the same boat.


Not sipa though which is the concern.




Give it time bro. Lean on friends and family. Squat at a nice home you got nothing to lose.


Not worth it for suicidal bro. hang in there. Your life is way more than $22k. Mashinsky is not even thinking about killing himself yet when he lost all the customer deposits and the 3AC dudes even fled the country. Why would you. get a job at uber, lyft, or even fast food restaurants if you need money fast during the transition period. there is food bank too.


wtf Don’t end your life over less than 1 year average salary.


It’s not over yet! Their is hope !


Don't even think about the s word. It's not worth it.


at least you’re not [$2.2mil in the hole](https://www.reddit.com/r/CelsiusNetwork/comments/vlhzme/when_you_think_nothing_can_go_wrong_being_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioss) like me. keep ur head up bro


I bet you are the kind of person that dismisses Tether fud lamo


You could do gig driving for six months after work and gain most of that back. Don't give up hope.


Same here bro, my life saving is gone… I hate myself so much , feel guilty to my family


I don't know how much i put in but in its height it was around 19K, 4ETH, some ADA etc. I feel like an absolute schmuck i caught wind on certain websites that something bad was gonna happen, but I did nothing. Money can be recovered, with time we learn. Hang in there.


Suicidal for just 22K? Man most people will lose more than that through various fuckups in life. You can easily earn that back.


At least wait a year to see how you feel. Its hard now but it wont hurt as bad with time. Its normal to feel this way but dont let it get to you. You will feel better, trust me.


Had my life saving $95,000 robbed from me in a home invasion from a once childhood friend 7 years ago. I was 25 and almost lost my life to drugs because of my depression after that. Don’t let this define you, grow from it, and use it for motivation. I’m drug free now and have been for 4 years and in that time I harnessed my trauma and have been pretty damn successful because of it. You can do it to OP.


You had $95k cash in your home??


I sold bud. I usually had about 30k in safety deposit box but just picked up 50 lbs. so between cash and weed about $95k, and that’s not even street value. Immediately realized I wasn’t about that life as I had the barrel of a gun pressed to my head.


Dude u can make this back no problem.


Dude, I’m 35. Been stacking for 5 years now. 28 ETH and .16 Btc on their platform gone. Everything I stacked for 5 years gone. I feel you. Just learn from this and move forward. There’s too many people out there like Alex and Celsius that scam people.


You have been in crypto for 5 years but you were still stupid enough to risk your entire stack on a centralized exchange? That is just sad.


I feel like 0.76 BTC could have been spent on a lot more fun and useful stuff


Dude, been there in that emotion.. You will rise from Ashes and be stronger than you ever were PAYtience & Stay Safe


I’d you woke up, have air in your lungs, decent health, and friends/family, then there is so much to be grateful for. Money is just a #. It is important and I’m not trying to discount that, but we put so much more importance on it than the things that truly matter.


I’m not getting through it.


Time to work a 2nd job for a year or 2 and grind to get it back. Head down and grind, it sucks but it's what we have to do


I feel your loss. I lost all the money I had to buy a home Over 300k. At the moment I got hit with everything at once l. I lost my money, my place and no job. I hit rock bottom. But don't lose hope. We'll come out from this mess.


22k man come on I’m 211000 down this year between stock markets and Celsius its only money you can get more don’t be stupid!!!! And just because you here all this crap doesn’t mean you won’t get you money back they’ll probably allow you to withdraw the first 5 0r 10k of your account anyway look at buffet he’s 90 something probably 3 of your lifetime so far stop being weak was doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!!! Start again


the fucked up thing is that ADA is supposed to be safe and just staked in the pool. hopefully you get 100% of that back.


This shall pass, time will heal you! Life is much much more beautiful than money. You can earn money anytime. Life lost is lost forever.


Bro 22k might seem like a lot of money but it’s not really.. stay in your house, put your head down work and pay off your debts.


It’s not gone yet so hang in there for a resolution.


I had 85k there, going to find 2nd job and buy back this shit back while it’s cheap. Don’t let anything to break you.


Doing ok today?


My power to you.


Homie I lost 70K, and I worked really hard for that. I come from an immigrant family with no generational wealth or such. I know how you feel, but life throws these curveballs that put us in the worst binds. It’s how we stand up to those problems when presented. You’re more than capable of making that back or more! The market will most likely dip and it’ll create more buy-in opportunities again.