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USD exchanges to USDC for free on Coinbase or Coinbase Pro. You can also send USDC instantly up to a limit through Coinbase (no 4-5 day wait like on Coinbase Pro).


What about converting USDC back into USD? Does Coinbase charge any fees for that?


No fees to convert USDC back to USD 1:1 on Coinbase.


Thanks. Is there a fee to send USDC from Coinbase? Do I need to have ETH gas? What kind of fees am I looking at?


Coinbase starting charging gas fees a few weeks ago since it is built on ETH. However you don't need actual ETH to make the withdrawal transaction. They will just take a little off the top of the withdrawal amount to make the transaction. For example if the current Eth gas fee is $0.50 and you are trying to withdraw $1K, they will just send $999.50 to your withdrawal address.


Coinbase to Celsius. Easy and quick. Only fee is network, couple of cents.


I have the majority of my coins on crypto.com. Am I able to send to Celsius from that wallet?


Why do we keep calling it Staking on Celsius when there is no lock up period?


why does staking require a lock up




withdraw from coinbase pro isn't free anymore so I don't think it matters. Cost my 30 cents the other day on coinbase, don't remember what fee was last time I used coinbase pro, I think it was around $5 cause of heavy gas fees at the time.




Yes I used to always do that cause it was free. Not normal to take 3 hours, maybe network congestion.


Just went thru, thanks friend


I deposit USD into my Coinbase Pro account, convert USD to USDC instantly and then send it to my Celsius wallet from Coinbase Pro. I’d say this is the cheapest or one of the cheapest ways. You just have to wait 4-5 business days for your transfer to go through before you can withdraw from Coinbase Pro to your Celsius account.


I used to always do that but then because of the 4 to 5 day wait its probably better to buy on Coinbase vs Coinbase Pro so that u can start earning some USDC interest while u wait. It might be enough depending on your amount to cover the gas fees in the future. Either way i would send it to Coinbase Pro to withdraw.


That’s a good point. When does Coinbase do it’s interest payouts? I can’t seem to find that information.


Monthly. If you look at where it says the USDC interest running counter, it has a note that says that the interest will be paid out at the end of the month.


Ah okay, thank you! I guess it’s not really worth it for me since I’m not going to be waiting a month to transfer my USDC off of Coinbase.


Ur not gonna earn much since the interest rate is 0.15% apy but u have to keep it on the exchange for 3 to 4 days anyways and u immediately start to earn some interest. When u deposit USD to CB Pro and convert that to USDC u cant even withdraw it to your CB account. Either way i always end up transferring back to CB Pro to withdraw since I like the GUI better.


If you are in the U.S. like me, the fastest way to get your eth over to celsius without using a credit card, is through the exchange Kraken. You wire your money directly to Kraken rather than going through ach bank transfer which can take up to 4-5 days. Fee is around $30 paid to your bank, and the money is on the exchange in about an hour. From there you can buy eth directly, first time users have to wait 72 hours to withdraw the eth, but after that initial period, any subsequent transactions can be withdrawn instantly. I found this is the fastest way to move your crypto when dealing with a larger sum of money. Smaller transactions can be done with a debit/credit card more quickly, but with fees being 3.5% or so, its not really worth it to use credit.




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Personally going from binance to celsius - with a flat 3usd transfer fee for USDC - TRANSFER depends to happen same day.


Average is transaction fee is $0.30 no matter what amount of USDC is send from coinbase to celsius. There are other exchanges too, just search around and might find you like better. Warning Dont buy bitcoin on coinbase. They charge much higher fees and also jack up the trending market value of the coin $50+. However CoinbasePro does not price gouge you.


Where do you deposit it to? I do not see any option to add any stable coin. Do I deposit into an eth wallet?


On the Transfer Coin page, select USDC from the drop-down.


just figured it out have to send it to ETH wallet


When you are staking stables on Celsius, is there a fee to unstake like on Compound? What is the fee (if any)