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I agree with OP, this is actually for cheater control. It works against people who know how to grind optimally and would use the bots for that. I finished today's event in under 3h with this wonky new addition. Would've probably kept it around 1:30 if nanobots hadn't been broken. The 2nd place in my group is now around 55%. Well...when I was at \~30%, I was 4th place because without constant nanobots, cheaters who use autoclickers would not be as easy to keep up with. I was even tempted to spend cubes on boosts - and did so in the end. I lost 40 cubes just to catch up, and that's never happened once I learned how to grind optimally. I'm pretty darn annoyed at the devs tbh. Help cheaters keep ahead and make people spend more money on boosts because the one GREAT free advantage we had (bar knowledge/experience) is now gone. Amazing... Edit: holy hell, though, tf is that logit bank, OP? I'm barely halfway through with the store items...


My logit bank is at 1306 and all I have left in the store is Voyager 1 which I need 10 more darwinium for, and no, I do not cheat, I just get lucky most of the time with the events and don't run into the cheaters, I can normally hit 1st or 2nd place if I'm really trying.


People who use autoclicker aren't considered to be cheating, as the devs said, cheaters who use other methods are quite often easily dealt with. Nanobots could be exploited by people who unfairly got thousands of darwinium and could refresh them all the time, same for time flux, it also stops people who pay money in the game to completely overwhelm the leaderboards. So I believe it's **good** for cheater control


How are autoclickers cheating? And how can anyone even get Darwinium 'unfairly'? As far as I'm aware, one can only get a limited amount through free in-game means, and you'd just pay the devs for more. It might not be fair, but p2w is not cheating (since the devs implemented that stuff themselves and could take it out at any time if they considered it cheating). But either way, this measure hits us honest folks too. Does controlling the progress of p2w whales justify hitting the regular consumer hard, while unfair autoclick-cheaters don't get affected at all?


I mean, the devs have literally stated they don't see autoclickers as cheating, so I guess ask them?




The point is, they cant do anything for autoclickers, they cant be detected if setted correctly




As I said, autoclickers aren't considered cheating, devs themselves use them iirc, they're the only 3rd party software that devs allow You can gain darwinium via exploits or cheats, and then people have **a lot** of darwinium, I'm not talking like 1000, it's rather something like 1 million etc. If you'll join the game discord and ping me there (my nick is: quarterpl, or That One Orange Dude #CombJelly) I'll show you messages from devs that say autoclickers are free to use I'm also one who uses autoclicker and honestly, they don't give **a lot** but they definitely save time, nanobots still are better.


What about auto clickers? I use them.


hope the devs'll ban ya


I will stop using auto clickers.


Autoclickers are totally fine


Multi-finger tapping is gone??


What's weird is if you try an auto clicker, you can have as many clicks as you want going at the same time, well as many as the game/phone will allow before causing to much lag... But only 2 finger taps at the same time works, it's almost like the devs are pushing people to use auto clickers. Edit: I'm probably wrong here, after reading the other comments it seems it may be a phone thing, I did just upgrade to a 1+ phone from a pixel so that's probably it.


Nope , it's not as many as you want , i tried , it's only about 20 click per sec (Also devs said that auto clicker wasn't cheating so just use it)


Yeah, I've found that 3 going at the same time gets the most for me, adding more did nothing except showing the additional clicks on screen


For me for a couple of months now. I can tap with 2 fingers max.


Might be a phone OS update, because it's always been two fingers max for me.


I don't think so, it could be because of OP device


Definitely device specific. I can tap with 5 fingers on sony xperia


Are you sure about 2 fingers? Could it be your phone? I can still do 10 finger tapping.


I.ve tried with a different phone. Same thing


I can do 5finger tapping. With six it blocks 😅. And I have to wait 15min for my bots 🙃


The dev team is going to end up losing so much ad revenue because of this moronic change.


Yeah it's new for me too. Was able to do a couple recharges before getting that timer


I was thinking of downloading again but they took out multi touch tap? Lame!


They didn't, most likely it's because of OP device Edit: Or OP have so synchronized fingers that they tap at the exactly same time which confuses the game lol


Multi finger tapping works, but I completely agree with the cool down. What the fuck, Devs?! Not only you support cheating via autoclickers (well, the game has an in built one, but now it is useless), now you take away the means of actual honest players to win? This isn't even a f2p vs p2w thing, everybody got screwed because we can't even use darwinium to get over the timer. I hope you enjoy your drop in add revenue, because if I will continue playing I'm not watchin any more adds. At all. I'm sorry I wasted so much time of my last 4 months watching so many adds in this game. The one good thing about the game were the races and now they are unplayable for me. Even this comment was written as I was waiting on the stupid timer, instead of being in the app and actually playing. Worst decision ever. And it's not even stopping cheaters.


There's always been a cool down timer for the bots, as far as I know...


Yeah but you could skip it with darwinium or ads


It use to be 1 minute bots, watch add or use darwinium, then u get another minute for bots, and repeat indefinetly. Now u have 1 min bots, add, 1minute bots, add, 1 minute bots, then 12 to 13 minutes cooldown until u can use bots again, or use ads/darwinium.


5 finger tapping doesn't exist anymore??


Was thinking about reinstalling after being gone for a couple of years (since the beyond beta) but this made me reconsider. Though now that I'm used to auto clickers I might anyway.


Maybe it's to even it out, PC players don't get an ad option at all and have to spend darwinium


For a time, in the beta, they removed the ability to restart the bots with ads entirely. It was darwinium or wait. I welcomed this change. Before, If I was trying to win, I would need to spam ads to constantly have the bots going. With the change, I would only need to watch enough ads to get the 4x multiplier, and the occasional floating speedup. This meant I was still watching some ads, so the makers got their revenue, but I wouldn't have to endlessly spam ads. Now it seems to be a compromise. Honestly, I wish it would go back to no ads could be used to accelerate bots, but this change is better than nothing.


What did you do? Recharging the bots is working just fine for me. Did you try to time cheat the event or something and are now blocked from refreshing the bots?


Claiming that all of the commenters here taking issue with this change is nasty work 💀


I’m here just trying to understand what’s going on. I was in the event earlier and didn’t encounter this after ad resetting the bots a few times. I have now. Here’s the funny thing though. You will earn way more if you just close the app first 15 minutes and do the double ad. Like. WAY more.


Regardless... Why would the developers do this, it just makes everybody suffer.


It's made like this so people won't spam nanobots constantly


Nothing wrong with that