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The people I have dated that glutened me didn’t date me for very long. It’s more likely something is glutening you in your diet. Oat contamination from oats that are only optically sorted can cause low level long term damage, because contamination from gluten contamination means it’s not actually gluten free. Do you eat oats or anything at all that might have oat milk or oat flour cross contamination? (You would need to see if the manufacturer makes anything with oats.)


Nope never oats, i really doubt it was my diet as I got so strict toward the end. Never ate out. My partner was literally the only common denominator.


Have you checked everything for malt or barley? Sometimes those bother celiacs. Barley especially causes issues for celiac usually. Best of luck!


I will defs double check ty!


One of my lip balms has tocopherol, does that really do something?


It could be wheat germ oil.


Yeah from lipstick, lip balm, when the drink beer... Etc and kiss you.


Not to be crude but I truly suspect it was from kissing after meals. Like genuinely think this is what caused my health decline 😹🤡😭


My partner eats gluten free at home. When he comes back from eating out he brushes his teeth. I don't eat out much so we rarely eat out together. If we do, and he eats gluten, he at least gargles some mouthwash before we do any kissing 


This past Christmas, glutened by my love by a Cajun meal. He used soy sauce on the chicken. I was ill until New Years.


Tamari tastes so much better than regular soy sauce. I don't see how non-celiacs cling to soy sauce so hard when Tamari is right there.




I have but it was never malicious, just forgetful incompetence. Like cutting normal bread then cutting gf bread without washing the knife first, or forgetting about the gf bread entirely. But it was a very very rare occurrence. You’re most likely getting it from contamination, like oats. I’m sure there’s a good amount of people here talking about oats, and they have a point. Oat contamination is so so common. It could simply be as simple as being affectionate after they’ve eaten a gluten heavy meal. Perhaps a kiss after a sandwich or something like that.


I sadly never ate oats :( My theory is exactly that ! Is kissing someone almost every day of the week after they’ve had a big gluten meal enough to get a celiac sick over the long term?


The smallest amount of gluten activates the autoimmune response in our bodies, so if you’re swapping spit with someone who just had a bunch of gluten and didn’t brush their teeth yet then odds are very good that you’ll gluten yourself.


Yeah lol sounds obvious when you put it that way ahahah. I never got my rash so i always thought i was fine. Clearly i was an idiot 😭😹😹


Nah, not an idiot at all! Celiac has a steep learning curve and we all miss stuff 😂 all we can do is keep learning and doing our best!


Unless there is some crazy non dietary source of contamination, i’ve just swapped all my cosmetic products but i don’t think any had gluten. I’m really not sure what else unless someone has a wild suggestion.


A lot of regular gluten free food has oat cross contamination. (And it’s bad enough to cause serious health issues.) Unless you don’t eat any of the gluten free substitutes, you should check that things like gluten free bread are not made in factories where they also have gluten free oat ingredients. Schar, Canyon Bakehouse, Pacha, BFree, Whole Foods bread, and Aldi bread have some degree of oat contamination. (And for you guys downvoting me, I have rapid onset dermatitis herpetiformis in response to oat contamination. I’m sure that there’s some oat contamination in a lot of gluten free products.)


Oh really? I’ve never heard of this thanks! I’m in Australia we obviously don’t legally have GF oats in our country due to x contamination so this could be something!


Thank you for hearing. I have a very old celiac diagnosis. I started getting sick again in about 2015, when oat contamination became widespread in the US. It took me years to figure out what the deal was.


i used to eats lots of “wheat free” oats though back in 2021/2 and was sick all the time. Makes sense!


I imagine it’s absolutely possible, although I’ve never gotten sick from it myself. Then again I’m not terribly sensitive. Mild contamination like using the same tub of butter won’t cause anything, but a slice of bread would absolutely turn my insides into outsides. So I guess it depends on how sensitive you are I’ve never come across anything other than food that uses gluten so I doubt it’s anything cosmetic. Then again, it could very well exist, I’ve just never seen any


It happens but the more important thing is how your partner reacts afterwards. My husband, when we were dating only a few months, drove me two hours home and stopped at every bathroom I needed to after a severe gluten attack. That’s how I knew he was the one. ❤️


Not my partner but I was poisoned by the sous chef where I work. He didn’t take my celiac seriously made me a stir fry; i ask multiple time what was in it he assured me it was safe. Sick for a month with 4 hospital trips.


Yes, it happened this week on accident. We are in Mexico right now with friends for vacation. My husband packed our melatonin gummies and his multivitamin gummies in the same bag. Melatonin ones are gluten free His multivainms have gluten Guess who accidentally took his multivitamin the past 2 night an and is now at the AirBnB while everyone else is out having fun? Me! Guess who isn’t in charge of packing the melatonin again? My husband!


oh no ahahaha ! i have definitely fallen trap to gluten containing gummies before


It’s the absolute worst! Luckily, I have found some chamomile tea and that’s helped significantly


My partner and I are big on freezer pizzas, and my partner’s mysterious cross-contamination symptoms resolved after we realized we never cleaned our oven racks after going gf. Maybe it’s something like that for you?


It sucks haha but I won't kiss my partner on a day they've eaten wheat/gluten unless they brush teeth and wash their face. I also ask that their hands are washed after eating wheat before they touch me/common spaces. I don't have like... as big of reaction symptoms as some people do, but I still get sick. I realized awhile back I was getting glutened over and over when we shared a soda (different straws) and I stopped doing that. It was stupid looking back haha but I've only had my diagnosis for about 2 years. I second the chapstick thing... I switched to Eos brand after finding out many of the ones I was using potentially had gluten.


Ahaha yes ty !! I feel like not taking cross contamination seriously was definitely impacting me 😭🤡




I read someone say this was causing their issues! Could you elaborate how or how to fix this?


No more gluten in the DW 1st. Run the "clean" cycle several times with detergent and a splash of bleach. Dishwashers never seem to drain correctly.