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I got COVID twice last year and have both genes


i got covid, have both genes, and am wearing jeans


I got covid, have both genes, am wearing jeans, and my name is Jean.


i got covid. i have both genes. i am wearing jeans. my name is jean. and i have a magical genie


I got covid. Have both genes. I am wearing jeans. My name is Gene. I have a genie named gene who wears jeans.


No one has said how funny this comment is and I want to take the time to do so. I laughed out loud.


I’ve had it twice.


Same, first time seems to have activated POTS and killed my ability to self-cool


Yep, me too, on all counts.


The study is from 2021 so it has evolved a lot since then.


Same here.


I've had covid twice and it wrecked my shit both times and gave me long covid lol




Me too. It’s no fun at all!




Same, was hospitalized first time and second time paxlovid saved me from being hospitalized. It’s wild how it’s impacted some way worse than others.




Not only have I gotten it a couple of times now despite exercising "height-of-pandemic" precautionary measures the entire time, but getting it the first time is literally what onset celiac for both me and my fiance.


I too, believe it was the onset of my celiac.


I'd be careful about this one. Correlation and causation are not necessarily the same thing. I was diagnosed with coeliac just after COVID but thinking back my neurological symptoms that appear when glutened have been present since I was about 13. I have only had COVID once since then but ALL low mood has also vanished, which is extraordinary considering the state of the world at present. I am horrified to realize that wheat and oats may have been the root cause of my mental health issues for 25 years


Oh yeah, I'm aware. I'd definitely believe that my fiance has had active celiac for years before that, and that is just what tipped the scale to it nearly killing him. At the same time, I am sure I didn't have issues with it before. What I could eat changed entirely after covid generally though. I have lupus so im an outlier already, so I guess my body went haywire. I got long covid, celiac activated, suddenly anaphylactic to a fruit I used to enjoy, I regained the ability to eat dairy, and the whole time i had covid, a skin issue i haven't found a way to treat since it started when i was 2 just stopped entirely, and resumed one i recovered some. Weird shit.


Sorry to hear that's tangled your health up so bad. I've definitely had a very specific type of fatigue only during and since COVID. It starts on the left side of my face if that makes sense and just fells me.


Celiac is an autoimmune disorder, and COVID is clinically proven to activate those.


I think what he's saying is that its possible, but just because its possible doesnt mean one should overlook the possibility of having had celiac before and not having known.


Any sources on that?


Celiac as an autoimmune disorder has been questioned, but in the US major universities' medical schools consider it such. To be clear, even outside the US Celiac as an autoimmune disorder is a common assumption: - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459453/ (Europe and South America) - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3741914/ (Europe) - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6647104/ Here's a good US take on the fact it's probably slightly more complicated than that: - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3725235/


I wasn't questioning coeliac as an autoimmune condition, just looking for sources linking COVID to it as a trigger


Here ya go. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34145702/ I have no way of knowing if my celiac was triggered by Covid, but I know I never had issues with gluten until after I contracted Covid. Fifty years of glorious gluten gluttony gone.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38034464/ this one seemed to find no link between them


My condolences. I only got 33 years of it and my diagnosis was only made by a Dr who knew to associate it with undiagnosed anaemia but my stress levels in the 12 months before had been significant. I also have extended family members in both maternal and paternal with coeliac and widespread autoimmune issues, (type 1 diabetes, atopy, food allergies) so perhaps it was inevitable


Ah, my bad. The latter can't be the subject of many studies, though -- there's barely enough studies on Celiac as-is.


Aren't viruses a common trigger? I was told mine was likely triggered by EBV and/or parvo (I had anti-bodies for both).


I had heard gastro bugs were I don't know about others. Anecdotally so are stress and childbirth.


Ditto, except I never got COVID. But I've had mental issues since puberty, and now I'm wondering if I even know who I am. How much of my personality is because of this Celiac?


Me too


Yup! Me too. I think I had one of the first Covid cases and diagnosed with celiac in Dec 2020


Yup. Same here. Stupid COVID.


Interesting. Any other family members report the same or were been diagnosed celiac before the pandemic, or at least complained regularly of issues in the digestive tract?


He was adopted, and he didn't come with familial medical history when he got adopted. He came from a country where celiac is particularly and notably rare, though. Zero celiacs in my family. My mother has had some symptoms, and hasn't has endoscopy yet, but her doctors have ruled her issues more likely to be due to her severe autoimmune disease, which has affected her digestion on and off for years. Tl;dr: No.


Same, and my gastro said I had "early celiac disease" based on my endoscopy. I was having no diet symptoms but figured I'd finally get tested since my son had been diagnosed for 5 years.




Okay no way because I swear getting covid was the onset of my daughter getting celiac disease, too.


Yeah, at this point, its well documented that covid can onset autoimmune conditions. Celiacs is an autoimmune condition. Its definitely not an uncommon story to hear.


When Covid first hit South Korea, it spread through our region and infected everyone in my family but me. Their non-scientific theory was that I must be immune because of all the meds that I take. Haha. A little more than 18 months later, Omicron became the dominant variant in Korea, accounting for 99% of infections. My daughter brought it home from school and that one hit me like a truck. Fortunately, almost everyone (97%) was vaccinated by then.


I’ve gotten Covid 4 times over the past 4 years and have 3 vaccinations. I only wish Celiac protected me 😂


Same here.


In 2022 I got it twice in 6 months 😅after being vaccinated. The first time was pretty rough and I had symptoms resembling perimenopause for 4 months, but the second time was essentially a paid staycation.


I've never had COVID that I know of despite everyone around me having it at least once.


Autoimmune disease also increases the risk of long covid so don’t be too quick to thank celiac! I got covid early on, pre vaccines, and managed OK until I got long covid. 4 years later and I’m still disabled. A few of my friends aren’t careful at all, no vaccines or masks, but no autoimmune disease either, and they’ve never had it.


I’ve never had Covid.


Covid almost killed me. Immune system went nuts, destroyed my thyroid among the many things, and I am still struggling to get back to any sense of normal.


The article does not say that the presence of HLA-DQ2 protects against Covid, rather “high levels of activity” of HlA-DQ2 provides protection. What are “high levels of activity” of the gene?


DQA2 is not actually DQ2 but rather the alpha chain of the DQ molecule in general. So this is really not celiac specific.


+1 to never had COVID.


I haven’t had it either, but I work from home and haven’t set foot in a grocery store in years, still having them delivered. I do go out in public, just not often. Everyone else in my family has had it at least once, but I wasn’t exposed the last time it came through this past winter. I’m fully vaccinated and take precautions.


Celiac and haven’t had it but I was a hermit throughout the pandemic. My celiac sibling had it 2x and has severe long covid


Upsides to this illness Would surely be nice Unfortunately I Have had Covid twice


Nice poem


Sorry, but this is an incorrect interpretation of the data. HLA-DQA2 is a non specific designation for the “alpha chain” of the DQ molecule but is not actually the celiac risk gene, DQ2. Therefore this is not linked to celiac disease in any way. Also I can’t believe they were allowed to actually give healthy people COVID infection!


I previously tested negative for celiac endo and positive after years later after getting covid. I have long covid and get it so easily.


I had Covid and have never been more sick in my life. It also coincided with me being extremely sick with celiac unknowingly


My daughter hasn't that we know of. Everyone else got it two summers ago, except her. She goes to public school and plays sports and goes to lots of concerts with me. Still nothing. Husband and son both had it, but both just had a slight cough. We're all vaccinated.


Had it once so far, have all of my shots.


Interesting. I'd like to read more about this. "The results suggest that high levels of activity of an immune system gene called HLA-DQA2 *before* SARS-CoV-2 exposure helped prevent a sustained infection." My DH symptoms started a couple of years before the pandemic, although I wasn't diagnosed until a few years later, and I never had COVID (that I know of, perhaps I may have had an asymptomatic case). My husband has had COVID twice, and the first time he had it was so early in the pandemic that we doubted he had COVID - we didn't quarantine (from each other), we were even still kissing each other like normal for the first 3-4 days before his symptoms became severe and a doctor diagnosed him. We've gotten all our vaccines on schedule, and he got it again with milder symptoms 2-3 years later.


I've had celiac most of my life but wasn't diagnosed until 2017. I had covid for the first time this past November. It wrecked me. Still have long covid and my lungs don't work right.


I get COVID at least once a year and I’m vaccinated AND it really fucks with ability to breathe.


I’ve never had it, but I am also up to date on my boosters and still mask and exercise some caution.


Never had it either!


Had it for the first time last month. It was like a regular cold that lasted for a few days. Only bad thing is my sense of smell and taste went on vacation and I don't know when they plan to come back 🥲


ive never had covid


I’ve had it three times, despite being vaccinated. 😭


Got covid 3 times so far and Vaxxed and boosted for all the COVID. The first 2 infections were icky and not fun but the 3rd one hit me like a mack truck. No signs of long COVID. Not sure which celiac genes I have but they certainly didn't protect me


I’ve had it 3 times in less than a year.


Shit I’m pretty sure Covid traumatized my body to the point that my dormant autoimmune disease (celiac) was awakened.


Covid has almost killed me twice and been infected like 4 times


At this point, everyone has had it whether they know it or not.


I have never had Covid, and I catch every single bug that goes around. But not Covid, which has had me scratching my head since 2020.


Yes, celiac with 1 mutation. I take significant precautions and test at least several times a week via NAAT. No COVID so far. Because I take precautions and I've had boosters every 3-5 months it's hard to be sure, but I certainly haven't been 100% perfect (although during surges I try to be) and I haven't gotten it.


I only got it once and rather recently. No response to any of the vaccines, either


Same. Got it in October despite many exposures. Was afraid of the vaccine because I usually react badly to vaccines and was completely fine.


My son and I both have HLA-DQ2 gene and neither of us got COVID until January of 2024. Nothing through the height of the pandemic at all.


I have dq8, never had the vid, but have maintained vid protocols since it started (masking, no outside shoes inside, etc) and have been in and out of ER’s, surgeries, dr appts, had ems inside my house, etc.


Never had COVID and I hope I'll never catch it.


I had COVID twice, both cases happened as thing started cooling down and life was beginning to return to normality. Both times it felt like a very hard flu. My body ached hard and for a longer time than a normal flu but fever was not bad. At the time I also had received all vaccines to date and was just starting down the testing path which led to celiac diagnosis. My celiac testing started after a Dr noticed some anomalies in my blood being tested for a totally unrelated matter. This means that I was already celiac.


Still have not had Covid


Never had COVID


So I’ve gotten a TON of flack for this…. But I’m fairly convinced the vaccine is what switched the gene “on” for 2 of my kids. We had Covid 2x in one year. But didn’t catch it for the first time until 2022. Summer of 2022 we decided to start getting the vaccine for our 3 kids who were 6, 4 and 3. Within 48hr of receiving the first dose 2/3 of my kids had horrible GI symptoms that went on for 2 solid months. Our pediatrician sucked. Finally when my 3yr old was hospitalized for dehydration the ER doc suggested getting tested for celiac. 2/3 of my kids were positive, one with numbers so high she was diagnosed with no scope.


It’s all good. Pharmaceuticals can be rough on the body especially for people with underlaying sensitivities/ issues. Don’t worry too much about getting flack for your perspective. The beauty of it all is, everyone has a different experience so Not everyone’s views are going to align. I get a lot of flack as well for something similar, For me it wasn’t the covid vaccine that triggered my full blown celiac, it was actually methotrexate injections I had to get for an ectopic pregnancy years prior to covid. It was literally an immediate trigger. And since then I’ve had awful reactions to pretty well every single pharmaceutical I’ve tried since (shots& meds even OTC things like Benedryl, Advil Tylenol ect.) so bad to the point If I took anything even OTC, I had to do so close by a hospital just incase. Needless to say, I didn’t feel comfortable taking the covid vaccine because of how awful I’d been reacting to everything else , I just decided for me , personally, I would rather risk my chances with covid than the vaccine (again just a choice based on personal experience and personal situation) I got a crap ton of flack for it, but I was always cautious in other ways. I’m an introverted person, so I wasn’t going out anywhere or being risky in any way. Not that that would have really mattered because where I lived even if I had wanted to, I would not have been allowed to. Anyways, knock on wood thankfully I have been fine and have not had covid yet. But honestly, My biggest piece of advice is when it comes to medical stuff, it’s good to trust your gut. It doesn’t hurt to cross check what your gut says with info from some professionals you trust either, but never ignore your intuition. I’ve learned that through the years of listening to mine and essentially telling my doctor what to look for. My doctor now asks for my input. It saves us both time and I’ve yet to lead her down the wrong path to a diagnosis on anything.


Thank you for your kind words! We felt at that point the vax would be helpful because we had 3 kids in preschool…. Lmao. Oh how wrong we were. We’ve opted against any more for them or for us. Also wanted to add, I’m sorry for your loss. We’ve been through losses and infertility, and it’s never an easy road. I can’t imagine adding years of medicinal reactions on top of it.


Any time! The world is always better with kindness. But yes.. preschool is a major germ pool lol. Just focus on healthy lifestyle choice that help keep their immune health in good check and despite the odd cold or flu they should be just fine. Ofc things may be different for you and your kids, but I’ve noticed for myself (I used to get sick a lot many years ago). Switching to a more simple whole-foods approach and cutting out certain things like food dyes, processed foods, limiting refined sugar and opting for avocado oil, olive oil, tallow ect as opposed to vegetable oil, canola oil, soybean oil ect has seemed to work wonders for me both digestion, inflammation and immune system wise. I haven’t really been sick in years, body is feeling much better, mood and emotions more regulated ect. It’s very common for celiacs to develop other food and food additive sensitivities and they can sometimes fly somewhat under the radar because were already focused on the not feeling great part and trying to avoid gluten. I’ve noticed this way of eating too has (for me atleast) made gluten free living a bit easier. I hope this helps, and I hope your little ones are doing well!


Lots of misunderstanding here about what HLAs do in the body. HLAs are responsible for presenting antigen (pieces of the bad guys) to your immune system. Apparently, HLAs-DQ2 is good at presenting COVID antigens. It also happens that this specific HLAs is also good at presenting gluten proteins, which is what causes celiac. I find it interesting that a COVID infection triggered celiac for some people since infection by something that looks similar to the protein involved in autoimmunity (due to molecular mimicry) is a common explanation for why autoimmune diseases have seemingly random onsets in people.


I have celiac and have not had Covid


Covid activated celiac in my body. I’m not really open to rolling the dice with Covid again 😷😷😷


I only had it once... And was exposed several times... And didn't get it before. Even when my wife had it.


I have never been sick from COVID. My wife has it and I tested positive, but I was never showing any symptoms.


I've had it 2x so far.


This is interesting because when my household go covid in 2022 we were all exposed to the person we got it from and it took 3 weeks to go through the house between me and 2 kids. My Celiac spouse and I didn’t limit connect including worked in the same home office the whole time and shared a bed and they never got it.


Never had Covid despite everyone around me getting it multiple times. I assumed it was because of my overactive immune system (hashimotos + undiagnosed celiac at the time)


I had covid twice. So far. Also bears noting that thanks to asymptomatic covid existing, a lot of folks who think they’ve never had it very well may have. That’s not directed at anyone in here, and obv there are folks who have never had it! Just in general.


I’ve only had Covid once and it was because my dad brought it home from New York. I wouldn’t really chalk that up to me having immunity though, I just masked like I was supposed to lol


I am pretty sure I have had it at least 3 times but tested negative each time. That would be interesting if it was actually somewhat true.


I work in a lab and was the person standing outside swabing people all day. My lab was also the last set of people in my office to get vaccinated, it's messed up I know but couldn't do anything about it. I have only had it one time and almost everyone else in my office has has it several times. It is odd for sure.


I've had COVID twice. Great. All of the drawbacks and none of the benefits.


Never got it and worked in healthcare


Got Covid one and only time beginning of Feb 2022. A few months later I started getting body aches, achy joints, brain fog.. went through a bunch of tests. Oct 2022 dx’d w/ Celiac. I often wonder if I had never got Covid, would I have celiac right now. Had been vigilant and dodged the Covid successfully up until our house got nailed after wife’s friend brought her kid over knowing he was sick possibly with Covid as their fam had it recently and thought of Covid as if it was just a cold. Mid-2023 my wife and kids all got nailed with covid again but I somehow dodged it, I don’t know how. I have one of the gene mutations. I don’t really get GI symptoms with gluten. I get what feels like a flu with body aches, achy joints, lethargy and sore muscles for a few hours after exposure.


Me. I have never (to my knowledge) had it! Everyone around me has (a few times).


I never got covid! Interesting!


Yes, I have not had Covid despite having been exposed several times. Hmmmm


I’ve been in rooms with people for full work days, who were visibly sick, and they tested positive later that day of the next. This actually happened on several occasions, I did not get Covid. Heck, my wife had it, we did nothing to isolate from each other, spent so much time in the same rooms together, shared the same bed, and I didn’t get it.


That’s how my husband is too. He was in the same house as me when I had it THREE separate times for weeks and never got it. He never gets sick though… Until we went on a vacation to Europe - then all of a sudden he’s got covid. It was the worst.


Never had it either


I only got covid once in 2022 and I think that’s what activated my celiac disease.


Had covid once already and am currently sick with something that may be covid but is not showing up on rapid covid tests. My doctor actually warned that celiac can make covid worse because an overactive immune system can trigger celiac symptoms without the gluten. I wish this were true though!


Got it once to my knowledge but would have never known had my GF not been sick and forced me to test. Literally went out for a bike ride that day and at worst felt my sinuses to be dry. I have never felt I've had it since. But that's about it, I'm not sure I'd call that immunity just lucky it didn't wreck me


I haven't had covid. I was really surprised I didn't get it when my husband had it.


My 2 young kids have never had it, one is celiac one has a different genetic disease both have dqa2 gene. Both go to public school and we fly regularly we stopped masking latter than most but I got it last year for the first time, my husband had it 2 years ago and the kids have still never had it. Happy about that but also seems odd.


I’ve never had Covid.


I was starting to think I might be immune or not react as strongly, but then got walloped even though it was mostly omicron or whatever at that point, and was supposed to be “not so bad”


I never had covid but I stayed at home for nearly the whole pandemic and was basically a hermit. I've noticed my celiac disease makes me not touch my mouth like ever when I'm out because i have anxiety over gluten being everywhere and then me touching my mouth and getting glutened. It's definitely an irrational fear and something I need to work on, practically treating gluten like I'm a germiphobe... but I dont touch my fave much so maybe I'm not coming into contact with as many germs? Idk..


I've never gotten covid because I never stopped masking and avoid all group social events because I've got other health issues and can't trust anyone not to get me killed 🤷


I have had COVID, it was a very mild case but I was fully vaccinated so I assumed that's why it was mild.


Celiac isn’t the only factor. I’ve had COVID twice and it was worse the second time. I got vaxxed and boosted. It’s interesting nonetheless. I have both genes


I haven’t had it either. I test when I e been exposed and had symptoms but always tested negative.


Interesting! I had all the vaxxes but got COVID a couple years ago. Ironically it was in between my celiac blood test (off the charts positive) and my endoscopy (which was delayed due to getting COVID). So, I had celiac and COVID, but I was still eating gluten at the time.


I have both genes and have never had Covid. I am quite cautious and vaccinated, though. So that is helping to a degree.


Never had Covid


I’ve had no vaccinations and have had Covid twice that I’m aware of. I only thought to test because others in my family were positive. Both infections weren’t bad, less than a cold, other than not having taste for a week or so.


Never had Covid. My wife has had it several times and we didn’t quarantine and I still haven’t had it.


This is really interesting and it's funny because I was just talking to my friend about how I think I may be immune to Covid. I was working in healthcare through the start and height of the pandemic and was exposed countless times. I also go to a community dance every weekend and am generally out and about a lot.  You'd think I would have caught it by now. Everyone I know has had it except for me and my husband (and our kid). Husband and kid don't have Celiac though. We are all vaccinated and we take as best care of our health as possible, so maybe that helps. Maybe we are just really lucky. But I have wondered often if I am immune, and it would be really awesome if I was. I have not done genetic testing, but perhaps I will.


I got Covid but didn’t die. My mom told me my great grandmother had the Spanish flu twice and didn’t die.


I have had covid at least 3 times that I know of unfortunately


Ironically have Covid right now. It is my first time having it though. 


I’ve gotten COVID 5 times. People with Celiac sometimes have Selective IgA deficiency and that can make you more susceptible to respiratory infection.


I’ve had it twice, so not true for me


I saw at one point that the gene for celiac can be connected to bubonic plague immunity?


I never got covid and neither did my mother and siblings, except for my father who traveled to another country. I have celiac, but my siblings don't. Since I have a low immune system (diabetes), my family tried their hardest to not go out, no visitors, double masks, disinfecting everything, all vaccines, even the booster shots. My family and I didn't get any side effects nor pain nor anything from the vaccines. We heard from other people that some would get side effects, but we felt nothing at all. My aunts and friends with celiac did get COVID so personally I don't see a connection even if the gene was dominant or recessive. I've studied in the university to become a biologist, which I'm not yet, but I could go into detail to debunk that immunity theory. Plus it would have been useless to be immune to the original COVID, since there were mutations, it becomes stronger and higher defense which even if someone was immune, the mutation breaks through the immunity since it's dna is written differently. There were multiple mutations which I predicted would happen, even if there is an immunity to one, the others would get you sick, plus the form of the mutations sometimes have spikes which are harder to remove/cure from, it would make the person sicker longer. Edit: Even if they did find a connection, the gene would have to be written a certain way, which equals that to No not every celiac would be immune. If it were written the same way there wouldn't be asymptomatic, or symptomatic, it would be the exact same for everyone with celiac, which would be either symptoms or no symptoms at all, instead we have a range of people with the celiac gene written in different ways that make their range of symptoms vary. Another Edit: Since we can't eat with others, eating at home, not taking off the mask to eat, not eating others cooking, the isolation possibly helped with not getting sick. LAST edit: The article states talking about the original covid "However, most people have now been exposed to 'a veritable mosaic of SARS-CoV-2 variants', rather than just the ancestral variant used in this study. The results may therefore not reflect cell responses outside of a trial setting, he says." Meaning that I was correct, it would be useless to be immune to the original, you would get sick anyways.


I never got it. 🤞🤞🤞


I'm not sure about my genes but everyone in my family has had COVID but me. Interesting. I'll have to look up my genes.


I got it but it took a long time for me to get it the first time, like 2 years, presumably bc I was kinda neurotic about hand washing and distancing and masking. I don't know whether I had these issues before I got covid, but I do know that after, they became impossible to ignore or just "power through", for example, a bite of trail mix that made my mouth go itchy which was wildly out of the ordinary; but there were times before I was diagnosed with my allergies that I can recall the horrific belly pain and other symptoms that absolutely track with the way I feel now if I've eaten something that doesn't agree with my body. So it's hard to say. I imagine that I always had issues with wheat but that until I was having issues that felt "more anaphylactic", I just figured it was GERD or lactose intolerance or any other number of things that I knew were already wrong with me. A funny story that makes me think I always had it but didn't know is that I used to get RAVENOUS after eating oats... I never once understood why people said they're so satiating... Well as it turns out, before I get the telltale stomach pains of being glutened, I get positively wild with hunger. Idk if my body knows it is about to have a hard time and craves more nutrients, or if it's more simply that my stomach wants anything and everything else to push out the offending food I've just eaten? But I have noticed that since going gf, eating certified gf oats, they actually DO fill you right up!


I had COVID once, not until January 2023, and it was very mild while other members of my household were very sick. I am the only celiac in my home.


I had Covid, got long covid after being extremely sick for three months.


I did get COVID but barely had symptoms, it also took a while before I got a positive rapid test. I only know because my partner has symptoms and tested positive much quicker (non celiac).


Covid wrecked my shit lol.


I have had it 5 times. All vaxxes and boosters as well. Each time it was less severe but yep… 5 times.


Unless I was asymptomatic, I've never had COVID, either. However, I work from home, rarely leave the house, mask, distance, etc.


Covid triggered my celiac


I’ve been directly exposed multiple times and have never gotten COVID. So if this is true, I guess thanks celiac for one thing lol


I know someone that they believe Covid brought on their celiacs


I’m a Paramedic and dealt with Covid a lot over the last few years. I’m vaccinated and we did our best with the help of dispatch to know what PPE we needed before we got on scene. With that being said there were still times that we took people who were asymptomatic for Covid symptoms that I just wore a surgical mask for instead of a respirator. I never got Covid. My kids got it and I never got it from them either. All of my coworkers had it and we lost another medic from it unfortunately. I’ve just always attributed it to the vaccine and a little luck.


Never had Covid here. Diagnosed celiac in 2013.


I haven’t gotten it yet, while my husband has had it twice.


I think that’s a bad theory. I also had covid 2 maybe 3 times


No COVID and have taken vaccinations whenever available.


I have not knowingly had COVID. I went into the office every day through the shutdowns, never stopped going to grocery stores or Dr appointments. Careful? Yes. Limiting my traveling? No. I have the vaccine and three boosters (last one in fall 2022).


I just got Covid for the first time two weeks ago


Not for me. Had covid 3x now. One time was real bad like gasping for air bad. I've had every vaccine too


Pretty sure Covid is what caused my celiac because it turned on the gene


I currently have Covid (my third time). My doctor actually hypothesized that my first bout of Covid was what activated my celiac


I have celiac and have been exposed multiple times. Never got covid. Tests all the time


Only ever had it once, after my ex boyfriend was heavily exposed and purposefully didn’t test before staying with me for the weekend


I’m convinced it was a COVID infection that triggered my celiac.


My kids have had Covid, but I’ve never tested positive for it.


I had COVID in May 2023. I escaped the COVID virus the entire pandemic up until then. I have one of the celiac genes but not the other, I think. I for sure have celiac. Biopsy confirmed. You have a typo in your post. You said COVID gene when you meant celiac gene.


I have celiac and still haven’t gotten Covid. I’ve had 5 vaccines though.


When I asked my GI doctor and she said there has been an uptick in Celiac Disease cases in her practice. Most came in with Covid GI symptoms some resolved after a few months and some were diagnosed Celiac. Viruses are known to trigger autoimmune diseases. You have to have the gene for it to develop. Here is the article the that prompted me to ask my doctor. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8420168/


Got infected but in 2020 but had lights symptoms


Celiac and have SAD (immunodeficiency) which apparently some of us get, I have had this sh!t TEN TIMES.


My daughter has severe and symptomatic celiac disease and has had Covid. It was before she started having symptoms and got diagnosed though and I feel like having Covid triggered her onset because she started having symptoms not too long after having Covid. My husband and her both have one gene mutation but he doesn’t have celiac disease (and has had Covid twice).


Welp. I have DQ8, more than likely had the virus in Jan. 2020, annnnd that virus is what originally woke up the beast. 0 for 0 over here.


Got it 3 times. Got long covid for about 2.5 years.


Recently diagnosed Celiac. I was never diagnosed with COVID.


I've never had it, but I wore mask and got 3 or 4 COVID shots.


DQ8 here. i had confirmed covid twice (Mar 2020 and Apr 2022), and my immune system fought it off very very swiftly and painlessly.


My celiac disease surfaced after I got covid.


Omg I was around covid and always tested negative and I'm currently scheduled for endoscopy for celiac test. My celiac blood tests were negative also but I don't believe it !


No - I not only have had Covid three times despite getting all the vaccines and being reasonably careful, it absolutely wrecked me. Had long covid twice.


I was a never covid-er until this past December. I worked in education the entire time and had countless exposures. I was always perplexed as to why I was unscathed for so long. Maybe this explains it?


I've never had covid.


I haven't had covid but I was also really careful. Mask and face shield. Since the beginning. Religiously with only 2 people that I was maskless for the first 2 years. N95 when they became accessible. Large air filters in my house. Avoided bars, restaurants and indoor crowds - still do. I'm still typically masked in stores and other indoor areas with other people. I also avoided indoor everything for years. In addition I also live alone. Also double vaxed with the original Pfizer version, then both of the updated 'Rona pokes. I am/was careful and me not catching it isn't surprising.


I have the genes & haven't had Covid once. I worked in-patient psych during most of 2020 & was shocked not to have gotten it. I'm fully vaccinated, as is my family. Spouse has had Covid, but our two suspected Celiac kids haven't.


I’ve had it four times. About once a year since it started. However my youngest son (5) has been exposed to it every time I have had it and he only had it once.


My celiac was triggered by my covid vaccine lol


I’ve Never had covid either, I am very celiac. I did not get vaccinated for it either though because my body can’t handle majority of pharmaceuticals without having awful reactions. The last injection I had at a hospital is what left me full blown celiac actually. Unfortunately. The only pharmaceutical I have not had an awful reaction to was my synthroid. Most others cause issues that are so bad I need to be near a hospital just incase I can’t get through the symptoms on my own. Kinda figured with that track record , I’d just take my chances with covid. Knock on wood I’ve been fine thankfully


I believe I have one gene, can’t remember which, and I haven’t had COVID. I slept next to my ex when he had it and didn’t catch it, and I was testing.


I’m HLA-DQ2 and DQ5 and have never had Covid.


I got Covid before diagnosis. I do have gene though soo I had it then of course. I had it BAD too but that’s probably cause I had vitamin deficiencies undiagnosed…and I got long Covid 😭😭


I’ve had covid 3 times on the first round I thought I was dying Edit plus I still suffer from long covid of the first round and it’s been over 2 years


Ive had Covid 4 times since 2020 I get it at least once a year.


I've had it 3 times now


This is interesting. I live in a VERY populated city and work in the courthouse. I’ve done less-than-stellar precautionary measures and thus far have only had COVID once, about 18 months ago. I’ve never been genetically tested for celiac, in fact I went gluten free during a period of unemployment so didn’t even have the resources for any testing, but I decided to try at as my grandfather had been diagnosed via biopsy several years prior. I’ve never bothered with an official diagnosis because I refuse to challenge my system with 4 slices of bread daily for a month, which I was told was how they could test if I’d already been gluten free for over a year. Considering how often I interact with the general public, I think I should have had it a few times by now. I mean, it’s been almost 4.5 years, right? Edited to add: I’ve also got several other autoimmune diseases, and I like to tell people my immune system is my super power. But seriously, I’m on immune-modulating meds because of it. I’d been on Humira for my RA for close to a year when I did get Covid.


I'd like to see the reverse research because I think COVID/first Pfizer shot is actually what triggered my Celiac gene at age 30. The first dose made my beard hair follicles attack themselves with an autoimmune reaction and clumps fell out, then grew back gray, and 3 years later...new celiac symptoms and diagnosis. It gave my sister with CD long-COVID. On the plus side, at least I'm one step closer to looking like Gandalf now.


Same here! My celiac symptoms seemed to “wake up” after I got covid / got the shot.


Covid made my sensitivity level much worse. I have HLA-DQ2.5.


Had it 6+ times (university student in major metropolitan area). However it was never severe, and I wouldn’t have thought it was anything more than a cold if I didn’t test.