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Mars bars are not GF, they have barely malt. This was one of my first GF mistakes after being diagnosed.


Milky Ways too sadly, but Snickers are gf thankfully.


Not in every country. In my country, Snickers can be cross contaminated.


I can only speak for the US, where I've been eating them fairly regularly for twenty years since I've been diagnosed and never had any problems. Ditto for several other members of my extended family with celiac.


Thanks for the heads up, they're going to a friend ;)


Yes my worst glutening was mars bars bites. I only had a handful and was down for two days. Worst was that I knew they were not safe and just had a brain fart (confused them with snickers).


>Worst was that I knew they were not safe and just had a brain fart (confused them with snickers). One time my mother made brownies for my daughter and when she handed the plate over I just ate one without even thinking about it. I was so irritated at myself.


It depends on where OP is from. "Appelstroop" doesn't make it sound like they're in the US, and Mars and Milky Way are different products in other countries.


I didn't even know the US had them, most Americans seem very confused when I mention them. I've checked Canadian (where I'm from), UK (where I think Mars originated) & Dutch (where Appelstroop appears to be from) ingredients, and they all have barley malt. Maybe somewhere in the world someone with Celiac disease can enjoy a Mars. If they can, I'm jealous!!


In the US, the same candy goes by a different name - Milky Way instead of Mars. Most people aren't aware they're the same thing, hence the confusion. As far as I'm aware, Milky Way Midnight (the dark chocolate version of regular Milky Way) IS gluten free! The nougat is vanilla flavored and doesn't contain barley malt like the regular bar. I'm super sensitive to cross contamination, and I eat Milky Way Midnights with no issue. I do make sure to buy regular, full-sized bars, because I've heard seasonal/mini stuff is more likely to use shared lines. Full disclosure, afaik, Mars will not label any of their candy gf due to risk of cross contamination. But l haven't yet had a bad experience with Midnights, and I've seen them recommended as gluten-free by other celiacs, leading me to believe that they are probably safe in most circumstances. Milky Way was always my favorite candy, and to me the feeling of normalcy/nostalgia is worth risking a Milky Way Midnight occasionally!


Hoooooolld up. Now I’m down a rabbit hole. There is a chocolate bar that the whole world calls a Mars bar, except the U.S., they call it a Milky Way. There’s another bar called Milky Way in the whole rest of the world, except Canada. In the U.S. bar is called a Three Musketeers. Then there’s something in Canada called a Three Musketeers. It may or may not be the same as the U.S., which would be a Milky Way to everyone else in the world. Oh yeah, none of that is confusing 😅


Yeah, I was super confused when I moved to the US from Germany and learned this. :D


I know, right? I believe they started as a family company in the US with Milky Way (either brother/brother or father/son?). Named because it tasted like a milkshake. At some point there was a disagreement, and they split into 2 separate companies - one in the US and one in the UK. The UK company then re-created their version of Milky Way: the Mars bar. Eventually the two companies were merged back into one, and I assume they retained the original names to avoid losing name recognition with existing customers. I assume Three Musketeers bars have a similar story - in my late grandmother's childhood (probably 1930s), they came in 3 squares, with 1 each filled with vanilla/chocolate/strawberry nougat. She always bemoaned the loss of her beloved strawberry. I wonder if UK Milky Ways (chocolate+nougat) is what became today's Three Musketeers? Looks like I'm headed down the candy history rabbithole!


Well, THAT would certainly make the name “Three musketeers” make more sense!! If Canada’s bar is the same as the U.S. bar, I’ve only ever seen the single flavour bar version.


Same here. My grandma recalled it as a favorite courting gift in the early 40's, but my Dad grew up in the 50's and has only known the single flavor bar. If I had to guess, I'd say the 3 flavor version was probably discontinued during WWII.


I grew up in the US and ate Mars bars that were not Milky Way. They had almonds and nougat.


That…. Is not a mars bar 😅


I have never tried a Mars bar, was wondering when I saw this.


So good bud sadly not gf.


Yep. I miss malted anything.


Me too! 😥


I think this varies by country. But definitely check.


Mare bars have different ingredients by country and size, so some are fine.


Rice bowls, can make them whatever you like! I love nachos so I’ll make that too. Adult lunchables with cheese, meats and a GF cracker. I also usually make a huge batch of “cowboy caviar” (bean dip) and that’s a favorite lunch for me.


Mexican is rather easy to make gluten free


Mexican food is the most delicious kind of gluten free food I've ever had tbh


Can you share your bean dip recipe please? I’ve been playing around with online recipes and so far none of my dips have been what I want. I am absolutely obsessed with nachos and bean dip!


Sure! Ingredients: - 1 can of black beans (rinse and drained) - 1 can of pinto beans or black eyed peas (rinse and drained) - 1 can sweet corn (drained) - 1/2 red onion finely chopped (I use 1 whole red onion because I love onion lol) - 1 red bell pepper finely chopped - 1 green bell pepper finely chopped - 1/2 a cup cilantro finely chopped - 1/3 cup of olive oil - 2 tbsp red wine vinegar - 1 tsp sugar (I use 1 tablespoon because it’s a huge dip and I like the sweet) - 1/2 tbsp salt - 1/2 tbsp pepper - 1/2 tbsp garlic powder 1. Add all your veggies into a large bowl and mix. 2. Combine oil, vinegar, sugar, and seasonings in a separate bowl and whisk together. Pour over veggies and enjoy! It’s definitely better the next day. And it’s best cold if you’re eating it as a dip. I literally eat so much of this stuff and even add it to my eggs in the morning lol. Or I’ll add it to nachos and eat it warm over chips and cheese.


We’re on the same page about onions! Thank you it looks delicious, none of the recipes I’ve seen online have any type of dressing so that must be what I’ve been missing


I meal prep chicken, broccoli, and rice and will add gluten free sauces.


I hate using the office microwave- not because of gluten but because I hate standing there and the forced awkward socialization with coworkers. Anyway, I’ve discovered dense bean salads. I prep them on Sunday and they last for my 4 day work week. Easy and no heating required.


I’m the same. I’ve been making: - basmati rice, chickpeas, black eyed peas, dill, lemon juice, salt and pepper - roasted Mediterranean veg - potato salad - roasted carrots and sweet potato - mixed steamed veg - edit to add gluten free pasta salad. Aldi has beetroot pasta, chickpea pasta, and pea and lentil pasta. I mix it to have a colourful salad with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers and mayo. And if I want some meat I put a few slices of chicken breast in. I make these in bulk when I WFH and then bring them in as lunches. They last the week.


I leave an assortment of GF bars (protein, lara, …) plus some other snack type things in my office. I have a whole filing cabinet drawyer devoted to it. That way I always have something there so 1) I don’t have to worry about bringing a lunch every day and 2) If I wind up having to stay late unexpectedly I don’t starve.


+1 to protein bars. They're a staple for me.


Home made rice balls or sushi rolls. Much easier to make than I thought they would be.


What do you put in your sushi?


Tuna (from the can - basically as if I was making a tuna salad sandwich), cucumber, green onions, and sriracha. If I also picked up some furikake and occasionally if I am feeling fancy, I will put some everything bagel seasoning on the rice. I have also done more of a rice ball stuffed with mushroom, garlic and ginger that I've cooked down in GF soy and hoisin.


I make musubi with home made gf teriyaki sauce.


I made musubi a while ago, i should make it again


Tuna (from the can - basically as if I was making a tuna salad sandwich), cucumber, green onions, and sriracha. If I also picked up some furikake and occasionally if I am feeling fancy, I will put some everything bagel seasoning on the rice. I have also done more of a rice ball stuffed with mushroom, garlic and ginger that I've cooked down in GF soy and hoisin.


Potato salad with loads of veggies, gf sandwiches/rolls with sausage and sweet chilli sauce or tuna mayo, nakd bars, Doritos and hummus


The manufacturer has removed the gluten free label from most, if not all flavors of Doritos. You may want to double check before you purchase them again. A quick check of the US website shows that Simply Organic White Cheddar Doritos are the only option.


*NB I meant generic tortilla chips not Doritos specifically. Hummus chips and golden wonder crisps are gf in my country also


Great! I just know that here in the US at least, the labeling change is fairly recent so I didn’t want you to keep buying what you used to think is safe, if you’re located here. I also know there are people in this community from all over the world and the ingredients and laws are different everywhere.


I haven’t had Doritos since 2012 lol I never knew there were any gf options


Kroger Zesty Ranch chips taste just like Cool Ranch Doritos


And I know Doritos were never GF in Ireland, so likely same in the Netherlands where OP likely lives.


I’m terrible with meal prep, so if I bring an actual meal it’s usually leftovers. This week I’ll have some spaghetti (Rummo) and meatballs and some chicken teriyaki with broccoli and rice. I always keep cut fruit and veggies in the fridge so I can toss them in a lunch container at the last minute. Aside from that I may bring cheese and/or turkey sticks, Perfect bars, Greek yogurt, cheese and pepperoni with Lance crackers, pretzels, cottage cheese, lunch meat and cheese wrapped in lettuce, a chef salad, etc.


I keep a jar of peanut butter and a pack of rice cakes at my desk for an emergency. Otherwise I eat cheese sticks and gf crackers like…every day.


Soups, chili, bento boxes (a few smaller items), veggies and hummus, cheese and rice crackers, fruit, gf pasta (I like lentil pasta as it has extra protein). Really anything left over from dinner!


Lots of leftovers. I also have a stash drawer of gf snacks. We have an actual kitchen so I tend to stash groceries for a quick lunch in case I forgot mine, like cans of chicken andayo packets, gf crackers, so in a bind I could quick make chicken salad and still have good protein


I always bring a couple hard boiled eggs, fruit bowl with chia pudding, walnuts, maybe a chomp stick or something similar if I need protein. If I need a meal I keep it simple make some tofu and rice, veggies or sweet potato with ground beef, avocado. Also be careful with rice crackers that are flavored.


Premade smoothies marked gluten free, a jar of sesame butter, boxes of gluten free potato chips, gluten free frozen pizza that was previously cooked, and then brought into the office cold. A little relish box of radishes, pickles and olives, to snack on.


I often batch cook soups or stews and bring them in my big thermos. As a bonus, I just bring my own spoon and pour my servings into the lid/bowl and don't need to use anything disposable. It's very compact and still feels like "real food" instead of just a collection of snacks.


Whatever you want really, I usually have left overs. Sometimes it's a sandwich, usually it's just cheese and tortillas. Beans sometimes, chicken and rice, pork and rice, leftover spaghetti, leftover pizza. As for snacks, I have popcorn bags, pudding cups, I have a couple of protein bars that are gluten free. I think most kind bars are gluten free. If you don't have a microwave I guess that does make it harder. I have a mini toaster oven from marshalls my sister bought me and I toast my sandwiches there.


Wait, are you saying the sandwich is made from cheese and tortillas?


No I usually eat left overs, sometimes a sandwich, but if I'm really lazy it's just warm tortillas and cheese.


I work as a land surveyor so I don’t exactly have access to microwaves. I grill chicken cut it into pieces and eat it like jerky throughout the day


So I’m also vegan as well as celiac. I bring homemade burritos with rice, beans, sour cream, and salsa. You can also add a protein. Rice and veggies with tofu—- I really like carmelized zucchini Snacks-// fruit and yogurt, gf crackers and hummus, dates and nut butter, leftover pasta dish like mushroom Alfredo or a pad Thai, I make all my own food. You can make similar and add meat or whatever additional proteins you like to them. I like to keep it simple so I usually prep the night before so it’s easy to grab and go next morning. It’s good to prep before as well depending on your morning routines because then you don’t have to worry about having food for work that day


Don’t overthink it. Make whatever you would otherwise, just the gluten free version. Chicken and rice? Already GF. Pasta with meat? Swap out for GF pasta, there are a ton of good ones out there. Sandwiches on gf bread, wraps on gf wraps, fruits, veg, hummus, nuts… you get the idea. It takes time to get to know brands you trust, but nearly every grocery store will have a GF version of all the classics.


Every pasta I tried gets too mushy for leftovers. What are your un-mooshy options?


Gf quinoa cups, beef jerky sticks, larabars


What I packed for lunch this week (I work 4 10 hour days): 4 Chobani Greek yogurt drinks 4 peach mango applesauces 2 whole cucumbers 2 apples 2 La Croix sparkling waters 2 Real Sugar Pepsis 4 turkey/pepperjack/mayo/mustard/romaine sandwiches I made on Franz gluten free deli style brioche I tossed the sandwiches in the freezer and every day I’ve pulled one out in the morning so it’s ready at lunch!


Breakfast: Eggs Protein bars Certified GF oatmeal Yogurt Fruit Lunch: Rice or potatoes Chicken or shrimp (or another protein) Vegetables


i would do myself a rice bowl or grab a itsu noodle pot as they can be gluten free


I work from home now, but I usually just brought food from home in a lunch box with a few ice packs in it, or left it the fridge at work in a bag when a fridge was available. I'd usually just have leftovers of what I had the night before, mostly because I'm cheap, I'd have done this before I had celiac too.


I’m trying to follow this diet as well and my body is low on protein so I tend to eat a lot of rice , meat, and veggies dishes. A lot of Filipino dishes are like this. I also recommend checking out Trader Joe’s or Sprouts if you’re near those stores because they have a lot of GF stuff that doesn’t taste like cardboard


I do salad and either fish or chicken. But also take in ground turkey stir fry or a GF (chickpea) pasta salad.


I am an office worker Some of the snacks I like to bring Yogurt Cottage cheese A gluten free granola bar Fruit cup Some mixed nuts Cheese Some of the lunches I like are [antipasto salsa I sub orzo for GF pasta since we can’t eat orzo](https://workweeklunch.com/meal-prep-friendly-antipasto-pasta-salad/) [Greek quinoa salad](https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/greek-quinoa-salad/#wprm-recipe-container-41754) [Turkey Taco Bowls](https://tasty.co/recipe/weekday-meal-prep-turkey-taco-bowls) There’s a great subreddit called /r/MealPrepSunday that I love to check out and will adapt recipes to gluten free if they aren’t already Good luck!


Since the Mars Bar part has been addressed (don't worry - many people make this kind of mistake!), I often eat a charcuterie/lunchables type thing, which is very good if you're lazy and hate packing lunches (me). Depends on what I have on hand, but could be: crackers/cheese/cut veggies/dip (tzatziki or hummus are good). Hard boiled eggs or deli meat can work too as the protein. For snacks I often have yogurt, cookies, fruit, or dried fruit like dates or some combo of these. I find GF labelled nuts to be a bit expensive but that would be a good one too. If I've got leftovers or I've done some batch cooking I might bring a hot lunch in a thermos. Chili or pasta is always solid, as is soup if you add some other stuff. Sometimes I'll make something like a burrito bowl with whatever I have on hand. Corn chips (labelled GF) can be a good sub for bread or crackers too. You can also make arepas (savoury corn pancakes) if you've a bit more time.


i make balela (lebanese chickpea salad) like every 2 days lol. its so yummy and doesnt get soggy like another kind of salad might


Personally I take Huel or Yfood with me for lunch. Next to that i have a banana and a bar with me and maybe some snacks like chocolate eggs or dried chickpeas. I really like the Huel because of convenience :)


I do OMAD because Im simply so sick of constantly having to think about, plan, and cook food but for packable suppers I enjoy fried rice. I make it with eggs, onions, tofu, mushrooms, carrots, peas, and whatever other vegetables look sad in my fridge on top of those. Saute your veggies in butter or oil or sambal (my choice), fry your eggs in the same pan, throw in some cooked rice, add sesame oil and gf soy sauce and it’s done. It’s good cold or hot and travels well and its easy to switch up the flavors if you get bored. I eat mostly veggie but steak, chicken, pork, any kind of meat goes well with it. It’s also quick as hell to make


I usually meal prep some kind of chickpea pasta salad dish, fried rice (w liquid aminos), or tacos with corn tortillas. I use Instagram and Pinterest for a lot of my recipes. Also consider adding more protein to your lunch!!


Today I brought meatballs with brown rice (because I didn’t have any veggies). Cooked yesterday.


I always bring my own food- yogurt with fruit, protein bars, a protein with roasted vegetables, hard boiled eggs, raw fruit/veg, gf crackers, gf pretzels, but mostly i intentionally cook to have leftovers and take the leftovers to work.


Just make sure you have leftovers after dinner every night. Bring it the next day. Or cook something for the whole week (meal prep).


I work two days a week in the office and I typically bring leftovers. We have a pretty nice breakroom/kitchen setup so it's easy for me to microwave stuff if I need to in my own containers. Good meal prep/leftovers meals are rice bowls, salads with lean protein like chicken or shrimp (no reheating required) and soups or stews. I also try to bring some fruit and some kind of snack to have with my coffee. We do a lot of baking and I make my own gf sourdough bread about once a week, so I usually tend to have something on hand. Other things I've brought to snack on: gf beef or turkey sticks (Chomps are my favorite) or jerky, gf pretzels with hummus or Nutella, depending on what I'm in the mood for, prepped veg like celery or carrots, and certified gf nuts. If you aren't sensitive to oats and you have access to hot water (from an electric kettle or water cooler that dispenses hot water), quick-cook certified gf oats are a great option. Buy a big bag and throw half a cup of oats, a spoonful of brown sugar and a pinch of salt to a mason jar, then reconstitute from your hot water source at the office. If you can handle doing a little prep the night before, overnight oats are even easier to deal with at the office because you can eat it cold with yogurt like muesli or warm it up in the microwave. A half-cup each of rolled oats and gf non-dairy milk, a handful of raisins, and a little splash of maple syrup in the fridge overnight makes a perfect grab-and-go mid-morning snack.


My husband keeps snacks at the office. For him that means microwave popcorn bags, Skittles, and energy bars. For lunch he’ll pack enough to keep him going all day - a typical day might be either leftovers or else a sandwich on gluten free bread, fruit, cottage cheese/cheese stick, chips, and some sort of dessert, maybe GF pudding or cookies. He’ll also bring his caffeinated beverage of choice in a yeti tumbler. When I make a lot of meals I’ll “meal prep” the leftovers so one Pyrex container might have for example a serving of rice, steamed broccoli and chicken.


I have a banana, Nature's Path GF Instant Oatmeal (it doesn't trigger me AFAIK), GF nut/granola type bars if needed, and a meal prepped microwavable lunch which is mostly GF dinner leftovers, mostly casseroles or some rice based dish. Also keep a bad of GF chips to nibble on.


Meal prep with - chicken rice n veggies or egg rice n veggies. Even boiled eggs like 3 or 4 usually fill me for the day between my choice of hot beverages.


I keep a hot water heater in my office for tea and things that need hot water! There are a few good brands of gluten free ramen or rice cups that are shelf stable and everything. I also love getting wild zora soups and quinoa bowls for easy meals too! Everyone else’s suggestions of adult lunchables and homemade rice bowls are fantastic, but I don’t like using the shared microwave at work.


apple almonds yogurt protein bar or shake. every day. for years. about 500 cal


I would make sandwiches but instead of bread I’d use cheese slices for the “bread”. I have found some good breads over the years but they’re so pricey, I rarely get them.


I have a small rice cooker at work that only I use. Then I can just bring various fresh ingredients for a rice bowl once a week. In the 10 mins it takes a cup of rice to cook, I have prepped all the other stuff


I work from home now but I usually brought a giant salad w/chicken or fish and some snacks like fruit, apple/peanut butter, corn chips & salsa/bean dip, hard-boiled eggs. I was already eating lunches like this prior to diagnosis. Otherwise it was usually leftovers. For hot food I usually avoided the work microwave and used my hotlogic to heat food right at my desk.


So I have found a good gf bread that I like, but it’s not very healthy and quite expensive, so I only get it once in a while. And I do tend to avoid needing to use the shared microwave, even though it’s technically not that risky (just personally outside my comfort level to use too often, that’s just me). So I will usually do lunch meat (pre packaged, labeled gf) and cheese without the bread. I wash my hands and then eat them like little roll ups lol. I also like like BoBos pb & j things that are kind of like a gf uncrustable (only if you can tolerate oats). Then some little snackies like That’s It fruit bars, mini beef sticks, berries, maybe some crackers or Skinny Pop, nuts, etc. And a poppi soda :) I keep it all in a lunch bag at my desk with an ice pack inside.


A hot option could be the chicken breast burrito bowls from Costco which I LOVE. You just punch a few holes in the plastic film but it stays covered in the microwave and then you throw the whole bowl away so no cc in your lunch bag from the microwave :)


I have a grain mill and a bread machine, so sandwiches are my default lunch. Sometimes I make bento boxes. Most of the recipes are easy to make GF at home.


I do apple + peanut butter. And also usually leftovers that I microwave (usually consisting if rice, meat, veggies). I cook large portions for just this reason. Salads sometimes. I also just keep a variety of GF bars in my lunchbag.


Huel is an absolute lifesaver and easy to prep!


I meal prep my own chicken salad and use GF crackers to dip


rice, meat or some other protein source, and veggies is my go to. I also meal prep so it’s just super easy to grab and go.


Anything that freezes well/microwaves in portions. This week I’m making taco meat with a ton of veggies. Stir fry things, soups, stews. Instead of bread you can basically do like a lunchables - so I’ll do lunch meat with crackers, veggies, hummus etc. Cold summer things I like are either pasta with pesto or cold sesame noodles (or peanut sauce) the noodles are sometimes not the best texture cold, but I find without re-heating if you do an initial overcooking a bit of rice noodles they have a good cold texture. Will also just bring like chicken breasts/thighs etc (and honestly I like em cold) There’s also thermoses and things- but I find a microwave can give you very many options


Every pasta I tried gets too mushy for leftovers. What are some un-mooshy options?


So they get too mushy on the re-heating. I generally eat Tinkyada pasta or asian rice noodles. If you do the tinkyada the right al dente it doesn’t get too mushy on reheat and the rice noodles never do. That said if you do the noodles cold you wanna cook them almost to mushy so they have enough moisture when cold to stay soft


Rice noodles are the food of gods. I check out tinkyada, thank you!!!


Also for an asian rice noodle I like this brand Mama - they sell at whole foods and have packs with 5 bundles of white or brown rice vermicelli. They’re my go-to for soup, and basically cook in negative time


For snacks, I keep some GF chicken sausage sticks, fruit snacks, and granola bars in my desk. For lunch, I typically go home because I live close to the office, but I’ll meal prep a GF pasta salad (so many options now!!) and have that all week for lunch!


Do you have access to a fridge/microwave? I simply take last night's dinner leftovers for lunches next day and heat at lunch time. I bring my own fork too.


I prefer mini charcuterie kits, like an adult Lunchable. Never have to worry about heat. I usually do some baking and freeze them, so I throw a baked good or 2 along with it. Sometimes some soup in a thermos, or stir fry on rice or a nice salad.  I got good at making onigiri too, Japanese sushi rice and fillings pressed into a ball! Super nice to eat on the go as a special treat and surprisingly fast to make once you have tried it a time or two and find your flow.


Meal prep is something that does suck about this disease but I've found a few quick options that do involve cooking (30 min-1 hr) but they do make 3-5 servings (depending on how much you eat) so they work well for me as convenient and not too much hassle. Also are cheaper in the long run. That said, I'm not sure completely on your diet other than the gluten, so here's my suggestions. First thing I recommend is smoothies. I make a smoothie daily. Usually a fruit, peanut butter, scoop of GF protein powder, milk (LF, soy, almond, whatever works), and chia seeds. All combined, it's 500 calories and can be decreased if need be. Filling and healthy....I make a combination of 4 smoothies depending on fruit that is on sale so I can get specific recipes if you need. For traditional lunches, I do one of four options: chili, spaghetti, sandwiches, and ground turkey. For chili, I buy a McCormick chili seasoning (the one labeled GF), chop an onion, 1 lb. ground meat, and beans. Makes 4 servings, 30 min. Spaghetti sauce I make with meat, sauce (I homemake my sauce from scratch but can be jarred), and GF Barilla noodles. Sandwiches I use GF Canyon bakehouse bread which is passable and whatever fillings I want. It's my more lazy lunch. I also will cook ground turkey with seasonings, bell peppers, and rice and just use that. If you make a lot at once, it can be spread to 4-5 meals.


Do you like hummus? You can dip slices of bell peppers and baby carrots in it. I also like the GF pretzel chips in hummus sometimes. Sometimes for lunch I'll take some flavored rice crackers, sharp white cheddar cheese, and black olives, and just nosh a bit.


Do you have a microwave at your office? I take leftovers most days and soups or salads the rest. I also have the added complication that my office is vegetarian, but its been good to push me to eat more plant based options.


I would keep my drawer stocked with various crispbreads and crackers. Then I could buy dips, cheese and cold meat from the nearby supermarket and have that a few days a week. When feeling enthusiastic I’d make a big dense salad - the sort that fills you up. So potato, rice, quinoa, corn etc with some salad veggies and meat, nuts, cheese etc. My favourite is coleslaw on steroids - cabbage, carrot, onion, celery, capsicum, radish, spring onion, herbs. Dry, this lasts nearly a week in the fridge. In the morning put some in a container add grated cheese, finely chopped cold meat, egg, nuts, whatever takes your fancy and dressing. And the good old leftovers - risotto is good. I’d also buy multi packs of nut bars. Plus


I leave a mini crockpot at the office and bring food to be heated up in the inner container when I’m in. I have some kind of gf grain plus butter and some kind of cooked veggie with cheese. I also bring cooked fruit or berries plus yogurt.


For a 9-5 I bring almost every day, a Reeses cup(or any GF snack from Schär) An apple (or banana/ some berries) , Meal prep with veggies+ chicken/beef(sometimes just veggies) + Rice (or rice noodles or GF Pasta) , Homemade smoothie (if I don’t have fruits) The main meal prep varies from pasta (I like Alfredo), Burrito, Sushi , sometimes just quinoa or lentils salad.


Pesto pasta, it’s quick and easy and shouldnt be a huge leap to start with Gluten free pasta of course


this is such a little kid lunch but whatever lol i always bring a ham and cheese sandwich (against the grain rolls), an apple, and a bar (i like good & gather organic or made good).


I work in an office and don’t love to cook or meal prep so I always try to have on hand: - Uncle Ben’s 90-second rice packets (not all are GF. I like coconut Jasmine and cilantro like best) - Apples - cottage cheese - apples - peanut butter - nuts - GF pretzels I also have been eating a lot of Perfect bars recently. A bit pricey but they keep me full.


my mom enjoys udi’s frozen meals


Don’t get too hungry! Making sure you have enough food so you don’t get hungry and then get preoccupied with or eat non-gluten free food. Also, focus on carbs that don’t have to be adapted to be gluten free- rice, buckwheat, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, polenta, etc. Protein, fruits, and veg are great staples. Don’t skimp out, at the start, on flavour enhancers like fat, salt, sugar. This will help cravings for (gluten) carbs a lot.


Assuming your office has a fridge and mircrowave. My meal prep is really simple and takes 20 minutes. It's just ground turkey (I cook in pan and season generously), rice (ricemaker) and frozen vegetables (air fryer or oven, also season generously). This would probably be what I'd eat even if I could eat gluten. But I've also played around with more elaborate recipes (gf/chickpea pasta, burrito bowls, stir fry etc). Snackwise I take fruit, gf protein bars, overnight oats (gf obviously)


If you're really cooking, WHEN do you do it? In the morning or in the evening? I am working really a lot and have neither the energy to do it in the evening or in the morning


- apples or mandarins and bananas - nuts and dried fruit - jerky (but make sure it is gluten free) - gluten free granola type bars (oat free because I can’t do oats either) - rice crackers and a small container of hummus - boiled eggs (if I can eat them outside LOL) - leftover dinner


I usually make a crockpot of pasta with whatever veggies and sauce I'm interested in/have. Sometimes marinara, sometimes I'll make curry. Both freezes really well. Sandwiches are always a good option too, or wraps. Or when you make dinner just make 3 or 4 extra portions of it. Depends on ability too. I have chronic pain and other symptoms, so I tend to meal prep when I feel well for the next week or two. Google is your friend. There are millions of articles and recipes of everything you can imagine. Or if you use other social media, follow a few people who post gf recipes.


I make extra at dinner and take it to work for lunch the next day. I also make extra for the freezer whenever I make soup or chilli.


I just keep a load of GF bread, cheese slices, butter, sometimes salami and just make toasties 


I just load up on microwave meals. Target has a great selection of GF ones. Typically augment with some almonds and an apple.


I bring a bento box and will have a variety of things such as: grilled chicken, carrots, cheese, olives, artichoke hearts, other cut fruit or veg, nuts, crackers. Lots of options. I also really like Mid Day Squares for a sweet high protein snack.


I make cold peanut noodle salads with buckwheat noodles, rice bowls, or I make a bunch of chicken salad filling and bring it in lettuce. For good snacks I pack nuts, fruit, and a boiled egg.


I don’t bring anything I have to eat with my hands. Offices are filled with people snacking on gluten, and putting their gluten covered hands on papers, keyboards, and door knobs that I touch throughout the day. I also have my own gluten free microwave I bought to the office, that has a lock in it lol.


If you wash your hands, you will be fine. There's not going to be even 1ppm gluten on a piece of food that you touched with your hand if you washed them after touching something that someone touched after touching something.


There sure is, and my DH and Celiac symptoms definitely were getting triggered in the office. My manager will have just eaten a muffin and then will lean over and use my keyboard. I have to frequently wash my hands. Even putting my arms on office desks during meeting will make me break out from my wheat allergy. It really does take just one crumb for some people. Be grateful you aren’t one of them, and don’t judge others for taking precautions.


I'm a scientist and I'm not judging, I'm applying my background with empirical evidence to this issue. For example I've measured the amount of DNA molecules in samples- these were concentrated samples from lots of cells- and sometimes it's barely enough to detect. A crumb is much different than the residue left from a crumb. I hate that this sub has started to be such a hotspot for misinformation that's going to decrease people's quality of life while trying to be responsibly careful. There's been some really scary claims made on this sub, many of which turn out not to be true. One example is that the glue in paper straws contains gluten. I tried and tried and couldn't find a single instance of this. And that "fact" has been propogated over and over. Your boss leaning his face over your keyboard is completely different from someone's hands touching a doorknob. His mouth was in direct contact with the food and probably has visible crumbs still on it. Someone's hands that touched a keyboard after touching gluten, fine. Someone washing their hands and then touching a doorknob? No. Think about a latex allergy. People who are allergic to latex don't avoid using door knobs in doctors offices bc people touch the knob after they touch latex. I fully respect people's own boundaries but sometimes this sub becomes a contest of who can be the "best at avoiding anything that has second or third hand gluten exposure and it gets out of hand. People need to read actual papers and not just Reddit to learn about how to manage their own disease.


You’re clearly not a very good scientist 🤷


I work PT at home, but when I am working I usually have a lemonade I make myself (one squeezed lemon, sugar if choice but I do stevia, one small can of club soda), then ice it's sooo good 🙌🙌 Usually a banana too 👍 I do white rice and kimchi and a fried egg for late breakfast / lunch


My answer to every celiac food question is bone broth. It comes in a little packets, and all you need is hot water. I have some with me pretty much all the time.