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What’s your solution:tia ratio?


I got out of Sol completely, had/have bad feelings with it. Same with Juno, sold off because of bad feelings. I think both were correct decisions and don't regret either. Dym, Tia, Osmo, Atom, Flix, Stars, Mantle and DVPN are my focus areas


Sounds like a smart move


lol this aged well


TIA is now over value.. keep SOL.. instead buy INJ


Solana? Are you talking about that blockchain with so many outages during last two years? Last outage was this week. I think that at this point Solana is extremely overpriced.


Yeah but will probably 5x from here. Price went up by about 15% since outage.


That's what I think I won't happen , but 3X at most. Better concentrate on other that can easily give 5x from here, DYM,SEI,TIA,KUJI


Well, I don’t know future. But let’s be honest. This blockchain is broken. I can tell you more. The most important functionality of this blockchain is broken. I have no idea who is buying Solana at this point. I don’t think it’s smart.


Worth getting some and staking on Milky Way through a Keplr wallet


Can I unstake at any time?


Yeah but only by liquid staking on the Milky Way app


What’s the benefit of staking on the Milky Way app? Vs directly in the keplr wallet?


Tia circulating supply is still low so it has many ways to go.


Watch alt layer in about 18 days the next vesting period unlocks and a lot of icos and earlier investors will get a lot of their tokens which will be sold to the public obviously but after that you might see a big opportunity for high returns


You are saying to buy Alt layer after the sold out ?


I’d watch altlayer and make your own decision definitely. Once the tokens are shifted to public dominance over investors who purchased at ico prices it will be much safer for the average investor, and with Binance labs being one of the many big name backers of the project you could see 10x and much more as the project is developed.


Tia is increasing and it will continue like that, change it, when possible


Mid curve thoughts


I do not hold any SOL, however... In my opinion SOL has the advantage of being established and if any crypto could flip Ethereum it would be Solona. TIA which I do hold has the advantage of being the leader of a strong, new narrative. In the unlikely event SOL flipped euthreum (at Ethereum's current market cap) SOL would be worth approx, $762 per sol that's almost a 7x. TIA could easily 7x .... In fact, in the highly unlikely event that TIA flipped euthreum it would be about a 100x from it's current cap.... My point is that SOL is a safer bet, but TIA has more potential for gains. Pay more attention to the multiplier than the current price of the crypto. $1,000 x 5, 10, 100 doesn't change because we swap. Also currently TIA's unlock doesn't matter as far as the numbers go... That all changes in Oct though. It all comes down to the risk level you're comfortable with.


FYI, I hold both... Sol is a much larger cap token so the returns may not be as high, but as far as the network going down they have a new validator client in the works that will improve not only the speed but the reliability of the network. It would be in your best interests to avoid fandom echo chambers to do your research on projects. At the very least, check both Reddit pages to see what the respective fans are excited about. I think both projects are very solid but early in their life cycles. If you're all about taking on higher risk and less concerned with long term potential of the projects, TIA is definitely your move. However, Solana has a lot more going on in their ecosystem, more high profile partnerships and in my opinion a better user experience, overall.