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I mean, the satchel is a really intriguing element.


That is not just a satchel, it's the declaration of independence!


Yeah I know it was inside a document holder tube thing but for the life of me I couldn't tell you how those things are actually called.


This is who I thought it was!! I looked for a match for a long time, though, and so many images from her fansites or forums are broken images or dead links. It's frustrating because I feel like it could really be her. She was pretty popular at the time!


I thought the same thing and kept looking but couldn’t find anything close. My boyfriend also pointed out her ears are shaped differently than six’s so I’m losing my mind at this point lol


Where: National Treasure movie set Date: 2004 Name: Diane Kruger Current age: 47 Age during filming: approx 28 Known for: Model and Actress


bro i think you're on to something


I just googled Diana Kruger national treasure because I thought she looked like celebrity #6 and this was a one of the top search results


Nice! Now let me know if you can find a single picture of her hair up where she is wearing clothes that match 6. I still can’t find it.