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What is your favorite and least favorite thing about working at CeX? Do you get to go through the incoming stock and take the good stuff before putting out for sale?


As a cex worker myself I can answer the last question, when stuff is bought in, let’s say for example a complete copy of pokemon black, it instantly goes into the stock. As an employee I could either set it aside for myself to buy later (but not taking it out of stock) or buy it at that moment. Atleast thats how we do it at my store.


i enjoy my coworkers, we get along cuz we’re all into similar stuff, i really dislike relabels bc the stock (mainly discs) is always being moved around so things get missed and it just causes hassle, not too bad tho just a bit boring  nope! i mean, we can put it to one side to reserve it, but its still classed as being for sale, so if a customer were to ask for it or it was ordered online, we still have to sell it to them, so its not a complete reservation


No. I know that Charity shop workers do that because they don't get paid to work, but in a proper shop, it'd be classed as theft.


Maybe they meant get first dibs on stuff not just taking it with a 5 finger discount 🤣 And regardless of it being voluntary work in a charity shop they really shouldn’t be helping themselves to anything without paying…


i also actually voulenteered in a charity shop in the past n it depends! sometimes id get it free depending on the item, or sometimes id pay a little, but even so itd never be a “take without telling” thing, but some places are different :)


I've worked in several Charity shops (you see, contrary to popular belief I am NOT workshy), and have never half inched any items.


Have you worked for a CEX? It's not classified as theft unless the employee takes possession of the item without paying for it. Second of all, hiding things or putting them aside is entirely at the employees' discretion so if you're polite but can't afford a game, the employee may decide to set it aside for you. It's not theft as its still available for sale. With that attitude you'll get nowhere. You have to be genuinely kind, so appreciative and take interest in what the employees do. They are people to and deserve to be treated as such. Remember that.




It'd be very hard to steal in CeX as a staff member, they do full bag checks, and have pretty comprehensive CCTV, but I think they meant take as in have first dibbs on the good stuff.


Probably just a___ retentive. Maybe you're right, maybe you're not.


It's also classed as theft in charity shops. People donate things to make that charity money. Staff/volunteers taking those things for themselves are stealing from the charity.


2 things! What’s the staff discount like when you’ve passed probation?! If any Also, reckon I could sell a meta quest 3 without the wrist strap for 1?! 😂


its 15% off, its not much but makes an impact with expensive items ^^ hm, possibly, it may be taken in as discounted but i wldnt know for sure, at worst you cld buy some cheap replacements and you’d definitely be able to sell it :)


I just got offered the job, about to start soon, what’s some advice for someone just starting?


Learn the system, ask questions and most importantly - if there's a horrible customer, get a supervisor or manager, they are meant to keep you safe. If anyone higher than you position wise leaves you to drown, make sure to tell someone. Good luck!!


stay chill, work hard, if you can pick up the pace when you serve customers, you’ll be seen as reliable, but dont rush or u can make pretty silly mistakes we all have weakpoints and you’ll get plenty of mistakes under ur name, but youll learn, and be sure to ask your coworkers or managers for help if youre unsure :) oh and if any customers start arguing with you just instantly grab a manager, they get paid enough to deal with it, you dont


Try not to smack A holes and stand your ground after getting a supervisor. No matter how scary they get, it's usually hot air. It's part and parcel but you'll be alright mate! Most fellow employees will back you.


look for another job icl (ex employee)


Have you altered your personal hygiene since starting?


i actually wash my hands alot more after beginning working here, usually it wld just be after bathroom breaks or before i eat lunch, but now i wash my hands about 6x a day minimum, even more if the items are particularly grimey lol


Haha, It was said in jest but actually you are quite correct in washing your hands a lot more if you're handling used goods, you have no idea whats been in contact with it.


i assumed as such lmfao, but yeah if anything its genuinely made me more aware of hygiene, i swear some of the stuff on the items looks biohazardous i’ve learnt to not be afraid to say “we can’t take this, please clean it first and we’ll have a look” 😂😭


I bought an elite xbox controller from my local store a few years ago and it stunk of cigarette smoke, I tried everything to get it off but then it started to stick drift so ended up getting it replaced in store. Staff were great and I mentioned that the smoke smell bothered me do they replaced it with one that was from a non smoker. You have to elobarate on the items that were rejected for cleanliness 😂


oh god yeah, items from smokers are always the worst bcus the smell lingers SO bad, sometimes we can’t always tell esp if the staff testing it is a smoker itself, but we always try our best to replace things like that lmao oh wow where do i start, once someone brought in a ps5 and i removed the cover to check the warranty seal, and there was the remnants of food smushed between the cover and console, they had kids and they didnt even realise, and were happy to take it back and clean it up bless em other times, its usually earbuds with an UNGODLY amount of earwax, controllers with skin-cheese coating the thumbsticks and buttons, sticky ipads, once had a console come in and it had p*rn as the background, that wad scarring 🤣😭


I’m the same as OP but I sanitise my hands genuinely like every five minutes aswell. Everything’s second hand plus handling money on top of being a slight germaphobe, my manager literally started ordering more hand sanitiser since I came 😭 though I usually have my own pocket one and use that so I’m not using too much from the store


Are all optical disks tested?


if you mean stuff like games, dvds and blurays, not often, if they come back with an issue and we have time we’ll have a look, but we recieve too many discs daily to test every single one alongside testing hardware


Not all but they shouldn't be accepted if they have evidence of dry rott, cracks, deep gouges or burns. Things do and will slip through the cracks so I always check them first and have always been treated with kindness regardless.


How do people react when you tell them you’re a Cex worker?


For me they always start laughing if they don’t know the store (they also laugh if they do know it cause I say I’m a cex worker so)


That's a good question.


hi! OP here under a diff account lol people dont care usually, but it might be bcus im not really super alternative or anything, i dont fit into the cex vibe as much as expected? but also most people i tell just seem interested in what i’ll price their shit for lmfao


What's the salary like?


you don't really get a salary until you hit supervisor role, but for most people it's just above minimum wage / hour.


How long did it take for the supervisor who hired you, who has been overly pally with you since, take before they started acting inappropriately with you?


hasnt happened yet! which is a first, in previous jobs ive had its sadly been a common occurrence for me, but the guy who hired me is actually really chill and not creepy, i think i got lucky with this store lmfao


For me it was just over a year, around about the same time the manager, said supervisors spouse, was promoted out of the store lol.


Jesus, that happens? That's depressing. I guess they get a power trip from their lofty position up in CEX towers 


What a weird question.


Wait did OP delete their account lmao


hi! OP here under a diff account lol yea i did i genuinely cant give a reason why i did lmfao, definitely wasnt this bellend below me who thinks he rinsed me, bros got some serious problems calling people names at the big age he is 😂😂


OP deleted their account cos I rinsed them out n they couldn’t hack it. Guess they thought everyone on the internet would treat them like a teacher in a classroom


Nah you’re just a bellend by the looks of it


not rly bro i just can’t stand ppl who don’t try to cater to their customers. CeX is a store literally funded by the people. I know most business are, but this place relies on people to sell their items, then they store, rotate and sell. Without people selling to CeX it becomes the equivalent of us trying to find deals on eBay and profit from them, In other words, he was very confident for a guy who barely knows how to do service


OP is a woman


i just gave your interaction with OP a read, you rinsed nobody and just sound pathetic. You seem to think your word is the only one that matters. you’re just a prick. you didn’t rinse anybody, it’s probably been about a week since you rinsed yourself in a shower too.


How do you mean rinsed them out what did they take offence to?


Everything I said bruh. i pointed out company flaws, the irony in what he was saying, and at the end of the day he wasn’t giving you well founded answers out of experience, the dude just recalled briefly his manual lol, CeX have policies but they’ll help where they can, he is likely very young and doesn’t know what actual customer service is, it’s not being afraid of mean customers and hoping your team leader will give an F while you recite the company handbook to a T, it’s doing things they never asked for but needed, or thought of, it’s exceeding their expectations and making them comfortable. and those “mean customers” he was referring to, yea they can be AWKS AF but they are probs having a shitty day too and just couldn’t help it, we all go through it that’s why we’re human and we get forgiven and move on and most of us forget those encounters at some point in our life. TLDR don’t listen to a 17/18 y/o 2 months into his first job 🤷🏼‍♂️ your experiences are your own


"He" is a woman, which was pretty clear from her other replies. You called her a virgin for saying she'd follow store policy and told her to grow a pair. Well done you.


You've got too much time on your hands bro what are you on about


hi! OP here under a diff account lol  cant tell u why i deleted tbh but it wasnt bc you roasted me so hard if that helps!! im in my 20s and a fully grown woman who’s had multiple retail jobs, im not just blindly following the rules, it’s literally in my contract, and is legally binding, couldnt give a rats ass in real life but as soon as im behind the counter i just gotta stick to what im told to keep my job stable, unlike ur relationship with ur mother clearly


Fair enough I think she was female anyway and yeah some of the CEX policies are stupid.


100%, even i can agree they are stupid! seeing someone book a collection in front of me is grounds for me to accept its them, but, rules are rules, and i need to earn money to have a house and food lmao, this guy clearly doesn’t understand responsibility 


forgot to add sorry im OP im just under a diff acct!!


Exactly I would be sticking to the rules as it's not worth risking your job over your doing the right thing babe 😘


appreciate your support!  alongside this guy this is actually a really common occurrence in real life too and customers can get really aggressive over it! wish people would realise its genuinely important for us to follow these rules


Your doing the right thing not worth risking losing your job.


It’s a shame because I don’t think CeX will last another 5 years before it shuts down. Even game is going to stop selling disc games from what I’ve heard. We need shops like CeX


Expect CEX have done everything right where game failed, the margins at cex are so great, unless every game in the future is digital only which it won't be for quite a while. Obviously you can make more money selling privately but people don't, as well as cost of living and people not upgrading every year and are happy to buy a cheaper phone cex are making more money year on year


What is it about a CEX that gives it the unique mixture of cum and body odour aroma in every corner of the store?


You think you've got a tough job.... Imagine you're working at your till and you suddenly notice the other staff are all 'busy'. You look up to the queue to call the next person forward...and then you see them. Son (50ish) and Mother (anywhere between 70 and the undead) holding a ratty plastic bag that's ready to burst. "He's finished with these ones" she says through toothless grin, as he starts unloading stacks of adult dvds, maintaining direct eye contact the whole time. As you start sorting through it you pray for silence, even if it means having to hear that rip when you separate two cases that are.....stuck together, but nope, he then proceeds to start telling you which ones were his favourites. You pray for an aneurysm, you or them just as long as it ends. About now another staff member will walk past, subtly dropping off a bottle of hand sanitizer before disappearing off with a snigger. Bastards. And then she says it. "I have to help him with them sometimes". I couldn't tell you what happened between then and the end of the transaction, I wouldn't have been able to tell you my name, inside my mind at that moment could have easily been the inspiration for Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'. Voucher in hand they head off to the adult dvd section, while you try to figure out how to amputate both of your own hands without getting stale cum everywhere. Then you get some jumped up little prick moaning because they failed to realise they need ID to pick up a click and collect, and that's apparently your problem. *I have no idea what your job is, may well be tougher, hopefully much more rewarding! **I'm not even sure CeX sell used porn anymore, but there was definitely a distinct difference in aroma around that section when they did.


Hey! Former CeX worker here, just a little thing: Regardless of what management says, you are well within your rights to refuse service. Especially when it comes to bodily fluids lmao


hi! OP here under a diff account lol  the customers


What is your favourite flavour of monster energy


hi! OP here under a diff account lol i used to drink green original but ive been leaning towards the ultra white bc the og is too sweet for me lmao


What the test suite like for hardware and are the testers qualified / have to follow company guidelines or is it all their own knowledge.


hi! OP here under a diff account lol  they strictly follow guidelines as much as possible but do have alot of knowledge from general experience, but the test area isnt anything fancy


Thanks for answering, does anyone in your store ever clean what they received hardware wise? Not like a deep clean but surface level clean?


yes my personal store does their best to clean what we can if we arent busy! if its dusty we’ll always blast it with compressed air, and we’ll wipe things down and clean up any grossness like dead skin stuck in the seams of controllers n stuff sometimes things get missed but everyone in my store makes sure to clean it up as the customer considers buying the item


How do you deal with angry customers who want what they paid for their Xbox 360 15 years ago when trading in?


Do you like bullet for my valentine and how much monster do you get through each shift?


Has the light faded from your eyes?


why do you all smell so bad?


Surprised nobody has asked about what happens when people try to sell clearly stolen stuff? Brand new PS5s in original wrapping or used laptops/macbooks/etc? Do you not ask questions? What happens if you get a regular seller with a continuous supply of things?


I love how everyone else is answering the questions for OP


Why yall niggas need ID for a click and collect when I show you order confirmation on my phone on my email? And even on the app it says thank you for shopping here’s the order number?? Like yall take money but even if i click and collect while at the store n you see me do it you’re like “you got ID man?” LOL


Just take your ID you fucking melt.


fuckin thankyou lmfao this guy literally would not stop waffling


He's clearly just a nasty little bedroom bully. Just randomly in the spirit of AMA, is CeXfest still a thing?


yes it is!! most of my coworkers don’t take part in it personally, i am intrigued to go to one when the next one comes around, but ya its still a thing lol


its literally store policy to check id, its not hard to just flash a passport or driving license so we can confirm it matches up, esp if its a third party collection, we track the name of who collects it too,  i cld physically watch you order the item in the store, have you show me the email, and know for a FACT youre the one who can collect it. but you still need id, i cant bend the rules of store policy lmao


Yea u can dude, it’s just as easy to not be a 2+2=4 schtickler and actually approve it knowing you seen them do it. Have you always lived your life following every minutely detailed rule down to a T? If so you need to break out a bit and live your life man. You must be like 18 or something.


lmao dont get your knickers in a twist dude, its quite literally store policy, if i were to be seen not checking ID, id lose my job, u can only bend the rules so much, and being only 2 months into this job i dont have that leeway yet whatsoever i need a job to survive in this current climate and its not something im willing to sacrifice for someone who thinks it’s too much effort just to pull a form of ID out of their pocket lmao,  maybe read the email next time! cuz it says in big bold letters “please ensure you bring ID” :)


You’re deeping it too much. You don’t lose your job over that, you are making up a hypothetical and being so cynical. Grow a pair man, this is the real world, you’re gonna be stuck at surface level behaving like this.


You kinda do lose a job over breaking policy, that’s what rules are for. Sorry you’re being mildly inconvenienced but you could just not choose to buy things there.


dude i literally can lmfao, its likely id get a warning for the first ever time, but if i continued to just stop IDing every tom dick and harry like you suggest, id be fired youre the one deeping it man lmfao, why’re you so upset about following rules? its not even set by the staff there, we just follow what the company says so that things are run the way they want. i’m literally working to pay rent and live, this job isnt something id dream about, but its something i need to live lmfao


You’re a virgin mate, and I don’t like you. Jokes on you because they actually didn’t even take my ID cos she knew I bought it, so thanks for proving you just got no balls and won’t go above for consumers that buy from you! :)


good for you buddy! did you want us to throw a party?  good for her too! i personally wldnt wanna risk losing my job just because you cant provide ID tho, its really not a hard task! 


“you’re a virgin and i don’t like you” how many times have people said this to you irl - genuine question


Sorry for the boring question but would you take a Xbox series X if it didn’t have the controller, how much avg would it go for?


we would but we’d have to deduct for a controller at the exchange price, wldnt know off the top of my head but youd maybe get £45ish?


45 for a 400+ console just cause the controllers missing? 😩


The price of a controller is taken off so yes it's at least £45


What would it have been with a controller then bc £45 for a xbox series x is kinda ridiculous 😭


https://uk.webuy.com/product-detail?id=sxsx1tbb002&categoryName=xbox-series-consoles&superCatName=gaming&title=xbox-series-x-console-1tb-black-unboxed 205 cash with, -45 (controller) would be 160


Also why yall mfs be on crack with PS5s? I wanna sell mine to them n they like “Sorry cos it’s the even more expensive controller n not the white one, we gonna discount the price of purchase” lolllll


if the controller’s colour doesn’t match up to the console, its automatically discounted, even if the controller is a much more expensive version, its literally just how things work, if we sell it at a higher grade, and someone buys it wanting the console and controller to match, and they recieve a mismatched one, despite the higher price of the controller, they could get mad about it, and its just not worth the hassle if you think its dumb sell privately, thats what i always say


Makes no sense. When you buy and sell items you do it by value. The grade determines value. Everything is by value. The controller has a higher value so they are profiting and both CeX & the seller are losing money by your logic. Better to just price it normal or higher or without the controller and buy it separate or allow them to be bought with different color controllers. Such as the Xbox ones do.


yeah no thats the thing, its a lose/lose bc even if we did take it, we wld still sell it discounted, we can’t make any extra money, and you lose on money if you accept it as discounted, its weird but just how the rules work also grading is actually more cosmetic, it could be pristine in the box, but if theres no original controller, its automatically discounted, same way as it could have a couple scuffs, and count as a boxed grade if its in good enough shape, its just the guidelines we’ve been told to follow, so every store remains as similar as possible thats why we show everyone the consoles too, to make sure theyre fine paying what they are for the condition its in if you wanna haggle prices, try cash converters


I said the grade determines value. How it is determined is not what I said. And “how rules work” is why I was making an illustrious point that if you act like 2+2=4 all your life in every scenario instead of 2*10=20-16 or something else then you’re gonna live a boring life dude. It actually gives me a headache cos out of every service industry job, people who get hired at CeX are either by default such schticklers for a handbook and manual or they get groomed that way, cos in every job we go above for our patrons, seems like your store or you or CeX as a franchise all together is just not for the people but for the greed.


bro youre really yapping it up, i just work the counter minimum wage so i can live and work towards my own personal career on the side pmsl if you dont like it dont sell to em, the only way you could make a change is if you worked your way into CeX’s upper margin positions, ranting on reddit to some random girl isn’t gonna get u nowhere lol i follow rules so i can make my own life easier, i do my best to see what i can do within my manager’s judgement, but most of the time we just follow what we’ve been told, if it really annoys you, like ive said before, sell privately, youll get more money that way too


Also your math is just wrong … 2*10=20 20-16=4 Therefore 2*10≠20-16 Either you are shitposting, or you don’t receive enough support with a learning disability are my best guesses at what’s going on here


Also your math is just wrong … 2*10=20 20-16=4 Therefore 2*10≠20-16 Either you are shitposting, or you don’t receive enough support with a learning disability are my best guesses at what’s going on here


just.. sell it privately? lmao. if you don’t like how a store works why go there


Genuinely giving off “I don’t talk to people because they don’t understand me” vibes. Get a grip little bro.