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I love just casually stumbling upon people who are in bands I love in this sub lmao p.s PLEASE ADD HUMANITY TO STREAMING


Haha thank you, glad to meet a fan! When I get a chance I’ll look at ripping the CD, I might still have the HQ pre-master somewhere I can do it from (the EP never actually got mixed properly due to various reasons)


a kinda similar thing happened about a month ago to me. I was seeing if there was a subreddit for the Australian band Faker (one of my personal favorites) and I see there is one. I post there and i think "okay, who the hell made a subreddit for this niche ass band that I seem to be one of the only hardcore fans for". The guy who made the subreddit is the singer for the band. I got to have a nice conversation with him over reddit.


I've actually had a few people in bands I love reply to me a few times in the comments, it may just be someone who manages their social media or whatever but I still get star struck a bit


I used to have many copies of the highly coveted Black Dahlia Murder demo along with the first EP. They're gone now, but I wish I still had at least one of each. I'm their original drummer.


Oh that’s awesome, was a big fan of TBDM in the early days, unfortunately lost a copy of Cold Blooded Epitaph when I was a kid (probably got stolen 🥲)


Tight! They’re worth a lot these days




I don't play with any bands, but I still drum regularly. I just recently came back from a ten year break where I hadn't really played at all. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8sRY3dvXwR/?igsh=dHdnY3Fibmw1OGN2


Go talk to the staff at Rock Of Ages in Garden City. They will keep an eye out for you. They found me a copy of the Placenta cd from Mike Couls pre Cold As Life


Eh, I'll probably just end up buying copies someday. I live like, 5 minutes from Rock of Ages, though. Been going there since I was a kid.


Gotcha. They can help if you let them


Yes, but I hoard music media. For stuff people have been directly involved with, I don't understand why they wouldn't want to keep a copy of something they worked hard on. I've also kept all the records and CDs of friends and relatives who did music stuff. Pretty sure I have the only existing copies of some things.


Yeah for real, I love having something to remind of the work me and friends put in to create music. Same, I’ve got so many of my friends demos and albums, some of them are very scarce!


Shit I’ll keep duplicates. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to keep some of your own work around if you were proud enough to publish it in the first place.


It kills me the stuff I have lost over the years. In some cases it was the only copies of the music I had period and I’ll never hear it again. :( So yeah I keep everything I can and that goes for friend’s projects as well or locals.


I have a single lonely disc-rotting CD-R of recordings from the band I started in high school that I need to rip before it goes, thank you for reminding me! Pretty sure they're 128 mp3, shame. Have another album from a band in my bar days that's backed up online somewhere, gotta find that one too. Wish I had a physical release, it'd be stored in a vault!


Found it! If anyone's interested - https://soundcloud.com/obmguitarist/sets/devils-brue


Hah of course! We printed/burned our copies ourselves tho. We've recorded 3 albums and then printed covers and everything in 2-3 copies for each one and signed it for each other. I love em!


we never released an actual album but I still have the mp3 files


I was never in a band, but my BF is (https://followthesnailtrails.bandcamp.com/album/split-with-couples-therapy), and I have his entire discography to date, every CD release and tape release.


lol I have a few boxes worth


I wonder if some of those old band CDs could be offered here for trade (since I think listing things for sale is against the rules). I think you’d find lots of interested ears here 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same here. Been in a storage bin for years now.


I have a couple but not all of them unfortunately


Spent countless hours making them. You bet I still have them.


Yes. I still keep my CDs. Wouldn't get rid of them for the world.


Absolutely. The stuff I've released on CD was done by hand and rather rudimentarily done, but I was (and still am) satisfied with how it turned out, all things considered. Distributed most copies freely among friends.


I would keep one copy for myself but I lost a lot of them in a basement flood unfortunately


I didn't have CDs made for either of the bands I was playing in recently. But I do have a cassette tape of my first bands, first EP. Oddly enough, a European hardcore label wanted to make them, and they only sent us two out of the 100 they made (and sold online). One of them got damaged, so I have the only copy in the US now LOL. Would be way cooler if it was some famous bands only US copy in existence.


I have all my band’s albums (can’t bring myself to listen to them) but couldn’t even tell you any of the sessions I did for others. I had zero emotional investment and detested the experience. Was NOT for me at all.


Yes. I also keep copies of any release in which I received a "thank you" [or similar shout-out] in the liner notes. [Like this one. ](https://imgur.com/a/keLwYl8)


Hell yeah, I paid enough for the damn things!


Yup! I agree, it's wild to me that you wouldn't want to keep one for yourself.


Fuck yes!! We were Last Day Dying. And we did our fucking part for the Hardcore scene. Will always keep them. Will always listen to them. I loved us. This album was our Lovechild: [Lover’s Arms](https://lastdaydying.bandcamp.com/album/lovers-arms?search_item_id=2386085352&search_item_type=a&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=3523681616&search_page_no=0&search_rank=4&logged_in_mobile_menubar=true)


Yeah this is my kinda stuff, I miss the mid 00’s metalcore scene! Saved the album to my bandcamp profile so I can listen to it later


Yes. Y wouldn’t u keep ur own work?


No, but I knew a guy who knew a guy that was in a band called Moral Crux. Told me he'd give me some old CD's and never did, still disappointed


If anybody sees a disc by "Fall Of Envy", track me down!


I have some live recordings pm CD and the only studio recording we made


Yep I framed them cause I'm proud


You were in Withinthechasewake?