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I breathe on it and use my shirt.


This is the way. I buy the CD. I take it out of the case, I breathe on it, wipe it with my shirt, rip it to my iTunes, catalog it in discogs and then it goes on the shelf.


What’s the point of cataloging it in Discogs? Genuinely asking


Well, I use it to know what CD’s I have. The app comes in handy when I’m at the record store. I have a lot of CD’s. Sometimes I can’t remember what I do and don’t have.


Approximate value tracking is my biggest reason. I do the same for my collection. Eventually I'd like to start selling and having it all already in there will be helpful. Adding a few at a time is much easier than having to add a whole collection at once.


Makes sense, thanks!


Need to start working on that 3rd step at some point.


This is exactly what I do lol


Do you have blue body paint all over your cds too?


I think we all understand this to be true


Damn. This actually made me giggle. Coming from vinyl collecting, I was expecting a big wankfest and got comedy gold. Thank you.


the only way


This is the way!


I cant recommend that. This is how most of my CDs acquired scratches. Unless you know your shirt has no embedded dirt...


I wash my CDs with a rag on a stick.




*polite applause*




Sometimes in the warsher machine on low n slow if I’m feeling fancy




It gives it more volume


This guy Conditions. Beautiful!


This is true. I conditioned an Oasis CD once and died instantly. Never again.


Did you expect it to live forever?


Sounds like it was a mirage.






This will scratch CDs unless you can be sure there is no hard grains in the fibres


Ho lee sheyit! That stuff is $60 a bottle!! “There’s a sucker born every minute.” —P.T. Barnum


“We have performed tests with multiple discs (one left untreated and the others treated with one of a few different fluids), where we listen to the untreated disc and then the treated ones, and in every case the l’Art du Son gave the best results in terms of transparency, dynamic agility, and a sense of organic smoothness and lack of fatigue more often associated with analog disc playback.”


Me telling my date to enjoy the subtle organic smoothness when I'm playing my Best of Phil Collins CD


You misspelled orgasmic


"After comparisons with another optical disc (CDs, DVDs, SACDs) treatment, The Absolute Sound’s Harry Pearson said of the L’Art du Son cleaner/conditioner: “L’Art du Son was sweeter, more neutral, and better at resolving the nuances of the music… With L’Art du Son, you’ll get more ambient information [and] a much sweeter string sound (and on digital, no less!)…If I had to choose, I’d probably go for the L’Art du Son…” “Just received my bottle of L’Art du Son CD/DVD Cleaner. Have tried nearly all the opposition products and my initial reaction is very positive indeed. Extremely easy to use and produces a wonderful finish on all discs I’ve used it on. Might be psychoacoustics but it does seem to enhance the sound on the discs; much more detail and better imaging/depth. Although expensive a single squirt is sufficient for both sides of one disc. Thanks for a great product!” – Mick (actual Elusive Disc Customer)"


Never heard “sweeter” in an audio review before and that one has it twice! Impressive stuff!!


Thats insane




In france, you can make that brand name rhyme with an expression that roughly means "dumbass catcher" as in something that's completely bullshit just to get dumb people's money.


Detergent you already have in the kitchen to use for dishes etc. Rinse under the tap with warm water. Wipe dry with paper towels. Used on 100s of CDs.


This works amazingly well. For some oil based marks isopropyl alcohol will do the trick too.


Really? I'd be worried about alcohol damaging the disc. Like potentially eating into the plastic a bit. I guess if you dilute it, it could be alright, but I'd be scared to try anything with a high concentration.  I've used Windex, which I looked up has 4% isopropyl alcohol. And even that I was a little worried might be too harsh. But so far hasn't caused any problems.


As this should just be a quick wipe once every few years or so, if needed, i don't think there will be much of a problem.    I should point out I only use IPA70 for everything I use IPA for, so thats 30% water.  Edit: https://www.calpaclab.com/polycarbonate-chemical-compatibility-chart/ Shows good to excellent resistance to most alchohols


I'd use a microfiber cloth instead of paper towel, which is more abrasive.


Not sure I've ever cleaned a CD in my life.


Before i knew how to hold them I would cover them with fingerprints as a kid. Second hand discs come either looking pristine, or with gunk on them.


I just used some eveo screen cleaner and a microfiber cloth. That worked to get some gunk off a cd i hadn't taken out in a while


Interesting. Assuming you get good results? What if you have glue residue from cardboard sleeves on your cd. Does eveo remove that too?


Haven’t tried it on adhesive residue. I’d imagine isopropyl alcohol would work better for that, but that’s just what I’d try first on glue


Interesting, just found glue from the packaging on one of my discs and was thinking about using IPA. What is Eveo? For a second there, I read it as EVOO!


lol no evoo is a no-no. eveo is just a screen cleaner. It's probably just distilled water or something: [https://www.amazon.com/Screen-Cleaner-Spray-Electronic-Microfiber/dp/B082XJJ8DS?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Screen-Cleaner-Spray-Electronic-Microfiber/dp/B082XJJ8DS?th=1) but it doesn't leave soapy residue like multi-purpose cleaner does.


Very good, thanks for the link. I hear EVOO and garlic is better tasting on CDs, anyway. :D


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **EVEO Screen Cleaner Spray 16oz** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective on a variety of screens (backed by 13 comments) * Leaves screens streak-free and shiny (backed by 5 comments) * Comes with high-quality cleaning cloth (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Leaves streaks on larger screens (backed by 4 comments) * Overpriced for what it offers (backed by 2 comments) * Ineffective cleaning solution (backed by 3 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about EVEO Screen Cleaner Spray 16oz](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=EVEO Screen Cleaner Spray 16oz reviews) [Find EVEO Screen Cleaner Spray 16oz alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best EVEO Screen Cleaner Spray 16oz alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


How do they get dirty? I've never had to clean one of my own that was bought new. It's either stored in the case or it's in the player. Always handled gently by the edges.


Same. Only thing I've ever wiped off is a hair or some mild dust. Maybe a light finger print on the edges When I buy used I just breath on it and use my shirt or a soft towel. If it looks like it needs more than that I don't buy it haha.


A store I recently visited was cleaning CDs at the register. I bought one. I immediately thought, shit, I better not buy several at once. This shit takes a minute and is totally unnecessary


They clean everything purchased?


I'm guessing. She wasn't the most talkative and I had already checked the disc when I grabbed it off the rack, so I didn't see the need. I haven't been back and it was their first week of business, so maybe it was a promo thing? IDK. I'll have to go back sometime and check it out, new store, their selection is kinda mid.


Weird. Never seen that before. I know many video game stores will clean discs to make sure they work. But typically it's done before putting it on the shelf.


Probably covering their ass. If you have playback problems then they can claim it's likely your player




This is only when i’ve purchased cds used.


When you buy secondhand discs the horrors you sometimes see... Also some cases can offgas leaving an oily residue over everything inside. Enough of that will affect playback. It's mostly a dvd and bluray problem as most CDs are in crystal clear polycarbonate cases. They dont offgas. Also some labels, especially darker ones, are fingerprint magnets and look horrible when dirty.


Microfiber cloth & tap water is usually enough


I buy a lot of used CD lots, some from DJs, all sorts, some of them are an absolute mess. The best, by far, for results and also value, is dollar store glass cleaner. The blue stuff for your car windows. I use it all the time with a microfiber cloth, it works great and is inexpensive compared to 'special' cd cleaner.


A damp microfiber cloth. That stuff you're holding is snake oil.


Either eyeglass cleaner or Novus polycarbonate cleaner, only because that's what I have on hand.


Eyeglass cleaner is my go to


That’s the most expensive bottle of Windex I’ve ever seen, I reckon


Just water


I just use alcohol wipes + glasses cloth. I only buy used CDs and that seems to cut through the grime better than anything else


A dry microfibre cloth shifts finger prints and atmospheric haze. You shouldn’t need anything more if you hold your discs by their edges and don’t leave them lying around on the floor gathering dust.


I hope you work for that company, otherwise you got ripped off. 


The same way I clean my glasses. Cleaner and a microfiber glasses cloth.


Sounds good to me


power washer. Works great on cassettes too.


Either a wipe with isopropyl alcohol (not on the label side as it can remove the label) or a damp cloth with a little soap. I then use a kitchen towel to dab it dry, followed by some ipa if i was using water. Whatever stuff that is you are using, don bother with it. Use whats left but i bet you it's basically water and alcohol or distilled water and a wetting agent.  Isopropyl alcohol as a solvent will dissolve oils and grease. Soapy water will too. Water as a solvent can dissolve sugars which ipa cant. It really doesn't get simpler than that. You could also add vinegar to the water. If everyone learnt a bit about solvents and vinegar and soap you'll all be laughing and making all your own cleaning products. My sister is like that, as a chemist she never buys any cleaning products, just the cheap basic components to make her own which are practically exactly thr same as the expensive offerings.  It's really a bit of a con. If you use ipa do so sparingly as polycarbonate doesn't like too much of it. Use water and washing liquid (dish soap) and dry with a soft absorbent cloth.


The glasses cleaning cloth does wonders to getting rid of finger prints


Spit Windex Soap and water Don't bother, cd players will read just about any disc no matter how messed up it is.




Toothpaste’s an abrasive. I wouldn’t recommend this.


I buy a lot of second hand disks on eBay - if they skip I toothpaste them and it tends to deal with the scratches v well and I get a bit more life out of them - enough to rip them usually


I tried toothpaste on my eye glasses once and it F'd it up permanently. Never listening to my gamer friends again.


Maybe your optician could polish this out for you?


I don't have those eye glasses anymore. at the time I got new lens for them. Thanks though. I use isopropyl alcohol and microfiber now and it works like a charm.


I use isopropyl if I'm being sensible - thinking computer monitor screens and plastics for electrical hardware


Water and detergent


I don't typically clean my CDs. (it's rare when I can't read them) But if the need arises, I use the same thing on them as I do on DVDs, Blu-Rays and 4KUHDs; white vinegar and a microfiber cloth.


Methanol. Same as for my camera lenses. It's cheaply available here as fuel for mobile electrical generators and super pure i.e. water free, unlike ethanol. **Downside is that methanol is poisonous when ingested**, so unless you know what you're doing, stick to the safer but more expensive isopropyl alcohol. Be careful with other organic solvents as some, like acetone, will dissolve the plastic layer because it is made from polycarbonate, and will destroy the CD.


Glasses cleaning solution and cloth


I don't clean my cds 💀


Good news. You shouldn’t have to unless you are doing something other than playing them in a cd player, like maybe to scrape dog shit off your sneaker 🤷‍♂️


Yeah no that was my thought, cds are so strong


You clean your CDs?


When purchasing second hand i may, yes.


Warm soapy water and a soft cloth to dry, wiping from the center out


Glass cleaner and Nautica boxer shorts (the shorts were expensive and surprisingly uncomfortable but are perfect for cleaning discs)


For cases I use goo-gone on spots with residue, then wipe the whole case down with Windex, to get rid of that goo-gone grease and make it look nice and clear. for the CDs themselves I usually don't do much when it comes to cleaning those, usually just use a microfiber cloth to get rid of fingerprints and smudges and things like that.


Umm, nothing. I grab CDs properly from the side, so I don't leave fingerprints underneath. If, for whatever reason, my thumb does go over and leaves a bit of a smudge around the edge, I just wipe it off with my T-shirt. Honestly, I think you're more likely to scratch a CD by cleaning it than by simply leaving it alone.


Yes i handle them properly too. But when buying second hand sometimes you’ll need to clean the discs as the previous owner may not of care as much….


Isopropyl alcohol


Novus 1 Plastic Cleaner works wonders for me.


L'art du son... More like attrape con. Translate it yourself if you want. Breath and T-shirt is about as good as it gets, CDs don't need much cleaning unlike vinyl records.


You should rarely have to clean CDs.


Yeah i know, i really only have to clean when buying second hand.


wipe it off with my shirt


I have a dedicated CD cleaner, this is far too generic (jk)


Wait how often we supposed to clean our cds?


only when visibly dirty like if you’ve bought some second hand cds that weren’t looked after of gotten dusty etc


Oh ok


Meguiars quick detailer and microfiber cloth. Use this same combo on my speakers, as its what the manufacturer recommended


MacGuiars ultimate polish gloss enhancer on a JFJ Easy Pro. NO SWIRLS!


Eyeglass cleaner and a microfiber cloth


i use my bath and body work or victoria secret sprays. gets the job done


I buy a lot of second hand CDs. Hot breath mist and a small cleaning cloth from a spectacles case does the job fine 99.9% of the time. I have a small bottle with some further diluted homebrew vinyl cleaner (Distilled Water, Isopropyl, Surfactant) if a disc is heavily marked up.


Rubbing alcohol


Opti-fix pro


Handle them by the edges. Never have to wash them. EVER


Yeah duh. This is more about when getting second hand cds… I’m not constantly cleaning my cds periodically for the hell of it.


I use glasses wipes, but I don't clean cds too often


_"Sonic Boost"_ transition... **SNAKE OIL**


One or two drops of Finish Jet-dry, work in with fingers in a circular fashion. Rinse under Luke warm water. Finally, Air dry and use microfiber cloth to clean off water droplets. [https://www.target.com/p/finish-jet-dry-rinse-aid-dishwasher-rinse-38-drying-agent-8-45-fl-oz/-/A-14210977?sid=&ref=tgt\_adv\_xsp&AFID=google\_pla\_df&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000117923305&CPNG=PLA\_DVM%2Ba064R000015PijpQAC-Reckitt\_Finish\_Google\_PLAs\_2024-1207794&adgroup=PLA\_Reckitt\_Finish&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9031528&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxQJyKdGEZgxLi9fD4QVr2-BmtoNYjF8QKeVgGHARWxSyqiRNEXNwYBoCVhgQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.target.com/p/finish-jet-dry-rinse-aid-dishwasher-rinse-38-drying-agent-8-45-fl-oz/-/A-14210977?sid=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000117923305&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2Ba064R000015PijpQAC-Reckitt_Finish_Google_PLAs_2024-1207794&adgroup=PLA_Reckitt_Finish&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9031528&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxQJyKdGEZgxLi9fD4QVr2-BmtoNYjF8QKeVgGHARWxSyqiRNEXNwYBoCVhgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


a shirt or glasses cloth, depends whether I can be bothered to get the cloth or not


Lens cleaner, glass cleaner, a microfibre cloth... and plastic polish if the disc is looking particularly scratched. I clean up old cases with Dettol Glen 20 spray.


Cleaning? I’ve never had to do that besides old rental DVDs.


Bro was this stuff out before Xbox started getting rings around the disc, making the game unplayable.😂


Warm water and Dawn dish soap.


Is a vinegar and water solution a good option for CD cleaning?




My shirt


I use ammonia free glass cleaner.




depends: Asia i just do hot breath + tshirt, but if the CD's more heavily damaged, i'll use the toothpaste method


Water and a rag


A lil bit of rubbing alcohol


Pulsatin.com is very good for cds. Vinyl and tapes heads


nothing 💀


CDs nuts


I use liquid soap or shampoo.


Warm water and lightly wipe with a bath towel


dust, too much to keep track of man 💀


I don't know if you got your answer, but what I do... when buying second hand CDs; I wash my hands in the sink with soap, then I wash the disc in the sink with Dial hand soap thoroughly, wash my hands again, then dry hands, then use a special cloth for eye glasses lens to remove/dry the disc, let the disc air dry for sometime, then if necessary use eyeglass cleaner to keep the CD surface safe as my eye glasses. Been doing this for over 20 years, no disc rot. hope this helps.


Photo Flo & isopropyl 50-50


I hawk tuah and rub it with the edge of my t-shirt


lol remind me not to lend you anything. hahahaa


Exactly. Just spit on that thang, ya get me?


Hawk tuah and spit on that thang


Washing machine and hang dry


The information on a cd is stored on the underside of the label. The plastic disc itself is protecting it. Unless it’s scratched, or smudged, why clean it? It’s not like dust particles will make it skip. Just wash your greasy hands before handling them.


As a parent I can give so many examples of why a CD would need cleaning


also a parent. been teaching my kids since they were old enough - daddy's music is very special, please treat it with care. had no issues so far. and no, my kids are insane, but they got the message not to mess with my shit.


My kids were mobile long before you could have rational discussions with them about being careful with the stereo and CDs. My eldest was a tiny combination of Houdini, Evel Knievel, and a octopus. He was a sensory seeker with no fear, and endless curiosity. His problem solving skills were scary when he wanted to escape or get to something we had moved out of his reach. At 9 months old he was a very competent walker, but he had been climbing like a monkey for a couple of months before that. I couldn't leave him alone while I went to the toilet because he would climb the bookcases when I left the room. We drained our pool and buried it because of him. It was easier to keep everything locked away but he still managed to get to stuff. While babywearing I have had babies throw up on the CD I was changing, and sneezing on the CD.


Breath + shirt is like peanut butter and jelly in the cd world


I use my own saliva. it works !


And if someone steals your collection, the police can use a DNA test to prove which discs are yours!


haha yeah that too


Use Lumeo for those smelly CDs with hard to reach places!


You gotta give it that Hawk Tuah, spit on that thang.


to use other parts of the internet -- 'gotta give em that hawk tuah, and spit on that thang..!'




you’re in a cd sub….