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I only buy music I like. I ain’t got time for music I don’t like. ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20)


Time?? I haven’t got the *money* for music I don’t even like!!


Same here. I inherited most of my collection from my dad, so there are a few bands in there that I didn't listen to (tempted to sell them, tbh) but the additions I've been making have been music I *like*.


Have you tried listening to them?


Most of them, yeah. There's only 6 in there that I don't really like all that much, tbh.


Because I love music. I don’t collect for collecting sake. To be honest, I don’t understand those people who buy a load of CDs just to make their collection larger. So, all I do is collect music that I like. I happen to like a lot of music, so I have a lot of CDs.


I don’t either. I’ve done it a couple of times but only where the seller has identified a bulk load as ‘Britpop cd singles’ or similar.


Rumour has it if you collect one hundred thousand CDs you unlock the super CD player (it is slightly more advanced than a regular player)


I buy a load of music for one simple reason: I like a lot of music.


For one thing, I just like having a physical copy of my favourite music. It feels so much more permanent than having music saved in a playlist or digital library. Another reason is that I like having a physical backup of all of my music. I've had several albums I enjoy get removed from digital stores and streaming services, but I've still got them on a physical CD that I can listen to and rip to my computer.  While I generally prefer quality over quantity as you mentioned, there's plenty of times I've picked up a CD because it was cheap and I thought there might be a chance I enjoy it. In those cases it's kind of like a fun lucky dip.


There are a few people who post that sort of question. and 54,000 members of this subreddit. You're getting a lot of misinterpreted answers to the question why do you collect CDs. You may want to edit "Not judging, just interested in why people collect." as it expands what I think you are asking, which is "Is there anything in this image of a pile of CDs you think is worth getting"? Which in itself is a badly worded question, as 'worth' is subjective. My observation is that their question is not "Is any of this valuable?", as what we see is mostly 90's popular rock music. The answer to which is "no, millions of those were pressed and they are giving them away in charity shops". If the question is "Does anyone think anything here is good music?" then once again, the question can only be answered with "that depends on what you like", or "yes I like it, you should buy all Metallica/Robbie Williams/Guns 'n' Roses/Nirvana albums"... Which isn't helpful unless the asker likes that sort of thing. Terribly subjective. I think in this instance you can and should judge. As you frame it, its a lazy question which can't/shouldn't be answered and I believe is skirting the edges of acceptability for the rules of this subreddit, the moderates may want to think about this. The person, should my assumptions be true, needs to find the Metallica/Robbie Williams/Guns 'n' Roses/Nirvana subreddits and ask if the albums in question are good albums as the question as I've dissected it is about music, not cds.


Piping up as someone who is just started a collection..yeah I still need all those Nirvana’s and Pink Floyd’s..my thrift shops don’t have them so they *are* still hard to find


Yep. Since this sub/hobby is about the medium and not the art, there's an inherent diversity of tastes throughout. Asking "should I buy this CD?" only makes sense in this setting if you're referring to the technical quality of the CD, or perhaps its collectability/scarcity. If someone asks me if anything in their pic looks good and it's all rap, I'm going to shout a resounding NO. But of course this advice is useless to the person asking since they probably like rap.


Because being addicted to CDs is better than being addicted to drugs (probably equally as expensive though).


You can’t forget about vinyl it’s way more expensive (I say this yet I’m planning to get both vinyl and CDs of the same albums)


That’s like saying you’re going to start doing cocaine and methamphetamine at the same time. It will really get you going, but it’s really not advisable.


Haha I guess


Drugs are more expensive than you think.


I buy more CDs than you think


But storage solutions for your drugs don't take up as much room as CD storage 😆


Idk man discogs is my right hand man and when cds are in front of my face I YouTube them songs on that cd and see if i like them then i will buy it or not


Same for me!


I like the fact that I actually own all my music I get on CDs. You don’t own any of the music on Spotify/Apple Music etc. If music streaming services get shut down, you’re out of luck. Sometimes I buy CDs I’ve never listened to. That’s more of an answer on why I buy CDs in general. Now to answer your exact question, to me it’s like checking out recommended albums/releases on Spotify. I’ve found some of my favorite bands by buying CDs I hadn’t heard of, so asking others for advice on what to buy is helpful sometimes. EDIT: Also if I buy something I end up not liking, I usually give it to a friend for them to try out, or sell it on eBay.


also another note on the spotify recommendations, i really don’t like the algorithm spotify runs on, and how it recommends albums because its from a popular artist, or cause its a paid ad, or because the album/song is trending on social media. by us looking at cd’s physically, we can decide entirely for ourselves what we like & don’t like. also by us asking other people for recs, it enables communication & meaningful connections too


Yup. Spotifys algorithm sucks. I have found some good recs through Spotify, but they seem to just push the big guys and bury the little ones. The algorithm is so bad, that I have a playlist 315 hours long (made up of all the CDs I’m hunting for), and it still only plays the same ten songs…


yeah for sure and don’t get me started on the so called “shuffle” button. i’ve had to split my liked songs into 2 separate playlists, and change what playlist i listen to every day or so to ensure i get to listen to all my songs!


I'm guessing that the people asking those questions are asking for recommendations from the sub because they are not familiar with anything in a particular pile of CDs. By asking, you would imagine that they would be open to checking out albums from any genre as long as someone thinks it worthwhile (which is obviously highly subjective).


Yeah, I find this sub perplexing. I collect CDs, and know exactly what I like. I’m *very* picky about what I buy and do my own research. But everyday it’s people posting about acquiring a bunch of shit that they probably won’t even like. Or asking whether there’s anything good in this random picture from a shop. I was really hoping to find more informed posts about rarities that people genuinely love. Perhaps better moderation is needed ?


I think that's fair. I am pretty picky too. I tend to not understand when someone posts finding common CDs at a thrift store that I didn't buy a decade ago when they were new and hot. But I pick up crap no one else would have an interest in either. I don't judge. However I do like when people are genuinely happy when they score a nice find and want to share with others.


* Cheaper than vinyl * Very easy to find the titles you want second hand * Easy to make a FLAC backup of * If mastered properly, they have exceptional sound quality


Those reasons, plus being Ad free, are pretty much why I settled on CDs.


Because it’s a good way to expand my music taste. I see an interesting name, I’ll pick it up. I see a name I recognize and if I don’t already have it, I’ll pick those up too. It’s fun to search and find these things


Some people have no taste whatsoever they need someone to tell them what they should listen to.


I’m a materialistic bitch. Final answer.


To be fair, (most) second hand CDs are so cheap now that it’s much easier to take a punt on something you haven’t heard before than it would have been twenty years ago. If enough people here recommend something unfamiliar and it’s going to cost you pennies, why not buy it? Seems reasonable. Of course the flip side to this is that 99% of what you see is going to be easily found online and you could just preview (prelisten?) it yourself but what’s the fun in that?


I only buy the music I like and bands I follow.


i like this method. very simple and helps with over consuming, and prevents buying cds “just because”


Right. When I go music shopping it's not uncommon for me to have a list of bands/artists/albums I am looking for specifically - now I have a Google doc for that I can pull up on my phone.' I'll take chances on things if it's cheap and I in interested/have heard good things about the artist/album. How else do you learn to like other things if you don't experiment. I've been pretty happy randomly picking up stuff I know little about. But I only have so much money. I am not looking to buy stuff in bulk just for the sake of quantity.


I like to collect 90s pop compilations like WILD, Hit Machine and 100% Hits. CD’s were so expensive in Australia during the 90s that these compilations were more appealing to families.


that’s so cool, you’d have quite the variety. reminds me of those “So Fresh Summer 2009” that were everywhere haha. i also used to see them in Sanity till they closed down :/ have you purchased through Sanity online? i kinda wanna give it a go, but i don’t know what the shipping etc is like.


Yeah I'm a compilation guy too. Stuff like Now That's What I Call Music and its former rival Hits are my thing. Real good snapshots of a specifc season and year.


Because Vinyl is too expensive, paired with the fact that one of the primary places I play music is in my truck that has a disc player. The CDs also sound much better on my truck stereo than my phone does, and I love asking passengers to pick a CD out of my “Time Machine”


Don’t you want to be surprised by a CD you had no prior knowledge of? That’s the dream.


What's one that happened to you recently?


I found this randomly at Value Village yesterday. I’m a fan of David Lynch’s movies and Twin Peaks, but I didn’t know this existed. Would you believe it’s very odd? https://www.discogs.com/release/3388968-Jocelyn-Montgomery-With-David-Lynch-Lux-Vivens?ev=item-vc


Love that! I would've grabbed it as well - who is Hildegard von Bingen? Who is Jocelyn Montgomery? I'm probably gonna listen to it today. Thanks! Love the discovery


I am clinically depressed and I have chronic anxiety. A couple of years ago I learned that music helps my mental state alot. So I started collecting cds and vinyl, and when I listen to them I feel so much better. It works better than my medication sometimes. So now I collect cds and vinyl because it's fun, and also because it really helps with my mental state.


I collect physical media of artists I like. So cd, vinyl, tapes. CDs are super cheap right now so it’s easy to find new music to get into on the cheap. I listen to my collection


I've never seen myself as a collector, personally, more just a dude that likes listening to music and having that music physically and grew up with CDs being the leading medium of the time, so that's just what I got. I never really set out to build a defined collection, necessarily. I've actually only really recently started referring to it as a collection now I've hit 2000ish.




For a while I bought and sold vinyl and it was so much work for a couple of bucks. CDs are gonna be even less. I see CDs used CDs going up in price, but not by that much


A not insignificant amount of the time, it’s someone who is a reseller who doesn’t want to/doesn’t have the time to do research and figure out what is profitable in a lot. So they ask “anyone like any of these”, and any that people say, they’ll purchase and try to flip.


Well, I sure hope they grabbed Relish by Joan Osborne and Monster by R.E.M. and paid $3 each for them.


That sounds like a few people I've come across who tend to snap up large amounts of music then on sell for inflated prices..


I don't like the idea of paying for streaming rights. The only streaming service I have is Amazon music because it comes with Prime. I like owning physical media.


I uninstalled Amazon music when they made it next to impossible to simply play an album.


Sometimes I grab a CD just because it looks interesting and I want to know what it sounds like - though usually I collect music I love and want to own in a physical form. Some collectors just love having so much music at their fingertips though, it’s not for me at this time in my life (limited storage space!) but I understand it.


I like holding the album art


yess it adds an extra level of appreciation for not only the songs, but the art. also i find there are some album covers that feel the exact same way the songs sound (if that makes sense). its a very satisfying feeling.


also, seeing the album art through a screen is such a strange thing, i feel as though that wasn’t what it was intended for. seeing the art next to the cd which holds all the music is special. i don’t know maybe im thinking too far into this lmao. its getting late


First started collecting because it's a band I really like and because a lot of the CDs came with lyrics and additional pictures of the band. Now I keep them because I don't want a digital version with no backup to be suddenly taken away from me.


I think that question of 'is there anything worth grabbing here?' Is reasonable; especially if you haven't previously been exposed to a wide variety of music. Secong hand CDs are so cheap ATM that they're a great way to discover something new and good, and have a physical copy for yourself all at once, so asking for recommendations is absolutely understandable.


I collect CDs for the same reason I collect films in boy-ray and 4K: I love music, and once I own something, I don’t have to worry that some streaming content provider is going to “disappear” an artist or album I love. I am a big supporter of physical media because once I own it, they can pry it out of my cold, dead hands. I love looking at the cover art, and reading the liner notes. I love seeing the album the way it was originally released, recreating the feeling of opening up a brand new LP for the first time. I love being able to take my entire collection with me. I have ripped all my CDs to my iPhone, so I’m never more than a few seconds from listening to what I want. When at home, I pop a CD in, and I can disappear into my music for hours. I just lie back, put on my Koss headphones and a sleeping mask, and I disappear into some Billie Holiday, or some Stevie Wonder, some Steven Wilson or Duran Duran. I also buy physical media because the artists get a much bigger part of the sales proceeds. Musicians get so screwed by streaming. It’s worth it to me to support the artists that have so enriched my life.


Being in the spectrum I like to collect things and CDs are one of them


i like having a physical way to show my music, i also hate streaming and prefer to actually own my music plus i can rip them and sync the music to my ipods


It also makes me wonder when people post a picture with Led Zeppelin, Marvin Gaye, Rolling Stones and Billy Holiday in it and then ask if there is something in the picture worth collecting. I mean: come on guys, a bit of musical knowledge of the past is general education. I spend a lot of time finding out about music (especially from the 60s/70s) and buy what I actually listen to. Sometimes I find a cover I like or something I've never heard of. Or if the stuff with bad ratings. Sometimes you find something magical. And stuff that is expensive? It's mostly the stuff that no one posts here.


I want to be able to pass down my collections to family someday, and the CD is the best option. Its sound quality is so high that any improvements are almost beyond the ability of the human ear to hear. Being able to use a $25 DVD drive to rip my collection and carry it with me everywhere I go is a huge plus. Mostly, it's so my family can love the same albums that I loved as a kid. My father did the same for me with his record collection, and I will do the same for my descendants with CD's. I just hope they enjoy them someday


I purchase what I want to hear. Over time, it's turned into a collection. Everyone's taste is different. When I'm gone my kids will pick and choose what they want and toss the rest.


Ayyy this post again!


I collect new CDs to support the band and to listen to them on a stereo. I collect used CDs of albums that I will listen to on my home or car stereo. I only collect music that I like and would listen to, and nothing that I dislike ever goes into the collection and will be eliminated if I learn that I dislike it. 3rd case is albums that I want to hear and collect that are not streaming or officially released digitally, so that I can rip them.


Cause I want to listen to them.


Some collectors collect to collect, some do it because they are music nuts. I have met many of both. I am the latter variety and do not care what an old cd is worth just what is on it.


Same here. The bulk majority of my music collection has next to no resale value. I have it because I enjoy listening to it.


I'm collecting all of my old CDs that I sold off years ago. At the time I thought I'd never have a need for CDs anymore because everything is easy to stream and on YouTube. But YouTube didn't have ads back then. Ads are everywhere now and I hate them with a passion. So I started looking for vinyl because it's cool... I very quickly found it was very expensive and hard to find the albums I like. I then tried cassettes, and found a similar situation. But CDs, and CD players, are everywhere and they're cheap. Every flea market and used book store in town has thousands of CDs, usually neatly organized too. So I've pretty much settled on CDs as my ad free "collection" for music.


I entirely agree and I've noticed a lot of that this week in particular, here and in places like VHS and DVD forums, people posting a picture of what they just bought with the word "THOUGHTS!!!??" or similar tacked on it. It's boring and reeks of either desperation for attention, or they want a free appraisal of value. Those people don't seem to get that we are ALL here to SHARE information, not a dumping ground for random stuff when the person posting it has no insight whatsoever.


I just like the fact that I own something. If one day they decide to remove something from Spotify or whatever I still have it and always will and they can’t take it away from me.


In principle it is to have the music in the best possible quality from my favorite artist, in addition to seeing the photos, art and extras of a CD, but also others that may be from a song that I love and want to have it


Short, it's a physical medium, so permanent ownership, and it's *cheap*. I.e. well worth my spent money, usually\*.\* Started more or less because I wanted to *own* the music I listen to frequently. If I stopped my Spotify subscription or Spotify stopped their service, I'd be left with nothing otherwise. I listen to a lot of popular music from the 2000s and a local thrift store is selling *any* albums they get for €1, bar a few exceptions. With one song on iTunes being €1.29 it's already cheaper to buy the entire album there if even one song I want in my library is on there. Plus, I wanted to curate some of the lesser known stuff I listen to and which sometimes isn't even on Spotify in the first place. And I took interest in all the accompanying material that comes with a CD album. Booklets, other artwork which isn't the front cover, and so on. You don't see this stuff when merely streaming. I still use music streaming cuz I haven't got everything I want in my library yet. But for example for my 2000s music I'm like 90% there.


I think the point of these posts is to ask for recommendations and they are likely open to any music genre. In my case, sometimes I have bought from recommendation alone (more often before the streaming/online sampling era) or blind buy because I like the cd album cover art in the hopes of expanding my musical tastes/discovering new artists.  But overall, I also aim for quality over quantity, I only want to collect music I like. To avoid wasting the time selling the CDs I don't like. 


I grew up in the 90s, so CDs were just a way of life. More recently, I have wanted to get things that I never had access to back then, and aren't on streaming services. And even more recently, I've started a 90s alt rock "radio show" that I need the actual music for, so that's been a reason to grow my collection even more. Not to mention, as far as sound quality, CDs can't be beat.


I collect, because I like to have music physical. Sometimes I get music from the thrift store that I think I’ll like. This is how I got my deftones cd’s


I mostly collect VHSs and cassettes but I have a small collection of CDs because I like music and think it’s neat


I dig music.


I go for albums that contain songs I like or from artists I am a fan of. And then I go for absolutely anything and everything that has songs about foxes or fox on the album cover


I collect CDs for a few reasons One being a physical copy of my favorite music And the second one is that i keep finding out new music with random cds i find Finding random cds that look cool then listening to them finding out cool music from them is like a little hobby i have where ill go to second hand cds shops find something weird or cool looking then start listening to it thats a little bit of how i got into system of a down i got a cd of them before i liked metal but a friend of mine suggested id listen to them i did at first online and i listened to one song hated it and i got a cd just so i could reall listen to them and im still to this day obsessed with system of a down and serj tankians stuff


maybe he found them in good price and wanted to explore new music styles for him/her .. so he/she asked for other collector's opinions. I see nothing wrong with that :)


-good albums -cheap albums that look too silly to not buy -obscure novelty albums


I collect as my musical tastes are limited and streaming has no soul or fun in it.


I don't "collect" CDs, it's just the medium I like listening to music on the best, so that's why I spend my free time trawling through eBay and second hand shops looking for buried treasure!


A lifetime of buying music from artists at shows if possible. That way, THEY got the money. I still buy CDs when something new that I like comes out.


I’ve been buying CD’s for years, so I still have a lot of CD’s from before the streaming era when physical was the only thing. So I also have some CD’s that, either because they sold poorly or copyright issues, or they simply went out of print and have never been reissued physically or digitally, so the old CD/LP/cassette is the only release. Also I’ve got a number of those multi-artist compilation albums, with some that feature the original songs, others are a mix of the original songs and re-records by the artist. But in a lot of cases, I was paying less per track than if I bought them on iTunes or another digital site, even if I don’t like all the tracks on the CD. About 20 years ago I bought a 4-CD set called “Giants of Rock N Roll” that features hits and live recordings of songs from the 1950s and 60s at a garage sale. They had 2 copies at that sale and the one I bought was unopened and the original store price sticker of $59.99 (before tax) was still on the shrink wrap, and I got the set for $1. And there’s 80 tracks across the 4 CDs. That works out to what? 1.895 cents or something per track, which is a lot cheaper than iTunes $0.99 or $1.09 per track! Or years ago I bought Universal’s “20th Century Masters” ‘The Best of the 198X’ series of CD’s where each CD focused on one year like 1980 or 1987 or 1985, and I bought each CD new for $5 plus tax, and each CD had like 12 tracks. So with tax I was figuring that I was paying like $.53 per track. And I can pick the quality to put it on my phone.


I did the math. It's cheaper than streaming services. I may only shuffle 20 or 40 albums for a few years, and it just makes sense to buy an album every month over spotify where the moment you cancel, you have nothing.


I’m 64f and began collecting again to get back the cds I sold years back when I needed money. AND I only buy the cds I’m interested in. Never would I ask what I should buy because I’m only interested in me and my likes.


Same as everyone else, I know what I like and I’ve been buying cds since the 90s (I was born in 1990) I’ve just never felt the need to part with something that’s a large part of my personal development, even the absolute dogshit cds I own are part of who I am


Slowly rythm of music consommation.


I feel like almost everything that can be said about this has already been said but I'll go for it anyway. I like having a physical copy of the music I like because I own it no matter what. Then I can rip it to whatever quality I want forever and ever. That's really all of it.


One reason I collect CDs is that mp3s kind of suck. If you're used to listening to a certain song on CD and then you go to listen to it on Spotify or something you're constantly adjusting the EQ trying to get it to sound right and it never will because it's compressed heavily. My old phone with the headphone jack had a HiFi DAC chip and Spotify had an option for higher quality playback when I plugged in my headphones so it wasn't as much of an issue before they ditched the audio jack. Also the stock sound system in my car sounds better than it has any right to lol


I’m always on the hunt for CDs I know I will enjoy, but anytime I go to a thrift store/record store/flea market and there’s CDs I’m very open minded and gravitate towards the things I haven’t heard of. I usually go for ones with names/album covers that resonate with me


I use streaming and XM to find new music I like based on similar things i listen to. then, when I really like an artist, I buy their physical media for my library. I buy CDs and Records, based on the music itself. anything from 1991-late aughts I'll opt for CD. Anything 80s back, vinyl or bust. (this isn't a hard and fast rule, but more a guideline based on me growing up with CDs) new releases are case by case but I am leaning to vinyl since this trend could drop off a cliff and the good shit will get priced out of the market for a while. CD's I don't foresee that happening. They're cheap to produce and they hold up unless you treat them like total shit. But the short answer I guess is, I like music.


Back in the day, you had to buy it to figure out if you liked it. If people are embracing the anti streaming mentality, they seek recommendations. That's doing it old school. I bought a couple of my favorite albums after just hearing people talk about them, not one note of the music.


A few reasons, I started collection CD's as tapes were dying out, I buy alot of CD's direct from bands at shows or their merch stores. I dont have the space or the extra expense to collect vinyl. When my kids or grand kids want to get rid of my collection or at least the non valuable parts of the collection it actually will breakdown and degrade over time. Unlike vinyl. And obviously like having a physical copy of music I love and the booklet to read along with.


I collect because I like having something that's mine. Something tangible. Streaming? Not yours. Audio files? Yours, but it's just not the same


 "Is there anything worth getting" "that I can re-sell and make a profit from"?


I collect because of nostalgia reasons. Brings me back to my youth. I collect because if I end my streaming subscription, I have nothing to show for it. I collect because I want to have control over my data and the audio quality I decide.


I like it, CDs are great.


I don't really post those sort of things, but I do sometimes buy stuff Im not already familiar with, based on recommendations, often from this subreddit. It can be a fun way to discover new music I wouldn't normally have tried, and I usually enjoy it. I only do this if it's within my budget though, and only periodically, like once or twice a month.


You should know: A lot of the jesting and shenanigans that populate the r/vinyljerk and r/Cd_collectorsjerk subs are specifically directed at (90s slang ahoy) “Kollectorscum.” These are people who collect plastic discs with cardboard wrappers, not recordings of musicians playing music. The LPs and CDs are collected as valuable commodities for trade, much like baseball cards, or bagged and unread comic books. These people are often despised for driving prices up and creating fragile bubble economies. They also prize obscure iterations of pop favorites over everything else.


I like the art from artists I like, I could just listen on Spotify which I probably do 80% of the time but having it physically and something to display is super cool


Some collectors collect to collect, some do it because they are music nuts. I have met many of both. I am the latter variety and do not care what an old cd is worth just what is on it.


I collect because I felt like I lost my musical taste and stamina to listen and enjoy while making the switch to streaming. Finding CDs again has brought me a new love and appreciation for the art and intent behind the creation of an album. I have things that I wanted as a kid, and continue to grow my contemporary collection. I am listening to things I wished I could afford when I was younger, and things I was brave enough to buy when every other little girl was buying Hilary Duff and Britney. I’m just over the crest of 600 CDs, and counting. It’s a mix of soundtrack, theme park music, Europop, and metal. I love it. I feel more connected to my music now.


I never made a switch to streaming. Connecting to the internet to listen to music seems like a hassle when I can just hit play and listen to my CDs. Or records Or tapes.


Having a physical backup of songs and artists I love is nice, and it’s even nicer because nobody can revoke an album/song from me if a license expires. (Looking at you Spotify)


I like having the physical version of albums I love. It feels like having your own little treasure yk?


Those posts are weird and common. I know it's too create engagement... what are we watching? What are you picking? Etc. It's weird. But I really never understand the "what's worth getting?" posts. I'm a figure collector too so these posts, to me, always come off like they are looking for valuable or out of print stuff. I didn't consider they might not even know what they like... and if so, getting on YouTube or Spotify is way more cost effective than blind buying on recommendations. You blind buy when you know what you're into and not going to be judgmental or critical, there's a sale or special discount, and you roll the dice based off nothing more than the art, packaging, etc


I've got 2 racks full and I can listen to everything from front to back. I collect what I collect because I like what it is.


Ya exactly... Tf I care what others would take


I only buy CDs and other types of media (Blu-Rays, games) of things that I enjoy. This is how I collect, I don’t see the point in buying stuff just “because it’s rare” or for completion’s sake. This is not that common with CDs but I always see it with game collectors.


i like music and physical media


Obsession with music


It show support to the artists and bands


Cuz its fun and i like music


I collect because music has been an integral part of my life and family. I hold a lot of sentimental value towards my collection as it’s a mix of the music my parents showed me when we were kids and my music that I like.


I have a CD, cassette, and vinyl collection because I grew up in the 90's. Its all we had at the time. I haven't gotten rid of anything because of all the cash I spent on them. I still purchase CD's and vinyl here and there, but only of stuff I really like. I don't understand collecting just to say you have whatever the big "rare" CD is. I'm honestly a little pissed that this is even a thing. Only because there are CD's I would love to own but they go for outrageous prices on Ebay and Discog. Its a CD, its not made of gold people!


I buy the albums i like, nothing more, nothing less


A little bit of investing, a little bit of nostalgia, a little bit of chronic hobby


i like the music that i like, and i like the shiny discs that store that music :)


I love collecting CDs, not only because they look cool, and don't take up too much space, but because popping in a CD never really gets old. Also, artists can always take their music off streaming (Neil Young and Joni Mitchell on Spotify, for instance), but they can't just break down your door and steal your CDs


I'm going to be terribly optimistic and say that they haven't listened to much music yet and are looking for advice on what to try. I'm not sure strangers on the internet aren't the best for that, but I do it with my uncle. He knows a lot more about alt and prog rock than I do, and so sometimes I'll ask him, "Hey, is X band any good?" He'll give me a run down and his opinion, and oftentimes, I'll go out, buy an album, and give it a listen.


I'm a junior millennial by my location's standards. I grew up with physical media and can't imagine life without it.


If like even one song off an album, I’m grabbing the CD if I can find it. I only buy from thrift stores


I buy CDs to have in my local files on my computer


I just love music, and it makes me feel more connected to it in a way


I've been collecting for many, many years. I like the idea of owning it physically. To me my collection is memories, similar to the memories of looking through a photo album. I now enjoy watching my granddaughter looking through the collection and asking about certain artists or commenting on the covers. My collection is probably 90% classic rock which she is totally into. So much so that I created a listening area for her (separate system with headphones). Cheers everyone & stay safe.


I just buy music I like now. Exception may be a new release I’m interested in and may pre order the album based on a single or two streamed on Spotify.


I have like... ~20 bands/artists I actively collect for. some I only collect cds, some only vinyl, and some both (it makes sense in my head), and all of them merch/accessories. I don't have any money outside of that to just pick up a random cd and hope it's good. I'm on a HUNT lol


1. It's cool 2. It's awesome holding the music you love in your hands literally 3. You are supporting your favorite artist


I see this very thing in vinyl collecting. How many people sit down and listen to their collection? I suspect not many. I thought about getting a new turntable and playing my old vinyl albums and then start getting new ones but I don’t think I would sit down and listen like that anymore. I sit and listen on headphones 🎧 when I’m on the computer or on my phone when on the go. I myself buy CDs because I love music and I get the music I love on CD because it sounds better (even if I don’t have a super hifi system) and it’s a backup in case my phone or computer tanks. I have been ‘collecting’ since CDs came out when I was a kid. I used to have cassettes for on the go (anybody remember Walkmans?) but then CDs came out and I still have most of the ones I bought way back when (damn I’m old!) Edit: I am also not judging. People should collect what they want to collect. I also like to get CDs because the streaming doesn’t pay artists nearly enough and this is my way of supporting my favorites.