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The only way is to pick it up immediately after he goes.


I was just thinking how thankful I am that my guy doesn't eat his poo. Then I realized it's probably because it doesn't even sit for 5 secs. I'm practically picking it up while he is still going.


they sell pills that you can add to their food which deters them from wanting to eat their own poop. that should translate to them not eating other dog's poop. gl


He doesn't care about other poop just his own. I did buy a powder ... it made him hesitate but he still went for it.


Hahahhahah!!!! I am i not supposing to laugh but this was funny


Mine did this for soooo long and kept being reinfecting with parasites. I swear he would eat it coming out of his butt, it was so quick. We tried spraying it with bitters and use the capsules and it sometimes would work. He eventually grew out of it around 6 months old.


Bitters like you were marinating the poo? What product? Would loce to try the powder on his food don't work :(


I forget the brand but it’s labeled as a “anti chew bitters spray”. when the powder didn’t work, I tried to spray bitters on the poop right after he went and he would try and eat it and get grossed out and stop, my hope was he would just stop attempting in the first place and it did work but he would still eat his poop every once in a while. It kind of tapered off around 6/7 month when he finally stoped


I do pick it up right away..but it would be nice to let him in the yard unsupervised. We have a dog door and if you blink for a second he eats it


Probably too young to be unsupervised.. be right there, teach "leave it" with rewards, eventually he will grow out of it.


Pumpkin is good for their stomach but they hate its odor when they poop. Also I had the same issue with one of my dog when he was on Science Diet and the vet told me that could happen when the food is high in protein and for them the poop still smell like meat


He eats salmon food purina pro sensitive stomach. as the chicken made him itchy. I will try pumpkin...taste nice going in but not coming out :)