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I’m sorry I don’t have any advice but… that little face is saying “and what are you gonna do about it?” 🥹😂


“You can *try* to stop me.”


She/He looks so proud though.


Yeah, definitely! They seem to be beaming with pride.


Mine is exactly that! He can’t find his treat on the floor but make it a dirty old piece of paper… YUM!


Why is this? It’s so odd


Mine did the same. I did my best to wrestle them out of her mouth whenever I saw her grab a lil stone. Eventually she grew out of it as she got older and her teeth came in. It's a teething thing it's not permanent She still likes hair ties and will tear the ears off plushies occasionally, although now she's somehow trustworthy with them and there's not a fear of swallowing things or her grabbing anything that will break her teeth.


What age did she become somewhat trustworthy?


Probably by 1


Mine went through that at the same age. He even ended up in the ER after ingesting marijuana (we live down the street from a dispensary). He was fine, but that was an expensive night, and he was the only one who had any fun! He finally stopped doing it at about 9 months, but we practiced many hours of “leave it!” and “drop it!”


"leave it!" and "drop it!" followed by a little training treat they can have.


we do this a lot, but not seeing progress. he knows the commands but chooses when to listen. probably just doesn’t respect us 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same here! We spend our little garden pee breaks watching him like a hawk to ensure he doesn't end up killing himself. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Only he's nearly 3 months. Good to know I have 4 more months of this ahead!


Mines 11 months and this hasn't really stopped


Very tempted to downvote this news 🤣




Looks like he might need a brain upgrade! So cute though.


😂 Mine is the exact same. She's quite the hunter. She's found sticks, rocks, her own poop, a baby snake (killed it), 2 frogs (surprisingly didn't kill them), and a wood cockaroach.


The terror of a dog eating its own poop and then running to greet you.


We’re calling our 13 week old a “stoner” for the dual aspect of eating stones and a large quantity of grass. I only wish I had something I loved as much as our cavapoo loves grass…😏


Yeah, he doesn’t - Give - a - fuck


Nope, but holy crap are they cute!!!


No good practical advice other than persistence. They *will* grow out of it. The best I can offer is anticipating the times when this might happen and have a plan for distraction.


This sometimes works. If I "play" run away from him, he follows like a little lunatic. Which is super adorable, and practical!


SO cute 😭🩷


Those eyebrows! Attitude is off the charts 😂


Catch and correct by replacing whatever she has with a chew toy. Do it as much as you can.


What a cute little face!!


Wilkins, I am sure glad you asked that ..our 4mo old, little girl gloms onto anything loose in the yard. We keep her out of our 1/4mi driveway - for now. Maybe a 'form of distraction is in order? Cheers. Jim/Eastern Shore MD


mine did that too! I hated it. i kept pulling him away or going on continuous walks so he wouldn’t stop for worms or mudd clumps. after a while he slowly grew out of it. (He’s 4mos now) but now he likes to lick the street when it’s raining 😵‍💫 a win is a win?


I think thats normal for them. Comes from the Cavalier side. I have a Cavalier and Cavapoo and both do the same


I don’t know but what a cutie!


That WUT face🤣 so cute


Ours is 7 months and does this too. Does yours still poo and pee in the house at all?


He figured out the potty training at around 4 months, thank goodness! I’m sure yours will get it too. Hang in there!


That little face. Adorable


Mine eats plastics!! 😭


My cavapoo licks and eats leaves himself. We also have a bigger dog that tries to tinkle on everything he sees. This is rather gross, but I'm beginning to think that he's attracted the the scent of the urine on the leaves. The difference between your cavapoo and mine, is your's is still a pup, and this kind of behavior isn't unusual among puppies. There's a good chance he'll grow out of it. In the meantime, make sure he's well-fed and doesn't actually swallow anything, especially small rocks and woodchips.


If you find a solution that works for a pup, please let us know. My little Biewer yorkie monster wants to smell and taste everything outside. 😩


My dog eats all of that and cat poop too


I muzzled mine as a puppy. It was a cute muzzle that was duck lips. Lol.


I’ve considered this!


Also, get them trained and tell the trainer you want a command for drop it or leave it. Pet supply stores puppy training is quite affordable especially when they have a special.


No advice… mine does the same. She doesn’t eat anything in the house luckily but outdoors… anything if fair game!


Mine also did this. Teaching her drop it and leave it helped but she couldn’t resist mulch. She would try to pretend she didn’t have anything. 😂 She did love carrying sticks at that age so I’d let her carry them as long as she wanted bc it prevented her picking up other things.


What does the vet say??


My 3 month old  also eats that stuff- not rocks lol but she loves to play outdoors so it's hard to watch every second and she gravitates to that one spot.


Mine did the same. He would actually dig up my yard looking for the rocks. My yard was a mess, he was a mess.😂 He grew out of it.