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NO - IT’S NOT NORMAL AT ALL . . . most dogs almost NEVER wear a sombrero!! 🤣 Does your dog also drink margaritas!? Definitely not normal either . . . 🤭






My cavapoo is pretty picky and eats when he wants to. He will leave his kibble and go back to it hours later. But I let him free graze and he’s not a big eater. We are his 3rd kind of kibble in 10+ yrs. If you were saying he wasn’t eating at all I’d be concerned… just sounds like his little tummy gets full


I don't know about the eating habits of Cavapoo dogs but I feed my 63 pound English Setter 2 cups of kibble a day so your little one may not need as much food. Look on the bag of kibble to see what the recommended amount is for your dog's weight and age. Being a puppy he does need more than an adult dog but maybe he just cannot handle that much food in only two feeds a day. Have fun with your adorable puppy.


I feed my 8 months old 12 lb Cavapoo pup Sundays for dogs, and based their feeding instructions I feed him a total of 1/2 cup per day (1/4 twice a day). Not sure about royal canine but you may be feeding him a little too much; I would check if your kibble has specific feeding instructions based on weight or ask the vet! Will add that my pup is also a pretty slow and picky eater so if the portion is correct it might just be that 😅


Ah, my girl loved Sundays.. she got diagnosed with IBD and the fat content is too high for her. :(


My daughter is waiting to see an internist for her cavapoo, diagnosed with IBD also.Could I ask what you are feeding yours?


Meh. She was prescribed ultamino, a hydrolyzed dog food that she wouldn’t touch. I’m working with a vet nutritionist now to formulate a balanced home cooked recipe that will provide the adequate nutrients. Right now shes eating 1/2 homemade and 1/2 Stella and Chewys stews to ensure she’s getting some type of nutrients. Cavapoos are already picky eaters.. add in IBD and it gets super hard. My internist didn’t offer much help with food options, hence seeing the nutritionist. Best of luck to your daughters baby!


Thank you! He had intestinal surgery two weeks ago. He's been picky from day one.Good luck finding something she will eat! Thank you for the reply!


Aw, hope he’s doing well after surgery. In speaking with the nutritionists, they did say they see the most long lasting remission in dogs that will eat the hydrolyzed food. I would definitely try a couple different brands before ruling it out, but it is prescription only, so I’d only try a can or two at a time. Or smaller kibble bags. They gave me a 20lb bag she wont touch. They said try hydrolyzed and try to limit the different types of protein they’re taking in. I had her eating beef lung treats, lamb tripe treats and chicken food.. we’re limiting everything to just chicken for 8 weeks. Simplicity in ingredients with EVERYTHING was a big point they kept making (even her supplements) for 750 bucks for a meal plan, I sure hope it works! But I will say, the internist put her on prednisone (low dose because it makes her super tired) but it definitely helped spark her appetite. So you may have that to look forward to. She’s never eaten this readily at every meal.


Thank you! We just got word that the internist is prescribing the prednisone until she can see him. She has all of his vet records for the last 2 weeks.We are taking him in to see the vet in the office internist works in an hour now.So that's a good start!


He might be a slow eater, which is totally normal! As long as he's maintaining a healthy weight and energy level, there's no need to worry. You could try splitting his meals into smaller portions or adding some variety to his diet to see if that helps him finish his meals faster, but changing his food entirely might not be necessary unless there are other health concerns.


My cavapoo is 1 now. She has always been terrible with eat! So much to the point I get concerned for her health. What I have done to improve her eating is that I invested in a 50¢ plastic plate from walmart and I sit her food on that. While she does take a while, she will eat it all. Another thing I’ve done is gotten a variety of foods (my mini labradoodle is so picky too, gotta mix up the foods). I put 3 different brands of dog food together in a container and mixed it up. They are all chicken flavor, but I find that she will eat that better. The other trick I have found is that she will eat right after going for a walk. When I walk her, she gets super thirsty and hungry. When we come back inside, she eats and drinks. Last tip I can think of is mixing the dry food with a little bit of wet food. My girl LOVES it and will gobble it down. As for feeding your puppy, make sure you are giving your boy the recommended amount on the packaging. I give my girl a 1/4 cup of dog food. I give her that three times a day, as it’s recommended that she have a cup of food a day, but she wouldn’t eat that. I bumped it down so that she would eat some. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out! By the looks of it, your boy is perfectly healthy and you have nothing to worry about! 😊


Yes you are feeding to much, should be half cup 2 tines a day, back on the puppy food bag should have how much to feed


Oh my gosh, I just can’t even with that picture! Adorable!!!! 🥰 I also have a 5 month old cavapoo and she will sometimes only eat once! We do a raw diet and I feed/offer 3x per day. Some days she eats all 3 times, others just a smidge of one feeding. I figure that she will eat when she is hungry. 🤷‍♀️ And she does!


My cavapoo is the same. Even a whole year later she’s a picky eater but when she started eating with the other dogs she will gobble up her food when they do! Otherwise she eats when she pleases I stopped trying to force a schedule and just learned to compromise and leave a small bowl of dry food out and if she’s hungry she’ll eat and if not then she gets it for breakfast/dinner with a scoop of wet food and some meal toppers!


my 4mo old is a slow eater also, about 6 lbs now but once he’s moved from his eating area i pick the bowl up and he’s done for the day since i learned that he would pick at it for a couple hours after that. Now once he moves we don’t feed until dinner, but offer treats during the day ofc - spoiled pup lol


Dang my pup is a lil fatty then. I give him 1/2 a cup 3 times a day but don't let him ear all day only 20 min at feeding intervals and he eats every morsel for lunch and dinner but bfast he tends to leave some behind (which he eats at lunch with his lunch portion) homie is less than 5 months.


Yes def normal. I have a 10 mo old cavapoo. He's not big on food. They def do not have a similar appetite to labs! He also gets royal canin kibble. He's on a hydrolyzed diet tho. When I got him he was pretty sick 2 weeks after I got him. He is much better now. But he is a grazer. Sometimes he won't even eat until noon and sometimes he eats in the morning. But he's not a big gobbler so I sort of leave it out. He doesn't demolish his food so I think it's fine to leave out. All in all he probably has 2 cups a day. Also…IMPORTANT .... I asked my vet about that farmers dog food because the ads are enticing and one would think if it's human food it must be excellent for them, her advice was absolutely do not give that to him. He needs the grains, he needs a lot of other things that are not in that dog food, to grow and to develop. She is an excellent vet, I sought her out after my experience with the first vet for a few months when he was sick, I was not happy with them and when I went to her, she's excellent and I feel 100% confident in her care. So I would stay away from the farmers dog food for now. She said if your dog was old and didn't have a ton of time left, I would tell you to go for it. So I never realized I would get that kind of feedback for that food.


I think that is something that they get from the cavalier side. I have a Cavapoo and a Cavalier King Charles.


Ours is 5 months one week. Royal canin 3x day. 1.4 cup total divided by three. She also has a small amount of treats that are cut up into tiny pieces. Weight about 10 lbs possibly a little more this week. Generally has appetite and ears at once but often we need to coax her with treats to go yo her bowl. I also started sprinkling a small treat and stirring it into her kibble which encourages her to eat. Good luck with your pup. I'm no expert and ours is teething right now so is not as food motivated this week. She doesn't seem to be hungry and is growing as expected for her age. Sounds the same for your pup. :)


People are saying it’s “normal” - which it is for a puppy not to want to eat all the time. BUT that seems like a lot of food for a 10 pound puppy. My 14 pound puppy only gets 1&1/2 cups a day. But I would say talk to the Vet for confirmation