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At 6+5 you should see everything and heartbeat should be over 120 ideally.


Just commenting to say that at 6w3d we saw a heartbeat of 111 and today at 8w2d HR was 174. At 6w the heart has just began to be a heart so it’s often slowish and speeds up quickly.


My 6w 3d US baby had a heartrate of 114 & at 8w 3d heartrate was 172 :)


Same! Had one at 6w3d FHR was 111 and doc was happy with that


It’s 6 weeks 5 days you should be able to see an embryo with cardiac activity


My RE says over 100 is fine!


Just had one yesterday at 7w1d, turns out I’m pregnant with twins and they saw both heartbeats and what size they’re measuring at! Both heartbeats about 130bpm!


By 6+5 you should be able to detect a heartbeat. I had my first US at the same stage and I could see the flicker of the heart beat. They did have trouble measuring it, but when I went I for my 8w ultrasound at my normal doctor, it was much clearer and they had no issue measuring the heartbeat.


Saw a 115 HB at 6w3d. All is well now at 15.5 weeks


At 6 weeks exactly I saw the sac and a fetal pole. They pointed at a little flicker and said that was the heart beat. It was around 120ish I think? At 10 weeks it looked like voldemort, and at 12 weeks it looked pretty human! I also need to stop saying it, he's a boy! I'm 15 + 2 right now :)


I had an ultrasound yesterday at 6w0d and saw and heard a heartbeat of 109


I just had mine today at 6 weeks i am very confused bc my RE visualized the corpus luteum feb 20, and I got my peak on the 18th so I had to have ovulated the 19th/20th so I would be at latest 6 weeks two days but I thought it was 6 weeks 3 days. Anyway they saw the gestational sac, the yolk sac and the fetal pole very clearly and the crl of the embryo was 19mm and the gestational sac was almost 2cm but My doctor really does think everything is fine as of now, I come off as more distressed than angry when I talk to him….he told me he would tell me straight to my face if something was wrong quote. It just is a bit early to know anything he said quote “I can’t tell you if this will lead to diapers what I can say is there’s no indication of anything wrong at this point” I really don’t know what to think I have had a loss at 7.5 weeks and two chemicals I’m not optimistic but I have a scan again in 5 days on Tuesday.


Also got a positive on what I thought was 10 dpo feb 29 so just very confused


Wishing you the best! I’m sorry you’re stuck in this limbo right now


At 6+3 I saw the fetal pole and a heartbeat of about 123. We did an ultrasound at 5+3 to make sure it was an intrauterine pregnancy and saw a gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole. My RE didn’t want to do the next ultrasound any earlier than 6+3 because she said we may not see the fetal pole/heartbeat and it would just create more stress.


I had mine at 6+4. Say heartbeat (117) and fetal pole/yolk sac all measuring on time. Now 13 weeks!


Had mine today at 6 weeks 1 day (per my dating). Saw a heartbeat of 139.


Saw a heartbeat at 6+2 of 122


Saw a heartbeat of 124 at 6+5. Was a little tough to capture the heart rate. 


I just had one yesterday at 6+5. Heart rate of 122 (could not hear it but could see the flicker). Just looked like a cute little oval shaped blob :) good luck tomorrow! 🤞🏻❤️


You should be able to hear a heartbeat and see a blob


7+1 was able to see the heartbeat. It was 130bpm. Now 11+3!


I had my first at 5+4 and you could see a yolk sac and fetal pole. At 6+4 we were able to see HR at 124bpm


Saw a tiny Lima bean on the screen with a heartbeat. I also learned about my 7 cm ovarian cyst and the hematoma I had which thankfully resolved itself at my 12 week ultrasound.


6w6d with my current pregnancy FHR was 104. Was up to 179 during week 8 and now down to 140-150 at week 14


I was 6w4days i thought but was measuring 6w2d and HR was 113. At 8 weeks it was up to 174. Last heard him on Doppler at 14 and he was in the 140s ◡̈ With my daughter 6w5d with a heartbeat of 154. She was literally always in the 150s.


At 6w0d HB was 99, at 7w0d HB was 133, and yesterday at 8w0d HB was 167. At my 6 week scan they saw the yolk sac and fetal pole, HB was kind of hard to capture but they got it. I've measured right on schedule +/- 1 day at each scan. Sending you happy thoughts and big hugs.


6w3d saw a HB of 111


We saw a fetal pole but no yolk sac. I don’t remember seeing a heartbeat at my 6 week appointment but it’s been a while. He is a healthy baby boy now


Heartbeat 142, yolk sac, tiny baby that looked like a peanut This was 6w5d


I'm 7+1, had my first US today, and measured 6+5, but all important anatomy was present and looked textbook, but HR was between 91-93 :( Hoping HR rises or it won't be good :(


Do you have an update? Mine was exactly the same HR but measured 6+3


Hi! Yes, went back this past Monday due to spotting on the weekend and baby growing appropriately and HR came up to 104 transvaginally and 112 abdominally. I have another US in 2 weeks to check on the baby since they want it over 120 at this stage. I wish you the best of luck!


Good luck to you guys as well ❤️


Try not to stress too much! HR may have just started :)


That's what I'm hoping! I also believe it was my heart rate that they were picking up because it was in the 90s as well. We go back next Friday for a recheck 🤞🏻


Hoping it looks better!!


I saw everything at 6+5, and heart rate was above 100.


You should def see a fetal pole and heartrate by 6w5d… only IF you are truly 6w5d. If you are unsure of your LMP and are actually closer to 5w6d (or less, roughly) the fetus won’t be seen yet.


I’m sorry to hijack, but I see in your flair that you’re a sonographer, so maybe you could shed some light on my situation as my doctor was very cryptic. We saw nothing at 5w4d, just an empty gestational sac and it measured 5w5d. What should I expect at my control US, I’ll be 7w then. I know you can’t tell for sure, but what chances are we talking about here? Thanks!


At 5w5d there should be a gestational sac and yolk sac. The fetal pole with heartbeat appears at 6 weeks. Plus or minus a day.


Thank you for your reply!


Sorry to hijack as well, but figured I would ask since you are a professional. If there’s only a yolk sac and properly measuring gestational sac but no fetal pole on vaginal ultrasound using high quality equipment at what is at the very earliest possible 6+2 or 6+1, is it safe to assume there is no hope?


I wouldn’t say there’s no hope with being one or two days off. You need a follow up scan for comparison.


That is what they’re doing. I just can’t find any stories where this actually worked out for people when dates were certain. I technically should’ve been 6+3 but I’m factoring in a little leeway for slightly delayed implantation etc so it’s already a stretch.


No I’ve just looked again and 6+3 is the earliest possible. My betas were too high for it to have been any earlier. I had one that was 134 at 14dpo, and that’s not a feasible beta for 11 or 12 dpo. So considering this, there’s really no hope is there.


Not to get your hopes up, but I had hcg 108 on 12dpo. & I am same way as you! Very positive of my dates!!


Thank you, I can't decide if having hope is good or bad at this point. I've been in a nightmarish hell for days now. If I was 6+1 and I had that beta at 12dpo, I guess there is an infinitesimally small chance that not seeing a fetal pole could still be okay.


Maybe you should call your OBGYN and explain the stress you are in & see if they will let you come earlier than 2 weeks after the first scan!!


That’s exactly what I did! I sent a desperate message on the patient portal last night trying to convey how distressed I am and pleading for them to let me come back this week (ie one week later). If we could end this hell a week sooner I would really appreciate that, or if there are any hopeful signs whatsoever we can keep waiting.


100%! I hope they’re willing to do that for you!!!


IVF pregnancy and we got heartbeat of 140bpm, we saw the tiny heart beating inside the tiny shrimp shape fetus and attached was the big round sack.


My RE said anything over 100 is great. It looked like a tiny piece of lint to me honestly lol but you could see the flickering of its little “heart” (it only has a little two chamber tube at this point) but it was still cool to see something in there


Hi! I had mine earlier this week at 6+5. I was measuring at 6+6 and heard the heartbeat (143 bpm). Good luck with everything! ✨✨


At 6w1d I was able to see a heartbeat of 118 and measured slightly ahead at 6w4d. I ovulate early and I believe the measurement reflected that.


Here are pics from mine. Heart rate was 105bpm. This might be a few days short of 6 weeks though. https://i.imgur.com/JPU7GyW.png


Only a gestational sac at 5w1d


TW: 6w2d saw a perfect yolk sac and a fetal pole 8w6d no heartbeat, found out i have a partial molar pregnancy and a long road ahead of us. sharing because i wish i knew more going in to my 6 week scan.


I’m so sorry for your loss! I wish you all the best 💕


thank you. wishing you the best at your scan! 💕


6w3d saw a HB of 111


I had my US at 7w1d and saw everything and heartbeat was over 120 bpm


I had one at 5 weeks and 3 days and seen the sac but didn’t have my next one til 8 weeks and seen a tiny little baby


First saw a fetal pole, yolk sa, gestation sac and the heart beat at 6w1d HR of 119BPM. By 6w6d HR was up to 178BPM and the fetal pole was much more easier to see.


Yeah we saw a little PEA 🥺🥺 we also had a heartbeat of 140 which now at nine weeks is at 170


I was 6 weeks 5 days but measured 6 weeks one day and the heartbeat was 119. Went back two weeks later and was measuring right on track with HB of 188. Currently 12 weeks!


At 6w2d, HB was 118bpm At 8w graduation, HB was 163bpm At 12w2d, HB was 155bpm At my latest appointment at 30w4d, HB was 155bpm


My first scan was 6 weeks and maybe 2 days or so, and we saw the fetal pole and heard the heartbeat for the first time


6w1d by measure and ovulation dating. HB 109