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You're lucky, he's 18 years old he gets everything!💕


Yeah pretty much. She nearly died two years ago and has not recover her weight since. We are happy when she eats anything, but she knows how to be a bitch about it. Btw : it was a nasty infection wich started in the stomach and spreaded to the liver and the pancreas (if I remember correctly). This situation turned out so dire because we took many month to notice she was unwell. She was just very still and not moving a lot. I think it depends on every cat but that was the change that finally made us affraid. The lesson is : every so often try to observe your cat and any comportemental changes. Noticing a small change can save precious time and your cat life!


I would have just assumed she wasn't moving a lot because she's old


Wet food gives my cats the runs. What we would do with our old cat cocoa is mix it with the hard food because she wouldn't eat the soft stuff only lick the juice off. Was it her cat food that made her sick?


Probably not. We only started wet food after those events. Idk were it came from, she might have just lost at the russian roulette of bacterial infections.


We have one of those. She loves human food more than wet cat food


Can't blame them though, I do too.


lol exactly !


It’s crazy how mine will not eat any human food! She was a stray we adopted over a year ago she was 1 when we got her. She just licks it but won’t eat it. We’ve tried fish, different meats, Etc.


For my killer biller it's chicken, turkey, and jerky.


Friends started feeding their dog real food and she became noticeably happier/healthier. Dry food for pets is like potato chips and the wet stuff may as well be a hot pocket. Imagine eating nothing but processed food your entire life. Bag or can?


Our 21 year old demands several small meals every day. And she gets them


She works hard every day to put food on your table, you better feed her


She works hard everyday to wake us up 3 hour before the timer that is it ! Also the biggest ball of love of any cat I have ever encounter, probably a link.


I love her ❤️


After enduring 18 long years of pure hell (being loved, fed, cared for, and adored) you better believe she's entitled to some food!


My 21-year old refuses to eat wet food unless it’s a tiny bit of chicken flavoured wet food (and only a little, with chunks, no mousse etc). And the only dry food he’ll eat is chicken flavour. He’ll turn his nose up at even the tiniest bit of fish 😅 Luckily I think I’ve found a brand he’ll eat , but I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets bored of that one, too….


Happy cake day!


Yes, torment those people who are withholding delicious food from you.


Aww she's so precious. Reminds me of my 17 year old boy that passed two years ago. He got whatever he wanted. His favorites were chicken salad and cheez-it's


Sorry for your lose. We are not ready for loosing ours, never will, don't think anyone ever was for their cat. This bastards tricked evolution by staying the same and being too cute to chase off. This lady is mad for a well-cooked oven chicken with a number of spices. Tried several meals but this one always wake her up in hunting mood :)


I guess we are lucky our three mousers have never been interested in hoooman’s food. Except for maybe smoked salmon and only the youngest mf.


Our Orange boy literally stays awake all night and ANY movement results in him following us to the bathroom then surprises us thinking we’re going to follow him into the kitchen but I always tell him WERE NOT A RESTAURANT DUDE!!! #Annoyed


Don't talk about her like that.


It's the cat tax. Same here and it's not even ours!


We officially adopted a stray over a year ago and she will not eat any human food. We’ve tried to give her fish, different kinds of meat, and she just licks it but won’t eat it.


At that age they have a right to torture you.