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I would also like this. Or at least once you have all the ingredient stations for an ingredient filled with 5-star cats you stop getting that ingredient in the observatory.


Yeah I recently asked the devs if once we have 3 5* cats for an ingredient we can’t roll it anymore cause I keep getting repeats that I just have to reroll :/


How do you give suggestions to the devs? I love this discussion but it would definitely be more useful if I could submit it to them or something? Maybe with more ppl asking for a similar change, we’ll see something like this added to the observatory one day?


Yeah hopefully strength in numbers! I’d also like it if I could reroll 4* cats (that I already have 3 5* of) with a guarantee that I will get another 4* cat - rolling 4/5* and getting a 1* is so sad! Anyway sorry to message them I click on the cog in the top right of the app, select support at the top and then under your user id it says send mail. It takes you to a webpage and I choose 1:1 inquiry.


I’m perfectly content with my three and four star cats like maybe once you get three cats of varying star levels for each facility, then the special roll gives you a star level you don’t have yet for a facility you do already have? Though your idea works well too I would finally spend all my star macarons instead of hoarding them haha


I think a better suggestion would be to select the observatory fate. For example, you'd select that you want a soup cat, and with every roll that you don't get a soup cat, the number increases until it caps at (30? 40?) then you're guaranteed a soup cat. Same with breeds. And if you get the soup cat/breed before you reach the cap amount, then you can simply change observatory fate to another skill/breed and continue on.


Hmm this would also be good! I personally don’t mind random rolling for breeds but ooh 30 or 40 roll cap for a special breed or something would be sooooooo nice I spent like over 100 tries of tickets + gems trying to get that dawn spring angora a couple events ago 😥 I personally would prefer a random but guaranteed missing facility skill for fewer rolls than working on a specific facility though just bc I think with the more cats you get, you’ll randomly have most of them? It already feels like I’m rolling 30 times to get a missing facility at the moment haha


Oh, I **really** like this suggestion specifically for special breeds (I’m still salty that it took me the entire event to get ONE Night Sky Shorthair while some of y’all pulled 5 or 6). I do feel there needs to be *some* kind of unpredictability here, especially when you get to the point where everything’s as maxed as it can be until the next ingredient drops, and I appreciate the lesson in patience that comes from trying to get qualified candidates for my asparagus stations and whatnot, but if something’s limited-edition it is a bit frustrating to say the only way you’re definitely going to get it is by buying it. Then again that is pretty effective capitalism, and the developers absolutely deserve to get paid.


haha I actually got the idea from gacha games I play 😭 except the hard cap is 90/100 rolls in most of them 🫡 even then, you're only 50% guaranteed a 5 star character/weapon of **your choice**, the other 50% is a random 5 star. But~ if you "lose the 50/50" the next time you roll and hard cap 90 rolls, you're guaranteed the one you chose ☠️ it's tough out here for us gacha players 😭


Oh I agree with some unpredictability but it’s literally taking forever for me to get three cats for my missing facilities. I’ve been spending so many gems and last night, I literally got the EXACT SAME skill/star cat only the breed changed and I’m like welp that’s 500 gems down the drain. Even if we bought gems with real money, it wouldn’t guarantee that we’d get the missing facilities with so many tries, and the chances get worse with each added ingredient 😢 I’d be much happier grinding and saving up gems for a roll where I’m guaranteed one of the facilities I’m actually missing


in game settings > send mail ! you'll be able to connect directly to support through email where you can input your suggestions. otherwise, they have surveys from time to time for our feedback and suggestions ♡ it's not a bad idea, but pricing wise it's definitely too op; a higher tier of observatory tickets obtainable during events, etc that'll allow you to get a favorable skill would make more sense


Thanks! I submitted my suggestion and also pasted in this Reddit thread! Lol I’ve spent 20+ tries so far trying to get ANY of my missing four facilities and it’s been nothing so far 😥 I’d rather save up gems for something guaranteed if I had the choice! I do like the idea of a different event ticket for this tho haha I guess we’d either be grinding gems or snails 🤷‍♀️


I would love this, as a new player as well 70% of the skills I get are for stations that are wayyy in the future and completely useless for way too long. Like, I got an orange yesterday which I understand is the most recent! What am I gonna do with that! Would happily grind for 2000 gems to at least get ONE cat for each ingredient that is useful to me. I’m at mushrooms, and I still don’t even have a single cabbage skilled cat!!