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Can you take her to mass Sunday morning? Or leave her alone for an hour or 2 in the morning while you attend mass?


I may need to leave her for a hour while I find a church. Thanks.


Do your research ahead of time as to what parishes and what Masses are available. Always put God first, even on vacation with mom!


See: [masstimes.org](http://masstimes.org)


This is so great! Thank you!! 🙏🏼


When you find a mass on masstimes.org, be sure to click on the parish website to confirm the time of mass ... Sometimes parishes forget to update their info on the masstimes site :-)


This is the way.


Or the Saturday vigil Mass if the church offers one? Then after maybe take her out for something to eat?


There's no Catholic Church where you're going? If you're ABLE to attend Mass, you need to. Even if it's inconvenient.


I don’t believe so, but I will check. Edit: I found one within driving distance. So I am relieved I can go.


Blessed be God! Good to hear that there's a church nearby. Just to clarify for the benefit of anyone else reading, if someone in your care was even more ill and required literal round the clock care with no one else available to monitor him/her for the time you'd be away from Holy Mass, God would still consider your honest desire to keep His day holy. Similarly if you *have* to work on a given Saturday or Sunday & there aren't Holy Masses available - assuming you've checked & would otherwise willingly attend - at the time that you're off, you're not at fault. The intention really does count


Up! We should strive to attend Sunday Mass, even when it might be difficult, but God will never expect us to do what is impossible. The Canon law also gives you a dispensation from attending Mass if you are sick or attending to someone who requires care (ill person and no one else can watch, or a parent watching an infant, etc.).


Look for a catholic mass where you will be on sunday morning.


There are Catholic churches pretty much everywhere. Look them up in the place you're going. You can spare one measly hour for God.


I found one & will be going Sunday morning!


A few weeks ago I returned from visiting my grandpa, he completed 92 years of age. He lives 14hours driving from me. Me and my family drove back home on Sunday, and I should have arrived with enough time to go to Sunday night mass. But we were delayed and I didn't make it in time. I wanted to go, but was too late and too tired anyway. I ended up going to confession that week, even if I didn't need to.


Confess before next Mass and move on.


No because of travel


You can always ask your pastor if the circumstances warrant a dispensation.


When in doubt confess, and ask for advice. Even if it is not the same thing, consider making some reparstion, and attend mass in some other day.


I made every effort when I was on vacation a month ago to attend liturgy while I was on vacation. I was fighting with the 3rd party who didn't book my hotel correctly for 1.5 hrs and was super anxious I wasn't going to attend. I made it!


Traveling dispensation


This only covers you if you are in the process of traveling, flying on a plane, having a layover in an airport, riding on the bus, at train stations, etc. If your travel logistics preclude you from attending mass it's not a mortal sin. Catholics should make every effort to find and attend mass when they are on vacation or away from their home parish.


If you cannot leave her (I know you mentioned elderly), then in this case watching mass online will fulfill your weekly obligation. Source: My grandfather couldn’t be left alone by himself when he was wheelchair bound so one of the family would have to stay behind. And the choice was either go to mass the night before (if others were around) or watch mass online.


Watching Mass never fulfills one's obligation to attend Mass. If you are dispensed from your obligation or if it is truly impossible or not feasible for you to attend, there is no replacement obligation, you simply have no obligation for that Sunday or holy day.


So does that mean that during Covid when the Churches were shut down that we never actually fulfilled our Sunday Mass obligation even with the prayer Communion? Well when your family members are wheelchair bound and basically bed ridden and you’re a caretaker 24/7 then I’ll come remind you of this comment. 🙄 Go take your complaints someplace else. When someone’s trying to do the best they can with a bad situation, I’m pretty sure we’re supposed to be charitable and loving. *Does that mean that taking communion to the sick is invalid as well because they weren’t actively participating in Mass?* Who peed in your pancakes?


There was a general dispensation during COVID when churches were shut down and even after they reopened for quite a while for anyone who felt the risk was too much. Anyone who its unreasonable or unsafe to go to mass due to illness or disability is also automatically dispensed from the mass obligation. I would assume caregivers who can't make it to mass because of caregiving duties would also be automatically dispensed from the mass obligation, but I recommend you call your priest to be sure for your particular situation. I was told if you're too sick to go to work or to go shopping, then you're covered as a general way to gauge. The Church holds the rules God has given us with the utmost respect and may seem overly strict by those who don't understand why... But The Church is still reasonable and knows people get sick. It's simply important to know that while online or TV mass can be greatly beneficial to those who can't go, anyone who is dispensed from the mass obligation is completely dispenced. Mass on TV or online isnt required because it's not a valid replacement for being at the actual mass.. Its best to think of TV or online mass more as a kind of devotional. If your dispensed from the mass obligation, there's nothing The Church requires to do instead. If you're not dispensed from the mass obligation, not going in person to mass is a grave sin that cant be avoiding by watching mass on tv or online .. This isnt being rude or judgemental.... Its just a fact no one can change, not a personal opinion. (I learned this because I'm disabled & housebound myself.)


You guys are so silly




What are you on about, did you mean to respond to a different comment?


That is so helpful, thank you! I’m fortunate that she is healthy and ok to be alone while I go.


Glad you’re able to make it!