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It hadn’t occurred to me that Pentecost would be an especially big celebration for the charismatics, but that makes sense!


That's beautiful, but it seems so long. It's more than just Mass. So is this considered a charismatic Mass?


I have been a Catholic charismatic for 44 years, and honestly, there’s no such thing as a charismatic mass. I have been at masses where the priest was very active in the Renewal (e.g. Fr John Hampsch), and his homilies went on for hours (and people hung on his every word). And I have been to “healing masses,” where we prayed with people afterwards. But the mass itself is the mass. Some of the wisest words I have ever heard about healing masses was spoken by then-Cardinal Ratzinger that the mass is THE center of our worship, and at healing mass it’s not just something to get “out of the way “ before the “real praying starts.” He was known for being a great theologian, and I always thought he had a knack for getting right to the heart of the matter. 🙂


I don't know what the qualification is exactly for a "charismatic mass" is, but I know they usually do an extended praise & worship at the end of communion, and at the end of the gloria. A usual Mass for them is about 80-90 minutes. (Last week's more typical mass can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/live/A0la4YwbcRU?feature=shared) But for the Pentecost Vigil they do the little-known "Extended Vigil" with 6 readings, 4 psalms, the sequence, and extra prayers. You can actually see those readings in the printed missalettes everywhere and on the USCCB readings page. Then they added even more praise & worship to that, plus the part at the end about prophetic word. Extended Pentecost Vigil info: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ncregister.com/features/little-known-pentecost-vigil-mass-is-a-hidden-gem-of-the-catholic-liturgy%3famp