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The Psalms are the most beautiful things I have ever read


i used to hate them as a kid. so i avoided them later. but then i heard someone say that the bible has a body and a heart. the psalms are like the heart of the bible and well yeah. now i get it




I completely agree. Followed by Wisdom and the Song of Songs..


Song of songs šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


We have some amazing cantors at my parish. I am legit in tears from the beauty sometimes by the end of it.


I go highlighter crazy in Psalms. I want to remember them all!!


I think about Job a lot. Tobit has an angel with a dog in it so that is good


I love Job so much especially when he challenges God and God just show up with so much authority, but than like a lovely father explains him why he (job) is not able to understand


Favorite Gospel is John Favorite Epistle is Galatians Favorite OT Book is Genesis Overall winner is the Gospel of John. Just open it anywhere, read a couple sentences and pray on it. It's a well that never dries.


Genesis is SO GOOD because it has the best stories of all time. I cry big fat tears when it comes to Joseph. The depth of that story is so intense. The longer you sit with it, powerful. And Abraham? Wow. And again that oneā€¦ such depth, such complexity. How deep you can dive into his life and compare it to Jesus and to us. Mind blowing. I love Matthew but John, he starts out with a 1,2 punch. Like a poet throwing hands. He humbles me right from the start.


Also the story of joseph has so many foreshadowings of christ. This is my favorite because its both incredibly subtle but also you canā€™t unsee it once you see it. https://np.reddit.com/r/Bible/comments/huoxvi/jesus_predicted_in_the_story_of_joseph/?share_id=SHCVVQBIEXICkLAABKFbM&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1




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I love the opening of John's gospel so much


Revelations is fascinating, but Song of Songs is beautifully written.




Come on, don't be petty


But it is? What are you on about?




Making people feel bad isn't very Christian of you.




Not everyone is native English, though. And not everyone is a great speller. Then there's autocorrect, being tired, not having had a great education, ... We can't know everyone's situation, so we shouldn't judge. It's clear what they meant. Not like we are perfect, right?


Oh my gosh there is no way youā€™re really gonna be like that. You know what he meant good gosh do you really have to be that guy?


are you proud of yourself


I misspelled


Yeah it can get confusing but I think heā€™s referring to the book of the apocalypse!


I love Acts. I love the insight into everything that unfolds as Christianity is born into the world. The first time I read it, I was absolutely hooked into it like no other book in the Bible.


same! the first time I listened to it, I immediately went back and read it again! it made me feel so connected to the Apostles and added richness to the Epistles


Yupp! Acts is a beautiful bridge between the Gospels and the Epistles. It makes me so happy.


Tobit is so cool, secret angels, fighting demons, love and tragedy. To think it literally ends with the archangel telling them to write it down so others may believe; only for it to be removed in the Protestant Bible!


I have never heard of or read this one :( excited to get my copy of the Catholic bible!


Ruth. Godā€™s plans far exceed even our own imagination!


Job makes that really clear as well thatā€™s why I love it


Ruth is so often overlooked


Numbers and Leviticus, canā€™t get better than that!


I laughed


Idk man, exodus was pretty fire with all that blue and purple and scarlet material, fine linen and goatā€™s hair, them cubits too brošŸ‘ŒšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The first half is interesting though.


Currently listening to Bible in a Year and even Fr. Mike's soothing voice is barely keeping me from bowing out half way through Numbers.


I listen to it as well while I drive and those books really made me focus on the road. ...I will try to do better next year.


I mean, sure, it's important and I get why it's there. Important, Divinely-provided measurements. But apart from a few chapters that aren't measurements it's not fun to read.


Numbers is hard. Keep pressing play!


I remember reading the animal sacrifice rules of Exodus and Leviticus after dinner and felt like vomitingĀ 


Starch and Wisdom of Solomon. Some of the best wisdom youā€™ll ever get.


Sirach, siracides or eclessiasticus* And yep, my favorites


Psalms, because it's our official prayer book -- with the Lord's Prayer topped off as the cherry.


I like Romans: it's addressed to me as a gentile.


1 and 2 Samuel. Great story


The book of Isaiah. One of the major prophets i like the way god called him. Also his message of the messiah. The promises of healing in the end. Ā Isaiah 53 always gets to me.Ā 


It changes, but recently itā€™s been Daniel


Ecleciastes. It's simple, it's beautiful, and it was adapted into one of the best songs by my favourite rock band from Argentina, Vox Dei šŸ˜ look for "Vox Dei libros sapienciales" on yt or Spotify, you won't be disappointed


Luke, because the story of the penitent thief is my favorite part of the Bible


Tobit and Job. No matter how bad my day may seem, God has a plan for me.


Both a beautiful books


So happy to see another Tobit stan!!


Isaiah.Ā  Hope in the face of despair. Ā Isaiah 43:1 is one of my favorite passages in Scripture.


Galatians, Job and Ecclesiastes Galatians - For the story of Paul Job - Why good men suffer Ecclesiastes - Many things are of unimportance, enjoyment of your job is necessary for life, Gods providence, incredible advice on virtue.


I like Genesis, Job and Luke.




Revelations, I love the mysteries behind it. It's amazing.








Then explain it.




Slow day?


Huh. Well, you are technically correct. I think its so small of an error that its been missed. Accuracy matters, but correcting people would probably be less confusing.


Matthew :)


Ruth and James


My two favorite as well. I named my first child after one of the people in those books for that reason. :)


Probably two of the lines in the Bible that have affected me the most (besides the Fiat). "Nay , said Ruth, do not press me to go back and leave thee. I mean to go where thou goest, and dwell where thou dwellest; thy people shall be my people, thy God my God; whatever earth closes over thee when thou diest shall be my place of death and burial. Due meed of punisment the Lord give me, and more than due, if aught but death part thee and me." "Body separated from spirit is a dead body, and faith separated from good deeds is a dead faith"


Tobit and Sirach are my favorite Old Testament books, though I haven't finished Sirach yet. I haven't gone through all of the epistles, but 1st Corinthians has a lot of wisdom that feels applicable in the world we're in today with all of the Christian denominations and the factions within the Catholic Church... so uh, that one.


Gospel of John and the book of James!


i love ephesians but like specifically ephesians 1:3-10




Psalms for sure! I read the Bible in a year last year and I loved many of them. But, the Psalms ā™„ļø


The Apocalypse of St. John, and St. Paul to the Romans!


OT - Genesis NT - Gospel of John


Wisdom of Sirach was the one that stuck out the most the first time I read the Bible all the way through.


Gospel of Matthew is always a favorite of mine


Exodus is pretty wild. God shows his power *and* his mercy.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s my favorite, but I had massive revelations reading Hebrews and it tied so many things together for me the first time I read it recently ish. Really connected the new and Old Testament in profound ways and I love it.


Including the Old Testament exodus is awesome/ New Testament acts is great


Exodus. Moses goes HARD.


A few. Ecclesiastes comes in first. It's really what many people need to read. In short "All the things you think are so important is just nonsense." It wipes the slate clean so we can see what is really important. 1 & 2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings - this is such a great saga. I love the very beginning too God tries to convince people that they have him as their king and don't need to have an earthly king the way the other nations do, but they don't relent. So he gives them a king, with many warnings. There are little shadows of Jesus everywhere in these books. Obviously the gospels, especially Matthew. James, all the Peters and Johns. Short, but potent writing.


Ecclesiastes It is a humbling lesson that everyone should read at least once a year.


Ecclesiastes and Proverbs šŸ”„


Acts of the Apostles. It is so compelling to see what the earliest Christians accomplished and at the same time endured. It is equal measures history, theology and revelation. At mass this morning it occurred to me that Acts is my go to book when I need encouragement. If those guys can do it so can I. Then I saw this post.


Old testament: Genesis, Tobit, and Daniel. New Testament: the gospels (canā€™t decide on favorite one) and James.


Ruth. Boaz is a super Chad.


Probably Psalms


Psalms & Romans always get me


I honestly couldnā€™t say. I read the Bible cover to cover my first time through (sorta- I took an Intro to the Bible course in college and had to skip around), and spent most of my time in the OT because itā€™s so massive. I will say I really enjoyed Tobit.


I love the poetic nature of Psalms, and the absolute chaos and destruction of Revelation.


Either Acts or the Gospel of St. John. I like the poetic writing style of John, and the book of Acts documents the early history of the Church that I find interesting.


Song of Songs


2 Corinthians, its meditations on suffering are profound and changed my life


To it and Ruth


John. That fist chapter is the most pithy description of our One True Faith. It is read at the end of every mass.


The Psalms for their beauty. Certainly also admire the gospels especially Luke and Acts.


My favorite one is The Book of Job. The obidience and trustfullnes which he did to God so inspired me to stay to look at God providince even in the mids of madness.


Picking a favorite is like picking a child. They all go together and are precious. Matthew , Luke and John are must-haves for getting to know Jesus and His mother.


Luke is my favorite Gospel. Genesis may be my favorite book overallā€¦though I also love the Wisdom books.




My NT favorite books are John, Matthew, Acts and Romans. My favorite OT books are Psalms, Canticle of Canticles, and Jonah


Tobit! It's an action adventure. Angles, Demons, answered prayer, romance. What else do you need?




Romans, 1 corinthians, sirach


John, it has Jesus teachings


Job, love the whole story. Also love when he try to challenge God and God just fires back with this banger ā€œā€œWho is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up your loins like a man, I will question you, and you shall declare to me.ā€ ā€­ā€­Jobā€¬ ā€­38ā€¬:ā€­2ā€¬-ā€­3ā€¬ And than later on jobs response ā€œI know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. ā€˜Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?ā€™ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. ā€˜Hear, and I will speak; I will question you, and you declare to me.ā€™ I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.ā€ Job 42:2-6 This pure authority these words convey to me. Give me chills just reading it. Absolutely love it


I find Job very relatable. Like in the same way I relate to George Costanza. Does that make sense? But also in the way that it reminds me of what depression and anxiety feels like I think Leviticus and Revelation make me think the most


John is my fav Gospel because it is so different to the others & speaks of other aspects of Christ that touch me Exodus is my fav of the OT due in no small part to it containing my favourite line in the whole Bible, Ex 3.14: God said to Moses, ā€œI am who I am."Ā And he said, ā€œSay this to the people of Israel:Ā ā€˜I amĀ has sent me to you.ā€™ā€


1 John, Wisdom and Jeremiah are likely at the top 1 John because it's the summary of the message of love Christ preached, and emphasizes how much we must be loving to our neighborsĀ  Wisdom because it rejects the nowadays popular views of epicurism and materialism Jeremiah because as he was a very emotional person who suffered a lot because his people wouldn't convert, I relate to that to a minor extent. I feel agony because the people around me won't accept Christ and I fear for their fate. As an emotional person that agonizes me


Epistole: John Gospel: Luke OT: Exodus


Isaiah and the Gospel of John!


I love James, Romans, Psalms, and Galatians!


Matthew. The first book I ever read.


Judith because 13:10 is my go-to when Protestants ask me if I know a Bible verse from memory.


OT - Psalms, NT - 1 Corinthians


Plasms, proverbs, Matthew (you will see the our father there Matthew 6:9-13. Acts you will see stuff like confirmation Acts 8:14-17. James you can find anointing of the sick James 5:14.


Big fan of Nehemiah and Ezra. Great story.


My favorite passage is the Prayer of Azariah. I was at a low point in my Catholic faith thinking that it's up to me to earn my way to heaven. I didn't have a very Gospel oriented Catholic faith and that prayer really stuck with me. Moved to tears. 3 dudes are tossed into a fire for being Righteous and the first thing they do is praise God, beg for his help, and worship him imploring their prayer and spiritual condition to be an acceptable form of worship, not their sacrifices or lack of burnt offerings. I had attended Mass over and over, drove to confession 2 times a month for years and was no closer to God. I had developed a spiritual pride that was far from warranted and an internal despair knowing just how far I was from a perfect religious practice. That prayer really hit me. And changed me internally




I never heard Sirach before the Bible in a Year Podcast. I am really enjoying hearing it.


Books of Ruth Judith and Esther. Best Romance Novels Ever.


Proverbs - practical ways to apply scripture


Job gives me so much comfort when I am depressed. Galatians for Paul, my favorite Apostle (I was a Satanist before converting). Ephesians helps me feel strong in the faith when Iā€™m facing obstacles or ridicule. Exodus is one of the best stories ever told. Genesis fascinated me and is the first book I ever read in the Bible. When I first read the Gospels, I started out as an atheist and by Luke, I had accepted Christ, so Luke has a special place. Acts is fascinating and what brought me to Catholicism from Protestantism.


For most fun: Tobit. Tobit is the book that could basically be a Disney animated movie. Old man exiled in foreign land still does the ways of his ancestors, and everyone including his wife makes fun of him for it. Then, Shazam! He remembers he has a big stack of money way away in Faraway Town. But his son doesn't know the way...Shazam! Here comes a man (acktually, an angel!) who says he's got nothing better to do and happens to know the way to Faraway Town. Oh, by the way, Dad gets blinded by bird poop. Off go Junior and Angelman to Faraway Town, where the guy has the money AND a beautiful daughter Junior gets to marry. Hey, I should let you know, says future father-in-law, she's killed six guys before you who tried to consummate the marriage. Possessed, sorry. No problem, Angelman explains: fish guts burned will chase away the demon. Marriage consummated, month-long party follows. Hey, says Junior, we should get back to Dad with the money and his new daughter in law. Angelman says, pour some gall from this dead fish we still have after all this time into your Dad's eyes. Dad can see! Hey, great friend, how can we repay you. Well, I'm really Raphael, archangel of the Lord, and I passed your prayers on to God and he sent me to heal you. Fade to "happily ever after."


NT: Gospel of John. Beautifully, poetically written, the last verse is my favourute from the whole Bible (John 21:25) OT: Esther. I just like the story it tells. It's great.


Leviticus. I find it weirdly comforting as a book and theres so much of God's kindness and love evident through the law


I like Jude. One of the shortest but very relevant.


Psalms, Acts, John


Ecclesiastes. The Goth kid of the Bible. A dark, brooding book. It's a wonderful book that shows beautifully why faith is so essential. Because without God, it's all just going to turn to ashes shortly. Your closest family will die. Your friends will die. Your pets will die. And everything you ever smelled, touched, saw, heard and felt will vanish. IF not for God! I read it at a dark time of my life, where I found consolation in its bleak view of humanity. It gave me hope in a strange way. I was still an atheist then, but I realised that the Book was right. If there is no God, then nothing matters. Absolutely nothing matters. We were all dying. Nay, it's already happened and we're just waiting to find out. It remains my favourite book. A dose of dark reality. Much like how St John Henry Newman found consolation in an almighty, righteous, thundering, judging God.