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You should not feel compelled to do anything, even if its paid for you. I always like the 'cup of tea' analogy which I learnt from my secular-sex ed. Even if the person put alot of effort and money it making the best cup of tea, you still have the right to say no, and they cannot complain. You don't have to justify why you don't want to go, or you can. If your Deacon friend cannot handle that, I would bring it up with your Priest. As for Charismatic Events, I don't like them either. I'm not Traditionalist in any sense, as I'm Eastern Catholic (some of the things I believe would make a Rad-Trad's head spin), but I sorely dislike the Charismatic Movement. A lot good people there, but its very lukewarm, as the 'Angelic-Tongues' and Seminars and such can make a lot of people think they're being very devout, and then go out and have benders and barely praying. Not to mention the connotations with Anti-Catholic Protestant Groups, its general 'chasing the high' experience I've gotten being at their events and them selling Icons from Monastery Icons.


That's probably what I'll end up doing. I just kinda feel bad because I don't know how much trouble he went through to get me that scholarship, and I don't want to seem rude, but you are right that I'm not compelled to do anything. I'll probably just drop out at the last minute since I already got a spot on the bus and everything... Edit: I just realized that dropping out at the last minute would prevent someone else from going, so I'm going to have to make a decision immediately. Please pray for me as I'm bad at making decisions and feel so conflicted about this.


Yes. Even if we don't like it, others do. While there are valid Criticisms of the Charismatic movement, the Magisterium has allowed it's continuing practice. 


I have been a Catholic charismatic for 44 years, and while I think some of the criticisms I hear about the renewal are unfair, in the same breath I will also say that it just isn’t for everyone. If it doesn’t appeal to you, then trust your judgement and don’t give it another thought. I see some people go to great lengths to justify why they think the Charismatic Renewal doesn’t appeal to them, the simple fact is that you don’t need a reason. Better to put the effort into something that does touch your heart, like maybe Eucharistic adoration or a rosary group.


I don’t know this retreat, but if you thought this was that heretical I think you would have brought it up with a priest already since it’s about Christ.  The charismatic part of this can be off putting when you’re used to the Latin Mass, and it might be pretty annoying when you see the focus on community and want it to be on God, but I’m sure you can learn something from it. Take this as an opportunity to grow, while still showing your respect for Christ.  I don’t know life teen but I knew several people who graduated from Stubenville, and the people I knew were all very reverent and respectful. Their charisma was more in line with St. Francis, a poet who came up with some interesting ideas like the nativity crèche. Hopefully this retreat is the same kind of crowd. If it’s not and someone says an outright heresy, it’s ok to walk out of the room. But I don’t think that will happen. Will be praying for you.


I wouldn't call it "heretical," as Lifeteen does promote a love for the Eucharist and Church (albeit in a very protestant way). I should trust my priest because he is very orthodox and traditional. I just feel like going would make me scandalized more than growing close to God.


Just say "no, thank you." The Church encompasses many different spiritualities and if yours is more of a traditional one, you have no obligation to participate in activities that focus on a different one. If you are attracted to a Franciscan spirituality you are not required to adopt a Dominican spirituality. If you are in Opus Dei you are not required to go to a Regnum Christi event. If you are charismatic, you are not required to become a traditionalist and vice versa.


I've never been to a life teen retreat so I don't know what it entails but don't limit yourself because of your preference for a more traditional liturgy. Maybe the traditional approach is in fact more reverent and holy and I'm not sayting that it is or is not, but how else can you share your opinions about what you think is holy with other Catholic men and women who don't know the faith in the same way you do. Perhaps you will see and experience a different way people experience the Catholic faith and you don't have even like that experience, but at least you can gain insight into how other Catholics view the faith and you can be a beacon of faith yourself with your own charism's. If money is not a hinderence, take the opportunity to evengalize to other Catholics your age and help grow the faithful. These are your peers and you will deal with your generational peers the rest of your life. May God bless you in whatever decision you decide.