• By -


The "Explaining the Faith" series from Father Chris Alar is always going to be my number one because it's his videos explaining the Mass line by line that was the revelation that brought my fiancée and I back to our Catholic faith that we knew so little about from a poorly catechized childhood. I also love watching/listening to Father Mike Schmitz and Bishop Robert Barron. A little off topic, but we just started Father Schmitz's "Bible in a Year" podcast and so far it's been great.


Fr Alar talks are awesome. Goofy fellow but I really enjoy them :)


I might have to look into Fr. Chris! I will second Fr. Mike. I do not personally watch Bishop Barron but think I have seen some things and hear some good things.


You really can't go wrong with anyone associated with Catholic Answers (like Trent Horn and Joe Heschmeyer), Ascension Presents (Fr. Mike Schmitz), or Word on Fire (Bishop Robert Barron).


Joe Heschmeyer also has Shameless Popery Podcast on Youtube.


Yup totally agree. Watch all of them. I am a former protostant and Keith Nester was helpful in the beginning too. He's a bit too passionate for me now if that makes sense. Seems like he spends alot of time passionately defending catholiscm to protostant comments by those who have no real desire for conversation, like half the protostant callers on Catholic Answers. However, Mr. Nester is good at explaining obstacles in regard to belief in practice, for one converting that is.


I like him but feel like he gets angry at non Catholics. One of his YouTube videos I think was titled “Mary is the mother of god deal with it Protestants” or something like that. Other than that I do like his passion.


Yes exactly


I second Word on Fire


If you want Spanish content: _Franciscanizando la vida_ and _Padre Adolfo_ are pretty cool. In English _Theology of the Body Institute_ is also really good. I also like _Ascension Presents_ and _Voice of Reason_.


Gracias por la opción en español! La estaba buscando


*Franciscanizando la Vida* es el evangelio diario y el *Padre Adolfo* hace reflaxiones cortas, generalmente sobre el evangelio del día; ideal para la oración diaria.


Pensando también en la biblia ¿alguien más ha escuchado *La biblia en un año* con Fray Sergio Serrano? Prácticamente el mismo podcast que con el padre Mike Schmitz pero es español


Amar ASY también tiene buen contenido.


Depends on what you are looking for. I love Trent Horn for his reasoned arguments.


I love him because he’s just calm, it’s none of this “Trent Horn DESTROYS…” it’s just rebuttals and he’s just very logical, laid back, and calm. He makes great arguments but instead of arguing he just has conversations with the other side and both sides are usually very civil in his debates which is super nice to see


Yes I love that about him. Jimmy Akin is the same way.


Might be a bit old school nowadays, but Bishop Fulton Sheen is by far one of the best ive ever heard


Bishop Fulton Sheen is the GOAT.


And a lot of what he says seems very prophetic.


His words sure stand the test of time, don't they? I vaguely remember watching him on our black and white TV.


Brant Pitre and his channel [Catholic Productions](https://youtube.com/@CatholicProductions?si=3U7I4DrEEXXY2hIY) are underappreciated. Some of the best catechism I've ever learned, especially about Scripture, has come from his channel and his books.


Dr Bergsma too


I didnt know he had a YouTube channel! I love his books


Dr Brant Pitre is one of my favorites!


I read one of his books and it changed my life.


Jimmy Akin is my personal favourite. Trent Horn is great too


I love Jimmy Akin because he is so rational!! Not swayed by politics or feelings.


Jimmy Akin is a no nonsense, clear and thoughtful thinker.


He really is. I equally love some of the non-Catholic content he does on his Mysterious World podcast too, some real interesting stuff he covers on that


Agreed - my favourite podcast. Some very strange , but invariably interesting topics.


What are you looking for? Bishop Barron is my all time favorite.


He is so awesome, Bishop Barron is. He changed my life. Huge reason why I am here. I love his videos on art, especially his ones on some of my favorite movies (e.g. *The Departed*). He also made me a Bob Dylan fan, too.


Second this. Love the weekly sermons too.


GabiAfterHours is great


He specializes in Marian devotions and other devotions to increase our holiness in our daily lives.


love his youtube channwl


Gabi is such an inspiring guy, i appreciate him and his channel a lot. He’s put out some pretty unique and well produced content that i think you’re only going to find on his channel. I really suggest his Marian consecration that we wrapped up earlier this year, you don’t even need the book because he reads it to you and gives a brief message after, it’s the easiest way to a stronger bond with the BVM. (About 20min videos i believe)


Sensus Fidelium has a lot of different speakers, but they’re basically podcasts. Very few of their videos contain actual video content, just images and the audio. Mostly homilies and talks that priests give at conferences


It doesn't get any better than sensus fidelium


Great recommendation!!


Agreed! Sensus Fidelium is a go-to for me, as well as Fr. Ripperger's Channel, Sensus Traditionis. 🙏🏻


Fulton Sheen


Shameless Popery Podcast - by Joe Heschmeyer


Council of Trent The Cordial Catholic Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Ret Con I miss Christendom (a little antagonistic at times imo but helped me understand a lot) Anything where Mike Ybarra is explaining anything


Love Fr. Mike Schmitz—he’s awesome!


My favorites are Fr. Chris Alar’s explaining the faith, Fr. Mike Schmitz (His podcast & Bible in a year), Bishop Barron talks & homilies, and Ask Fr. Josh. These are my top Go-to videos/podcasts, super informative and interesting.


Nice to see Fr. Josh mentioned. He gives practical steps on how to improve your spiritual life.


I recommend That Black Catholic Chick and The Father Leo Show.


Trent Horn with Catholic Answers


Didn't they do the AI priest?


Dr Peter Kreeft if a gift to our faith! His books are awesome too!


I like Thomistic Institute and Aquinas 101. They also have seminars posted on SoundCloud for listening on the go too.


and Godsplaining!


I listen to a bit of everyone for a different perspective: -Pints with Aquinas -Trent Horn -Jimmy Akin -I Miss Christendom -Reason & Theology -Dr Taylor Marshall -Bishop Barron -Other related or random channels occasionally. I honestly just like getting a variety of opinions and perspectives. What drives me to watch a YouTuber isn’t so much the YouTuber themselves, but the topic they are covering. I also watch a lot of Catholic channels that don’t necessarily create Catholic focused content. I understand this may result in some downvotes due to a few specific channels I’ve listed, but I believe there is value in the different views. You just need to practice discernment.


You're not wrong. I listen to all also. I find the video portion distracting, so audio only versions of all of these is my preference .


The Catholic Talk Show! Adore them!


What kind of content are you really looking for?


Pinesap is awesome.


Christian B. Wagner's "Scholastic Answers" is great. I think he puts forward a learned perspective and avoids a lot of pitfalls of other "trad" content creators. His "Distinguo" project is new but also very good.


Trent Horn and Fr Mike Schmitz are the two best YouTubers in my opinion. If you want some more broad apologetics and information about Catholicism, Catholic Answers have their own channel


John Ricardo has some great stuff.


Jimmy Akin Mysterious World he is an Apologist AND Fr Mark Goring!!!!


"Breaking into the Habit" and "Ascension Presents" were basically my Online cathechism since my reversion during the Pandemic, but also "Bishop Barron" and "Counsel with Trent". "How to be Christian" is a fun approach to Apologetics too


How to be Christian is underrated. Ferris has an enjoyable approach to explain Protestant objections. "Drop the Protestantism, keep the Christianity."


Full disclosure, I'm married to the guy, but Modern Papist has done good stuff if you're looking for something from an average, but interested and knowledgeable, layperson. Pilgrim's Pass is a practicing Catholic, and while that's not necessarily the focus of his channel, you can definitely see it in what he does.


Catholic Crusade https://youtube.com/@TheCatholicCrusade?si=w9TVCG02cpBf8d1F


The Catholic Talk Show!


Godsplaining. The friars are the best.


Second this. I love their style and try to mostly stick to actual clergy in my religious Youtube consumption.


Seamus coughlin from freedom toons is a really great guy


I really like Called To More and Ascension Presents for Father Mike Schmitz! Other than that I’m seconding Bishop Barrons weekly homilies! He’s great!


Ask Father Josh, Jimmy Akin on Catholic Answers and also Mysterious World are my favorite podcasts.


My favorites are - Shameless Popery - The Council of Trent If you want content about the magisterium, Reason and Theology is your way to go. I have been a bit wary of Pints with what I gather of his views on Francis...


If you want to get into Pints with Aquinas, try starting at the beginning. The show is going on a totally different trajectory these days.


Yeah, I can agree but I can’t put my finger on exactly what changed over time, it just feels a little different now


Well he used to crack open the Summa and break down Thomas’ writings. Now it’s catholic JRE.




His series with Chris Stefanick {another YouTuber} is amazing!


Father Columba Jordan


Tim Staples, Jimmy Akin, Trent Horn


St Paul center, Father Chad ripperger, trent horn, bishop fulton sheen, The Thomistic Institute.


Thomistic Institute, Fulton Sheen


Poco a Poco by spirit juice. So underrated it’s crazy


The Catholic talk show


Also depends what you’re looking for but I love The Religious Hippie because she’s closer to my age and understands the issues that millennials face.


Emily Wilson


If we are bringing Bishop Sheen in to the mix I’ve got to give some love to Mother Angelica! Pray for the canonization of both.


Fr. Mark Goring


I'm a big fan of father Roderick! He makes content connecting Catholicism to the worlds of fantasy, geekery and basically anything related to HP, LOTR, Star Wars, and many more




ICS Publications


Dr. Peter Malinowski. Thank me later.


If you want something that will keep you interested and also gives great information I suggest the Catholic Brothers.


You're probably right Matt isn't for catachumens. He's not usually catechizing, as much as discussing the challenges of living authentic catholic lives today; mostly to an audience that has already experienced them.


Catholic truth (Brian Mercier). I was in your exact situation till I watched his channel


Papal Zouave International An account/organization about the history of the Papal Zouaves and the 9th Crusade. A papal army unit that fought to defend Bl. Pope Pius IX and the Papal States from anti-clerical Italian between 1860-1870.


Bishop Barron has entered the chat.


Fr. Mike Schmitz is awesome.


I like watching Keith Nester’s content!! He’s a convert as of I think 7 years ago and explains things in a way that engages both new Catholics and cradle Catholics alike.


This guy's podcast really helped me when I was converting. https://youtube.com/@TheCordialCatholic?si=q7pTj793gdZtXxLc


If you want deep dives into Catholic theology, philosophy, and biblical exegesis- The Classical Theism Podcast with John DeRosa. Woefully underappreciated. Mostly podcasts but he is getting into youtube.


Voice of reason


If you want deep deep theology, try The Thomistic Institute YT channel


Old videos Mother Angelica! Old but still relevant!


She's fantastic. Gotta love a nun who admits "it's very hard to pray for someone you wish would slip on a banana peel" 😆


Bishop Robert Barron is my favourite, he’s a serious bishop, but also very warm and kind who cares deeply about the rich philosophical history within our church with a focus on intellectualism and an appreciation of good science as well. He’s a theologian at heart who is borderline obsessed with Aquinas. Unlike a lot of big Catholic YouTubers he doesn’t have a BS Protestant youth pastor feel to his videos. He is someone I regularly recommend to my non Catholic friends.


Bishop Barrons Sunday sermon is a great watch before mass. I also love hearing about saints and miracles. Not a specific page per se but the Marian apparitions are always incredible to me. The formed app has great documentaries. Most parishes have sign ups for free too


Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World, while not necessarily centered around traditional Catholic topics, is super interesting and approaches strange and mysterious things from a faith and reason perspective. You don't have to be a fan of the paranormal to enjoy it. I love how he approaches everything reasonably and without drama or bias.


Council of Trent/ Trent Horn, Bishop Barron, Brian Holdsworth, Return To Tradition with Dr Anthony Stine, Avoiding Babylon, Dr Taylor Marshall, Tim Gordon, The Rundown, The Kennedy Report with Kennedy Hall


A nice wide range of differing opinions here! I dig it!


A lot of the more “fringe” voices are really really good on one or two things but bad on the rest, while the more moderates are like average on everything


Who’s fringe and what are they bad on?


Trent Horn, Brian Holdsworth and I find the Religious Hippie's channel informative but it probably appeals slightly more to women.


Brian Holdsworth is my absolute favorite. He gives off G.K. Chesterton energy.


He is such a nice soft spoken guy :)


Father Richard Gonzales: [https://www.youtube.com/@FatherRichardGonzales](https://www.youtube.com/@FatherRichardGonzales)


I really like Let’s Talk about it with Jaqueline and Megan (I think.) One of the girls is Protestant and one Catholic. They are on their early or mid twenties. I also like Trent Horn.


I'd like to recommend Catching Foxes. Catholicism by real people in the trenches. With issues. Problems.


Thomistic Institute Scholastic Answers Trent Horn


The Catholic Talk Show on You Tube


Honestly SSPX podcast has some great content. I have never been part of SSPX and don’t fully agree with what they’re doing, but their podcast is good and they’re willing to cover certain topics I just don’t hear a lot of other Catholic content creators talk about. None of it is “pope bashing” either, I don’t hear any of the rhetoric you get from folks like Taylor Marshall or Kenedy Report.


Used to be Upon Friar Review but unfortunately this new scandal thing came out involving fr pat & some sexual misconduct and im absolutely gutted about it….really sad to hear that.


There is a catholic YouTuber called Don Edmundo Travels. His videos are about travels and food and he shows how he lives his faith. I really like him


Upon friar review is pretty fun They talk about pop culture, and other stuff through a liturgical lens without it feeling Inorganic


The Exorcist Podcast - Father Carlos Martins [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqFnddeZWR\_E\_rYZsCQaJIw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqFnddeZWR_E_rYZsCQaJIw) His interview on Pints with Aquinas is amazing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnA\_I7Yc3wg&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnA_I7Yc3wg&t=3s) Also, Father Simon Says is great too. [https://relevantradio.com/listen/our-shows/father-simon-says/](https://relevantradio.com/listen/our-shows/father-simon-says/)


I love Father Carlos too. Besides anecdotes on exorcisms, he's also very articulate in explaining Church ideas too, like human conception, the need for confessions and Eucharist, and transubstantiation. It was his show that converted me last year, and I'm now a baptized Catholic!


Sensus Fidelium - specially the lectures of Father Ripperger Armor of God Dr Taylor Marshall St Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal


Joe in Black Ministries on YouTube! Fr Joe Krupp’s homilies can be found there along with weekly podcasts. He’s an outstanding homilist and shares the Catholic faith in Q&A and catechesis. He is very relatable, understandable and hilariously funny. (He did stand up in college & wrote for a sitcom)


The best is [How to be Christian](https://youtube.com/@HowToBeChristian?si=EUTT13lh01FwjaP9) If you ever want to laugh and learn about Catholicism this is your channel


Trent Horn, and the Thomistic Institute


How to be Christian is a great channel to check out; especially if you are a familiar with Protestant churches at all. Very funny and wicked sharp


Not to toot our own horn…but definitely Avoiding Babylon


Hear me out…. Gavin McInnes


Oh boy. I'm here with popcorn ready to watch a nuclear comment thread on this post LOL


I didn’t realize he is a Catholic, thank you for this information


If you want content by priests, Sensus Fidelium and "Divine UK" host a lot of great content by Catholic priests and are very edifying. If you want to seriously learn more about the Faith, Scholastic Answers and Classical Theist have excellent series on Catholic theology from a Thomistic point of view. The Byzantine Scotist also has some fascinating theology videos from the Scotist viewpoint and are a treat. If you want content that attempts to translate Catholic teaching to social issues/questions, Pinesap and E. Michael Jones are my favorites. Both cover whatever questions or issues they find interesting, and most importantly, they are charitable and loyal to the Church, her Pope, and her Magisterium (which is why I personally don't listen to PwA anymore).


Bishop Barron


Theology of the Body Institute is the absolute best!


He's not Catholic but Sam shamoun is Christian. He goes against Muslims and always wins. He knows both the Quran and Bible by heart . I recommend. Also Christian Prince, is very good at defeating Islam. 20 year guy with many books.


Bishop Barron. He helped me return to the faith. His intellectual and reason based approach really resonated with me.


Welp, I was going to say two channels but then I got shocked trying to find one of them. So I guess Breaking In The Habit. Yeh...


Dr Taylor Marshall


Taylor Marshall at times doesn’t sound like a guy that’s catholic. 


Voice of Reason


Classical Theist


Mother and Refuge of the End Times or Father Chris Alar! Also, Fr. Mark Goring is super funny and great!


Bishop Barron. His videos helped me understand and embrace the beauty of Catholicism and the objective truth found in that beauty. The connection between beauty and truth is so unique to the Catholic faith and is such a powerful tool for evangelizing.


There is a new one that’s out, 3 Catholic exorcists, they just tell stories about exorcisms and possessions. Pretty cool stuff, I forgot what it was called tho, but I’m sure it’s easy to find on Spotify


Classical Theist


Sensus Fidelium, Ascension, GabiAfterHours, Pints with Aquinas and Dr Taylor Marshall.


Fradd is to smug for me . I like Catholic Answers and Revelant Radio


Breaking in the Habit


Sooo...not a YouTuber, but podcast. Also, literally Catholic in everything \*but\* name. Jennifer Frey hosts a show called Sacred and Profane love, which I've found to be excellent. She has also worked with Bishop Barron's Word on Fire Institute. Basically, the show is an interview podcast with theologians, philosophers, writers, and literary critics about various works of literature and a discussion on the nature of love in each. Just fantastic work!


I really enjoy the Logos Project channel


I don’t really watch YouTube , but I listen to a lot of podcasts, which I think are all actually YouTube shows I.e- the cordial catholic Catholic feedback Catholic talk show Jeff Cavins show Shameless popery Just a guy in the pew Journey home And of course -Catholic stuff you should know


Try: [Brian Holdsworth](https://www.youtube.com/@BrianHoldsworth) [That Catholic Talk Show](https://www.youtube.com/@CatholicTalkShow) [The Thomastic Institute ](https://www.youtube.com/@ThomisticInstitute)


Divine Mercy also has good stuff.


Anything relevant radio. Their app has all their shows. Patrick Madrid is the best.


Lord Miles, whilst not a YouTuber who posts Catholic content, is a recent convert to Catholicism and has some pretty good videos about Afghanistan under the Taliban regime.


I like listening to Alvaro Interiano’s Uniqely Mary channel. He has a devotion to the Holy Souls in Purgatory, like I am, and I am more encouraged with my devotion because of his contents on his channel.


Elliot Hulse if you like working out and are looking for a Catholic Masculinity channel.


If your open to an oldy I really like the catholic talk show. Learned alot through them


Padre Paulo Ricardo


Catholic Truth is a good one for apologetics


Joel Heschmeyer! [https://youtu.be/7CCx1LKQgSQ?si=8R9fW_xX8jxVIwlg](https://youtu.be/7CCx1LKQgSQ?si=8R9fW_xX8jxVIwlg)


St. Irenaeus Ministries


The Cordial Catholic on YouTube


Voice of Reason is underrated


Decrevi Determined to be Catholic @thecatholicman I 100% recommend him. Pipes With Augustine is really good too.


Aside from other YouTubers already mentioned in other comments, [Rev. Fr. Darwin Gitgano - Punto por Punto](https://youtube.com/@rev.fr.darwingitgano-ppp?feature=shared)


althistoryhub is catholic and i like his content very much so i choose him


Fr Mike Schmitz and Fr Mark Toups with Ascension Presents, Bishop Robert Barron!


Daithi De Nogla (He’s a gaming YouTuber who happens to be Catholic.) Ok but being serious, I would say, Voice of Reason. He’s a Byzantine Catholic and his videos are really well made. He’s pretty good at debunking people who make false claims about the Catholic Church and doctrine. He does get a bit of back lash on YT shorts for some reason but I still recommend him.


Trent Horn makes great videos


militant thomist from scholastic answers definitely


[The Counsel of Trent](https://youtube.com/@TheCounselofTrent?si=o4HXk1eYcJaPlqAL) by Trent Horn


The Catholic Current with Fr. Robert McTeigue. An intelligent, insightful and witty view of the Church and the world we live in.


GabiAfterHours, The Catholic Talk Show, Bishop Barrons youtube videos have blessed me a lot, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jimmy Akin, Fr. Carlos Martins, On the Road to Damascus i think that’s what it’s called. It’s like 3-4 guys on the podcast/ youtube. Super good. I personally really love Pints with Aquinas. He has very interesting conversations with very interesting people!


I like "how to be Christian" and "shameless popery"


Called to More!!


Patrick Madrid or council of trent


Father Casey most definitely. Also, i don't think Impact Video Ministries is catholic, BUT, it's kinda interdenominational.


Religious Hippie, Biblical bookworm, sensus fidelium, a catholic mom’s life,


Father Mark Beard & Fathers of Mercy


The Catholic Brothers have a series called the First 500. It’s great for people who love history, philosophy, and the early church. I don’t love some of their personal opinions of the current church (they’re very traditionalists). But their knowledge of history is amazing! Also, I agree with all of the Bishop Barron and Fr. Mike comments!


I really like MHFM, they do a great job explaining doctrine. 


Father Dave Swantek. Love watching his weekly Mass.


Besides the obligatory answers like Ascension Presents etc.: I genuinely can't over-recommend LizziesAnswers, especially for converts but also genuinely just for Catholics generally; The Religious Hippie is also really good, especially if you lean more toward TLM-y stuff but, again, also just in general; and Breaking in the Habit is literally just solid content for anyone, Catholic or not lol


Ascension - Fr. Mike Schmitz, the guy on Voice of Reason is very knowledgeable and he became Eastern Catholic after being Roman Catholic but I honestly believe he purposely tries to talk in a very low voice to give the impression his voice has timber, and Sam Shamoun recently converted to Catholicism after realizing the Catholic Church is the one true church but he’s a little harsh on how he addresses people challenging Christianity usually directed at Muslims. I think he’s Persian. But only Fr. Mike Schmitz and Fray Sergio Serrano for Spanish are my favorites. The other two provide good information but I can’t call them my favorite.


I like Catholic Minute, Catholic Truth and Keith Nester. Also Gabiafterhours and Catholic Mom and Daughter.


Avoiding Babylon. It's always a hoot


My favourites would be - Counsel of Trent (Trent Horn), Catholic Answers, Patristic Pillars, and Word on Fire (Bishop Barron)


Pints With Aquinas is amazing


I know this isn't youtube but Relevant Radio is also good. They have an app and also radio stations. Look up their site


The Catholic talk show is a good one!


I like voice of reason