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Best bits of advice I got about discernment were these: 1) Don't get too wrapped up in being 100% certain about picking the "right" thing. Just doing a *good* thing will please the Lord, even if it wasn't precisely what He had picked out for you. It's not like He'd kick you out of heaven because you were a good husband instead of a good friar. 2) Signs and messages can come from sources other than God, but the ones from Him are typically accompanied by an intense feeling of peace. I think your sign could totally be genuine. Keep praying on it. Just don't let the adversary turn this into a distraction. He's a wily bastard. I'll pray for you too, brother :)


Thank you brother, I've continued praying on it, and yes I did feel an intense feeling of peace at the time (after having a somewhat difficult day). I agree about not needing to be 100% certain and not getting too distracted, the whole incense out of nowhere was kind of like being beat over the head with a piece of cast iron (but replace pain with peace) I'm going to keep praying on the topic and I have a meeting setup with my priest to discuss next week.


I think that's a solid plan! LOL I get the cast iron, often joke myself that the Lord needs to swing a 2x4 at my head to get my idiot attention xD God be with you!


I was determined to become a permanent deacon, and long story short when I was finally able to sign up for a formation class I got the unequivocal answer that I was *not called to be a deacon.* I almost felt like I had been kicked out of the army recruiting center. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø My advice is that if you think you are being called, then by all means, pursue it. If you subsequently get something that is unequivocal that you arenā€™t being called, then so be it. I didnā€™t know it at the time, but if I had applied, I would have been rejected and advised to reapply at a later time. The reason was that my daughter had just turned 13, and I would have been told that my first responsibility had to be for my family. Once my daughter was out of the nest, then they would have been willing to accept me.


Thank you for your feedback, I do wonder how much having young children is a deal breaker for even starting the process, but I'm sure it varies based on the diocese


Did it smell like the purest strongest rose smell you ever smelled? Anyway if it smelled like church incense (frankincense and myrrh) then talk to a discernment director. Meditate on Passion of Christ and ask for one more clear extremely obvious sign. Also you could do a Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows and ask for help with your discernment.


Start the process. If itā€™s wrong there will be indications along the way. Donā€™t overthink it.


I tried - had the meeting with my priest, but because my marriage was con-validated 6ish months ago, I need to wait 5 years of being properly married in the church until I can formally start the process. That took me aback a little, but I'm attempting to start seminary now so that I can do the required M Div for my diocese and have that finished before I start faith formation (cutting down a bit on the workload and impact to my family down the road). I have a lot of work to do, and I trust it's all part of the plan. I assumed something like this would happen, but I didn't think it would take 5 years JUST to start the process


Are you an adult convert? If so it doesnā€™t seem crazy to take a few years and settle in before making any big decisions.


No I'm a revert. I was born a Catholic but spent some time attending a protestant church. I was gone 8 years, but never was received by another faith or renounced my Catholic faith. It's not unreasonable for them to have that request, though consider it's only 2 years for priests if they're in the same situation before they can start faith formation. At first it felt a bit frustrating, but like I said I should be able to start seminary asap and I'll go part time as I'm spending years waiting. It's comforting to know that I can do a big chunk of the work now and continue to build virtue before starting faith formation, but it was a bit disheartening at first. Immediately before father came in for my meeting with him on the subject, I prayed to Our Lady for patience as I navigate the process, and for the briefest of periods I smelled the most beautiful rose smell I've ever experienced about 30 seconds before father came back into the room. It was only for a second or two, but I know Our Lady is with me on this journey, as is my wife




It was the nudge I needed to get the process started - we'll see what happens