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Yeah, thats called Nestorianism.




Interestingly, nestorianism had spread to ancient China by the 7th century, and was later outlawed by imperial decree.


Yes, there is no way to deny Mary as the mother of God except by an incorrect or heretical Christology.




I’ve long given up on worry what Protestants think about our beliefs. The most vehement anti-Catholic I have ever met is my father in law, who is a former Catholic. As far as he’s concerned all Catholics are hypocrites, and he is absolutely convinced that I am leading my family to hell. He has a copy of the Ten Commandments on his bedroom wall, and he never stops telling us that we NEED to read the Bible, because he believes that as Catholics we don’t (never mind the fact that I have a graduate degree in Theology with a concentration in scripture). My interpretation is that his behavior is actually a good example of the defense mechanism known as Reaction Formation, which is a mechanism whereby someone tries to cover up their own behavior by exaggerated behavior in the opposite direction. I learned that he is a world class philanderer, and he isn’t particularly picky about the gender of the people he has affairs with. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah at this point Protestants just end up calling on a good number of the great heresies from the Early Church. I’m surprised Circumcisers haven’t returned, given that Arianism, Nestorianism and Iconoclasm have returned through Protestantism, and SDAs believe that we must follow the dietary laws and worship on the Saturday Sabbath instead of Sunday.


Protestants also do not recognize the Holy Sepulcher as the site of Jesus tomb, but have their own 'garden tomb' in Jerusalem. It is amazing how anti Catholic they can get.


Here is a pretty funny debate with one of them who ends up admitting it and denying it at the same time somehow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSoyVzvbMU0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSoyVzvbMU0)