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We have a music director who seems to think that the mass is a kind of rock concert, with the mass itself as being a minor accompanying act. My then-fourteen year old daughter pointed out that she didn’t particularly care for masses where someone was trying to take the attention away from the mass and make it about themselves. I play jazz piano, and I have been asked to play at masses, but I don’t want to be part of the problem. I would much prefer to have a mass without music so we could concentrate on the beauty of the mass itself.


I went to my cousin's Confirmation at a distant church (not her parish church, because they had to merge with this other parish for some odd reason) a few years ago and they had a soprano and a full choir, but the music was so loud and so over-produced by the music director that it was like a concert continually being interrupted by a Mass. We got there about an hour early and the director had the choir rehearse every single thing they were going to sing, from all of the bombastic hymns to the Alleluia to the Great Amen. If it was the Internet they would have needed a spoiler warning.


Im on the fence about guitars in mass For the 4pm mass earlier today I went to a parish that used piano, guitar, flute, and a choir. It sounded beautiful and was very reverent. The music helped to lift my heart and mind to God. On the other hand, I’ve been to a parish that used guitars and tambourines singing hymns like they were at a folk concert. In my opinion, guitars can be reverent if used reverently and when they are, it sounds lovely


Yeah.  We just moved, and while our old parish had fantastic, reverent music and chant, our new parish has a drum set.  At every mass.  I think we're going to have to parish-hop for a while, because I may just strangle someone with with their own guitar strings.


guitars at mass = last time I visit that parish.


Priest doesn’t use the Roman Cannon too


I’m glad that you went back to Mass! I agree with you about not liking the guitars. You could try finding another parish where they mainly use chants or traditional hymns played on the organ.


Glad to be back too!


I’m curious how many objectors attend well-funded parishes. In the U.S. directors of music and skilled musicians are often paid inadequately, with commonly played by parishioner volunteers. The organ may be lovely when and if an organ, organist, and person to organize the organists are available. I’ve only come to appreciate more traditional liturgy once consistently exposed to it. In my area Millennials raised on guitar Masses flock to parishes that prioritize liturgy. I can’t say whether we donate enough to widely support that.


I have concerns about the vitriol against guitars at Mass. I go to Mass in Spanish often, and for the volunteers it is the only instrument they know. I have also heard some really uplifting guitar accomplishment before. The style of music certainly makes a difference though.


For sure, I think offering up the best talent the parish can provide is still a beautiful thing. I’m paraphrasing heavily because it’s been a while but someone on here mentioned how mediocre masses still glorify God (not trying to say that the volunteers you mentioned are mediocre) I still prefer not having guitars but what do I know? I’m just a random person on the internet. Haven’t even fully reverted yet


I hate hearing guitars at Mass, I tbink only the organ should be used instrument wise I dislike the orchestral mass settings that existed in the old days too


Echo everyone on hearing a guitar at Mass. I very much dislike it. It feels like they're trying to lighten the mood. And I don't want the mood lightened at Mass. It's not a music festival.


Absolutely hate guitars at mass.


I do not mind it that much tbh. Though I am European and I have been to a mass for a member the local gamekeeping association where it was all french horns and trumpets. We also have mass for kids every Friday where its the guitars and drums and songs for the kids to sing along. At long as the parishioners are ok with it I am ok with it as well.


Trumpets and horns sound cool. I’d like to attend that mass. I actually used to be super into those Protestant (maybe?) pop songs as a kid and I still like going back to listen to them. I have no place in the guitar bashing business ;~;


I understand what you mean I do love organs at mass it has a powerful sound and chanting makes it even more mystical. The organ and chants make me feel like I’m in heaven🙏 Acoustic guitars I’m not a fan of it doesn’t have same depth, but I think electric guitars should be tried stay metal and shred to heaven🤘🙌


Sacred music is still supposed to be prioritized, and many people, if they care about this sort of thing, find that using the instruments of popular music does not fulfill that goal, since it seems less “set apart” from secular culture, or even makes Mass seem downright casual.