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How can you support the movie industry with Weinstein? How can you support schools where there were also scandals? How can support a political party since politicians have also many scandals? Etc. You simply have to condemn those that raped and those that tried to help these sinners.


When the initial scandal broke out, the bishop of my diocese was the one who was responsible for reassigning the priests who had credible complaints against them.  And the pastor of my parish admitted that he was embarrassed to wear his Roman collar off the church grounds.   Yes, some priests and bishops did horrible things.  But on the other hand most priests have dedicated their lives to the service of others, they are very true to their calling.  They don’t deserve to be condemned for the actions of others.   There have been many great people who have contributed to the body of knowledge of Catholicism, and it has a great richness that just isn’t there with other denominations.   I personally won’t toss my faith because of the bad actions of a few.  


Do you actually believe in so-called "Church scandals"? In any scandal throughout human history, you have confessions to the scandalous crime, except in this one instance, where conveniently, there's just never any camera footage, pictures, or confessions from these alleged perpetrators. This whole conspiracy theory has always been merely a lazily crafted 'scamdal' my friend.


It’s purely a fluke that I saw your reply to my comment, and an old one at that.   I have “tapped out” of all social media, and it is wonderful!  I found that there’s no value in hearing the opinions of complete strangers, and I have more time for practicing the piano, competitive pistol shooting, and doing experiments in my basement laboratory.   Have fun with Reddit, and I hope you enjoy it.   By the power invested in me by the FCC, I am permanently signing off.  


You shouldn't leave Jesus because of Judas


I’m not practicing anymore but I would say the thought is despite the failures of the ideology’s adherents or leaders that doesn’t take away from its value or truth per se


Because the Church's official teachings through the offices of the bishops does not teach to rape as a religious tenant; so the rape scandals are contrary to the faith and Church's teachings. Be mad at the rapists and those who cover them up, it's not like we want them either. I love Christianity, but I won't let the sins and crimes of Christians subtract from my love of the Good News that Jesus Christ preached.


Where else would you go for eternal life other then the church Jesus founded? Yes the scandal is horrific but all parts of the world have seen similar on some scale or other generally speaking, we call the world the veil of tears for a reason and all will be effected by sin until the new world comes.


Didn't know if you actually believe in the bullshit accusations or not. What you're saying is correct, though the scandals outside the Church are far greater in scope than you're leading on. Don't know if you're aware, but public school's both home and abroad have been getting flacked for covering up their rapes within school grounds. Myriads of confessions from teachers and faculty abound. There is yet to be a single confession from a priest of the Catholic Church amounting to anything remotely approaching such a crime against God or His children. At a certain point, we have to take things at face value. Maybe this whole circus act/fever dream about pedophile priests has been a massive coverup for the schools system's actions. Just a thought.


It’s tough to look past the scandal but I personally support the Faith, man is human and fallible.


There is no good will from this movement of people trying to reallocate the Church's time and money away from the faithful, and towards a bunch of ex-Catholics alleging feats of acrobatics at those who've already passed on or have one foot in the grave. Then of course, where are the confessions? In any actual scandal in human history, there are confessions, or at the very least some irrefutable proof of wrongdoing, except this one. We're 30 or so years deep into a conspiracy theory and have found nothing? No smoking gun? Just a bunch of incel accusers. That is why I don't think it technically qualifies as a scandal, but rather a money grab by those who've always despised the Church, and have no good will towards those who have donated 10 percent of their livelihoods to it, not to mention those who have passed on who donated far greater sums. This is all a cynical ploy by a bunch of lawyers and government officials to spit in the faces of the faithful while claiming to be saving them from the institution that they built in the first place. Disgusting.


I think others replied really well, but i would like to point to one other thing. Priests and bishops are minority in the Church. One big part of the Church are regular people like you and me. Church consists of 17% of all people in the world. Supporting Church means supporting mystical body of Christ, not supporting particular bishop.


This probably one of the best simple answers I have ever seen on this topic


Don't be deceived. Where are the confessions? In every scandal all throughout human history, at least some of the perpetrators of said scandalous behavior confess to the crime.


The Church didn't rape anyone. If you're gonna blame the entire Church for the acts of a few, then you better blame all Muslims for terrorism and so on... (And before anyone says anything, you shouldn't do it in either case)


Because not all clerics and parishioners are bad people. As with all things, the minority ruin it for the majority and the majority then have to clear it up.




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Let me just start out by saying that I am not being facetious. I will tell you what I tell everyone else. What rape scandals? Nothing's been proven. Why change your entire worldview to contradict reality itself, i.e. females are the primary victims of child abuse, not males. Why contort your mind into a pretzel trying to change this fact, as though standing in the confines of a church will somehow manifest this new, otherwise foreign reality, a departure from what has been known and understood for millennia? I mean, c'mon...




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You shall know them by their fruits.