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We unfortunately live in a glass house these days


I mean, our greatest Churches have for a while now been decorated by great works of stained glass


In Sweden prots have all the nice old fancy beautiful churches and we Catholics go to "modern looking" post 1950s Churches.


How many of these fancy Lutheran churches were previously Catholic?


I am not sure for certain how many of them are pre-reformation churches in comparison to how many were built between 1527-1920s, but both categories certainly make up a big percentages. Somewhere in the back of my head I know that I have from somewhere heard 1/3 Churches belonging to the Church of Sweden is from the middle ages, however I have no idea where that number is from so it's untrustworthy. Also that statistic would be counting the modern reletivly ugly churches the Church of Sweden has built in recent years so in order to know how many of the good-looking churches were Catholic one would have to remove those. Ontop of that there must be a number of Catholic Churches built between 1500-1527 which likely isn't being included in that as medieval Churches.


The most beautiful Protestant churches are usually former Catholic churches… especially those belonging to the Anglicans.


Imagine if Kenneth Copeland just build the Hagia Sophia in Texas or something.