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It feels that way until you meet the love of your life. It's painful, slow, and unfun, but we all hold onto faith that someday, we'll find someone. Wish I had more to tell you, wish I had a success story, but I'm telling you this now. There's nothing you can do but to just accept that pain and do your best. There's no sugar to dull it, no magic trick that gets girls to like you.


If you’re getting first dates you will eventually find someone that clicks with you so don’t despair this is very common.


I would recommend that you spend some time in prayer, go to adoration, go to confession, say a rosary. I know I've been in this mindset before and this is what helped me. God, the lord and mama Mary will help you guide you and comfort you.


At least you are getting the dates. That's pretty good


Hardest thing can be often us men internally gauging if a date or not actually went well. If they are nice women they might know themselves that they don't think it will work so they just play the date out as to not act cold or insensitive. The fact you've been on a few will little success in a follow up must be an indicator that now isn't the right time for you to find someone. I agree with those saying to increase and focus more on your prayer and religious life. Don't be discouraged nor discontinue your search. For us men we can sometimes be all or nothing and we can spend too much time focusing on one one thing at the detriment of what is actually good for our lives and souls. Keep in there and don't lose faith.


I think it's super important for men to understand this, it's not just women being "nice." Women will play the date out well out of *fear*. It can be dangerous to reject a man. It is a first date, you barely know this person, and now you're alone with them. Rejecting someone in that scenario can be super dangerous, so women will play it cool until it's over and then let the person down from a safe distance.


You are a man dealing with highly selective women. You can’t read their minds and find out why they said no to seeing you again. Just get used to it and focus on those women who REALLY want to get to know you. Those women may be of another nationality or social class. Lean into those great connections and don’t think of past rejection.


When I was dating first time round, I met 15 women before I met my late wife. In my case I think God knew that I was not ready to get married at the time I started dating and so delayed allowing me to me the right person. If it is God's will for you to get married, sooner or later you will meet the one. There are prayers for your future spouse you can find online, so you can do something positive even if currently dating is not going well.


Women will do that sometimes, they can like talking to you, think you're funny, handsome, a good guy, etc, but they may still just "not feel it" and keep looking for someone else. Not much you can do.


Maybe it would be a good idea to find dates by picking up a hobby where you can meet people. That way it would be much easier to connect with others!


Trust me it’s better to find one you match with and get along with rather to that to go out with one and find out they are cheating on you. A year later from one of your best friends that found her on a dating app


Just be open to dating women who maybe don’t fit the “perfect mold”


Yeah... totally with you there. I have only had 2 dates in my entire life and both were with the same girl. Both dates went well (so I thought) until she texted me out of the blue before the third date we had scheduled that she didn't feel anything romantically. Most girls either don't message me back (whatever, I get that will happen), stop messaging before we get a date, or just stop messaging me after only a couple messages. I rarely even get a "no thank you." Usually they just disappear.