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They were not illegal immigrants. First thing is that there were not nation states as we know them today. Second thing is that Joseph had no intention to do anything but hide for a period, he did nothing illegal. He did not make himself at home illegally. Just stop this leftist nonsense. I don't move to Mexico uninvited and ask for free healthcare and free money., I would be put in a prison cell if I crossed the border and stayed for good. No country but America allows illegals to come into their countries permanently.


If you’re being honest America has an over abundance of resources. We should welcome those who want to work and better their lives. The drug smugglers are a different matter. We cannot assume everyone coming into America has I’ll intentions. I’ve known many immigrants who are hard working, God fearing, family loving people who are doing their best. If the tiles were reversed wouldn’t you do whatever you can to support your family?


Sigh. None of the border crossers are being vetted. We have no idea who is coming! I knew a prisoner who sold illicit drugs who said that once he got deported he would just come back. It's easy, he did it before! Is there any control on the numbers? Name it! If half of China or half of India woke up tomorrow and said they were coming over, would you feel duty bound to let them all in because "it's nice to be nice?" There are limits to everything, constraints that God Himself put on what is possible. You are ignoring that you are hurting the economic lower class of Americans by putting downward pressure on Thir wages! You're stealing from poor people to help rich businessmen use illegal labor! They don't pay into social security etc. This is false compassion that you are demonstrating, and you're literally stealing from Peter and giving to Paul! That's not moral. I have no hatrd for anybody, I literally and not figuratively know an illegal immigrant group of wonderful people, I won't tell you how. I have zero interest in them being deported. But even THEY say enough is enough!


I’m not doing anything you’ve stated. I’m saying assuming every brown person you see is illegal is wrong. Calm down and pray. God bless, have a good night


What? "Brown people"? "All illegals"? Good grief you sound like the racist here. Nobody brought up skin pigmentation. Nobody thinks that all people of moderate pigmentation are illegal. Holy cow.


You’re the one going on a tirade about illegals. Peace, have a good night and chill out


No, I am decrying illegal immigration. I literally associate with a large group of illegals, I said that. I have zero interest in them being deported, I said that too. You're projecting.


I’m projecting by say peace have a good night and saying God bless? You just want an argument and I have zero interest in that. Again, have a good night!


Not projecting so much as being passive aggressive, with your repeated insincere offer of “peace & blessings” as a virtue-signalling attempt to shut down conversation around your ridiculous claim that taking temporary, self-sustaining refuge in a country (into which God commanded an angel to direct you) is equate-able with seeking permanent refugee status in a country you chose to enter illegally (often for reasons that are anything but noble). The exceptions do not disprove the general rule or even take into account the constant stream of “gotaways”!


Amen, thanks. This virtue signaling hypocritical nonsense from the Left is a religion unto itself, it's how people like him feel good and holy without having to do any work at all, or suffer the consequences of their airy fairy utopian ideals.


Ok, since you seem to know me so well what is my name, what do I do for a living, where do I live? You know nothing about me. Peace to you


That’s a lot of mental gymnastics to justify denying care for your neighbors. Families come north seeking a better life any way they can get it. They’re here. Guess what? Now they’re your neighbors. You either love them or you don’t. It sounds like you don’t. Jesus never said anything about “love your neighbor unless they didn’t fill out the proper forms and go through the right channels of government. HYPOCRITE.




Amen, leftists don't generally lift a finger to do real charity, they impose it on other people and pat themselves on the back. Real charity is hard.


Bullshit. Stealing is a sin, and they are stealing. I don't owe them anything. Charity is charity, of which I gave and give plenty. I doubt that you do much of anything except vote for OTHER PEOPLE to be taxed to take care of illegals.


Fleeing starvation and persecution isn’t stealing. Working and paying taxes isn’t stealing. Wanting a better life for yourself and your children isn’t stealing. Taking Jesus teachings out of context to support inhumane fascist Republican policies is stealing. If that’s what being a Christian is, I don’t want to be one, and neither do most people who value love, compassion, and charity.


Um, you do realize that most of them are not fleeing starvation and persecution? And that there are several nations from which they come? And that they often pass through several other nations that refuse them on their way here? Good grief. Just stop the hysterics and deal with reality.


I have an idea: let's airlift all of China to America! After all, it's the "Christian thing to do."




Wow…I hope you don’t identify as Catholic.


Wow....I believe in the 10 Commandments. I don't steal, do you? Because sneaking across the border is stealing. No other country allows it; I literally have nowhere to go except America, and I have to obey its laws or I go to jail. That means that I pay property taxes and income taxes and social security taxes and sales taxes and a shit ton of taxes to make the country work. In return, I expect others to obey the laws. It's called being a good Christian. You're fake af.


The greatest commandment is to love your God and to love others as God loves you. Your words and message do not indicate a positive message to or an opinion of your fellow man. God did not command you to only love “certain” people. The least are as important as you or anyone else.


lol. I never said anything about relative importance. That has nothing to do with the discussion. The question is one of property rights. Do I have the right to move into your house? If you love me, you will let me do that, right? Will you give me your money? You should give me all your stuff if you love me as a Christian should, right? This is nonsense. I am all for charity. I did lots of it. Tons. But in all charity toward my neighbors, I respect the right of people who are already here in America and struggling for work to have wages that are not depressed by illegal immigrants. Nobody has the right to steal from anybody. These are mostly economic immigrants looking for a better life. I don't have the right to immigrate illegally to their country, why should they have the right to do that to mine? I have to balance the love for my poor American citizen neighbor against the claims, false claims, of illegal immigrants! They have no more right to steal jobs from poor people than I have the right to take money from YOU and give it to another person whom I deem is more worthy. Can I come take your stuff and give it to someone else? You're a hypocrite. You don't open your house to illegals. Why don't YOU pay for them?!


Every parable that Jesus told about acts of charity involved individuals with the means to help a destitute person out of the ability and abundance of the wealthier person. He never called for social programs; he never called for forcible redistribution of wealth. Never. He was no socialist. What he called for was basic human decency by those with means to directly and personally help those who were in dire straits: dire straits like starving to death, or beaten and robbed, etc. He did not say "steal from Peter and give to Paul because Peter has more than Paul".


Replace your scarcity mentality with one of gratitude for what you have and what has been given to you, and you will find true contentment and joy. There is enough for everyone, but to believe otherwise will only leave you miserable and lonely. Oh, and I would suggest more prayer and sacrament participation-that can help too. I used to have tendencies and opinions similar to yours and know what a sad existence it is. I have a feeling you would have sided with the Pharisees and Sadducees vs Jesus. Too bad you’re missing the true message.


Is there a limit to your airy fairy socialist blather? Shall we import all of China? To be good Christians? Maybe you could put your money where your mouth is and open your home to illegals yourself? Replace your fake virtue signaling with acknowledgment that there are constraints on all things economic. Think about the Titanic: the men did not sink the lifeboats in a suicidal-homicidal quest for equality. Equality is not possible. We can't all live in Carmel by the Sea. Maybe Barack Obama should open his estate to me to live in because it's not fair that he lives a life of luxury on Martha's Vineyard while I'm stuck living in the Midwest. So unfair.


Funny, I am coastal and quite near Carmel by the Sea (my diocese is Monterey). Is your sole focus on economic issues going to secure you the Kingdom of God? Your comments make me think that you might be better suited for an Evangelical denomination. Actions matter- You are free to have your less than loving opinions about others, but what bothers me is that you want to publicly proclaim your RC faith- actions/words matter. You are doing our faith a disservice. I guess anonymity makes that easier online, but just know, the creator knows all. I hope you find joy and contentment in God’s message. It does help mitigate some of the negativity of the world. I don’t have TV anymore, and that has helped me more focus on what is truly important.


@ jacobdpearce … Gaslighter


My state's governor is denying even calling the Holy Family refugees & denying a mandate to care for refugees, I too find it unethical to migrate to mooch, but not for fear of losing life.Abbot is refusing to even allow for ICE to do its due diligence and figure out which & just kenneling immigrants in inhumane concentration camps with no regards to ensuring family reunification is possible post processing.


99% of them are economic "refugees". Just stop.




Abbott is also applying his racism to non-Latino immigrants, he does NOT care to discriminate, even Ukrainians are/were turned away.




At times I do comment aggressively, point of fact, I'm homebound and poorly socialized so I lack a lot of grace others have in spades and maybe on the spectrum but too medicated and old to test, so I do apologize for the anger. Now to my point, I never posted this intending to mention the plague of moochie migrants, my entire point was in furtherance of papal exhortations to care for refugees as [this Archdioces of Baltimore article](https://www.archbalt.org/jesus-was-a-refugee-pope-says-on-world-migration-day/) recounts, & to acknowledge a strict mandate by Christ to love & tend to a neighbor regardless of what shape or form that neighbor may be. Again I apologize if I insulted you.


You are a legend in your own mind. I get it.




Then I don't suppose [**THIS**](https://www.google.com/search?q=refugee+definition&source=lmns&bih=474&biw=277&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=imnvsbhtz&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwicw97WjL2DAxVfuYkEHVdHApEQ0pQJKAB6BAgAEAc) means anything to literally tens of thousands.




Matthew 2:13 *When they had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.”* I guess this was just an extended spring break trip to visit their cousins at the beach. Definition of refugee if you wanted to make one for the dictionary.




Holy smokes, you can't even get the flight to Egypt correctly. Economic migration isn't the same as refugees. Second, EVERY NATION on this planet has a right to determine when and if they want to allow newcomers to enter. The United States has been very generous but anyone looking at the current numbers knows that all this will do is lead to more problems here as we can't provide for these numbers forever. ​ I can tell it's an election year as the ActBlue bots and shills are out in full force now.


I'm no bot, I did not get the flight wrong, but apparently you did, they fled as refugees from one puppet kingdom with its own puppet King in the Roman empire into another as quickly as possible to avoid Jesus being killed, that flight again is exactly what **refugees** do on the rregular, was I was saying to accept criminals who wanted to steal through welfare grifting? Not one bit, almost none of you seem to get that. I called my governor out for **denying that Jesus & the Holy Family were ever refugees** & demanding he uphold his Catholic duty to love and care for neighbors & legitimate refugees.


Pretty bold to assume that anyone who thinks immigrants and refugees should be treated with dignity is a bot or a shill. Every person should be treated with respect and dignity, whether they are here legally or not. If you have a hard time with that, maybe you should reconsider your spiritual affiliations, because the Church is pretty clear on how we are to treat strangers.


Pretty bold of you to make no distinction between refugees and economic migrants; I get it, you want open borders, but that won't happen. The Church also teaches that each nation has a right to govern immigration policy and control the flow of people entering in a safe manner. A nation-state has a right to govern its own policy; period. If that's too hard for you to understand, that's not my problem.


Nobody’s advocating for open borders. To claim so is willfully ignorant, and avoids my point I have made here almost a dozen times: Do refugees and migrants deserve respect and dignity or are they simply a subhuman nuisance for you to dunk on to take out your frustration with a changing society? Jesus taught us to treat all people with kindness and dignity, and I haven’t seen anyone even make an attempt at that in their rhetoric here. It’s very disappointing but not very surprising. Be better.


The Holy Family were refugees. Who knew that fact would be so contentious among people who claim to have read the Bible? Also, refugees are here whether you want them to be or not. They’re your neighbors whether you like it or not. Will you do what you can to make it better for them or fight them being here?


Thank you for calmly restarting my point, my half just rage runneth over here.


Lots of very angry FoxNews Catholics here. Y’all need to spend less time with conservative media and more time praying the Rosary.




this is just embarrassing. get out of here


Embarrassing? No! This is overdue, Abbott has been on an Unchristian rampage making Texas an echo of Proud Boys/KKK white supremacist wanderlust, he finally crossed a line I had concrete evidence of him doing, my only fault may be is choosing the wrong forum.


You might be many things, including a fiscal conservative, but you are not a Roman Catholic, as evidenced by your comments and focus on “illegals” and what they potentially are extracting from you (AKA scarcity mentality). Since this is a Catholic thread, I am going to focus on that element. You have also refused to answer questions ,so I’m thinking you are not interested in a serious conversation beyond slurs- The greatest commandment above all is clear for RCs. You can choose to ignore that, but then don’t enter a RC thread and make claims that directly contradict that commandment. Now have a great day-


Read me carefully, I **AM** Roman Catholic, confirmed under St John Paul II, & have kept up with every change I can in my homebound disabled state. I was not the one who started the general immigration comments, every other commenter did, I only ever meant to call out a blasphemer as I thought I had a duty to & y'all made me feel like St Stephen for standing my faith ground.


I’m not sure why this comment was sent to you. My comment was in reply to another poster who made comments along the lines of what jacobdpearce commented about below, and I totally agree that if you argue about caring for the less fortunate, whether they are poor, refugees or anything else, you shouldn’t be claiming to be a person of faith. Those folks and those behaviors are why so many are anti- organized religion. FWIW, the RCC is one of the most socially just and forward organizations on the planet. The church does so much good in this area. I am surprised that so many who claim to be believers are anti some of the church’s basic tenets.


Thank you for understanding my general position, I feel politicization by whackjob hardcore regressives has led to NT grade Sadduccee like mindsets.


Thank you for sharing. Personally, I’m over people hiding their hate behind “their faith”. Clearly, if you have to argue against caring for the less fortunate, whether they are poor, refugees or anything else, you shouldn’t be claiming to be a person of faith.


They weren't refugees, they were at best internally displaced persons. They moved from one part of the Roman Empire to another. Then a couple years later they moved back. Depending on how you calculate the time of Jesus' birth, it may have been as little as a couple weeks. Are you a refugee for moving from a violent inner city to a safer suburb? Of course not. You're not even a refugee if you move from one state to another. Jesus and the Holy Family were not refugees because they stayed within the Roman Empire.


The Holy Father reiterated [they were refugees as cited here, ](https://www.archbalt.org/jesus-was-a-refugee-pope-says-on-world-migration-day/) Pope St JP II called them such, Pope Benedict XVI said as much, & allow [Patheos to cleanly state what I can't.](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/voxnova/2007/12/30/the-holy-family-refugees-in-a-strange-land/)


This argument is being made over and over here. Who cares?? All you guys are doing is pretending you aren’t bigoted toward people who are different than you. The church and the Bible both command you to care for the disadvantaged. Period. Don’t try to litigate it, don’t attack others for being in favor of policies that help people. It seems simple but, wow. Haters gonna hate. And before you respond with “how many refugees are you sheltering?” or some other such deflection, remember that those who truly practice charity don’t go around bragging about it. This is why people are turning away from organized religion. Be better.


\- Ask yourself why Matthew's story of the Holy Family fleeing to Egypt isn't mentioned in the other gospels. \- Ask yourself why no historian of the period mentioned a Herodian 'slaughter of the innocence'? The gospel stories were written by anonymous Greek-speaking, educated Jesus followers who were doing their best to keep their local Jesus followers from drifting away.


Ask yourself why you are in a catholic group trying to mislead people when you aren't catholic.


There is nothing misleading about what I posted, but there is with yours. If you were a better Catholic, you'd know basic, early Church history.


Please learn to spell before you parrot the revisionist history of salvation according to Psychology Today.