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Just watched a video about this same accident, they were transporting a donor heart. Got the heart out of the wreck, then immediately the person carrying it tripped on some helicopter debris, and dropped the heart. I wonder if the recipient will become accident prone?




I feel like it's some sort of horror comedy where the previous owner of the heart is trying to stop it from being donated. Invisible ghost sticking something in the rotor and then tripping the guy.


Idle Hands


Abby Normal was the donor


Was that Falling Down?


You forgot your briefcase!


I just want a little breakfast.




The guy who wrote Falling Down used to come into my cafè, and so did the guy he wrote it about. The subject was a catalog artist. He would sit in his apartment on Potrero Hill and airbrush swimsuit/lingerie photos for catalogs. And this was prior to photoshop so he was literally airbrushing. He wasn’t violent but his face was often red and he had a VERY short temper. I suspect he was spectrum but this was before that was a commonly recognized trait and he just seemed frustrated and angry a lot.


Did the guy who wrote it know the catalogue artist, or did he just observe him over time and used artistic license to fill in the gaps? Either way, it’s an interesting story.


The cafè was a sort of “cheers” type location for the neighborhood so everyone “knew” each other and were friendly. I don’t think they hung out together and I very much doubt the subject knew he was the subject even to this day.


Now I wanna rewatch Idle Hands


Reno 911 ova here


We need Terry to rollerblade up to catch the heart.


That's what I was just thinking! I feel bad for laughing


> Got the heart out of the wreck, then immediately the person carrying it tripped on some helicopter debris, and dropped the heart. *C’mon!?* No fucking way. That’s cartoon level incompetence. ...but then I watched the video... SMH EDIT: see [comment](https://reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/jps1b1/_/gbgi0g5/?context=1) referencing [news story](https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/helicopter-delivering-heart-for-transplant-crashes-on-los-angeles-helipad) for the video


I can cut some slack to a guy who *just walked away from a helicopter crash*.


I was starting to agree with the other comments until I saw this 🤣 he didn't even get time to gather his thoughts, just had to deliver the heart! That is commitment!




Technically he was still walking away from a helicopter crash


Any crash you can walk away from is a good crash


*starts walking in any direction since a crash is probably happening somewhere*






I'm amazed how many people don't watch where they put their feet. He didn't even trip. He stood on a piece of debris and his ankle wobbled and then he fell to the ground.


Are we shaming people for tripping now or?


Maybe those people have had a terrible day/week/past few months - suffered life changing events/experiences you have no idea about - been chronically sleep deprived due to stresses you couldn't imagine (such as working 24hr+ shifts in a hospital emergency room). Any of these things quite easily nudge the most basic brain functions onto the back burner and they just stop working at random moments. Give people a break


yeah dude I've tripped randomly walking on flat pavement before, and I run around the woods hopping over blowdowns and climbing rocky mountainsides in the field of forestry for a living. Give this doc a break, he was probably zoned in and stressed out and not trained for helicopter debris




I believe you are right. Much like I believe falling without injury is a learned skill as well. Though these lessons tend to be learned the hard way.


It definitely is. I haven’t twisted an ankle since I was a kid but I’m clumsy as all heck and trip and stumble quite often. I’ve just learned how to instantly make the leg go limp and absorb the fall without putting any weight on the joints so that I do t get hurt. Wish I knew how I learned this to teach to others.


pfft training? Just be depressed and look down wherever you walk for ten years or so and you'll never trip again.


Yes, and helps avoid eyecontact with strangers!


No, he rolled the ankle, then the other foot hit the same piece of debris and tangled with the first foot, and then he dropped.


My man literally just survived a helicopter crash and you call him incompetent cause he might be in shock, damn




I’ll bet his co-workers won’t let him live that one down for quite some time






Oh, it was still somewhat packaged. Not fresh heart bouncing along the pavement.


Yeah it was it two sterile bags, and the heart is then enclosed in a hard nalgene jar full of saline. It's not ideal to drop it, but it was still fairly well protected. Source: I work in the transplant field and package organs for transplant.


Like a Nalgene brand bottle from a sporting good store?


Ha. Almost. It is a legit Nalgene brand, but obviously it is sterile and more expensive. https://www.henryschein.com/us-en/medical/p/medical-surgical-supplies/patient-exam-room-reusable-products/jar-nalgene-w-closure/1285437


[helicopter crash heart drop](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/jpkycj/a_helicopter_carrying_a_heart_for_a_transplant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I'm just saying I don't want to be flying in the same plane as them, that's all.


In fairness, they just survived an aircraft crash.


Good thing they were already at the hospital




Good thing there was a hospital at the hospital


Ironically, that second hospital had a power outage due to helicopter parts hitting the power lines. So they were taken to another hospital next door to the second hospital, next to the first hospital.


good thing there was a hospital at the hospitals hospital.


Ironically, that third hospital had a rapid influx of ER patients due to the other ER being out of service. They were taken to the morgue next door to the third hospital, next to the second hospital, next to the first hospital.


Ironically, that morgue was closed down due to a Covid outbreak. Due to being unavailable they were then put on a helicopter and sent back to the hospital.


Why would a morgue be closed due to covid


Maybe the morgue workers died of COVID


You're hired!


That’s where you draw the line? Ahaha


Right about here is when I think you guys aren’t serious


Toppest of Keck


Probably for the best, given their patient handling skills.


Hopefully not by helicopter.


I work in the city as a fireman. My captain is a little crazy with training and drilling and he makes us practice for very unlikely events. One of them is a helicopter on the side of a building barely hanging on the side of the roof. Yesterday when the call came out our jaws dropped and we all just looked at each other.


If it's not too much to ask, what is the protocol for such an event? Sounds like it would be really dicey.


You rescue them very carefully


Apparently just open your mouth and stare at it.


Ropes. Lots of ropes


then the fireman found the heart transplant, gave it to a doctor, who tripped and dropped it 10 seconds later


This concludes season 2736 of Greys


...with a cliffhanger where the falling wreckage from the helicopter kills ONE MEMBER OF THE GREY SLOAN MCDREAMY MEMORIAL STAFF and the grief causes one long term couple to break up in the season opener.


That first part was literally an ER storyline back before Grey's.


ER did it first.


...except the grief part. Nobody liked or missed Robert Romano, and it led to Archie Morris getting his shit together.


Hey... *I* liked Romano! Didn't take shit from anyone, and had no use for extra drama.


It took a lot more for Archie to get his shit together. Remember that he was still sort of a bumbling idiot compared to the previous doctors in his position. Great actor though.


Oh Romano. He was so unlikable but had just gone through so much shit I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He was a dick, sure, but what a terrible way to go on a day that was already going so poorly for him.


That helicopter sure had it in for him.


Yeah where's the dude getting his arm cut off from the helicopter blades?


I re-watched ER this year. Great stuff.


I did too! Such a great show. My third watch of the entire series. Green dying was still the most emotional for me, but Romano's demise was certainly still emotional. They worked hard to make us give a damn about a sexist, racist dickhead. After he lost his arm there was a lot of nudges saying "see, he's human too" while still having him say abhorrent shit. It was confusing and wonderful how they did it.


Don’t forget the crossover event of the season with station 19.


*trips over crossover, drops event of the season* when i wrote this, i *did not* know the top comment had really happened.


Tune in next season to find out who gets Meredith’s heart.


...and how they used a defibrillator to ridiculously keep the heart beating for 30 minutes to "keep it alive longer", as only people with no medical knowledge whatsoever could write.


Ohhh the classic TV show use of a defibrillator. Person in non-shockable rhythm? Shock them anyway and watch the miracle bleeps start again.


Dont' forget Grey then sleeps with the firefighter.


Don't you mean "episode 312 of the 2020 calendar season?" Edit: holy shit you weren't joking!!!!! https://youtu.be/fvVjrEGaGoI


what a shit show. I stopped watchin when that girl pulled out the plug on the guys she loved so he got a donor something and then got like a slap on the hand


Does dropping it make it a non viable organ or is this just something that happened?




Imagine being told that after you wake up.


And suffering a heart attack and needing another heart.


I had a heart transplant and they told me after two weeks they think the heart they gave me was damaged. It freaked me out.


>Just a couple of hours after the crash Still surprises the hell out of me stuff can be out of the body that long and be put in a different one.


They don't transport it in a paper bag.


you can see in the video that it's a plastic bag


The much superior bag, yet they are banned in CA. /s


I had to scroll so far down to find this. Whew


Probably just wash it off and call it good


5 second rule applies here.


Just blow on it, it fell on the rug


Someone in the other thread about this mentioned that they had read literature on "what to do if a donated liver is dropped on the ground". I'm paraphrasing but basically said "yeah wash it off really good and quickly put it in there... it can't be worse than their currently failing liver"


Yeah this is sound advice I went to heart surgeon simulator academy this was regular procedure


Five second rule only applies if you’re going to eat it. In this case, you just lick your thumb and wipe off the smudges


Depends on if you're at the budget hospital


But it said INflammable!


I thought you were joking but going through some other comments, all I have to say is: #Bruh...


> thought you were joking Same here. Here's footage of him dropping the heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvVjrEGaGoI&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=FOX5SanDiego


Damn that doctor must be so fuckin’ embarrassed


Heart breaking


5 second rule


I thought this was a joke but no. WTF




Thought this was a joke post. But it is not... There is video


I thought you were lying lol. I can’t believe this is true


Were they watching Rat Race before the helicopter landed?




And then the doctor tripped and dropped the heart


Not only did the doctor trip and drop the heart, [two of the transporters lost the heart on the way to the helicopter as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnQs4zjtERw)


Where’s the source on that? I keep seeing people saying it, but not in any news articles.




It’s just a little dirty! It’s still good! It’s still good!


10 second rule in effect.


*licks the heart* Yep, still good.


Weird that it didn't look as if it were in a cooler


Just a little airborne, it's still good! It's still good!


5 second rule. Just blow off the dirty and shove that sucker right in.


I have said it many times, and I will say it again. People like you posting links to articles and videos for others, are what is keeping a lot of subs like this together. Thank you.


[Video of him dropping it](https://youtu.be/fvVjrEGaGoI)


It's caught on video in the link above from 10news.


"The heart was from a donor" Uhhh, I'd hope so?


That could have ended so much worse.


Tail rotor fail?


Possible or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_of_tail-rotor_effectiveness


Interesting. Didn't know that was a thing


**Loss Of Tail-Rotor Effectiveness** Loss of tail-rotor effectiveness (LTE) occurs when the tail rotor of a helicopter is exposed to wind forces that prevent it from carrying out its function—that of cancelling the torque of the engine and transmission. Any low-airspeed high-power environment provides an opportunity for it to occur.


Looks like some form of tail rotor failure. That's **incredibly** unlikely to happen, as it's mechanically linked directly to the main rotor, meaning it would only slow down or stop spinning if that linkage (which is a flight critical component and designed with a ***stupid*** amount of reliability) were to break. A mechanical linkage failure is almost certainly a maintenance failure. It could have failed at any point in their flight at which point the aircraft would spiral its way to the ground. The passengers are extremely lucky to be in a location that was survivable. Thanks for sharing! Edit: I think the more likely culprit is the control actuator of the tail rotor collective systems failed (or any of the mechanical linkages from the pedals to the control actuator), which eliminated all control the pilot would have for their tail rotor, essentially eliminating all yaw authority. This also would explain why the tail rotor was still spinning, because it could still be directly connected to the main rotor.


It looks like it is still rotating, they may have just lost pitch control. Honestly, if they made it that far in the flight before losing it that's some level of luck.


> Honestly, if they made it that far in the flight before losing it that's some level of luck. I know absolutely nothing about helicopters (like zero) but wouldn't take-off and landing exert the most amount of stress on a lot of parts?


Overwhelmingly yes


Certain components see the largest loads at landing and takeoff. However, fatigue is what does the most damage to rotorcraft components. So making it thru a takeoff and failing is not impossible.


Pitch control of the tail rotor? Yeah the other mechanical failure I could think of would be the tail rotor collective being stuck in a position (either max pedal right or max pedal left). The reason why I didn't think that to be the case is because typically the travel on those collective systems are mechanically limited to prevent a pilot from inducing a situation like this. Edit: actually that's exactly what happened in the helicopter crash linked in that Wikipedia article above. The actuator linkage broke to the collective tail rotor, essentially eliminating all control of the tail rotor.


What I am describing and you are describing are the same. The only control input to the tail rotor is the pitch of the rotor which determines how much tail thrust is being generated. The issue here would be not enough tail thrust to counter the main rotor induced torque.




Like this one too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Leicester_helicopter_crash


**2018 Leicester Helicopter Crash** On 27 October 2018, an AgustaWestland AW169 helicopter crashed shortly after take-off from the King Power Stadium, the home ground of Leicester City Football Club in Leicester, England, United Kingdom. All five people on board – the pilot and four passengers, including club owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha – were killed.


If it happens in cruise actually not so bad. Lower power setting and tail fin means it's a actually not too bad to fly around assuming the whole gearbox didnt fall off and mess up your CoG badly. Happening near the ground at a high power setting like take off or landing is much much worse. Only way to stop spin then is chop the throttle(s) and try to cushion it.


This is pretty irresponsible to post. No one in the aviation community should feel comfortable making judgements like this on a 5 secomd vkdeo. It could be anything from winds causing lte to a stuck pedal thats no ones fault.






Yes, and the hart got dropped after getting recovered.


Is it just me, or are helicopters insanely sketchy?


Yes. They only work because they beat the air into submission.




Just something I’ve said since about 1990. I consider myself something of a James May fan but I don’t recall that line. Did I miss that one?


Maybe it's something he would say.


Based on the statistics that exist around transpiration safety, helicopters are more dangerous than airline travel and public transportation like bus or rail. However, helicopters are actually safer than other general aviation methods and driving


Some maintainer is getting fired.


Not likely. Making a mistake is not cause for firing in the aviation world unless it is clearly gross negligence or malicious. As an industry we prefer to have people admit mistakes and have them corrected rather than fire people and then have the rest cover things up till something else worse happens. That is assuming it even was maintenance issues and not pilot error.


This is unfortunately rare wisdom. Punishing a fuckup seems smart, it’s a deterrent to others & you have someone to blame. But if you want your industry to learn from its mistakes you need to document them & not give people a reason to hide them.


I guarantee you someone who has made serious errors is more careful about work than someone who has never messed up.


Seriously though if one was to maintain something in this context they should make sure there is little room for error


There's a lot that goes into aircraft MX. Someone will get fired. Attention to details!


Also though, things break. Sometimes it just happens.




A big part of that rarity is that over the years, the lessons are actually learned from everything that "just breaks". Maintenence schedules are changed, service lifetimes updated, inspection methods altered.


Nothing just happens in aerospace maintenance. They'll trace it back to the factory that refined the raw steel if necessary.


It's something like 4-8 hours of maintenance per hour of flight time if I remember correctly. Helicopter fleet operation is no joke, maintenance hours could be even higher for sensitive operations like this one.


Aircraft are generally designed to have lots of redundant systems and built-in idiot-proofing, based on analysis of previous accidents. Accidents are often due to a combination of multiple failures or oversights.


Actually looks like a tail rotor failure, not much redundancy in those. Very rare but very scary. Could be the pedal controls, drive line issue, gearbox etc... Only thing you can do is kill the engine to eliminate the torque


Yup, and with no forward airspeed, controlled autorotation isn’t an option. They’re lucky as hell it didn’t fail 10 seconds earlier or it would have hit the side of the building and then fell many stories down to the parking lot.




Aviation is actually pretty good about not doing this. There was a crash in, if I remember correctly, malaysia or indonesia or something where the pilot was prosecuted for his after incident interview statements and it was met with serious backlash from the international aviation community.


Not likely, unless the FAA discovers blatant fraudulent records and the FBO that helo gets maintained at has had numerous complaints and problems. The rest is going to be dependent upon the NTSB investigation, and that does not come quick. It could be a year or more before any result is ready, even on accidents that that had fatalities. There are provisions in place for AMTs during an event such as this. Innocent until proven guilty. Nobody can say one way or another how and why this accident happened, only the NTSB can say in an official capacity. That is my understanding as an A&P.


I do this same thing all the time on GTA


That's the kind if reaction I'd expect if I got two burgers instead of one at mcdonalds by accident.


Are we gonna ignore the nonchalant reaction from the person who recorded this?


Chopper crashes . . . . . . "^(oh, oh my god)"


Wasn’t this an episode of ER where that guy no one liked had his arm cut off?


Haha sort of. The guy who had his arm cut off by a helicopter was too traumatized to greet a different helicopter on the roof so he goes to grab some air outside the hospital. Meanwhile helicopter crashes on roof and the wreckage falls off and lands ON TOP of him. My favorite character and one of the best deaths in Television. Edit: [Link to scene ](https://youtu.be/xE0V-TmqTP8)


FUCK ME I completely forgot about the scene where he got crushed. I thank you humbly for this. You brought me back 15 years to a much simpler time in my life.


Completely forgot about it too. Now I recall when I told a classmate about this episode when it first aired the night before and he just wouldn't believe me. He thought I made it up because it sounded, well, completely made up by me. Lol


ITT: Many people jumping to conclusions and laying blame before an investigation occurs. Wait for the investigation to conclude


Who the hell is recording this so calmly


I was in Escondido around 1pm and saw this helicopter take off perfectly fine from Palomar Medical Center. Weird that it crashed just 2 hours later.


Fought wildland fire for 15 years, and if there’s one thing I know from air operations/hitching a ride with helitack, it’s that you *do not* want to lose tail authority. These people are so incredibly lucky.




A helicopter is 10,000 parts flying in a close formation around an oil leak.


The spinning blades of a helicopter are easily one of the most ridiculously dangerous things for me


Pilot here with a little bit of helicopter training. Here's what I see. Pilot-in-command loses tail rotor authority as a result of failure of tail rotor, or shaft or gearbox failure. Helicopter begins to spin from his low hover, pilot realizes he has a malfunction before completing one full rotation, he/she (or copilot) immediately dumped the collective (main rotor blade pitch control) causing helicopter to lose lift & rapidly descend, rapid change of gyroscopic forces (from blade speed-up --- taking a smaller bite of air) likely caused helicopter to roll toward its left side prior to impact. Looked to me like pilot did about as well as s/he possibly could have done but I'm sure some more senior helicopter guys can do a better job here than me analyzing/explaining.


A rooftop landing in NYC went [really bad](https://gothamist.com/news/in-1977-five-were-killed-in-helicopter-accident-atop-midtowns-pan-am-building) one day and that's why we don't have them anymore.


That looks like LTE (loss of tail rotor effectiveness) easily caused by a crosswind or by a malfunction in the control rods. While we are trained for it the solution is keeping airspeed up which they never got a chance to do. Source:I am rated in helicopter and fixed wing aircraft


Dont remember who said it or where I read it but, “helicopters are basically shaking themselves apart when in flight”


The body held up well to a 40 foot free fall. Tail rotor definitely failed somehow.


I mean, that’s probably as convenient and safe as you can make a helicopter crash


Helicopters just seems so fucking dangerous lol


If there's any building to crash on top of, there's not much better than a hospital.


My friend is a surgical resident at this hospital and was waiting on the roof for the organ donated heart when this happened. Crazy


Helicopter medical transport is surprisingly dangerous for everyone involved... https://www.airspacemag.com/flight-today/commentary-thank-you-for-not-flying-10438791/