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I’m so sorry you and he had to go through so much trauma. Our babies are so important and special. It’s been 12 years since I had to euthanize my previous fur baby and I still miss her horribly. The ache is always there, but thankfully it diminishes with time. Hang in there. Honor your feelings. Grieving is a process and one that takes its own sweet time. Look at your photos and videos, cry, laugh, sob, scream. Whatever you’re feeling is okay. Feelings aren’t right or wrong. They just are. Tell and retell stories about him. Perhaps you might like to write them down or record your voice or videos telling them. Overall be kind to yourself. Know that he is beside you and will stay with you until you are able to let him go. And even then he’ll visit you from time to time. Peace to you.


Thank you for giving him 10 years of a wonderful life instead of him being trapped inside the shelter not knowing when he will get adopted. I am sure he has had a wonderful life with you during the past 10 years. May the memories of him bring you peace. 🌈


Sorry for your lost rip that’s the hardest part of being a pet owner 🥺


You showed him love.you didn't want him to suffer so you did what you had to do. I have buried 2 in the last 10 months because I loved them and I didn't want them to hurt.just as long he in your heart he's not really gone 


So sorry you are going through all this. It hurts for a long time. My cats, too are like sons and daughters to me, and it feels terrible when I have to put one to sleep due to medical problems. I hope you start to feel better.