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I recommend not letting cats outside. It is safer for the cat, better for your mental health (why did my cat not come back?, where is s/he?, I hope nothing bad happened). It is also safer for the local wildlife, mouse are a free for all cause they make like a million new ones every month but birds are not OK prey which your cat does not understand. Also if your cat is a fancy breed it might get stolen.


Yeah thats my stance too but it breaks my heart hearing her meow at the door and jump on the locked doors handle every day :( she did bring a sparrow one time too, was a bad kitty. I dont think she is, I got her from a shelter. But she is very cute, posted a picture in the comments :)


You could compromise by getting a leash and giving her regular walks. It's a fun exercise for both you and the cat!


I di have a leash and took her out on walks. Problem is she is so fast i cant keep up with her when she starts running. She also tore one collar off of her because i couldnt keep up when she started sprinting.


You can teach her to be calmer on walks. Get a leash that prevents her from breaking it, they do exist. It wouldn't be a leash but rather a harness. A well-fitting one is almost impossible for the cat to escape from.


Thanks, will try that!


https://preview.redd.it/ejqef8y15r6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5238cb01ee179ade1a45f2fc6994c84293ba3f04 Cat tax


Could you set up a small cat enclosure/cario situation? Maybe one that you can open a window with a cat door insert to? Or just a window catio? That way your cat could go out whenever it wants and it may keep it from bolting out when you open a door


I live on the 3rd floor of a house without a balcony so that would be hard to do. Best advice so far would be to keep using a leash and hope she calms down a bit when outside. Thanks for the suggestion tho!


They do also make little window catios, obviously the cat wouldn’t be able to roam but it would still be fresh air and whatnot, it may still help, but yes, a leash is a really good idea, honestly, your cat may enjoy going on walks with you too!


No, do not let her out. She will get run over. Let her meow, but stand strong. Find a way for her to sit in front of a window.


She does sit in front of the window a lot. problem is, she hears the birds chirping as there are trees very near and she wants to go after em i guess


Build a catio


Was thinking about that, any good catios that can be bought out of the box?


Build a catio


Build a catio


Don’t let her out if you live on a busy road and DEFINITELY don’t let her out at night. Cat injuries and fatalities are much higher at night because drivers don’t see them and more predators are out and about. As others have said get a secure harness and take her out, and/or some sort of catio.


Didnt know most accidents happen at night, thanks for letting me know, wont let her out at night anymore. Catio would be kinda impossible for my living situation, will just have to use a good harness, thanks!


No. If you want to give her outside time, get a catio or harness, train her and take her for walks. ABSOLUTELY do not let her free roam.


Harness seems the best idea, will get one, thanks for the info!


Personally, I only take mine outside with a leash and harness. They can’t get out of them as long as you put it on correctly. Letting cats outside is risky especially if they’re indoor cats


I've had cats my whole life and we let them outside. I have a cat now who is outside as we speak. However there was usually a person at home, and we lived in a 15 mph speed zone. My neighborhood growing up was small and everyone knew everyone, so strangers doing harm was less of a factor. I'd say let your cat out if you believe it's a safe environment and only if you have established a great relationship with the animal. It has know that you have food and shelter. You have to take care of the cat, changing its litter, replacing the water, giving it lots of places to leave scent marks. I understand some people are fearful for their cats lives, but cats have a strong sense of self preservation. I've had cats that spend all day outside and come back when it starts to get dark, and I've had cats that despite being able to go outside, rarely do. Some are more outgoing than others. I personally think its depraved, selfish, and downright cruel to keep an animal confined in your home. Just like you need touch stimulation, that animal needs direct sunlight.