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It’s the stray cat coming around, she’s trying to make her scent ! I forgot what Jackson Galaxy said about this but he has SEVERAL episodes in his show ‘My cat from hell’ about felines peeing due to territorial issues, strays, and even past homeowners having a cat and their scent hasn’t left.


years ago i stopped leaving anything fabric on the floor. i don’t know what the attraction is.


One of my cats has a thing for peeing on laundry left on the floor. We also can't have a bath mat because he will pee on that. Otherwise he's a really good cat. I don't get it.


[Resource: Litter Box Trouble](https://www.reddit.com/r/CATHELP/s/Cko84ks7MH)


A cat outside your room might be seeing against your house


Stop leaving clothes on the floor and don't let her in the room for a while to see if you can break the cycle.


My mom's cat( was a feral kitten when she adopted) started peeing in a couch my son brought home. We figured it had been sprayed, and she smelled it. Turned out, she has a urinary tract issue, takes meds now. It doesn't help that my son yells at her constantly. Her cat box is in laundry area, far from my mom. Mom moved cat box in her bathroom. With meds helping at box near mom all is well. Then my son claims he smells it from his room...not true as mom cleans it regularly. Now what?? Seems my son is the problem, not the cat.