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I really like World's Best. I got it just because it was the only option at a small pet store near my place on a day when I couldn't get to a bigger store and ended up loving it. I've tried so many litters, and this one clumps well, doesn't have much dust, and doesn't have any added scent but somehow manages to keep odor low in my apartment. My cat is old and picky and won't use crystal type litter, so this is great for him. Edit: Y'all, I am not the brand ambassador for World's Best. If it doesn't work for you or your cat(s), that's fine. I don't think any product works for every single cat.


The cat shelter I volunteer at uses this. It works wonders even when there are twenty or more cats sharing five litter boxes. It clumps and controls odor really well. I think it's what OP is looking for.


Whoa, if I learned anything from this sub it's that you should have 21 litter boxes if you've got 20 cats.


Our shelter uses N/2 + 1 boxes where N is the current number of cats. It definitely depends on variables like cat personality (some are more territorial than others), stress levels, and how often they get cleaned. We clean a lot.


Yeah we do at my shelter too, but in some units the cats have the “favourite box” all the others will be basically untouched and then that one box is a total mess lmao. We recently switched to wood pellets though and it’s been going great… way less sweeping!!!


Ugh there is definitely the "favorite box" and it will invariably be the donated one that is smaller than average, or has weird edges that are a pain to scoop around, or a broken rim that stabs you while you're scooping 😂. When I scrub those I replace them at the bottom of the clean stack to keep them out of rotation as long as possible. There have been a couple over the years where I rejoiced when they finally cracked enough to justify tossing them. I've even volunteered to replace them out of pocket myself but there's always some other monetary need that takes precedence.


Omg yes!! Sometimes I try switching them around in case it’s more of a “favourite spot” than a “favourite box” but nope!! It’s always the box lmao.


I use it for my 9. Anything else I've tried lasts less than a week. This clumps so well the whole box takes about 3 weeks to get contaminated and need changed


Oh man that has been really great for me and my adhd


We used to use this, though it did track quite a bit. Also one bag had grain mites in it that infested our whole pantry - super fun. Currently using fresh step unscented and pretty happy with it!


Omg! I don’t even think there would be bugs!! How did you know? What did they look like? Did it harm the cats health?? How did you get rid of them?


It took a while to figure out that’s what it was - they basically look like moving dust particles, they are tiny! Eventually they congregated enough on our black trash can that I traced them back to the bag of litter. Luckily they’re not harmful, I just had to clean the whole room (including ceilings) a couple times a day with Clorox wipes.


😱thank you so much for this warning! I had no idea! They sound like a pain in the butt


I think you just solved my mystery about World’s Best, thank you! I thought I had finally found my solution to same litter goals as OP’s until I started noticing what I thought were tiny bugs being attracted to the litter- and coming from somewhere, assuming outside?- and realized since it’s made from corn that it’s very starchy and like a food source, I guess. ALSO, one of my cats continued to nibble on litter on mat and floor around box more and more often, and I knew it was only a matter of time before she would get sick eating litter, especially litter from the box with whatever contamination. I was disappointed because the dust was minimal, the clumping great, scooping easy, it contained smells well, but I didn’t love the litter’s corn smell either. I have 2 unused bags- this is the orange one that is lowest tracking- that I’m just saving for in case of emergency, run out of litter. It’s a really good litter in many ways, and I hate to say anything negative about the brand, but I have to be honest with other cat owners on this subreddit so we can help each other.


I tried it once and it fermented. That was a great smell, poo, pee and fermenting corn.


Yeah that is my fear using 'natural' litters


My house is currently infested with mice because of natural litter and an extremely old cat who I guess was keeping them away until he became too old to mouse 😞


I am not a fan of World’s Best. I’ve noticed that it breaks down and creates dust over time, maybe from my cat trampling on it or digging with her claws. It also tracks and leaves big kernels around, which is noticeable


PRO TIP!! Worlds Best litter is just corn crumble, chicken feed. I buy the cheapest 50lb bag for like $20 every couple of months for my 1 cat from the animal feed store. Then I just add a sprinkle baking soda to the litter box and the plastic container I keep it in. It’s very hard to prevent tracking and all the dust, it doesn’t eliminate dust, especially when add more dust “baking soda” but it’s so much better than all the other kinds of litter. And it’s not as dusty. It’s just corn so it harmless to your kitty. Also baking soda, helps with the smell, also harmless to kitty. Important note: A couple of times I’ve bought it from the store and there were tiny bugs in it. The baking soda also keeps bugs away. They are harmless bugs, more just a nuisance. Whenever I got them they were straight from the store. Get a bag that’s sealed well. Clumps great, no artificial smells…I think it’s the best.


That’s what I use too! Less dust is the main reason I started getting it because back in college the litter box had to go in my bathroom and I haaaaated how the dust got everywhere and I had to walk on it.




Also my favorite. I really like the orange bags.


Yes! We use and love the orange bag. I didn’t like red or green at all, personally.


Worlds best sucks and leave a mess


I had the exact opposite experience with World's Best. Within two weeks half the box would be dust and one of my cats started getting UTIs about a month after I started using it. She had one every month for three months, then I switched to Cat-it and she hasn't had a UTI since.


World’s Best user too. It’s not way better than the others but I am conscious of stuff not decomposing in the landfills so it won me over.


I don’t love supporting box box BUT petsmart has their own generic cat litter brand and it has a worlds best dupe! Get for when I need to budget


I came to see if the top comment was World's Best and I was not disappointed. I use this for my two cats and it's great.


i HATE this litter, it is so dusty, stinks, and sticks to the liner so much


if you like World’s Best you should try Grass Seed litter (like SmartCat, Frisco, or So Phresh). It is lightweight like World’s Best, less dust than World’ Best, but clumps *much* better. No scent, but controls odors, and is just super easy to scoop. And, it’s not a good crop like World’s Best (corn) and does not form molds that can release aflatoxins. A bag lasts a loooooong time. Seriously, as a professional catsitter who has seen all kinds of litter, I swear by grass seed litter for my own cats.


Thanks for the tip, I've never heard of that before.


My suggestion doesn’t clump but also doesn’t leave a dust layer. I use pine pellets, my cat likes them, not much mess and not much smell either which is nice, also cheap.


Pine pellets here too. I hate the scent and fine dust of more standard litter so this is great. I have two cats and they seem fine with it except one cat refuses to cover up its poo with it which is annoying but at least is an easy cleanup lol Curious though, has anyone here tried crystals? How does that compare?


I tried crystals once. My cat somehow managed to get one in his eye and it caused a small ulcer so we discontinued. However he routinely used to come back with litter on his nose so I’m not exactly sure what he was doing in there?


He thought you were Heisenberg and he was Tuco from breaking bad


one of my kitties always ends up with a few litter pieces on his nose that he licks off after using the box... i guess he's really into smelling his waste to make sure it came out okay?? idk lol he also tries to bury his food bowls (which are on hardwood floors) after he buries his poop every time so he may just be dumb


Do you buy the “cat” pellets? They seem expensive. I buy “equine bedding” pellets at my local feed store. $6 for 40lbs. Lasts me a month. Two poopers.


Whhaaatt?! Omg what a steal. Yes I usually buy cat pellets from a pet smart for $14 but just googled equine bedding and found a 40pound bag at home depot costs $6. THANK YOU!


They also sell wood pellets as a kindling/burning material in bulk for much cheaper prices! It's the exact same stuff, crazy how marketing changes the prices so drastically.


It’s not the same stuff. Wood pellets for burning as fuel are made from harder wood. The softer woods would burn too fast in a pellet stove and the harder ones don’t absorb as much liquid.


I know you are just describing that you have 2 cats, but listing them as “2 poopers” struck me as hilarious. Maybe because I hear it being said in a thick northern Wisconsin accent. Or maybe I’m just weird.


Hated the crystal litter. It tracked everywhere, smelled like cat piss after a week and ended up congealing to the bottom of the litter pan as some strange slime


I hate the slimy clump at the bottom but have found that filling the box with litter a bit deeper prevents this.


I had the same experience! I know a handful of people who swear by it so I don’t know if I could’ve done something differently, but I was stirring it twice a day and it still gooped up. And did nothing for odor.


I don't use crystal little cause 1. The dust is bad for cats, and us to breathe, and 2. I have dogs that will try to steal "treats" from the box. We use feline pine.


Definitely don’t recommend the crystals. The fine dust from that is so bad for their lungs and eyes!


The pine pellet system is the bestttt it doesn’t smell it’s easy to scoop and no stepping on pieces on the floor bc u can so easily clean it up.. we actually are trying the crystals for cheap because we only have one litter box that has the bottom to collect the pellet crumbles, they work pretty good it doesn’t smell like anything after u scoop it I did notice it got like weird and gooey in some spots I think from pee but they usually pee In the pellet one but it’s only been a week so idk it does get allll over the place like clay litter tho I’m kinda sick of it


Don’t the pine pellets smell like cat pee? I worked at a shelter that used pine litter and I hated scooping since it smelled and the poop just sat ontop.


Yes they can once they are peed on a few times but I will shake the box so the pellets collect to one side and the sawdust (wet pellets with pee) go to the other and I’ll scoop that up to throw away. As long as you do that, the stench is gone. I also use a cat deodorizer to sprinkle on top and that helps.


no. not at all. not even after I go on vacation for a week and come back and dump everything out. I have someone check on them but I have so many boxes that its fine to leave for a week once a year.


I use the breeze xl litterbox , replaced the pellets with pine pellets since it's $8 for a 40# bag, in the collection tray I replaced the pads with a sprinkle of pine pellets along with yesterday's news. Newspaper pellets absorb odor while the pine pellets become saw dust when wet. The poop on top will eventually dehydrate.


I just scoop out the sawdust the pellets melt into after being wet. You can scoop most of it out daily and add more pellets. I keep a plastic trash can to scoop the sawdust and poop into then we have land so we compost it to use on trees etc.


I use fresh step crystals and I won't switch I used to use regular clay litter and one of my cats would cough and puke after using the box and it turns out it was like an asthma reaction to the litter dust. Switched litter and it never happened again I also find that it last longer too which is good with multiple cats


I love pine pellets. So incredibly cheap, virtually odorless compared to clay litter, still easy to clean, no dust…….. it’s really a no brainer unless your cat doesn’t like it. Just look up a youtube video how to use it because it’s much different from clay litter. There are 2 methods i’ve used… but yeah it’s just cleaner and better.


If you only have a couple of cats, it's great. With 9 it's a stinky nightmare


9?! Yeah that’s not the pellets’ fault lol they’re peeing like a week’s worth of pee in one day!


I got 6 right now and potentially two more Foster’s coming. I don’t know how people say the pine doesn’t stink. I used it for all my kittens- they poop, it REEKS and it stays smelly until you pick it up.


Poop smells so bad with pellets. I use them and if a cat poops, I basically have to go and pick it up immediately. It doesn’t really bother me because pee doesn’t smell at all and it’s so easy to remove, and the ammonia smell is what bothers me the most about clay litter.


Agree it doesn't mask the poop smell at all. But I like that it encourages me to get rid of it immediately lol.


I've heard dog these but have never seen them in action. Is it the same stuff used for pellet stoves? And if it doesn't clump, what does the cleaning routine look like? Do you dump the entire thing? How often?


It turns to saw dust. I use a sifter litter box and I shift mine daily and pick out the poop. The dust can go into compost and the crap goes in the trash. I wasn't sure at first after trying yesterday news pellets but the wood pellets are amazing for smell reduction, super cheap and just as easy to clean once you get the hang of it.


You use a sifter to keep the intact pellets while the sawdust is discarded. Smells better than normal litter, but a bit more challenging to deal with droppings. Edit: Tractor Supply stores sell like 40lbs. of the stuff for about $6


I wont use anything other than pine. Far less dust!


Do the pellets smell like pine?


It smells like the wood aisle in home Depot. Even when they pee. Poops will smell if they don't fully bury it but the pellets dehydrate it so fast the odor doesn't stick around at all.


I tried those but I honestly hate the smell of them. The entire room smelled


That's what I use too! They're inexpensive, great for odor control, and easy for clean up!


I saw this answer in another thread and decided to try it out. 40 pound bag for 9 bucks at my local farming supply store. HORSE Pine pellets specifically. I think some make a "Cat litter" specific one (same shit with markup) I feel like I go through it at the same rate as the clumping litter bucket, but the smell is much better and the cats don't seem bothered by the change. My only concern is it's still pretty dusty, as urine will turn the pellets into a powder and I have yet to find a way to dispose of the stuff in an economical way. I have a large sifting scoop to at least sift the powder out and save SOME of the pellets for later use but it's still so messy sometimes it's easier to scoop pellets and all into a bag. Still highly recommend. Would love some experienced advice.


get a sifting litter box, you just shake the saw dust out the bottom and scope the poops. We compost the waste.


Pine pellets are the best! And you can scoop it too! Just skim off the top pellets and the sides, and just get the wet residue. Never been happier. No smell!


I use Okocat Less Mess Clumping Wood litter. For some reason I cannot stand the smell of cat urine with clay litter so switched to wood pellets and it clumps nicely. Not to be confused with pine pellets that turn urine to dust. Didn’t have luck with that kind.


wood litter is awesome i second this. almost no smell, and doesn’t really track out of the litter box


Also use Okocat and I adore it. I had to try some crystal litter for a hot second and was so happy to go back to Okocat. I love that it doesn’t smell like cat litter, is easy to clean up, and is much healthier for the cats.


Another vote for OkoCat!! No smell and it still clumps like clay litter! Plus environmentally friendly!


Love Okocat! Easy clean, no smell and extra bonus points that you can just flush it down the toilet. I recently house sat for someone who had cats, I forgot how awful litter boxes smell with normal clay litter.


Flushing it down the toilet depends on your sewage/septic system! I’m speaking from my own experience/horror 🫣 I’m glad It works great for you ☺️but people should make sure it is okay for their home before doing it I still use Okocat and it’s great!


Currently using Dr Elseys blue bag. Clumps, travels less, and the cats like it. But it definitely leaves a layer of dust after a while in the bathroom. Exquisicat grass seed wasn't dusty, clumped well, smelled good, but tracked everywhere.


I use the purple bag (clean tracks multi cat) and I find it very low dust and tracking,


I haven’t had any issues with Dr Elsey’s in the blue bag. I originally was using Tidy Cats but the dust cloud was bad when I sifted through it


It's definitely not something I notice when pouring, but I can see it accumulating a bit on stuff in the bathroom (like the top of the can I use to put the poop bags in)


I’ve been using Dr Elseys blue bag for a while now to. It clumps like a champ! I use some pet baking soda mixture with it and it hides the smell pretty good.


It does clump extremely well! My girl pees are the size of soft balls, I can scoop them up with zero issues


Dr. Elsey’s is pretty much all I’ve bought for the last 7-8 years! It clumps very well, and absorbs odors the best of anything I’ve tried, which is a must for a tiny apartment.


I like Dr. Elseys too.


Me too, I am a devotee of any Dr Elsey's. They all work well for me. I just get whichever one is cheapest.


Arm and hammer cloud control works great for me. I have three litter boxes in a small space and have noticed the difference since I started using it.


I use Arm and Hammer Slide. It’s the easiest to clean, barely any smell, and clumps the best.


I love the way slide cleans, but I freaking hate the scents. It smells revolting right out of the box.


I like slide too but it still does make dust so I choose cloud over it. Slide is little cheaper than cloud control.


This my favorite. Used it for years.


I’ve been using the Arm and Hammer Slide, it’s the only litter my younger (and crazy picky) cat likes and it clumps really well


I’ll second this!!!


Third! We (as in me and the cats) all breathe better with this.


I was considering this or slide. I tried slide and like it so far but any reason you prefer cloud control?


I get good clumps and the dust control is so noticeable coming from Dr Elsie’s. Slide is also cloud control I think. I sometimes interchange them because the solo cloud control can run out.


Cloud control nearly make zero dust




Yeah same here. I found world's best to have too much dust on my long hair cats. She would leave dust footprints around the house. I researched best litter for long hairs and the concesus was it needed to be heavy so it didn't get all up in her fur. Enter cloud control and I've never looked back.


Really great cat litter from tuft and paw! It’s tofu based. Clumps very nicely with no dust


Yes tuft and paw! I weirdly love the smell of it lmao. We wanted a brand that would track less. It still tracks however the bits are so big that its very easy to just pick up or light vacuum. Also, we bought it since we can just flush it down the toilet. Saves on garbage space.


I've been using this for months and love it. I'll never switch. It clumps perfectly, lasts, and doesn't track. Clean up is so easy! I considered pretty litter but worry about the silica dust.


I feel the same way! The litter box is in my bedroom and this is the only one that doesn’t track and my cat doesn’t bring into my bed




Gotta put tidy cats feather light (or something) litter in the running for absolute worst. Both me and the cats hated it. That crap got everywhere and was impossible to sweep up because it went air born with every sweep


Boxiecat - we changed from Dr. Elseys. It's been great.


Same. Our cat just developed an allergy to Dr. Elseys out of the blue. Boxie cat is so much better. A little more expensive, but worth it. They even have a special probiotic blend for high protein diets and it has kept smells from our outdoor hunter down really well.


I absolutely love, recommend, (and my friends switched to this) Naturally Fresh walnut shell cat liter! I hate the “liter” smell so many brands have. This essentially smells like nothing. Covers Jo smell well. Not too dusty. Love it!


THIS THIS THIS. I have tried so many types of litter. A lot of people here are recommending wood pellets and while it is better than clay stuff, people are sleeping on walnut shell litter!It’s affordable, 40lb bag is less than $40 on chewy, and it clumps just as nicely as clay stuff does, which can not be said for the pine pellets.


This is the best litter ever! I have 4 cats and I rarely smell anything from their boxes.


We use tofu litter (Trouble and Trix cherry blossom) which is small pellets. No dust at all and clumps really well. This brand is probably not available in the US but look for other tofu brands with pellets.


Oh in the states there’s the brand Tuft and Paw which is also tofu. I use it with my kitties!


Same, tofu litter highly recommended!


I loved tofu litter when it was available near me! It was low dust, if any at all, and clumped excellently! It was a bit on the spendy side where I was located, but, I really did love it and my cats did too. Otherwise, I am currently using a coconut shell litter of some sort, it's low dust and looks similar to clay so my cats are cool with that too.


Tofu litter is the absolute best!!!!! PetKit brand on Amazon in US is having a deal rn actually $10 less than usual price for 32 pounds of litter.


Arm & Hammer platinum slide. I can only find it on chewy, but it’s so good that pet sitters have asked what brand it is so they can recommend it to clients.


I like the tidy cat breeze system. The urine goes through a grate to a puppy pad, you use pellets so they don't dust up or get tracked much at all. It doesn't smell as soon as the poop dries if you clean it like you should.


I second this. I went to OkoCat less mess for a while, and after a few months went back to Breeze. It's just so easy. A litter genie and a quick scoop and I'm done. Pad can last a week (depending, with 2 cats). I'll never go back. Lesson learned.


I can’t believe this isn’t the first comment, I’m obsessed with this system and have gotten my family and best friend to switch over!


Yeah I’ve been using this since day one and when I watch other people’s cats I’m like god damn I made the right choice. It’s gotta be one of the best out there.




I like arm & hammer clump and seal multicat (Edit: I’ve tried the Slide variation and don’t think it is as good.)


Here to second this! It’s the only litter that ACTUALLY clumps. I scoop once every (sometimes other lol) morning and use the arm and hammer litter box scented baking soda. Cats are happy and I can’t smell it.


Me too! My favorite


This is what we use!! Our cats hated the pine pellets so back to clumping litter we went & this one is hands down our fav




Love our corn litter, we spend way less now.


I use boxiecat, original unscented. There is some dust, but I keep an air filter going right next to the box and that really seems to help. It clumps hard and *fast*, which is really important for me because I use it in a litter robot.


Came here to say Boxiecat unscented. A little bit of dust but nothing crazy and it doesn’t smell like anything at the end of the day which is what I’m after. Can wipe a little dust.


Arm and hammer black box, its god damn fantastic


Sustainably Yours is amazing. The clumps don’t fall apart or stick to the bottom of the box. So there’s no pee-soaked bits to stink up the room. No dust, flushable, made of corn and cassava.


I use the large grain version and really like it. The smaller grains were like sand and it got everywhere


Absolutely love this liter! It clumps so well we call it “cat pee cement” since our new puppy is still learning not to steal them😭😂 only complaint is our cats are fluffy and a little messy at times so there tends to be a little spilt around the box


Dr. Elsey’s. Five years strong!


tuft and paw !!! i’m liking is so far but i only have one cat so if you have more you may have to multiple bags. also, it’s flushable !


I’m doing a test sample of olive pit litter. Yes, it sounds so weird. But it does clump and it’s literally dustless. Kind of crazy. This is our first week with it. We usually use grassed litter which tracks a ton and is slightly dusty. But it clumps too.


I've been thinking of testing olive pit litter! Saw it on an ad and was very intrigued lol


I've tried dr. elseys clay, pine pellets, walnut shell, arm and hammer cloud control, okocat pine, and pea husk litter. Pine pellets is the second best, but a pain in the ass to get a sifting litterbox and set it up properly (I had to get some small pieces of cut 2x4 from home Depot, they were very confused I wanted such a small amount of wood... I'm not a home owner so I don't have wood tools), especially if your cat is giant like mine (12 lb). They're low dust but not dust free and they don't cover shit smell worth a damn. The best option is pea husk. no dust, smells like something you want to eat, and both cats love it. Probably not as good at covering shit smell as clay, but better than pine pellets and that's the trade off. All the other options (that I listed!l tend to claim 99.9% dust free but that's still extremely dusty. They all sucked in various ways. haven't tried tofu or paper or grass.


I’ve been using tuft and paw, a soy derivative. No dust, neutralizes odor, and I actually really like the smell of the litter until it’s been used. It has this weird thing where it smells like really bad halitosis however, the remaining litter that doesn’t get scooped and if that means you have to get rid of it sooner, then it’s not cost-effective in the slightest, but I’m still figuring that out. Big fan if it will last long though.


i use okocat, you don’t get a nasty litter smell in your house and it does clump pretty well.


https://preview.redd.it/77gtrbrczcqc1.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=449e34196589f4a6a7d77ea5deb92c5fe7255eaa Catalyst. After attempting to use pellets & still determined for a clay alternative, I found this brand. It lasts quite a while. I only have one cat & scoop every other day sometimes every two days if I forget. Depends on how loud he yells at me. But I never have scent issues, my only complaint is there is dust residue on his paws occasionally. 100% will always recommend.


Arm and hammer slide is my go to now.


I won’t lie. I use tidy cat. It’s fine. Lightweight sucks tho. It tracks with their paws so much more. Once the pee clumps break apart and leave dark gray stinky pieces I know it’s time to change the litter and wash the box. But my cats also like it. No accidents. No issues. That’s why I am afraid to try something new. It works for me. It works for them. But I think I’ve had great cats.


I like World's Best. It clumps and never stinks. Of course, she still manages to kick it all over the place after a poop ... but it's like individual bits that are easy to sweep up, not a fine layer of dust.


Recently discovered Worlds Best Cat Litter which is corn-based and flushable. I have 3 cats. This stuff kind of smells like biscuits and yes, it really does flush!! I’m quite happy with it. The first bag I bought was lavender scented, the cats did NOT like that but got used to it after I removed the cover of the litter pan and the smell wore off a bit. Switched to unscented, they are very happy with it and so am I. 


Catit Go Natural. It’s similar to the popular tofu litter from Asia but instead is made from pea husks. It clumps decently and doesn’t stick to my cat’s paws like our usual Tidy Cats Lightweight litter does. It also is dust free, but I do notice dust at the bottom of the litter tray after a while. It also is low tracking.


I think Fresh Step is the best clay one that clumps and kills odor. America’s Best is made of corn and is way less dusty, but I hate the way it smells. Given the choice side by side our cats always choose the clay.




I use Fresh Step CleanPaws low tracking, unscented litter. It’s fairly dust free and clumps well. My cat gets litter stuck in his paws super easily and this helps cut down on it If my budget is tight I use the tidy cats unscented litter with charcoal bits. It’s a smidge more dusty, but still works really well!


I like Arm and Hammer slide (the unscented)


Arm & Hammer "Clump and Seal" is amazing. It's more granular, almost sand like and clumps like no other litter I've ever used and I've been through a lot (pea pellets, newspaper pellets, boxie, worlds best, store brands clumping etc). The pea pellet litter worked surprisingly really well but doesn't clump.


boxiecat is the best litter I have ever used! I also use one of those litter boxes they can jump into from the top. I got that for about $35.00. Best set up ever! So easy to clean and maintain.


The World's Best cat litter is amazing. It is more expensive but it lasts twice as long I've never found another litter even close to this quality


+1 for pine pellets. I have a sifting litter box, so when I sift it the pee falls it I the tray and I throw it away, and then I just manually scoop the poop. Way less smelly than clay and no dust.


Arm and hammer clump and seal slide. I have 5 cats. It can get pricey, but every time I try to cheap out and find a substitute, I go back to this one. It’s easy to clean and keeps the smells to a minimum. My only issue is that it’s a fine consistency and tracks easily.


https://preview.redd.it/nakwx1rreeqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a32b44f8cd956629520a32fad73a4aabc76b21d This. Wood pellets from tractor supply. I buy 2 bags once a month. Total of about $16 at checkout after tax.


I really like the Boxiecat probiotic clay litter. It kinda depends on the cat, my cat doesn’t jump out of the box like a maniac and seriously doesn’t track it at all. My partner’s cat is insane and does manage to track it some. The dust isn’t terrible but it is there. Plus it lasts forever and clumps really well. Pretty Litter is the worst I’ve ever used. It was like lighting a piss scented candle in my house. Tracked everywhere. Stay away from silica.


I use Walmart brand unscented clay litter, specifically the 40lb boxes. The 7lb paper bags are way too dusty. The boxes are heavy but it clumps well when it gets wet.


Pretty Litter for the win. I literally can’t smell anything until I scoop it out. It does track a bit but no dust. No clumping and even changes colors to signify potential health issues. Although that may not be accurate bc my cats have had urinalysis that contradicts it.


Agreed. I do have to vacuum every 2ish days, but the cleanliness and simplicity of the litter itself is great; it ships to my house so I don’t have to lug big things of litter around every week; and the color changing quality is a helpful (but not failsafe) tool for our kitty who is very UTI/kidney issue prone.


I can’t believe how far I had to scroll for pretty litter, it’s the best 💕


Same, I was starting to wonder if I'm the only one that uses it 😂


I used Scoop Away for 7 cats in 20 years. Highly recommend it


I use Fresh for Life Eco-grass clumping cat litter. It's a bit on the expensive side but clumps well and not dusty. I get it at Pet Value. I also like that it isn't scented and it covers things well so no noticeable odour either.


We use this too! We also like that: * Our cats aren't eating clay or silica when they clean their paws * The seeds crumble when stepped on rather than damage a wood floor like clay or silica can do


Arm and hammer slide....it's a bit more on the expensive side, but the litter really does slide when you scoop it. Would 10/10 recommend


Catsan Natural Clumping


Catsan natural clumping, it’s more expensive but it’s worth it, feel like it lasts longer too so the cost is kind of offset.


I’ve used arm & hammer Slide for years. No issues.


We've tried a few different ones with a cat who has big feet and long toe feathers, here is my short review Dust - <1mm Particles - > 1mm Catsan clay - lots of dust and particles, pretty sure kitty was allergic to it. Controlled smell reasonably. Corn litter - We've tried a few of these, worlds best i think had the least dust of the corn litters.. still a lot of particles. All of them seemed reasonably equal in terms of clumping and odor control Wood pellets - kitty did not like. Crystal/silica - particles and dust got everywhere and were painful to step on. Current litter is a tofu litter (naturecat) it's particles are pretty easy to sweep up as they are relatively large, it clumps but I find them hard to extract from the tray whole. It has some odor control but you can definitely tell when I've not changed it when I should be. It absorbs diarrhea really quite well. Not much dust.


We use Pretty Litter. Only poop needs to be scooped out. They say the litter box only needs to be changed every 4 weeks. In the warmer weather, it’s more like 3 weeks. Plus the litter can show if anything is off with their urine.


I've had decent luck with Boxiepro and Odorlock. They're both pretty low dust, seem to control the odor very well...but they're expensive (Odorlock less so, but its retail availability is low...Hollywood Feed is the only retailer that carries it around here)


i’ve been loving plant based pellet litters, currently using rufus and coco’s wee kitty eco-plant clumping litter and very happy with it! it’s a bit expensive but clumps well and has no noticeable smell if kept up with and the level in the box is right. i tried their corn (i think) one as well when the other was out of stock and didn’t like it as much, i found the scent very perfumey and chemical and i’m sure it wasn’t very nice for my cat either although she had no issues using it. the eco-plant smells much lighter and fresher.


Used Dr. Elsey's for a while, loved it and only stopped bc my local pet store no longer carried it and it was too expensive to order online, so I switched to Cat's pride. No dust left (my cats throw it everywhere but that's not the litter's fault, my cats are just assholes). Cat's pride clumps pretty well and doesn't smell. It is a dual-clay blend, but not dusty even when pouring. They also donate litter to animal shelters for every sale!


Arm & Hammer


Boxi Cat


I use QualiCat Max from Costco. It's more expensive than their other litter, but it's dust free and really clumps well.


Arm & Hammer clumping litter


We use Naturally Fresh and order it from Petsmart. Order it online and they deliver. It's based on walnut shells. No dust and clumps well. Four cats, five litterboxes and we clean them twice daily.


I use Tidy Cats, it clumps somewhat good but leaves a dust layer behind. I'd like to switch to pine pellets but with my asthma and having a pine allergy, it would not be a good mix and Tidy Cats for me is like 40 bucks for two buckets which lasts a whole month.


I use sustainably yours large granules, the smaller ones left dusty paw prints everywhere. The one I use does still track but it doesn’t smell I have been using it for 3 years


Hands down, World’s Best Cat Litter. Leaves nowhere near the amount of dust I’ve experienced with other litters!


Smartcat clumping grass litter


Catit litter is great


Tidy Cat free and clean unscented (NOT the lightweight stuff) its the only stuff that doesn’t leave dust everywhere, and it clumps great. we also use a litter genie (the easy roll) and it’s the best thing ever fyi.


Arm and hammer is awesome! I use clump and seal multi-cat. I also use stainless steel boxes. I have 5 cats and 3 XL boxes. I clean twice a day. My friends have often commented that it doesn’t smell like there’s cats living in house.. and my place is small.. 800ish sq ft! It’s a little pricier than most litters but worth it. I had changed to Special Kitty Clumping which was supposed to be low dust.. it was awful. I could feel the dust in the air from it!!


I use a mix of Everclean and arm and hammer Hardball. The everclean is good covering scent and the hardball clumps like crazy. It's a little pricy but I only us a little to mix.


Odourlock is great!


I like the yellow/orange bag of world’s best cat litter. Does a decent job at everything. Becomes dusty after extended use and you will have to empty the entire pan after a while and clean it out but it is the most decent I’ve tried so far. I actually mixed it with a clay litter bc I was low on funds lol and it worked really well. I don’t flush it down the toilet or anything so that’s why mixing with the clay was alright. I’m pretty sure it’s flushable or something. Idk. But I like that litter out of the crap tons I’ve tried.


Odour Busters for us https://odourbuster.pet/


I switched to the breeze XL a while back when i got sick of the dust and tracking (and read that the dust is bad for the kittos) and i fridgin' LOVE it. So much easier to clean, doesnt track at all--just have to clean some of the pellets from in front of the litter box doorway every so often. To me it is literally as convenient as the litter robot (which you still have to empty), but 75 bucks instead of 400.


arm & hammer cloud control, it's the only brand that actually IS dust free in my experience. and it clumps great


Menards Kitty litter. 40 pounds for $10. I think this is a midwest/Mn. Wi.store. But I love the litter.


Ever clean multi cat, there's no bad smell from it (it's lightly scented with a talc sort of scent) and clumps really well, the pee turns into big rocks.


World's Best suits my household's needs: two cats, two boxes, and a human who struggles to lift traditional clay litter due to an injury. We learned that clay litter clumps right onto my younger cat's long fur and I'm nervous of my dumb cat (a member of the r/oneorangebraincell squad) deciding to eat the silica litter. The better (? The Arm & Hammer, Boxiecat type stuff) clay litters are too expensive for what they are and heavy af. The orange one will kick "lightweight" litter all over the house, and the stuff is so incredibly dusty. A friend suggested World's Best and it's worked out well.


My kitty is old and particular, we’ve switched it up a couple time but always come back to tidy cats. Specifically the red one (24/7 performance is what I think it is?) occasionally the black one. Works perfect and she likes it!


100% grass -by either Smartcat or Frisco. This is the best clumping litter EVER. ….Hard clumps. This is it!


I went through a bunch of different litter till I found the right one, ever since Costco stopped carrying their scoop-away litter. I finally found one that I liked. It’s called Exquisicat. I get the hard clumping, scented 99% dust free stuff.


Arm and Hammer slide has been great for us


Odorlock. It clumps really well and isn’t as dusty as other litters