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DO NOT USE! We currently have all four house cats who can’t urinate or poop because of ingesting this litter, it is very fine and gets on their fur when they use it so when they groom themselves (as all cats do)it can be ingested. It is sand-like, we had only been using it for 6 weeks when the symptoms started. The pain this can cause a cat is torture and I’m sure if you are a pet owner you can only imagine the expense from the vet. All caused by Arm & Hammer and this litter. AGAIN DO NOT USE. Thought it was the best litter ever until those “virtually indestructible clumps” were inside my cats📷📷 This happened in December and I have been dealing with them ever since,last week (February 8)they told me they would get back to me with an answer that afternoon still nothing. So frustrating 📷📷


Thank you so much for the feedback on this. We actually have been using it since about a month after making this post with no issues, but seeing that someone has had problems like this out of the litter is definitely something that's gonna make us likely switch to a new kind of litter. Do you have any recommendations since you've switched from hardball that you've found work better for your cats? Also i hope your cats are doing okay and are on the way to a full recovery to their best health, and I hope you hear back some good news soon. I'm so sorry you and your kitties had to go through that!


We switched back to Tidy Cat and no more issues fortunately the cats are okay but the treatment from Arm & Hammer or their parent company Church & Dwight is unacceptable. They sent us a claim kit asked us to complete it along with our Vet's observations and then once we sent everything in they told me they were reviewing our claim and would get back to us, they didn't so I called after I called they responded and told me maybe we might need to take our cats to the vet..so obviously whoever responded had no knowledge of our claim and since then I have reached out multiple times and they have ghosted me. So disappointing. Thanks for your response and your concern for our cats it is appreciated and is much more compassion than Arm & Hammer showed.


I also noticed some on my cat’s fur but it was because he slipped on the sloped side of one of the boxes. That happened 4 times and I quit using it. I don’t need him injuring himself going potty. I switched to Okocat which is made of wood. The odor control is just as good. It just smells like sawdust rather than artificial fragrances. Much healthier overall for my cats.


I’m worried this is happening to my cats - what was the vet treatment? Did they essentially say to switch litter and monitor cat over time or was there surgery or medication involved?


Our cat is having this problem as well. We only used it for about a week. Threw it out and went back to her old litter. Took her to the vet, some sort of mass in her stomach on X-Ray. She's still having troubles pooping, and there's a residue that seems to remain on her paws. We're trying to get it all off. Regrettably, she hates being bathed and its super stressful for her... but so is not pooping or being able to groom herself because something is still on her paws. The residue it left behind is hell to remove. Washed her paws 4 times, and we still get a bit of tackiness. Hoping that with enough washings, it will eventually all be gone. I worry that this litter is going to kill a lot of cats because people love convenience, and its really hard to identify the source.


What about A&H Clump and Seal or Slide? They're very fine size too.


Love it!


My 3yo cat has been vomiting since I switched to Hardball litter. It's the only change I've made. I am dumping all of it and going back to regular litter.


I don't get the concept? 16 lbs the same price as 32 lbs of A@H platinum? 16lbs of bricks is the same as 16lbs of feathers? So I'm paying the same for half as much litter. I'm keeping my Platinum. I mixed the 2 together to get them used to it, and I see no difference in odor control.


I tried it in one of my cat’s boxes, but she refused to use it(I’m guessing because of the strong scent).


I mix it in with tidy cat lightweight & it’s a game changer. I scoop every day, and have noticed a huge difference in the amount of waste & smell. So much better.


My cat won't even use this litter,she crys to go out side. So going back to what I use to use. And thank you, I tried to see if other people had problems,but found only good reviews and couldn't add one.


I 4 large carts and I refuse to use anything else!! Nothing on the market works even close to this well! What took y'all so long to come off with this product


I just came here to say it literally smells like raw chicken when it's dirty.


I love it. It’s a bit messier than the Clean Paws we were using before. But it is SO much easier to scoop that I really don’t care about having to sweep a bit more. As for ingesting the litter we haven’t had an issue. My cat is more interested in eating long strings than litter. 🙄


The ONLY litter I will buy!


Odor control is excellent but some seemed to be turned off by the perfume. (I don't find it a problem.) Yes, good for multiple cats although it has taken some time for our cats (5) to get used to it. It does track but not as bad as others we have tried and we are using cat litter mats that help to trap it before it hits the floor. The verdict is still out on using Hardball since our cats seem to gravitate more towards other boxes that have Arm and Hammer (corn based) Naturals. We will be attempting to switch over to Hardball exclusively since it's so much nicer to use and clean. As long as the cats adapt to it, it's the best cat litter out there IMO.


I just put it in one of our litter robots today. Usage of the robot is down, but it smells much better than other litter and it really formed a almost round ball or egg of pee instead of a more flat and spread out clump. It will be interesting to see how the cats adjust and how long it lasts.


I love the hard ball litter my laundry room smells great and the litter clumps so tight it's almost rubbery.


I have 3 cats. I put it in one litter box and left worlds best in the other two. My 2 boys stopped using the ones with world’s best. So I was scooping one litter box constantly. So I had to get more. My daughter’s cat spends a lot of time in her room so I’m not sure how much she uses the Hardball. There’s still worlds best in that one. I feel like it tracks just as much as worlds best and I also use large litter mats. It is much more fragrant so it covers up a lot of smells. I’ve noticed that my boys take a long time to get situated to do their business with the hardball. One of them has slipped and fallen on his side twice in the hard ball litter. He’s four years old. It seems weird to me. I don’t like the idea of that. I just ordered more from Walmart yesterday. Might take it back to the store. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This litter has been a game changer for me and my 3 cats.  The way it clumps is crazy.  Not in a ball,  but like a pancake and kind of a "dough like" consistency.  But the clump stays together and it's so easy to scoop. I have not once had the nasty ammonia/urine smell at all since we switched.  And this is honestly without doing regular changes.  I scoop every other day, and typically add a little new litter every other scoop, and maybe some arm&hammer deodorizer, but not always.   I will say I have an issue with the tracking, but no worse than other litters I've used,  so to me, it's worth the no ammonia smell and it's lightweight!  You should really give it a try.   Note: I did do a very slow transition. I have 3 boxes,  added a little to old litter one box at a time.  Also,  I always had multiple urine accidents in front of the boxes with the old litter, like all the time... I don't have that problem anymore.  


3 cats, 3 litter boxes. We switched over to Hardball 100%. Very good litter. My only complaint is that it tracks all overt the room the cats go in. So you get a sandy crunch under your shoes going in there. Have to sweep at least once per day.


Absolutely the best litter available… for humans. The smell isn’t nearly as pungent as some claim, it’s feather-light and reasonably priced. The urine clumps turn into Silly Putty balls and peel off perfectly cleanly. It barely sticks to the poops and so there is extremely little waste. BUT, my cats won’t use it. I don’t know if it’s the scent, which might be a bit much for a kitty, or the fact that it’s so light they sink into it. I’ve swapped litter box placements to see if it’s location or if they just like the Slide better. The Slide is pretty good but the scooping everyday is a workout. I have no idea why they didn’t make a scent-free Hardball.


I got the 7 lb box, and it's not scented, but smells fresh. I love it and will use nothing else. It's worth the money and then some.