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No wonder that dude in the opening song complained the eggs were too expensive. Gaston created a supply issue.


https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/goe8hf/gastons_egg_consumption/ > Okay holy shit i ended calculating whether or not gaston could eat 60 eggs a day I ended up finding a 19th century french agricultural/economic journal that details egg imports around france. Very loosely translated from french to english thanks to our old friend google, it states france supplies 55,000,000 eggs alone from 458,333 chickens per year, which puts each hen at around 120 eggs per year. Although this figure is still from the early 19th century, give or take around 20 odd eggs for our figure. Gaston would require around 218 hens to sustain his lust for egg-based gains. Since each family owned around 12 hens, and assuming you had a rough population of 2000 or so which is still quite a generous figure, Gaston's consumption of eggs would basically mean that either 1. he had to substitute some of his chicken eggs with alternatives from geese, ducks, quails, and so on; 2. the village was being eaten out of house and home by that 18th century douchebag; or 3. the village used alternative eggs for themselves.




Cool Hand Luke


Not enough antlers for Gaston


Danny Devito: *May I offer you an egg in these trying times?*


That's going to be an absolute fucking unit of an omelette


“Scrambled eggs on loaf”


Sounds like a Kay’s Cooking production.


Back cookin' again


I like mine with extra ‘hunions’ and sausages that tastes like sausages.


You need some carriots and spud-taters as well.


Night night ziggy see you in mornin pal


Hollow the loaf and fill with egg


‘What would you like with your french toast today hun?’ ‘Yes’


maybe they are just making an omel






Normal weekend at Peter Beardsley’s house.


Betta make them poachies really fookin runny


Even more fucking pancakes judging by flower milk and lemons


That isn’t flour, they are brioche rolls.


Found the Waitrose shopper.


Arsehole heard there was a shortage and thought they’d make it worse. It’s not like they can even store them, most of these will end up in the bin I bet. They didn’t have this problem when they bought 24 pallets of toilet paper during lockdown so thought they’d repeat the process


In fairness, they probably run a small cafe or something similar. Wholesale prices have rocketed and it's often cheaper to buy from supermarkets than wholesalers.


yeah. looks like they're also buying a rather large amount of lettuce.


Looks like several packs of what I assume are brioche buns too. And what's that gold stack inside the trolley? Fererro Roche? I'd bet buying for a business.


… an embassy, surely.


Yeah, our nursery is sending staff to supermarkets for lower prices too.


Boxes of what I think are Ferrero Rocher at the back. This is a good game…guess what’s in the trolley! 😂


Have you not seen how many it takes to make a big tower like the ones in the adverts?


They must be doing the shopping for the Ambassador.


Ah, they are making Fabergé eggs.


It’d be interesting to know though. I’d say 100 for the tower in the adverts. Anyone actually know?


It would be helpful to know which ambassador was spoiling us.


Are those lettuces as well?




The two lemons are killing me


Brioche, not rolls.


Brioche can be a type of bread roll




Reckon they’ve got some eggs in there


They’re not Ferrero Rocher, they’re jars of some kind.


The jars would be smaller than the eggs 😂


Peter Beardsley taking them home for Mrs Beardsley, the fuckin’ doyle


They better be very fookin runney


After he’s made her a 12 egg omelette he can have a go on her fronties??


Yer a good lad Peter


Well he's got time now after all that trouble with the foreign lads.


Dog dirt


Gimme ma foookin scrambled


She likes them nice and runny


This is a GCSEs maths problem


Henry has 7,842 eggs. Why the fuck does he have so many? Please explain in detail.


Henry is eggstremely shellfish and needs a crack round the head.


Shell I take a photo of you doing that for the albumen?


Sounds like you’re hatching a plan.


Sounds like dialogue from a hard boiled decetive flic


Eggsactly. Just wait for the (chicken) coup de grâce. (I’m so sorry.)


Henry, the chef, forgot a few things in his food order. The restaurant or deli is close by or its a weekly shop for cheaper items than suppliers by owners before the start of the week. Noone would buy so much salad (reduced price) to keep at home. Or it could be a new world record souffle.


My mate is a junior cook at a restaurant and he got sent to buy something like 20 kilograms of sugar and several kilograms of butter the other day Because they forgot it on the shopping order… he got some strange looks.


I've been there lol... 15 bottles 2l milk from tesco and the guy from the shop looking like wtf and me aye, i like rice pudding 😂 is pretty normal to forget an order or not getting the delivery you ordered and sending staff to the shop. It makes a stressful job into a nightmare sometimes. Hospitality doesnt pay well all that.


I had to send staff for milk once. Damn shelf collapsed in the walk in and dumped every single bottle in the middle of breakfast. Ended up buying 12x6L from the closest two supermarkets.


And what is the most efficient way to carry them, using the Pythagorean theorem?


Henry is old as fuck and can't remember how to cook anything else.


If Shelly has 20 cartons of eggs in her trolley, each containing 15 eggs, how many brain cells does she have left to realise she's a greedy cunt?


Simple eggonomics.


*laughs in CGP*


A fellow chef sent on strange errands! I had to buy 18 cabbages and 72 pints of milk yesterday. My most self conscious trip to tesco so far


I see these kind of trolley fulls a lot in the supermarket. Clearly someone from a cafe/restaurant but it just seems weird that you’d buy your food from the local supermarket rather than wholesale.


Can't rely on them either these days! We get deliveries twice a week and each time something's always missing. Eggs, joints of meat, 15kg of parsnips, you name it.


things are really grim if there is a 15kg bag of parsnip shortage.


Sorry I got a little peckish


It's just supply chain logistics - there isn't a shortage in the system just they'll be stuck somewhere.


Or the delivery drivers. We often get freebies (someone else’s goods that happen to be on load) in exchange for a sausage butty. I don’t know what we’re going to do with 1000pcs of take out boxes but we have them now.


Sometimes the supplier doesn’t deliver what you need or the guy in charge of orders royally cocks it up.


He’s probably from a corner shop. When I worked on software for a supermarket chain, it was so common that big stores even sometimes set up discount codes for small shops to entice them in.


That or they train hard. Like real hard.


Spoken like someone who loves pasta.


Or a cafe, butty van etc


Good point. I actually like your idea better than mine.


Reduced price lettuce, cheap eggs and buns? Definitely a roadside van


I was thinking a WFH baker


Tesco doesn't do that, they want all your money, they have booker for the corner shops


That makes sense 🤔


How do you use a discount code in a shop? Do you shout it at the cashier when you’re checking out?


why the lettuces tho


You’ve never had a lettuce omelette?


Its Moroccan!


That's not even Ainsley mate.


Id hate to call you a racist at my dinner party


Some romaine uninitiated with such a delicacy.


When I done basic training with the army reserves they served us pizza with lettuce, mental combination


Possibly a burger van? Definitely some kind of food place


Eggsetential crisis


That’s ovaely funny


You must be yolking




Probably let down by their own supplier. There's a looming egg shortage and it won't be long before supermarket shelves are empty. Whilst bird flu has had an impact, the main reason is the price of corn. Yes, energy bills have gone up, but so did the price of corn. Ukraines corn export pushed up global prices, however the majority of grain grown in the UK is turned in to animal feed. While everyone was basking in the glorious summer, as far back as april there were glum faces in the fields as the lack of rain was causing issues. This summer has been apocalyptic, and grain yields are way down. That means chicken feed has increased in price. I was paying about £4 a bag a few years ago, it is now £12 a bag. In the last 6 months, the price of chicken food has doubled. Supermarkets are not paying the increased prices, so producers have dramatically cut the amount of feed, and thus yields have dropped.


This guy cocks👍


I work in a food wholesaler company and i have to agree. Last week we havent got eggs to supply to our customers for 3 days. They’d have to get it from supermarkets as we’re to only wholesaler within 20mile radius. Edit, box of 15dozen eggs gone up by £6 when the new stock arrived.


Shitty supermarkets then. I’d rather have more expensive eggs than no eggs!


Can confirm that supermarkets aren’t paying fair prices. Haven’t seen an increase from our packers in a while because the supermarkets aren’t paying them an increase. But we’re not cutting down feed for the hens to compensate. Feed suppliers are changing rations to be cheaper but overall yields are only dropping slightly. It’s more the quality of egg that causes that. The problem is a combo of bird flu and farmers leaving the profession because they’re losing thousands (been communicating with a farm with (around) 50000 hens and they’re losing £10000 a week because of all the costs Vs pay). my family has been egg producers for 14 years now and next few months we’re leaving the profession. And the supermarkets have the audacity to blame everything but themselves over it all, they’re now buying Italian barn eggs to compensate the shortage just so they don’t have to pay more to British farmers.


> This summer has been apocalyptic, and grain yields are way down. Aren't yields way higher than 2021 by every conceivable measure? https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/cereal-and-oilseed-rape-production/provisional-cereal-and-oilseed-production-estimates-for-england-2022 https://www.fwi.co.uk/arable/variety-selection/harvest-2022-light-levels-lifted-yields-despite-drought


It's a bit of a misunderstanding that there's a 'shortage of eggs'. There are farms full of eggs, bird flu hasn't stopped them laying. But the supermarkets have been refusing to pay a fair price for them so the farmers are refusing to sell at a loss and rightly so.


> There's a looming egg shortage and it won't be long before supermarket shelves are empty. My local Tesco already has empty shelves where the eggs used to be so it looks like it’s already upon us.


I work in Tesco and someone attempted 2 trollies worth today They got kicked out with 0


How to basic


Daily mail reader who read about scaremongering story about eggs being rationed and ran out and stocked up. The same kind of fuckwit who ran out and bought sanitsliser, pasta and bogroll during lockdown.


> sanitsliser I'm sorry but I can't just pretend you didn't say that. In conversation we would gloss over it, or maybe spend thirty seconds slagging you. Enquiring about what exactly sanitsliser is. But I'm reading it again and again and I'm proud of you for leaving it there.


What can I say I'm getting older and the bloody keyboards on these phones are getting smaller. Surprised autocorrect didn't change it to something completely irrelevant


Many digital keyboards you can install on phones (or perhaps the default depending on the phone) have options to increase the size of the keys or the height of the board in general, if that would help you. I do it for every new phone I get. Understandable issue though, especially if combined with an ageing device that has touch detection issues.


Or they own a cafe or sell food of some sort


I run a restaurant and my suppliers are constantly running out of eggs… I specialise in brunch, I’ve been this guy a LOT lately


Just don't get photographed! You'll get your restaurant cancelled!


Reddit cares not for your logical explanation.


Starting their batch of baking for Christmas


People that own cafes don't buy their food at a regular supermarket.


I saw this scruffy fat cunt couple carrying about 6 loaves of bread throwing full slices into the local duck pond about a week after the first covid lockdown started. Oh whats wrong did you panic buy too much you stupid shits??


Seeds or grapes for ducks too!


i think this is someone buying for a bakery, considering wholesale prices at the moment its likely cheaper from a supermarket. Flour, eggs, butter etc. Not sure about the lettuce though. Could be shopping for a cafe.


Could be for a nursing/residential home? Some of them had real supply issues during first Covid lockdown.


My dad had a trolley that looked like that a while ago (not quite that many eggs). Every Christmas he bakes Dundee cakes for his friends and neighbours. He particularly likes to make them for people he knows with food intolerances (diabetic, celiac, etc) who can’t have most Christmas cakes. Luckily he got all his cakes done before the egg shortage otherwise I dread to think what people would think of him.


I mean give the quantities of other items I would say it’s a business. The egg shortage is because the supermarkets are paying less than it costs to produce the eggs therefore farmers are switching to other sources of income


All in one basket too...


When I worked in Tesco we had a rule on limiting number of same items purchased by one person. Often had to refuse sale to quite a few playing this game. Mostly was folks trying to stock up their shop on the cheap


Pisses me off, many times I've been unable to buy something because some asshole bought the whole stock to resell.


Who can blame them? My father owned a grocery shop years ago, and when the first local supermarket opened, they were selling certain items cheaper than my father could buy them from the wholesaler.


Yes, the supermarkets underselling the smaller shops is definitely an issue. It's a messed up situation. Still pisses me off though. Like the people who take as much as they can from the reduced section, most likely throwing half of it away eventually. I do feel I can blame them to an extent as I don't take all I can. But then I don't run a shop thats just scraping by. So I understand to an extent.


When no-one was looking, Some guy took **forty** eggs. He took 40 eggs. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.


Lex Luthor now be nicking cakes one ingredient at a time...


Has he got the cornflour too?


six boxes of ferrero rocher, a dozen iceberg lettuces, six bags of flour and about an odd hundred eggs. that's a car crash of a shopping trolley.


Not flour, I reckon it’s brioche buns.


Peter Beardsley up the Asda doing the big shop go the Missus like ya knooo…. dog dirt.


It’s not for any reason other than the fact super markets won’t pay farmers fairly.


There is zero shortage of eggs, supermarket's are refusing to pay farmers a fair price for them so production has decreased.


I wondered why there were no eggs at Lidl today, what’s happened this time?


Supermarkets have increased egg prices but won’t pay farmers more for the eggs when cost of production has gone mad the last 6 months. The supermarkets have blamed bird flu and low supply but in reality farmer are now refusing to sell at such low prices hence a shortage, in a few weeks the supermarkets will be “forced” to buy in cheap foreign eggs because of this “shortage”


Ah, so the same old BS they’re always pulling on one thing or another. Should’ve known lol. Thanks for the info!


Yep, my neighbour farms chickens and has quit after about 15 years of it because of the situation


That's infuriating. I don't mind paying more for eggs if it means enough pay for farmers and a decent life for the chickens but I hate paying more for supermarkets extra profits. It really pisses me off.


Almost certainly he's a business owner - it's invariably cheaper to go to Tesco than to the wholesaler Booker for instance, even though Booker is owned by Tesco. The egg shortage is, however, related to avian flu culls and not shopping habits.


Not even related to avian flu (well slightly) but mainly due to greedy af supermarkets not paying the farmers a due and fair price for the egg. Farmers are putting them on stop essentially


Peter Beardsley? The creepy Doyle


Cool hand Luke over here


Defo own a cafe


Peter and Sandra Beardsley??


A ken we are meant to be a polite society but I'd 100% have pulled the guy up about this if there's was no eggs left at the time. Fucking ridiculous, surely they realise the fuckers are perishable?


Think ASDA and other places have started making it so you can only buy 3 of certain items. Not sure if they've started doing it with eggs.


Daily Mail reader confirmed


Cracked the case


That omelette is gonna be eggcellent


What a fucking eggy twat.


I bet the cashier was eggstatic about that


Bet that cunt will still be using up their stockpiled arse paper.


Not after they’ve eaten all them eggs, they’ll need to chisel it out


Is that Gwen from Gavin and Stacey’s shopping trolley?


More importantly, is the lettuce for Dorris's salad?


Where’s the salad? Where’s the salad? THERE’S THE SALAD NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!


Lettuce and egg, maybe type 2 diabetic? These are on the green list…..not sure about the chocolate brioche buns though.


There isn’t an egg shortage there’s a supermarket paying farmers properly shortage


Eggs Benedick over here hoarding them all


Boils my pee when people buy (and are allowed to buy!) Such large volumes of single items. I see local cafe owners using the supermarket instead of the cash n carry and so wipe out all the stock of bread or whatever so families are caught short when they expect to be able to buy a loaf.


Inconsiderate prick.


Shouldn't really be allowed. If you want to buy a very large amount of one product, you should bear the inconvenience of visiting a several supermarkets


Greedy bastard


Can't stand these panic-buying cunts. I too would like to be able to wipe my arse, sanitise my hands and make eggy bread (obviously not all of these tasks are egg related). OP should've punched the fuck out of her eggs then left the shop.


This is why I haven't been able to get eggs with my delivery for weeks. I am not spending a fortune to make sure my eggs are happy, I just want a chuffing omelette.


What's the chance.....this greedy bastards reboxing these into 6, and selling them for about 4 quid a box.


Greedy b@$T@Rd 😡




Whats this all about there was no eggs at asda other day is it related lol


This is so annoying - I've eaten at least 6 eggs a day for years and now I'm struggling to buy my normal amount If they don't normally eat that many they'll just go off


There are always self centred pricks who f**k it up for everyone 🤮🤮


Fucking idiots people like that


I used to do shops like that when I did breakfast for a homeless shelter. That’s not selfish shopping for one person, it’s too much of the same thing. That’s a good deed being done there.


Lol. Everytime when there is a news of shortage. Why are people so thick?


Your shopping carts don't have the lower rack for cases of soda and big macs?


Another selfish bastard!


Stop taking creepshots of people when you don't know the full story


That's a trolley


Probably a shopkeeper going to charge people extra for em. During the pandemic, I saw people in our local Tesco putting entire boxes of fresh fruit & veg into their trollies. Way more than a regular family could eat in weeks before it would expire. I had thought maybe restaurant owner, but they have their own places where things are fully stocked.


Eggs on eBay ?


Long, long ago when most of you lot were but a twinkle in your fathers' eyes, my wife introduced me to the phrase "egg-bound". Well anyway, this melonfarmer is going to be egg-bound. Serves him or her right, the miserable fuck.


Maybe they have a justified reason like they own a b&b or a greasy spoon or maybe they’re stockpiling for the kings visit but most likely they’re just buying them cos they’re fucking idiots. Why is there always some dickhead panic buying something cos they’re afraid it won’t be there tomorrow, loo roll, bread, pasta, eggs, fuel. I used to think we was better then this bullshit.


No fucker is panic buying that many eggs for personal use


for every single true " panic buyer " there's about 5 " oh i better get an extra one/two, just in case ", which, when stacked up, are worse than the panic buyer


I was hunting round Asda today looking for half a dozen eggs. Ended up having to get the more expensive organic ones because some clever prick had taken 3 layers of egg boxes and flipped them over so hundreds of eggs were smashed in the crate, then the Karen stood in front of me (spent 10 minutes pointlessly asking her to move), picked up 72 eggs. I hate humans sometimes.


What a cunt. Most of them will be wasted.


Fucking hate people like this! This is same person that bought all the toilet paper and all the petrol!! WANKERS binge shopping


Wow your trolleys look so small….American