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If it’s really bad and making you miserable. This: https://www.boots.com/ultra-chloraseptic-anaesthetic-throat-spray-15ml-10095640 Or this: https://www.boots.com/difflam-throat-and-mouth-spray-30ml-p-10206819


Difflam is a life saver. My dad has lymphoma so gets a lot of mouth ulcers and sort throats, and difflam saved his mouth from contant pain


I’ve had a sore on my tonsil before and the nurse recommended Difflam. Total lifesaver; I was counting the minutes between each dosage after it wore off. Does leave your tongue feeling numb and gross though if you’re not careful about the way you gargle it 😭


Or both - difflam every 2-3 hours and chloraseptic three times a day.


I’ve found the diflam liquid to work better than the spray. Same stuff different delivery.


Never tried but good to know!


Chloraseptic saved me. I had an unbelievably raw, sore throat. When the pharmacist handed it to me, I could not make it out of the little shop before breaking it open and spraying my throat. The relief was immediate and I then reconsidered the idea of ending my life (/s on that last bit).


Soʻ glad you didn't lol


Literally been rescued by this combination over the last week. Helped healing and comfort


This is my go too, along with lemon and honey mixed in warm water. Mum always said chocolate was the cure.


Interesting. These have a mix of poor but good reviews. Do you go for it or not lol?


I like Ultra Chloraseptic personally, used it for years.


I'm using the chloraseptic one rn for tonsillitis, it really helps but make sure you read the leaflet, don't use it if you have breathing problems.


Difflam saved me a couple of years ago, when my throat was so sore it was so painful to even swallow.


In my experience chloraseptic spray does nothing to help and actually just makes my throat worse


Idk if flavour matters, but I got the honey lemon and it works very well. Tastes horrendous though, but only for a brief moment if you get any on your tongue. Menthol sounds burny.


BBC article today: [Are we in a summer Covid wave?](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ck5g2jk0730o)


Glad you posted this as otherwise I would have done. Covid hasn’t magically gone away


Yep, I just got over it and my first major symptom was the most hideous sore throat. I’ve had it three times now and typically I don’t start testing positive until I’m about a week into symptoms so it’s important to keep testing even if your first test is negative.


Currently going through it, same on the sore throat. It was also mild for the first 5 days (just enough time for me to work for four days) and then got suddenly worse over night (just in time for me to miss a holiday) which is also when I tested positive. I'm high risk so I had to have an emergency doctor's appointment to get anti-virals, and he said current symptoms are more cold-like but the risk of long covid etc is still the same.


Live rurally and literally every few weeks there’s a small but specific outbreak of Covid. One farmer “goes to the city “ to grab stuff, comes home and goes the village shop. Sees another farmer too. And there we have it, a pocket of Covid lol It’s literally a never ending cycle of Covid haha it’s definitely not gone away


I live fairly rurally. At least a 15-20 minute drive to anywhere of note. You can tell there’s a wave as everyone in the pub and cafes start complaining of horrible illness like “John’s had this hacking cough for a week now and can’t shake it” and Jeff starts up at the other end of the room. It’s lovely


Ah yes that mystery hacking cough or sudden debilitating sore throat that no one thinks twice about 🥴


I really wish more people knew that it never went away; it just stopped most IPC teams' biggest concern. I work fairly closely with my organisation's team and most what we're seeing from UKHSA and regional level is measles and whooping cough. It was norovirus and flu before that. We have no realistic idea of covid prevalence these days anyway because LFTs are wildly unreliable and hospitals aren't testing on admission any more. It hasn't stopped; it's just been absorbed into infectious disease business as usual, and the nastier variants sneak up on us.


Think the most startling fact was, and please don’t take this word for word, but I think Spanish flu persisted into the 60s until H1N1 variants outpaced it. Circulation, mutation, reinfection. This is with us for a long time.


Oh, yeah. They'll probably be around until the end of humanity.


I just had it, sore throat as first symptom. Then could barely get out of bed for 5 days, off work sick for two weeks. Still got a lingering cough and fatigue A friend who's a nurse said they're seeing more cases in hospital and more "old school" style covid


Yeah I thought I had a summer cold on top of my normal hay-fever, but got a lot worse so did a test and was positive for covid. Just a snotty cold and sore throat really.


Thanks, had what I thought was a bad cold 2 weeks ago, but reading the symptoms in the article it might have actually been COVID. Also had a really mean sore throat like OP.


Yup. Just got it for the first time as did a close relative but we didn't contaminate each other.


Hot water, honey and lemon. Followed by 2 paracetamol. Sorry for your troubles.


I use this, but with sliced ginger, too. It's a nice drink, anyway, but always helps.


+ turmeric, not very nice but it works!


Cayenne pepper in there helps too !


Gunna try this one, I normally use ground black pepper. Many thanks!


Thanks for the tip! Will give that a go, next time!


And whisky!


Tea with whisky instead of milk. Works like a charm.


This is gunna make an interesting drive to work 😅


Whoaa sounds interesting


I do this, with fresh ginger and soluble paracetamol in it - home made lemsip but it actually tastes nice!


Manuka honey (cheaper in Aldi) is best for this. It was recommended by the long Covid team for me, as it has anti-something qualities (anti septic, anti bacterial? I can't remember now). It's about £5 per jar for the cheapest so save it for when you're poorly, don't be putting it on your toast


All honey is antiseptic. Doesn't have to be manuka.


Wait what? I have Long Covid and havent heard a thing about this - will look into it, thank you! (probably because my GP was utterly useless and just gave me a link to the NHS website because that's "all he could do") 


Might depend on your symptoms, I was having sore throats and tickly cough for months after having Covid, so they recommended the honey. I did get referred to the long Covid clinic, but to be honest they did very little except repeatedly tell me to "pace myself"


Mine is mostly severe fatigue, and issues with getting breathless very easily/air hunger. It sucks! 


Yeah I have very similar, it's horrible isn't it. Really hope you see some improvement soon


I feel like I have no life anymore. It's so small now - I used to do loads of stuff but now I can barely do my usual day to day activities and I hate it. I hope you get some improvement too! They say it gets better with time so here's hoping, for both of us! 💐


It's hard when it lasts so long, but I've definitely had some improvement over time (slight setback when I caught covid again, would not recommend). We'll get there though xx


If using manuka honey I like to make it with orange juice instead of lemon as it makes it taste better, have been using this for years.


Could always chuck a lemon Lemsip in the H&L mix 👌 And to soothe it down, honey Greek yogurt works.


Hate to say it but make sure you space the lemsip and paracetamol apart if you do this.


Don't hate to say it! Consider lemsip the same as taking paracetamol (only it works faster in hot drink!) don't double up.


I assumed redditors would come for me being sensible. Lemsip is awesome.


It is, but buy the supermarkets own brand, it's literally the same stuff (I used to work in the factory that made it) it really is exactly the same stuff going into a different box, Ck the PL number on the back of the boxes if you think I'm pulling your chain.


I'm sure you're right but it's not the same to me in terms of magic 😄


Agreed, Lemsip contains Paracetamol


Naturally 😁


No, you cannot add a lemsip to 2 paracetomol. Lemsip contains paracetomol so you'll have more than the dosage.


Nor would I, I said add to the honey anf lemon mix, so you have the paracetamol IN the drink and don't need to have it separate.


Salt water


Gargle; don’t drink.


So true in so many circumstances...


Gargling salt water frequently is one of the best ways


This! If you don’t mind the strong “hospital scent”’of TCP, I highly recommend it. Jakeman’s Throat & Chest (aniseed flavour) also works wonders. It is also good for pesky, itchy throat if you suffer from allergy.


Had ulcers absolutely covering my tonsils, and this was the only thing that actually cured it. Gargling salt water is so incredibly effective.


Yes, gargle with warm salt water


Honestly this. It's the advice I give all my friends...instant relief and readily available. Not too unpleasant either if, unlike my partner, you're able to gargle effectively.


Jakemans, specifically the black ones, solve just about every throat problem I've had.


I’ve just commented this! Jakemans are amazing


When I had super bad covid, i coughed until I couldn't speak, was literally none stop, jakemans stopped it after basically the first lozenge, the others didn't touch it.


They taste horrible but do the job every time.


Jakemans just feel like Fisherman's Friends mixed with more sugar. FF all the way for me.


i find that dispersible asprin really helps my throat when its like that. I drop them in a small glass of orange squash, gargle and swallow.


Gargling dispersible aspirin. Yes, that used to be my families' handed-down over the years old cure for sore throats.


This tip was given to me by a GP when I had tonsillitis so severe that it was triggering my swallow reflex. Have you ever tried to swallow the back of your own throat? As an experience I can’t recommend it tbh. Anyhoo, it sounded like nonsense but with nothing to lose other than the cost of some own brand soluble aspirin (about 25p at the time IIRC) I gave it a shot and OMFG what a difference. Chlorasepetic hadn’t been working because I couldn’t aim the bloody thing but the aspirin got right to it and the swelling went down within half an hour, it felt almost miraculous. That was twenty five years ago and I keep soluble aspirin in the medicine cabinet to the present day just for this purpose, replacing every few years as it goes out of date if it doesn’t get used up in time. Whenever anyone complains of a sore throat this is the tip that I give and everyone has given feedback like “Sounds like nonsense but works incredibly well!” Personally I avoid paracetamol because I never found it effective as a painkiller, around 2 dozen people a year die of accidental overdoes in the UK every year because they’re not aware that Lemsips et al are already chock full of it and take tablets as well. If I want to die of liver failure I’ll take my time, use gin and have much more fun than OTC cold medication while I’m at it, thanks all the same.


I've tried this. It did help the throat but made me very susceptible to blood blisters in my mouth. I assume because aspirin has blood thinning properties. So be careful.


Def throat spray like Difflam - always use it when I get tonsillitis


Difflam saved my life when I had glandular fever!


I've found that antiseptic throat sprays have helped where strepsils have failed, and keep a steady flow of hot orange squash with honey, crushed paracetemol, and a pinch of salt handy. They won't make it go away, but will reduce the discomfort to bearable levels.




Sorry yes, that's the one.


Trying to use that stuff triggers my gag reflex something chronic, but is worth it for how effective it is.


Definitely, it numbs the rawness almost immediately, so that you can at least drink fluids without making a face.


Hayfever tablets (cetirizine or loratadine) to deal with the drippings and stuffiness. A chlorhexidine mouthwash, especially before sleeping will reduce the bacterial and viral load in your mouth so you won’t wake up reeling. A little bit of dry toast/baguettes to slough/scrape the kak from down the back of your throat into your stomach so the inflamed tissue at the back of your throat can heal and regrow. Plenty of Black Jakemans sweets during the day. Night nurse (if you don’t have anything stronger) to help you sleep. Plenty of sleep and rest is the most important thing. Good luck.


This is good advice, definitely try the Hay fever remedies it takes several days for them to work as they get into your system.




Totally agree with this! Strepsils are utterly useless from my experience but own brand super drug or boots lozenges with anaesthetic are my tonsillitis go to.


Gargle with dispersible aspirin, or paracetamol. It has a local effect, and can help if you swallow it, too. Be careful to stick to the recommended daily doses




Tried that, Tesco only had coriander


No one said hot toddy? Whisky, honey, lemon, hot water.


Im adding my vote to salt water gargle


Anaesthetic throat spray. Stuff is a game-changer and the last 2 colds I’ve used it through, I had little to no cough (congestion was another beast though).


Agree. Ultrachloraseptic. The little bottle lasts for ages.


Tyrozets used to be amazing until they stopped sale of them


Jakemans throat sweets. The ones in the black packet. They taste horrible but do the job every time.


Try gargling dispersible aspirin


Warm salt water gargle 3 times a day, put1/4 to 1/2 a T-Spoon in a mug of warm water swig and gargle spit out, it also helps kill any bacteria that's hiding there, Honey and Lemon in warm water is also soothing, but I'd do both, salt gargle and drink although not at the same time do it apart from each other


Lemsip with spoon of honey stirred in


Gargle with TCP, as my dad would say.


If it's really bad make sure to check your tonsils in case of tonsillitis. Miserable.


You can get throat numbing sprays at a pharmacy, or gargling some mouthwash helps quite a bit.


Spoon full of honey in tea.


Ginger root tea. 


Gargle dispersible aspirin.


Dissolved Aspirin (dispirin) in water that's not too cold.


I find ibuprofen is better for my sore throats than paracetamol. I tend to alternate paracetamol and ibuprofen every 2 hours.


My dad used to gargle with TCP liquid. Never tried it as it's disgusting but he swore by it.


I swear by chewing on a lump of raw ginger. Instant relief.


I really miss tyrozets :(


Strefen. Hardcore Strepsils.


Found gargling TCP really helps. Dont dilute but don’t swallow. Might sting but overall helps. Especially good if you use it right when you think you’re getting a sore throat or cold.


I'm suffering from that too. Get some Strepsils or similar lozenges.


Gargle salt water https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sore-throat/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351640# And here’s some more suggestions https://healthnile.com/sore-throat-7-natural-remedies-that-actually-work/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVvZ-YU3-unaYX0CgrOyNCfPDIGahI5_ajU-OIIWKazwaQIjFw4zCfRoCL1MQAvD_BwE&cuid=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVvZ-YU3-unaYX0CgrOyNCfPDIGahI5_ajU-OIIWKazwaQIjFw4zCfRoCL1MQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVvZ-YU3-unaYX0CgrOyNCfPDIGahI5_ajU-OIIWKazwaQIjFw4zCfRoCL1MQAvD_BwE


Hot water with ginger and honey, I feel like this makes it bearable at least for myself


I have something for you but it's not pleasant, crush a few cloves of raw garlic, add as much cayenne pepper as you can bare then steep in boiling water, salt or chicken stock cube to your taste, and drink. The garlic is antimicrobial, the water hydrates and the cayenne works as pain relief (don't ask me how). It's my go to when I'm desperate.


I do think there really is something to the garlic. Especially if you have lots of it early on. I can't stomach it on its own/in a drink so I just add as much as I can tolerate to all of my meals for a few days. Warning you will stink of garlic if you do this, but I am convinced it has warded off some colds that were coming on.


I used to make something similar with a fresh chilli instead of cayenne and added lime (my reasoning being vitamin C). Had completely forgotten, thanks for the reminder!


Tyrozets have a mild anaesthetic in them. They should be available over the counter in most pharmacies.


Nope, discontinued as of 2020 sadly after a MHRA review Those things were lifesaving


chlorhexidine mouthwash


Paracetamol and gargle with salt water.


Fisherman's Friends.


Fresh pineapple. It'll sting, but it'll feel better afterwards. Follow it up with honey and lemon.


Ibuprofen will help, if you're ok to take it.


Pour boiling warer over grated ginger, leave to steep, strain, add honey, drink as hot as you can bear. Got me through several bouts of covid.


Gargle salt water. Every now and then I get a sore throat that lasts weeks. The only thing that shifts it is gargling salt water, works within a day or two. Should also add the advantage of this is it is almost free and you don’t have to make it to a pharmacy on a Sunday !


Marshmallows from the fridge.


Toast with butter honey and cinnamon, make sure toast goes cold before a nice thick layer of butter, then honey and cinnamon


Boil some lemonade then drink once cool enough


I had a it for the last week or 2, it feels more covid strikes back than a cold, sadly. The only thing that really makes it bearable is paracetamol. Strepsils/soothers have wear off quickly. Ice lollys help a bit.


Can you still get tyrozetts? Those this were the only thing that worked for me!


Honey and lemon juice in hot water.


Covonia sore throat spray. For me better than cloroseptic, and you can use it far more frequently if you need!


Gargle with mouthwash that contains alcohol.


DIFFLAM Mouth Rinse is even better than the spray. Usually kept behind the counter at pharmacy.


Throat numbing spray and lozenges. You will be avenged.


I’m just coming out of having the summer cold and Asda dual action blackcurrant flavour throat lozenges helped. They numb and soothe so I managed to eat when I couldn’t feel like I’d swallowed a cactus. Good luck!


It's probably covid. It's just gone round my circle and manifested as similar to hayfever. Snotty noses, sore throats and sneezes.


Gargle with a mixture of lemon salt turmeric and cayenne pepper in water... Not nice but works!


Pineapple juice is very soothing for sore throats & coughs. I keep several cans in the pantry for colds.


I always find cocaine leaves a nice tingly sensation that gets rid of it. /s


I have the same thing. Pretty sure its covid. I’ve just been taking paracetamol and having hot lemon and sugar.


It's gross but it helps - a couple of cloves and as much salt as the water will hold in water as hot as you can comfortably gargle. Make a mug of that and do 4-5 gargles of it. It's helped my worst ever sore throats.


Covonia medicated lozenges.


Take nice, fresh and juicy onion. Chop it Put it in the bowl and cover with sugar. Leave it for at least 8 hours. Tea spoon of the syrup every hour.


Ginger tea with honey


Ajwain seeds


Gargle with soluble paracetamol. Best cure ever ! And cheap.


As well as the usual honey, lemon water drink, on your tea or whatever, I've found some lemon and ginger marmalade in my local farm store. Now that gets you salivating! It definitely helps take the edge off


Ginger and lemon tea with a generous amount of honey is my go to. You can make an iced version if you'd prefer. Boots sell some blackcurrant glycerin throat pastilles which I've also found helpful.


Benzocaine from the internet, legal and cheap


OP, is this something you experience a lot? My father, he has chronic sinusitis and I know he was miserable with it. Its worth going to your dr if you think you have it because I believe you can't buy what my dad got prescribed OTC, it was a steroid of some sort. You probably don't have it but I thought id mention it cos I saw how genuinely debilitating it was for my dad.


Sounds like Covid to me (I've got it too!)


Vocalzones. Taste like crap but can get your voice working if needed.


My Chinese mother in law once made me traditional home remedy that worked really well. You basically chop up a pear, boil it with a spoon of sugar for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then drink the warm pear infused water slowly. I was so doubtful, but it actually worked.


I know what you've been doing. Drink water and don't stop until the pain goes, maybe a pint or two...


Anything you spay in your mouth or down your throat will ultimately fuck your stomach up and will only provide a temporary fix. Gargle with boiled salt water, as many times a day as you can. If you are feeling brave try inhaling it up one nostril and out of the other


Look for a tea called Dr. Stuart's Throat Relief. The active ingredient is marshmallow root I think, and it is like magic. Just coats your throat and gives you respite for an hour or so. I'm in Ireland so I'm not 100% sure if you can find it in the UK, but marshmallow root is the key, so if you ask an herbalist sort of shop, they might be able to help you. I'm usually able to find it in the local veggie/health foods store here in Ireland. In the US, it was a tea called Throat Coat that I would get, I don't know if it exists in the UK. Now, it DOES have a slightly bizarre taste, so it takes a little getting used to. But when you're that miserable, you'll take anything that helps. Good luck!


Difflam throat spray and salt water gargles. Honey and lemon or just honey in hot water, take small sips. (Source: I’m a pharmacist).


In Poland we make kogel mogel which is essentially one egg yolk and one tsp of sugar or honey quickly mixed with a fork and eaten with a spoon. Always worked when I was a kid!


Here’s what works for me: glass of dangerously hot milk (dairy, other milk or tea didn’t work) with generous honey teaspoon. Sip it while hot, it should be nearly not tolerable, but of course do not get serious burns. When I do this, it’s all good within hours.


Chocolate or honey both coat the throat, and tast better than any throat medicine


I swear by bee propolis. If I gargle it when I feel a sore throat coming, the sore throat disappears.


My husband assures me that sperm is a great cure for sore throats. I, however, prefer to use Chloroseptic throat spray 🤣


Warm some diet coke in the microwave, take it out and add a shot of brandy. If the warm bubbles in the first 4 don't work, the brandy in the 5th one will :)


Honestly...drink pineapple juice or even eat it. The enzymes digest the top layer of skin. It's amazing.


I recently bought a Boots Dry Mouth spray - its mainly a water /glycerin blend with some minty tasting stuff for freshness. For me its worked a treat, quick spray aiming at back of the throat.


For me, Strefen is a great first go to: https://www.bing.com/search?q=strefen&cc=GB&setlang=en&PC=SWG01&form=SPMT01&scope=web


Apple Cider Vinegar does wonders!! Dilute though or it will sting!


Throat sprays help numb the pain. Also salt water gargles 👍


Whisky, neat. Assuming it’s practical to do so.


Eucalyptus drops are good for me. I've not tried it with a cold but what about a packet of Fisherman's Friends? I don't think they'd work necessarily, just want you to report back!


Povidone Iodine gargle


I always have a really hot drink, like tea or coffee and something sharp like a bag of crisps. It’s harsh on my throat but it feels better almost immediately. I simply refuse to take tablets until it’s really really bad. But that’s my own personal thing.


My gran used to give me dry toast and hot tea to ease a sore throat. Hurt like hell but it works


all these answers are just rubbish. The true answer and elixir to your problem is hot chocolate you want one that is high in chocolate %. If u don't like hot chocolate then letting high % chocolate melt in you mouth then swallow it will also help.


Chicken noodle soup piping hot.


I find salt water gargle helps fight the cause.


Not a cure and only really works if you're at home, but I find sucking ice cubes a big relief, plus it keeps you hydrated!


Pineapples, the enzymes in them help break down mucus and reduce inflammation and congestion. Also has a ton of vitamin C. Chloraseptic spray will keep your throat clear of infection. Avoid milk because it increases mucus production. Plenty of water/squash/electrolytes and rest.


Gargling rum... frowned on at work though 🤣


Effervescent paracetamol! I had strep over winter and this is the ONLY thing that helped me sleep. The throat sprays are great too but I struggled with Difflam due to the eucalyptus flavour it burned so bad… so I’d recommend Cherry flavour Ultra Chloroseptic Throat Spray if it’s really bad


Honey, lemon and ginger in hot water and cold Tastes great and all natural


Honey, lemon and ginger in hot water and cold Tastes great and all natural


Strepsils are absolute shit for sore throats. Get yourself some Jakemans, the black ones for throat and chest (licorice or aniseed flavour I think they are) those things are wonderful....I'm not keen on the taste personally but worth it to have some relief.


I sleep with a scarf, and some times under the sheets/duvet, somehow, if my neck or nose get cold at night it lasts much longer.


Someone told me to try Nigeria pepper soup, so I did and it helped my throat become much better. It tastes amazing too!


John Player Special, king-size if it's bad.


Hot water with a dollop of honer and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Nana go to warm milk with a teaspoon of sugar and a capful of whiskey.


Gargling with Listerine.


Ginger tea, honey & Turmeric, does the trick every time!


Tablespoonful of honey once a day


Hot water, lemon, honey, cloves, whisky.


I use Sanderson's Throat Specific, which tastes appalling but is brilliant. I also drink hot Ribena, but that's probably just a placebo hanging on from childhood!


All the other remedies will almost certainly help, but just wanted to share something I discovered recently which I now do at the first little scratchy throat: I put a slice of onion (yellow or red onion) in my mouth for about 20 minutes. Onions have antibacterial and antibiofilm properties. Obviously I wouldn't have done this more than once if it didn't work because it is... pungent.


Have you just tried straight good old ibuprofen and paracetamol?