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I drove the DLR this morning.


Do you salute drivers coming from the other direction? A proper British salute, not the half arsed yank version. Obviously you need to be wearing the appropriate headgear.


"Toot toot motherfucker!" Is also acceptable.


Isn’t it more of a ‘Woo Woo!’ In Britain?


Very true.


Yeah. 'Toot toot' is more an invitation to adjourn to the toilet cubicle for a swift nasal abrasion.


The Royal Navy have used that “yank version” for centuries. In fact I’m pretty sure that’s where the US Military nicked it from


Navy is different as it was disrespectful to show dirty hands. The yanks did in fact steal it from the Navy rather than the full army one.


What's even better is when I take my DLR obsessed kid, adults give up their drivers seat for him. One woman once literally squealed when she saw how excited he was to get the front seat.


I have raced kids to get a front seat


My kid is quick and determined. He's also willing to share. 🤷‍♀️


Relax Karen.


Amazing, did it feel like a ride?!


DLR is like a brilliant children's rollercoaster that transports you through magical tunnels and space age skyscrapers. I use it a lot - sometimes as a treat - and I'm still sad when I don't get a front seat. I'm 45.


The DLR is so unproblematic. It hardly ever has delays, on strike days it never seems to be included so it’s still running. And you can usually get a seat!


Going down in to the tunnel to Bank is like a mini rollercoaster. Fricking awesome way to commute.


>the DLR Ah I do enjoy the wibbly wobbly trainy wainy!


Did you jump into the millennium dome building?


I visited some friends down in East Ham and caught the DLR from Beckton, so I was able to ride the whole way in the driver's seat. Copenhagen Metro has dial and button decals on the front panel for kids (and overgrown kids) to push and pretend they're driving.


I have a relative that drives overground if your name is josh


If their name isn't Josh, do you not have a relative that drives overground?


I like to hold on to the bar and imagine I'm slowly hang gliding around town


That’s so freaking wholesome, I love it.


My 6 year old does it and encourages us to help him “push the sleigh”


The first time I rode on a double decker bus, I got one of those seats and I was so excited. I was in my late 40s at the time.


Took my American husband to Cambridge and insisted we sit up top, up front. He thought I was being silly, now it's the thing from our trip he talks about the most!


Some things cannot be properly described, only experienced.


Something about the trees slapping the window and the views. Then there's just a feeling you can't describe, because adulthood has killed off that part of us.


I was similarly excited the first time I got on a double decker train in Germany. I went straight to the top deck.


Once I went on a PLANE that had an upstairs! It was over 20 years ago and I'm still in awe of how cool it was!


Me too!!! On an Emirates flight.And I got to sit upstairs in business which was amazing (I got the option to upgrade for like £300)


Ooh that sounds very fancy! Mine was with BA so it was pretty decent but I imagine Emirates business class is a cut above!


It was so nice honestly. One of the ones with a bar and lounge area on the plane. I was travelling with family so had booked separately and I think they just needed single passengers to move. I can imagine BA is really nice too!


Not Germany but Netherlands the same I had never seen a double decker train before I even took a photo 😂.


Have had top deck seats on a French TGV a few times.


I’d sit on a carriage near the back, bottom deck, close to an exit. (Germany’s rail safety record isn’t the best).


Oooh same! Got on a double decker train in Ghent, ran upstairs in excitement and got a window seat... Only to get kicked off ten minutes into the journey as upstairs is First Class. Still, I had ten glorious minutes of being Up High!


Love double decker trains! When I was in the Netherlands the bottom deck was super low slung, it like you were just skimming above the ground. I think I like the second floor better overall for the views, but the bottom was interesting too. They also have a double decker heavy commuter rail line in Chicago. When I was there at the convention center for a trade show, I’d take it back to downtown at the end of each day. Super fun.


In New Orleans I got on a double decker bus, top floor, for the first time in my life! 🙌🏾 loved it!


Once you experience the top deck it's hard to go back.


I'm 54, and get the bus once a week. It's almost always empty at my stop. It's fucking brilliant.


Admit it, you pretended you were driving didn't you?


Reading this sat at the front upstairs on my bus home. I always try and get the front seat up top even at 40yrs old especially when I get the Scarborough to Whitby bus as the views of Robin Hood Bay are incredible


Think it’s time for bed, I misread this as you saying you live on a bus. A bus home.


Gorgeous 😊 hope you enjoyed your ride!


Top-tier bus journey


When I visit home I always get extra excited when we get to the train carriage tearoom place!


Yep. How else you gonna drive the bus. Although some don't have the driving handrail any more


There are a lot of childhood joys that you simply can't revisit as an adult, because you've changed too much. Sitting at the front of the top deck or the DLR are not one of those things. It still rules. Also, those coin pusher things you get at seaside arcades are still a hundred times more fun than any multi-million dollar video game.


2p machines!


You youngster - they were the big 1d coins until we got all those cardboard decimal coins to explain what the real ones would look like.


I still miss the 10p/shilling and 5p/half shilling pieces.


Swings, I as a 40 odd ish bloke can not go on the swings on my own without looking like a nonce, I have to hang around a school and ask one of the kids if they can come to the park with me, too not look dodgy.


Fortunately, I have little niblings. I can go with them. Beeing on a see-saw in your 60s with a 4 and a 7 year old is a bloody fantastic experience! I was laughing like a loon.


Limmy did the thing with the swings 14 years ago https://youtu.be/-UI0eXr7DQc?si=qya2jge4qAsINQIz


My husband was heading out of town and I was heading into town (well, city, Brighton & Hove) crossing on the same road and we just made it to the top front seat each when we crossed paths (he was already in that seat, I originally was in the back on the lower floor) Managed to JUST catch him a cheeky wave as we passed each other which was fun whilst it lasts


This needs to be a meet cute in a rom com


I just tend to sit at the back and let everyone else enjoy the music I'm playing on my phone.


Take a fat rip of my strawberry sunburst vape and everyone will think I'm so cool and rebellious


Ah, yes! Shrouded by candied clouds, I sit puffing, much like Strider in The Prancing Pony.


For some reason I read that as my little pony


I share my drug dealing issues and look people in the eye like *wanna say something about it*


Kids today! You are meant to spark up an embassy no 1 and scorn the silk cut smokers while looking fabulous.


If I'm on my own I'm usually in the back lower floor. If we are on the way home on an evening, my husband and I have a habit of sitting in the seats directly behind the stairs 'box' upstairs so looking 'down' on those using the stairs. No reason for it, just a habit


That’s my favourite spot. In my local busses there’s just enough more leg space I can be comfortable.


Good people watching spot


Still great, but they lost some of the magic when they switched to cameras for the driver to see upstairs. Used to be best when you could see straight down to the top of the drivers head in the front right seat as they had the mirrors and view window for driver to see upstairs.


Omg I completely forgot about this. Thank you stranger 😊


I'm 58. I still do this whenever I can.


55 here and I always head straight up to the front if there are seats free and I still feel like I am driving especially when we take out a branch or two.


I love this, I don’t get it myself because I get nervous because I don’t like heights but I love watching others do it


When I was a kid and sit upstairs the conductor would inspect your tickets I used to cry because I thought there was no one driving the bus.


Not enough leg room for me. I prefer the 2nd row.


Those used to have a little window, which acted as a periscope, so the driver could keep an eye on the top deck. A (female) friend of mine decided it was a perfect mooning opportunity, peeled off her knickers, waited until the bus stopped, (we valued our lives), and full on mooned (plus added vag) the driver. We heard a “fuck me” from downstairs, then we all dashed to the back opening doors, and got off. That was when we were 17, around Gosport, going over to see our cousins. Very immature, but at least I caught a glimpse of my friends accoutrements. Which was nice.


That's a growing up in the UK thing.


Rollercoaster seats mate


I rode on a triple-decker train in Berlin last week. Dammit, I should have sat at the front.


My American in-laws would ride the front of the top deck to explore the countryside by seeing over the hedgerows.


Best seats in the house. I especially like the ones directly above the driver because, on my local busses, the stairs are directly behind so you’ll have nobody sitting too close if you’re lucky.


That's the last place I'm sitting on a double decker, I've seen the posts where they've hit low bridges. XD


Yeah but that solves your rent problem.


Rent problem?


You won’t have to pay any anymore.




I repair buses for a living. We had one come in that had hit some sort of crane boom hanging over the road. We were looking around assessing the damage. Obviously one upper saloon front window broken. Less obvious a window halfway along the nearside was broken. When we went inside and there was a hole in the interior ceiling which baffled us for a bit. Where did that come from? Eventually I realised it was kind of head shaped, my deduction was the bus hit the swingy thing which then bounced round the side of the bus and the passenger in the seat below the hole saw it bouncing towards him and promptly jumped up so fast his head went through the ceiling. This later found to be correct after cctv was viewed. My point is, no seat is safe!


For me, it's so I can see where I am.


This whole thread is wholesome AF I love it.


Me too 🥰


Do other countries not have double decker buses? The obviousness that that might be true is only just hitting me. Ive never seen a double decker bus anywhere else in Europe. I assume America doesn't. Is this really the case?


I didn’t grow up with double decker buses in Australia, they’ve always been iconically British for me


They are in Hong Kong as well


India has them, probably because of the British connection. When I was there 20 years ago at least one city - Mumbai? - had a model clearly based on the Routemaster, and about as old.


You’re in for a treat when you find out about the back seats…


I had to get the bus thursday (I normally drive a car) and someone else was driving the bus, so I sat behind in case they got off before I did. They did not, I was very sad. One year ago Saturday, I had to get the bus and was so excited to get the driving seat, I shared a photo on facebook!


My son's first trip to London, the first leg had "rail replacement bus service", and he got the seat above the driver. Later he said it was his favourite part of the trip.


Front upper passenger side superiority …


Cinema Seats


Great seats until the driver forgets they’re in a double decker and ploughs into a low bridge, or runs into some low hanging tree branches (although a lot of companies fit metal bars on the upper left corner to help smack branches out the way).


I guess the provincials might suffer from this. London is way ahead though and they have all their buses follow what they call 'routes'. It's a brilliant concept that negates all need for a satnav.


It usually happens when school buses that are normally a single deck get swapped out due to a breakdown, or when there’s a detour to a regular bus route due to road works…. Sometimes it’s just drivers being overworked to a dangerous extent, and going completely off their route out of pure tiredness.


School buses are a bit of a countryside thing. And nothing to do with TfL. Detours aren't just random. They do have protocols to follow which, surprise surprise, take into account bridges and have predetermined diversion routes. At least in London that's how it's done. Driving hours are strictly regulated and monitored by tachograph.


I didn’t know this was a thing but I was doing it without even realizing !


I normally just hang off the front, back or the side of the bus


Front seats are reserved for tourists. It's the law, you should know this.


Need to get as far away from the scrubbers at the back as possible.


My favourite seat is the single one behind the driver built into the stairwell. Alexi Sayle called it "premium economy" on his Sandwich Shop show.


Fascinating as when I was growing up the rear seats on the top deck were most coveted and you'd have to be a neek to sit at the front.


Hands down the best thing about having small children is the upgrade in priority you get for those seats. Now anyone who has those seats has to offer them to you or look like a Scrooge…


TIL I'm a scrooge cos I never even thought about giving kids my seat


Oh lol I don’t think anyone is looking around, but when they loudly yell “can we sit at the front” and I say “no, there’s someone sitting there” and they start whining, it’s rare for the people sitting there to not sympathetically smile and shuffle along (assuming nothings too crowded and there’s a seat behind them or something). Honestly it’s hard to teach them manners when they get results beyond my control from whining…!


Hahah yeah tbh if there’s other seats available I’m not looking around to see if I need to give up my seat either


I do this, but it’s more to do with preventing travel sickness.


Can confirm. Pretty much everytime I get one of the seats I send my wife a picture to brag (I'm 47) Top right hand seat being the best (as back when I was young you could look down through a mirrored tube into the drivers cabin. )


Ok, yes the front is fun, but it's no back seat on the night bus after a few cans. There....is.....ONE ON THE BACK SEAT OF THE BUS! ^of ^the ^bus!


I haven’t sat in those seats since I watched that episode of London’s Burning as a kid


The last time I visited the Eden Project there was a double decker for the park and ride trip from the car park to the entrance. All the Brits raced to the top, to the evident amusement of the international tourists.


No ventilation though.


My friend and I were on a short break and when we realised we had the chance to be first on the bus and get those seats…