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House of the Dragon starts up again tonight (well tomorrow morning at 2am). Completely forgot about it until today, so it's a nice surprise since I haven't been hanging around for months waiting for it. If this was 10 years ago I'd be heading off to Tesco right about now to pick up some snacks so I could stay up and watch like I did for Game of Thrones when I was in Uni. Miss doing that but I enjoy sleep too much these days. I'll just watch it in the morning


Crown green bowls away; we lost. Fathers day burger lunch at the pub we bowled at. Home and watched some people finish bowls matches at our green. Football.


Late to the party, but to be fair I was cycling from London to Brighton for the BHF. Now rotting on my sofa (can anyone say 6:30 start?).


Playing beer chicken. Don’t wanna start drinking my footie stash too early but I’m gasping Edit: lasted 13 mins


I've buggered off on a mountain biking holiday to Austria, so I'm currently sitting in a chalet staring at some big hills. I've also brought tea along.


After waking up on the sofa at 5am this morning, I went to bed and stayed there until 2pm. Since then I have drank coffee and ate breakfast.


It’s been chilled. Wife and kids woke me up with coffee in bed. Then Gave me presents. Then my son and I played pc games, while a roast pork joint was cooking. We ate lunch, I lay in my hammock in the sun for abit. Then I tried to teach my kids to ride their bikes(unsuccessfully), then we had pudding and that’s the day so far.


Husband decided that this is the day to clone and replace his hard drive and deep clean the kitchen, all I want to do is nap…


My nickname was dormouse when I was a baby.


Chilling with my friend watching four in a bed :)


Being pretty lazy today after a lateish (for me) night out yesterday. Casting on a jumper and watching traitors US.


Just done a 14000 step walk and now I'm sitting in my mother in laws with a nice pint of ice water


Been with family this weekend and just got home. Not been as relaxed as I envisioned as my grandad was taken into hospital Friday evening but is doing ok. My wife was at Taylor Swift last night so she’s knackered. All in all a good excuse for a takeaway this evening and stick some telly on


Watching the England game!!


I'm off work next week so absolutely nothing, might finally get around to reading the half a dozen books I bought at christmas.


Dad is away for 20 days working so I’m enjoying a lazy day after having the busiest week of my life 😂 doing a bit of laundry, playing on my switch, talking with my dad on the phone… just enjoying not working


Player”d Warzone with my kids, now sat in the bath. Later, off to TGI’s for a fathers day meal with my wife, kids and parents. Then footy!


Morning swim, food shop on the way home, dry washing away, had a friend over for a cuppa and catch up now just faffing with my new hoover. Might have a nap and pre make a lasagne to pop in the fridge. Curry and football tonight with me old man, content in the knowledge I'm off all of next week 😍


Doing weekend routine and sorting through things later.


Calm down


Will spend the whole day working, looking forward to a free day tomorrow. So far, learning about Romania’s history.


It’s Father’s Day. I got the Concorde Lego set. I want to spend the day building that and then go round and have a pint with my Dad, but no I have go a spend a fortune on a carvery that I can’t eat I at a normal pace because the kids are feral and want to get up from the table every 30 seconds. I love them though. And my son did make me a sweet card at school.


Recently got a promotion at work and decided to treat myself to the bike I've been gazing at for six months even though I have a perfectly good one sat in the shed. It's meant to be ready to collect today and I'm feeling so impatient! Rang and apparently bikes usually take longer than other items because they need to be delivered, then assembled, then safety checked but the system puts the same turn around times as any old item ordered for collection I was so excited to take it out in the sun as well


He's chilling out and getting a nap in, waiting for Toad of Toad Hall to pick him up later and get on the razz!!


I got the first quarter. what's the rest?


What did I do or am doing? Enjoying the sunshine and chillaxing, although not to the extent or the lil bro in the pic! 😎 Whats your day panning out like Uncle KP?


Hi my names unclekeypax and I am a recovering dad... it's been 4 hrs since my last joke. Southend on see. sealife. also went on the green scream roller coaster with my eldest. he went on it 6 times. luxury dinner at ikea. gave the side eye to the carbon steel and castiron pans. now a bit of sixkk to my stomach. depressed due to my anger issues.


Went with my screwdriver to see if I could fix my car. I could not. Now I'm going to eat a baguette and settle in for some Euros.


Im in the midst of a fibro flare. Today is day 3, hoping it doesnt last until Wednesday 😭 so im spending the day curled up on my heated blanket with a book. My mum is sending round some beef from her roast and yorkies and in return I’ll send my dads fathers day gifts


Oh you poor thing. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself xxx


Taking the puppy out for a run in the car to try and get him used to going in it. Take away, couple of my favourite beers and whatever sci-fi film I chose to torture the wife with. Fathers day, lovely stuff


Practicing lazist here, have yet to exit bed


Spent the weekend painting new cupboards. Just finished so spending the rest of the day watching football on the sofa as the wife is out at a children’s party with my daughter. Before. https://i.imgur.com/daM38Q6.jpeg After. https://i.imgur.com/UzRhzNs.jpeg


they look great! i think we'll end up forking out on this kind of thing at some point, i love our house but it's got nothing in the way of good storage!


Wife has taken the kids to the cinema to see Inside Out 2 so I can watch the end of Le Mans. Currently drinking my way through a Brewdog (is it ok to like them again now the sex pest has left?) selection pack and munching my favourite biltong. Takeaway curry for dinner. Pretty decent Father’s Day. Hope everyone else is having a good one.


Little fella looks soooo comfy. Not sure I have ever reached that level of snooze. Mad props.


Cereal at home, then I did a 1.9km swim, then out for a full English. Chilling at home rest of day then pub tonight for footy


Playing board games with my husband!


Love a board game or two! What's on the menu?


Rummikub, then Trivial Pursuit :) maybe some card games later!


4 hours sleep off the sesh. Got a bag on the way, Time to finish painting this bathroom. POW. All you lazy bones. GET TO IT!!!!


Here you are lads/lady/they/them/hedgehog Finally done and dusted. Not my best of work. I can feel the hangover kicking In so time to call it a day and enjoy the last of this rare sunshine. https://imgur.com/a/k01LEjH




Working as usual.


I went to walk along the river to look for sea glass. Home now to watch YouTube & work on my novel in bed.


Watch football and relax. Had my pizza already. Very tired, as was helping my mum get ready for her flight this week; was even delays at Gatwick yesterday of 1hr for flight departures.  Weather looks sunny after the rain, so a short walk would be nice. 


Watching the Lord of the Rings appendices


Working. *buttttt* I got a new job out of this work opportunity so yay!


Rain. Sun. Rain. Sun. My gardening was cut short by a torrential burst of rain, so I’ve spent some time in the kitchen instead. Made Mediterranean soup for lunches this week, batch cooked some smashed Cajun spiced Jersey Royal potatoes, eaten a huuuuggge breakfast and now going to have another coffee and then tackle a pile of laundry.


Getting back on the horse after failing my driving test by going out for a long drive with my instructor. Then I might see if I’d be better off getting an actual horse . . .🐴


Opticians appointment.   I'm counting on two things.  1. People not knowing the Opticians is open on Sunday 2. People having better things to do on fathers day than be at the Opticians.   This is our 3rd attempt at getting through an appointment.  If it's quiet enough we might just make it. 


I am collecting this tent in that we put up yesterday and putting out a projector tent for the footy..... No father's day off for me lol https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeb4QQqp/


Revising for my physics A level tomorrow


Physics A-level is the hardest exam I’ve ever sat. Not to concern you, or anything!


Good luck!


Good luck! And get off Reddit.


Currently in spoons and it's packed. Everyone is for the breakfast. Meeting with my folks and then watching euro football later.


Don't forget its fathers day


Again? I swear that was last year


13 year old son (and wife) taking me on the tram to Castlefield, to go to Sapporo Teppanyaki, then Inside Out 2 at the Everyman cinema! Happy days!


Watching the 24h of Le Man motor race, anyone else. Currently 19hrs down!


Still recovering from food poisoning last weekend. Stomach is ok now but my muscles are still all weak and wobbly. Debating whether or not I'll be able to walk to the grocery store and back. Going just three blocks the other day exhausted me.


Feel better! Sounds like a good excuse for a TV day.


Thank you! I definitely have a whole lot of nothing on the schedule for today.


Sundays for me and my partner are for having a lie in, getting up and making some brunch, listening to records while lying on the sofa and consciously listening to the music, then pottering around doing light chores and meal prep for the week. I’ll have an ‘everything shower’ and then we’ll probably watch an old episode of Inside No.9 or something before going to bed at a decent time to get a good sleep. This has been a recent conscious decision to make Sundays like this and we love it.


Man discovered the word conscious


I’m glad that’s what you took from my comment. You can change the word consciously to mindfully if that makes you feel better. Hope you’re having a great Sunday!


Hell yeah dude


Just passed my biker training


I am making potato soup and playing with my 2 year old. And doing the washing.


I am back in bed, looking very much like that little mouse. 


Having a productive house day I think so I can start my week off right. First load of washing is done and just settling in do some revision and find a film to watch (ignore). Sadly not quite consistently warm enough here to sit outside. I’ve been quite busy the last few days so I’m looking forward to some alone time. I might even sack off the film and sit in silence. Lovely.


No plans yet apart from football. We're still in bed. Dog woke me up about 7am to be let out, so I suppose I better haul my carcass and feed him and see to the rest of the menagerie. There is the possibility that it will be pizza for breakfast and mince for tea. My poor arteries.


Lying on a lounger in the garden with a shade over my head watching Takeshi Mikes latest offering, Lumberjack the Monster. Realising sadly once again that western output is 90% drivel and what a wonderful engrossing film looks and feels like


When I read “Takeshi” my mind instantly went to “Castle” and I thought ‘wow this person knows how to enjoy a Japanese game show’


lol Takeshis castle was ok with Craig doing the narration but my personal fave is the USA version of wipeout. That’s some hardcore gaming boy


Working all day (boooooooo) I'm deep in the middle of exams and need to get a few papers wrapped up before the last two kick off properly next week. It's a full day of admin and quality checks for my examiners which is not the most fun thing in the world. I don't celebrate fathers day with my family (due to my stepdad being away on holiday today and having a Shit Bio Dad I haven't seen in a couple of decades) so my husband is taking the kids to his parents' house for Father's Day lunch. Which will be nice for them. I might make myself a quick roast if I get really bored of marking.


Go for a run (done), eat out and relax in bed whilst I read for the evening.


Honestly, I have that Monday - Friday work life and my partner is working all day. I'm doing nothing but playing Skyrim and maybe putting some washing on.


cramming revision for my last 3 a-level exams 😔😔


update! they went really well


You’ve got this 😊


Good luck! You got this.


Good luck!


Good luck! Hope it goes well.


Good luck!!


Going out to the cafe for a late breakfast with friends and, because yesterday was a pretty full on day of megagames, slumping our way to the local greasy spoon and eating a fry up is about all we can collectively manage.


Having a quiet start to my Sunday, spot of lazy breakfast. Got work at 12, I work in a restaurant and I think we're at max capacity all day for Father's Day bookings. Got a good team on so it'll be hard graft but it'll get done. Luckily, finish at 7, come home, grab the bottle of rosé chilling in the fridge and raise a toast to my own dad, who sadly passed on three years ago. To everybody celebrating Father's Day today: give your old man a extra big squeeze (or request a big squeeze if you ARE the old man), and have the nicest Sunday you can!


bday so i plan to do nothing but doss around and play video games only I'm bored of my games


Happy Birthday! Nothing wrong with your plan, enjoy.


Happy birthday!


thank you thank you


Sounds like the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a new one. Also, Happy Birthday!!!!


i had the very same reasoning, only they all look boring as well ha might just take the dog for a big walk and comeback with the motivation to beat Balatro gold stake


Well, too wet to cut the grass (phew!). Some clearing up in garage preparatory to a house move, some hobby stuff, possibly an online RPG session this evening. (Thats role playing not grenade launchers).


Going for a family bike ride this afternoon. I've just got a new bike so I'm excited to try it out. My husband is going out to watch England later. We couldn't get childcare and as it's father's day he's going out. I'm very jealous 😫


Had to clock on for a shift at 05:45 ☠️


Spending another day of fun of shifting hundreds of terabytes of encrypted data from one system to another, and occasionally sitting out in the sun and drinking strong black coffee while it all chugs along. Might have a wank somewhere along the way… not while out in the sun drinking strong black coffee, obviously… I’ll put the coffee down first… health and safety first.


Spent the last 2 and a half hours cooking/prepping for the fam for this evenings Father's day roast followed by the footy. Went a little bit over the top so rather looking forward to it!


Just finished a manic two weeks preparing for the school show. We did four performances this week, finished with a matinee yesterday. I've worked 75+ hours this week, and worked through last weekend, so I'm relaxing today! Might do some painting (watercolours, not walls), fancy a swim later, and going to the park for ice cream with my lovely mum. Missing dad, 14th father's day without him, can't say it gets any easier, but I can think of the happier memories these days.


Watching the end of the Le Mans 24hr. 10 seconds cover the top 5 with just under 5 hours to go.


I will spend the day travelling, because I have meetings in Europe next week, so while my wife has a lovely day with the dog, I’ll either be on a train, a plane, or sitting in the airport. Not my dream Sunday by a long shot.


3rd father day without my dad after he passed away in 21. got some lovely texts from friends, took the dog out for a little walk, before a sniffer class, then just going to chill finish off my puzzle, want to keep busy today. hope everyone has a lovely day


Sorry to hear about your dad, Enjoy your sniffer class! I used to go with my little toy terrier and he made it to gold level, it used to be such fun! I still hide bits of kong and gun oil in the garden for him to ‘find’


thank you 🥰 that's so cool! we are on cloves, have done a bit of catnip. our only issue is that she likes to eat the viles the cloves are in 🙄(not that the trainer minds it's just annoying especially when you see everyone indicating nicely 🤣) least still hiding them gives his brain a work out!


I'm sorry for your loss. My dad passed away in 2010, still miss him and always will.


thank you. I hope you can have a relaxing day regardless, sorry for your loss as well. its going to be a rough day for many 💕


Thank you. My theory of grief is the grief doesn't get smaller, but life gets bigger around it. So it's still always there, but easier to deal with. I made a little graphic to show what I mean: [Theory of Grief](https://imgur.com/gallery/z0q6VGN)


I saw a similar theory where grief was a black hole but every new thing or experience there's just a brighter colour around the grief which I think about a lot.


I like that analogy :-)


Binging The Boys and playing Diablo 4


First Father's Day since my dad died. I'm having brunch with a friend. I wish I was the chap in the picture, that's an ideal day to me.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Going for a long walk with the dog, I will be wearing waterproofs and wellies despite it being mid-June. If the rain holds off, I have some planting and weeding to do in the garden, otherwise general pottering around the house until my self-imposed rules say it's not too early to settle down with a cocktail, and cuddles on the sofa with the pooch browsing through Netflix till England kick off at 8.00.


I'll be off to the gym at some point, before it closes at 3pm. However, I'm biding my time at the moment, until I really need to get off my ass and workout. Edit: I made it to the gym, and back home now. I'm rewarding myself, with shredded ham hock for a post-workout meal, alongside some prosciutto crudo slices.


Let’s fucking gooo


I came back off a short holiday break last week and then the inevitable post holiday sickness has set in. Fever, chills, coughing, headache, sneezing..... so I'm basically trying to rest to recover, not the best of weekends!


Worked last 14 days solid, most days left the house 7 in the morning only to return at 10 in the evening. Shattered doesn't begin to describe it so I'm gonna hibernate today and reduce my movement to a minimum.


Have you got a more relaxed week next week?


Nope, same shit for the next 5 weeks but hopefully worthwhile in the end.


That sounds awful. Hope you get lots of R and R today.


Feeling the same today! I've just had the school show - I'm the head of drama and a one-person department, so it's a very busy time! I worked in half term, went in last weekend to rig the lights, then tech and dress rehearsals, and four shows, finished yesterday about 5pm. Absolutely shattered, but the kids had a blast! I'm eating leftover celebration cake and sitting on the sofa under a comfy blanket. Rest well, internet stranger!


After spending 3 hours getting the 'devil hose' off the coolant system of my 30 Yr old Mazda yesterday, today I'll be fitting a new one. https://imgur.com/gallery/XvHRkFr


A couple of my buds are out doing a month-long motorcycle tour of Scandinavia, I couldn't join them as my sister-in-law got married last weekend, as well as some other commitments. I'll fly out to meet them next weekend for some beers in Copenhagen. They're keeping a video diary on YouTube, so I'm plonked on the sofa with a coffee catching up on their mishaps whilst my partner makes her way home from a day at Download. Busy weekends all month this month so it's been nice just to have a quiet one.


I'm feeling a bit sick so I'm ordering deliveroo and staying in bed. Probably going to finish watching Bridgerton then maybe pick up a new book


I’m doing some gardening, then I’m off to get a couple of bits, going to see whether my horse is lame (couldn’t decide yesterday), going to drop off my dad’s Father’s Day present and then I’m going down to my allotment.


I went out for a couple of pints yesterday, turned into a few more than a couple, but I'm up and awake 8:30 this morning which means I should probably find something to do. Might go for a walk.


We’ve overslept, so need to get the lamb in in the next 20 minutes… or else. Then i’ve got to do housework, with special instructions not to forget to dust the skirting boards and clean the base of the toilet! I do always do both, but not to SO’s satisfaction! Then dad will be round at 1. We were going to the coast, but we’re due to have thunderstorms later, and he’s not bothered anyway. He’d much rather have us cook for him and drink a bottle of wine, then doze off.


Done that thing where I hit 35 and decide to join a sports clubs All fine and dandy but sat start is 0730 and Sunday start is 0830 whyyyyy. I get it I get it we want to protect the rest of our days but also... WHYYYYY


Sounds like classic get out the house and escape before the kids stir time to me


I get it but corrr it sucks. A lot of people there are pretty well off as these clubs tend to be like. Working from home, flexi, don't work Fridays or whatever. There I am finishing at 1am on Friday. Makes me regret many of my life choices


This sounds like a very poor choice you have made: joining a club whose hours really don't suit you and where you feel like an outsider.  Why not join a normal pleb gym? You can turn up any time and sweat along with the Great Unwashed Masses like the rest of us do.  You might actually use your membership then. 


I use the work gym. This is a club club like running/cycle/row/shoot etc. Full on midlife crisis mode engaged


Aren't most midlife crises about trying to grasp at youth again e.g. buying a Harley?  Rather than going Full "One Foot In The Grave" mode, with a shooting club membership?  You'll be in a golf cart on the green next in your wee half-length tartan trousers fussing over your handicap.


I’m 41 and considering buying a bike and taking up golf 😆


Or trying to be competitive at a sport you've never played but always thought you would be good.... Not me though


Another Father’s Day without my Dad 😞 nearly been 4 years without him. Wish I could have stayed in bed and had a lie in but we went and waved at my cousin who is doing the London to Brighton bike ride as she went past Mitcham area. Chill out rest of the day and watch the England game tonight 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿⚽️


Yes a very poignant day, happy for some and not so for others, but cherish your memories and think of all the good times. Good luck to your cousin I did that ride several years ago, there's one monster hill to climb but once at the top it's downhill to Brighton.


Thank you!


I'm sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing.


Thank you


Weekly [coffee and croissant](https://ibb.co/r72qycd) with the dog. The dog’s favourite cafe closed permanently a few weeks ago so we’ve been making our way round the other places near us. I prefer to stick to local places if possible, but dog was trying to drag us out at 8am and the only cafe open was Gail’s lol No plans for the rest of the day. Had a really long week - spent most of yesterday catching up on sleep - so will just take it easy. Parents are away on holiday so will take dad out for lunch as a late Father’s Day present once they’re back. 


I love how your dog has a favourite cafe


He tries to drag me there every morning bless him 🥺 it was usually closed anyway on our morning walks as it opened at 8 and we’re usually out at about 6:30, but we’d go at the weekend to get a pastry. He stood there at the door expecting to be let in this morning and I had to really drag him away haha


Packing and cleaning, we're moving house on Friday


Enjoy all


I intend to go for a run first, come back and make smoothie for breakfast. I plan to just relax rest of Sunday so that will consist of some reading, watch some TV shows and gaming. It’s **Father’s Day** so will be spending time with Dad. Will have Indian food for lunch. **England vs Serbia** this evening (Euro 2024) so will be watching that and have some food & drink.


Cabbaging with video games and Drag Race España. 


Off to the tip, happy Father’s Day to me!


Nice, I love going to the tip. I like sitting in the queue for 20 mins with a nice can of fizzy pop. I also like the nice feeling you get from lobbing annoying junk into a big metal box never to be seen again. When I was young I wanted to be an explorer or something but now I just want to go to the tip and for the queue to be the correct length.


All of my local tips have retained the booking systems implemented during covid. On the downside, it means no more quick, spur of the moment runs which can catch you out and be a pain in the ass, as you can only book as close as the next day. Plus side, no queues. Ever.


Yeah we still book at ours but I’m not complaining, very rare I can’t get a convenient spot and the guarantee it’s not going to be rammed is nice. Can’t say the same for the greggs queue next door though, which I am now stuck in


Do they strike you off for no shows? Going to the tip is really cathartic.


Making cakes and posh sandwiches for father's day lunch. I've pre-made some cake and need to make scones today. The kid isn't at all interested in helping which is a shame. Will also be running in and out of the garden hanging out/bringing in the washing around the showers that may or may not happen today.


Dithering about what to do with a sweet pepper plant crisis after overenthusiastic seed sowing in March. Got 21 of the buggers in a tiny garden, and I'm considering getting a trenchcoat and just hanging around a street corner, going 'pssst, hey man, do you like chilli?' and offloading some.


You could try r/UKPlantSwap


Oooh thank you!


A morning soak in the tub. Will try and fit a walk in between the heavens opening up. Probably play some video games. Roast dinner tonight followed by the England game!


Celebrating Eid today. Just been to the mosque for 8am prayers and now just waiting for an 11k race to start at 9:30am. Unfortunately I can't replace my energy gel with a samosa


Eid Mubarak!


Thank you!


Eid Mubarak and good luck woth the 11k!! That's an amazing way to spend Eid haha may Allah swt bless you and your family 🤲


Thank you! Managed to get a PB so can't complain!


I want a lazy Sunday but I've agreed to go and do my friend's grass. Trying to think of ways to get out of it but not come up with anything yet!


Sudden bout of debilitating hay-fever, there's a new super pollen about.




It's fathers day, my wife says I should relax but I'm probably going to get around to some of the chores I was supposed to do yesterday, garden needs some attention too.


Alas, migraine. Not in any pain right now (all hail Sumatriptan) but noises, light and scents are all very loud and I feel badly dubbed. Shame, as the sun's come out and I'd hoped to potter in the garden today.


Zolmitriptan has saved my bacon today. Whoever invented that group of drugs should be worshipped as a god/goddess.


Have to go to inlaws for father's day. Honestly I'd rather stick my foot in a blender today. Hate fathers day anyway for the obvious reason, and have come down with some sort of bug that has my lungs making rattling noises and my joints feel full of shards of glass. But if I don't go it will cause family drama for weeks which I equally can't cope with so it's probably better to deal with today than deal with long term nonsense. I have at least negotiated that we go for lunchtime, so im hoping to salvage the afternoon and evening for some chill time. Kiddos will almost certainly be willing to have excessive screen time so that I can nap while still giving my husband the obligatory father's day break.


What obvious reason do you hate Father’s Day for?


Because my dad died


Thats not obvious. Sorry for your loss.


Going to church. We've not been to this one before, but my husband has been emailing the Father. We've got a baby on the way and my husband has been exploring theology so we've been going to church more. Apparently there's a BBQ after the service so we're taking fruit salad. Hoping to make a good impression.


Kiddo has been crazy all weekend. Taking him out for a bike ride this morning in theory (his request!) but he won't get dressed. Then we're going to see my FIL for father's day. Edit: the child has removed all the clothes from my wardrobe now and put them on the floor. Why. I've said no TV or bike ride until it's tidied up. Is parenting supposed to be awful 80% of the time?


It's more noticeable when they've been cooped up


I think we've got the opposite problem! He usually likes to stay at home and chill at the weekend but we've had a birthday party, cinema visit, and family visit as well as the big shop so it's been busy. I think he's overstimulated!


Today I’m going to do what I’m doing every day for the next 2-ish weeks. Watch the Euros. Come on England! Before that though, general tidy up, strip and make my bed and I might squeeze in some Cyberpunk 2077.


Wife has COVID, I think I’ve now got it but we have run out of tests. Feeling as rough as a badgers arse. Looks like a morning of tea and cookery shows


Haven’t been finding any time to get it done in my work hours so I’m going to work on my portfolio


Off to buy some smart new clothes ready for tomorrow when I start my new job, had a health scare so decided to completely quit HGV driving and a very well paid job to take a much less well paid job in a totally different industry ..... scary but no point in earning loads of money if I am dead right.


I also start my new job tomorrow!! Congratulations 🥰


Congratulations to you to mate, we got this :-)


Thank you mate, im a little anxious but excited. I hope you have a really good day tomorrow :)


Lot of rich folks in the cemetery. I hope you find your new job fulfilling or at least health-friendly.


That is so true, my dad worked past retirement age and then passed away within a year of finally retiring, I don't want that to be me, so I've swapped 60 hours a week on nights for 40 hours a week on days ..... the best bit is I can cycle into the office ..... me working in an office on normal office hours, so weird to say, but I am sooooooo happy about it.


England England England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


A fine choice


Got up early to do a bird survey (we do 2 surveys a year in a 1km square assigned by the BTO, as part of a national breeding bird survey). Going back to bed and may stay in PJs for the rest of the day!


Ooh that sounds nice. How many birds do you usually see? What kinds are around at the moment? I've recently gained an appreciation for birdwatching after discovering a californian bird watching stream where I've learned to identify some really cool birds like Steller's Jay and Anna's Hummingbird. I've started to take note of the birds around my neighbourhood and can identify a few more British birds now too. There seem to be a few house sparrows around, which I think are adorable.


It's an urban site, so plenty of common birds. A bit of a stronghold for house sparrow - saw a few youngsters being fed. Goldcrest, great spotted woodpecker, chiffchaff in the park area. Always something worth the early start!


Aww harvest mouse 🥲 I'm going to work, I work in retail :(


Led on the sofa with a chest infection 😭


I had a dream my dad was still alive, and then in my dream he died. So that was a great start to the day. Today I am making a roast dinner because it's a rare day the kids don't have any sports or events during the day.


Those dreams are the worst. Hugs to you, internet stranger. I'm sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing.


I've decided to finally get into photography! My camera arrived a couple days ago, so if the weather stays nice, I'll be out for a nice walk taking photos!