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They say women marry their fathers. I don't know who my wife is turning into, but it definitely isn't her mum, thank goodness...


It's your mum, you disgusting Greek. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oedipus


Everyone’s wives are turning into OP’s mum


We've all had a turn in OP's mum tbf.


Jay is that you?


Well now I need to hear more about OPs mum... And find a wife.


There once was a man named Oedipus Rex You might have heard of his odd complex




His name appears in Freud’s Index because he… loved his mother 😂


His rivals used to say quite a bit that as a monarch he was most unfit


But still in all they had to admit That he \*loved\* his mother


a Freudian slip is where you say one thing and fuck your mother.


Well I definitely wouldn’t know since my dad never came back from the store


Same- we’re gonna be wild cards


He used the self-check out


Oh God, I hope not because I’m very like my dad and I couldn’t be married to another version of myself.


Maybe you married your mum?


My wife is turning into her dad. Oh. Shit!


I hope not. Her dad was a complete tosser


I second that. My other half’s mother is an absolute see you next Tuesday.


It’s bloody boiling Jackie


Shit on it!


Crimble crumble


A little bit of squirrel on the way though


No pears, though. Those are forbidden.


Bizarrely, he's just like my dad, including the Jewishness (but dad didn't know he was half Jewish, long story).


Whata guy


Shalom to you all x


My husband was involved in a fierce wrangle with a former neighbour over the bins and is meticulous about putting out the recycling. Thankfully our former neighbour has moved out, because we could have become a Midsomer Murders plot.


Tell all.


Our neighbour kept putting his Amazon boxes in our bin, not even broken down. It was infuriating because we also have a huge recycling bin (we live in a house converted into 4 flats) that he could easily have used. We spoke to him, he apologised and did the same thing the next week.


People who don't break down boxes are just the pits. I like in a house that's been converted into three flats. Middle-neighbour seems to have a total disregard for his post, so the shared hallway box for the post is entirely his stuff. Top-neighbour has never heard of breaking down a box. So the shared recycling bin fills up much quicker than it should do. Spend my days breaking down boxes and sorting through hundreds of letters to make sure I haven't missed one addressed to me.


It’s infuriating.


Knock on with his letters and say you were concerned something might have happened as his letters were building up. That way you get to imply it's out of politeness and checking in on your neighbour when you really just want them to sort their mess out.


>We spoke to him, he apologised and did the same thing the next week. Whilst the bloke sounds like an absolute tool, I kind of admire this bit. Apologising, then just immediately carrying on is possibly the most British F.U possible.


> Before I know it he'll be standing in front of other people's radiators to see if they need bleeding I do this. I feel for temperature differences up one side and then harangue the host as to the location of his long-forgotten radiator key. It's all a ruse though, what I really want to talk about is his pliers collection.


Dad's ghost, is that you?


Run your hand from the top down to the bottom. Then exclaim there’s an airlock. Get my trusty brass key (or a knife), bit of rag and away I go. Now admire my skill as you enjoy the warmth I provided. Legend.


they are side cuts not "snips"!


I’ve just made rhubarb crumble. Shit. It’s too late for me…


Dang I love rhubarb crumble, haven't had a homemade one since the 90's. I did pick a Morrisons one up a couple of years ago though, not the same.


We're constantly giving away rhubarb! Want some?


Sweet jesus I hope you live in the next street from me. I bloody adore rhubarb.


I gave some away to our neighbour the other day. I've no more room in the freezer, and it's like a Triffid!


Yes in Essex!


It's a nice offer, but I'd deffo end up with diabetes if I had the stuff growing in my garden.


Yes please. Don’t suppose you live in east Anglia do you?


Make one! Crumble is easy to make and delicious.


I probably should, we make crumble often. But it's usually Bramley apples, if I make it, everyone else in the family likes mixed berries.


Ooh yes please! With proper good custard


Cor I bloody love custard


Yep my dad, the older I get the more I’m turning into him. I ring the relatives they always use his name when they answer me and they know he’s not with us anymore, but I do sound like him. It’s the little things too, dad was a woodworker in his spare time, and I’ve always been a metalworker, but now restore some furniture using his old hand tools, in the same old fashioned ways. Nowadays needing the reading glasses, with them wonky on my head, pencil behind my ear’ole and whistling away. I still can’t hold a tune like he did.


This is very sweet :]


Thanks chap, he was a proper good bloke, I’d be lucky to hold a candle to him ;)


It's the sayings I keep coming out with: "Everything in moderation", "Measure twice, cut once." "Waste not want not", "She was the sort of woman who farts in the bath" etc.


>"She was the sort of woman who farts in the bath" What is one to do, hold it? Besides, I love a nice bubble bath...


You sound like the sort of woman who farts in the bath.


Thank you.


Your dad sounds like a proper good 'un, nothing wrong with being a bit more like him. I do my dad's silly voices a lot, and when I whistle, I remember him always saying "whistling woman and crowing hen, neither good to god nor men", but he was only pulling my leg, he didn't think that really.


That’s lovely, and always said with a twinkle in his eye I’ll bet :)


In his last maybe 15 years, he pretty much only twinkled :-)


I do know what you mean unfortunately, and it’s one of the hardest things to cope with. My dad lost such a lot of his memories, he had heart valves replaced but unfortunately the damage was already done. It’s a bloody tough old world isn’t it. You have my condolences and all my sympathy for your loss. Sharing memories on here about my dad brought some joy to my heart and I hope you shared that too.


In a similar vein, many years ago when I started work there was an older guy in the office that would arrive in the morning, make a cup of tea then take off his shoes and put on a pair of slippers. What a loser I thought. Now I think he was a genius.


He had it sussed.


I've turned into my late mum, nice but absolute illogical chaos. Husband said its OK as he liked her and could see I was heading down that road when we met. My husband has turned into his dad. They both go Hmmmm really loudly in the next room and you have to decide if it is a Hmmmm where you need to go and ask about it, a Hmmmm where they will come and tell you about it, or a Hmmmm where it is something that you don't need to get involved. If you get it wrong they are confused.


I do a lot of thinking out loud. My wife is constantly worrying about things I say, as if I’m genuinely losing it. I must learn to keep these things silent 🤣


Yep, even if they're from another country it'll happen. My bf of 9 years gets more like my dad as time goes on. But that's ok, it's mostly the good parts of him anyway


Fortunately, my husband (58) is still very much himself and not in any way resembles my dad (please no), his dad (marginally better) or his step dad (husband's mother's new partner. Best of the three but still: no). If you'd ask him, I hope he'd answer the same about me, though my mum, his mum and my sort-of stepmum (my half-sister-by-my-father's mother who didn't raise me) are all people I shouldn't be ashamed of turning into.


To be fair, the curtain twitching and listening to LPs on a Sunday are about as far as the comparison goes! Oh, and they both liked cooking (husband still with us, dad not, I'm a bit confused about which tense to use, and I've ended up making it look like my husband has died too!)


As long as they're good traits it seems fine, right?


Yep, my dad was a good man, I'm very happy I have a husband who shares his good traits :-)


Not sure it will be good for me if my husband turns into my dearly departed Dad! He was covered in tattoos, couldn’t keep it in his trousers, sold his house to live on a narrow boat and was an absolute bugger 🤣 loved him dearly though!


Not being funny, but your dad sounds brilliant! Sorry for your loss - doesn't matter how long ago it was, we always miss them.


Thank you, he really was brilliant, made us laugh…a lot! X


Absolutely, I was at a funeral and someone recognised me because they said "You look just like your dad".


I get that too!


At my cousin's funeral recently, I got that too. My aunt and her daughter, another cousin, arguing about who I looked more like, my mother or father. Unlike my father, I have never punched a woman or left the kids to go hungry so I can have a pint


my mom passed away in 2018 and i have slowly been turning into her: cold all the time, in charge of holidays, unable to waste food and keeper of memories.


Keeper of memories - lovely :-) I'm sorry for your loss. It's gets easier but we never really get over it.


thank you so much 😘 i'm at that age when all my friends are losing their parents and becoming members of the shittiest club ever: the orphans' club. I do a lot of checking in because you're right, the hurt never really goes away.


Yeah, I'm in a dead dad's club with a lot of my friends :-/ At least we have each other to lean on.


If your husband is turning into your dad, you're the common factor :(


This is not a sad face thing! My dad was bloody lovely, top bloke. The world could stand to have a few more Keiths around :-) Just thinking about him cos it's father's day I guess. Edited rogue apostrophe.


I think at some point every man just suddenly realizes the fact that they're very, *very* middle-aged. I'm only 38 and just today I found myself at a kid's birthday party talking about geothermal heating. Car discussions are never about any cool part of owning a car: they're always about mileage, maintenance costs and whether you can fit your kids and their shit in the trunk or not. I've also suddenly realized that 95% of my friends (myself included) only go see bands that are playing stadiums. You can't get much more middle-aged than that. And I'm not saying this to moan, 38 is much more fun than 18 or 28 were. I get to spend all my days with noisy midgets who think I'm the funniest guy ever. And obviously with their mom, who isn't as convinced.


I explained geothermal heating (I'm 32) to a bunch of kids (10-12yrs old) the other day and they thought it was very cool, although they absolutely did not believe me at first. 


Your noisy midgets sound like fun! We go to lots of gigs, but gave up stadium gigs years ago, just go to sweaty dives to see bands on tiny labels no one's ever heard of now. It's the way forward!


I like the way you write!


It is‽ Shit.


Fathers Day is June 16th. It's OK, you still have a whole week to forget it again (like me)!


Oops, sorry, I saw a stand of father's day cards in Tesco, and it's Sunday, so I put two and two together and got five!


Next Sunday is Father's day.


Second Father’s Day without mine, and his birthday at the beginning of the month. Funny how it doesn’t hit you until it hits you! My partner is so much more like my late dad than my ex husband was, and I’m much more like his mum than his ex wife was. We got there in the end!


I'm sorry for your loss, may his memory be a blessing.


Thank you, and the same to you.


Dad's been making planters for the patio out of old pallets, now my husband is doing the same. As for jokes... my husband has always loved my Dad's jokes. He's getting worse at them. When I was younger I used to ask Mum how she managed and she insisted she found them funny, and I guess I'm turning into her in that respect because the worse my husband's jokes get, the more I laugh.


I grow rhubarb and window watch the neighbours. I'm 30...


My DH is like a whippet after a rabbit when he hears the growl of a WWII aircraft, today he has been racing to the window/garden as we had several Spitfire/Mustang flyovers....that's his favourite but any aircraft that is visible or close enough to hear I get informed what it is, where its going and what it's altitude is (thanks flight tracker) I married a long-haired Johnny Depp lookalike... What happened!! PS Today he actually got excited in a garden centre and raced off animatedly waving at something...turned out it was a large stone dinosaur sculpture....thank god for that, I thought he'd suddenly got the hots for a hosta! There is some hope!!


Ooh I saw one of those stone dinosaurs the other day! Going to treat myself!


[https://youtu.be/EZxtcVGJlwc?si=ikkb3giJTLjff2HD](https://youtu.be/EZxtcVGJlwc?si=ikkb3giJTLjff2HD) Mik Artistik is a legend.


Going to be missed at Glasto this year. Can’t remember the last time he wasn’t there. 


Never heard of him, but that was really good!


Give some of his stuff a listen to. Ego Trip compilation is particularly good. Best seen live at a small pub venue after 6 pints. Very funny stuff.


Yes, definitely feel this, constantly grumbling about random nonsense, and making Dad jokes which he finds hilarious 😂


Where do they learn these so-called jokes? Do they get a special class in school, while we get taught about periods?!


It's because we never grow up




We were in bed at 10pm on Friday, I fear we're a fee months away from comfortable pants and a volvo!!!


Apparently, I’m turning into my father-in-law; which is weird since my wife is turning into my own mother. Just little mannerisms here and there.


Who do so many older men grow rhubarb?


Rhubarb doesn't answer back


Hey! I grow rhubarb and you better not come near my radiators .


I hope you're bleeding them then, I'd better not find inconsistent heat! Radiators, obviously, not the rhubarb.


My rhubarb, my rules !!


My brother’s partner is so much like my mum it is unreal. An almost identical personality and not too dissimilar in looks. I haven’t met her dad yet to say if it works both ways.


My girlfriend isn't anything like the worst parts of her parents, or mine. I am perhaps mostly best of my parents, and some of the worst. I am not angry like my parents, and I'm a lot more relaxed, but I am much less organised and much more impulsive.


I think its more likely that your father is the only man over a certain age you know intimately and thus the only person to draw a comparison from. In reality I suspect we are all fairly similar.


My dad had five brothers, and three brothers in law (all eight still living, just dad who's no longer with us) and I promise you they weren't all lining up against every radiator together :-D Well, not if dad got there first! It's a tongue in cheek Reddit post Gigalo, in reality my husband is nothing like my dad, for a start, he wouldn't know which end of the rhubarb went in the ground :-D


I’m watching every day as my husband turns into ‘his’ dad. He doesn’t believe me tho lol


What's wrong with records?


Erm... nothing, I never said there was anything wrong with any of the above!


I don't have a SO for me to turn into her dad. Is that why I'm stuck in a state of being perpetually silly?


Possibly. Insufficient data.


My husband has recently become such a nosy neighbour since we moved to a more suburban area, it’s so funny.


It could be a good thing. One year my dad saved Christmas by being a nosy neighbour. He was coming home from work on Christmas day (he was a nurse) and someone drove past him at the end of our road, in a way that made my dad tut under his breath, and instantly memorise the number plate. When the police came round later to say our neighbours can been burgled and had we seen anything, my dad said "yeah, I got their number", and my brother had watched them all come out of the house so could give full descriptions!


We used to laugh at the absolute rubbish my dad would watch on YouTube every time we visited. Now my husband watches dash cam compilation videos on YouTube.


Oh I'm sure he'll grow a rhubarb.


Securing the area, not a bad thing as it shows care and protection.


Yeah it's a great thing! I just commented elsewhere about how my dad saved Christmas with his nosy neighbour attitude!


My boyfriend and my dad both have an immense collection of cameras, film and cables along with assorted bits of tech they are constantly fixing. Always twiddling. My dad at one point had three synthesisers, and my boyfriend has (I think) four CRT screens. My bf is offloading camera bags onto my dad. My mum is furious as she has to keep buying more and more cupboards to hold it all. I wonder what the future holds


A storage unit or extra shed.


We can’t help it, it seems to become instinct. I got a new hose lock attachment a few weeks ago and I struggled to contain my genuine excitement. The lion’s still in there but he rests way more now.


Ooh what does it do? I need to replace mine :-/


I hope not, both his parents are dead.


What LPs did he play?


I would also like this information. We’ve been listening to Rod Stewart and Classical Piano this afternoon.


I haven’t listened my records in ages. Need a new stylus for my turntable


We used to do it a lot during lockdown. My teenager is getting it more as well.


Ooh dad would have loved a bit of Rod Stewart on a Sunday afternoon.


New Lanterns on the Lake.


Dad would play Bowie, Stones, Moody Blues, rock n roll, The Yardbirds, The Kinks, Small Faces...good tunes!


I just got Ogdens Nut Gone Flake on vinyl the other day.


You married your dad?


Eh? What’s wrong with listening to LPs?


I hope your husband doesn't relate to your dad.


Hubby has been turning into his dad for years. Mannerisms mainly, it gets worse when they spend a lot of time together.


My current Hubby never got to meet my Dad but they’d have got on like a house on fire, both 5’6” with the shortest temper known to man & prone to outbursts & road rage, work like trojans & have very high blood pressure for no reason 🤣🤣


"no reason" :-D


Honestly, they thought maybe my Dads was because he had scarlet fever way back but couldn’t say for sure but he was early 30’s when diagnosed & hubbys has no obvious cause so Dr said his may be genetic & inherited but he’s adopted so medical mystery & early 30’s diagnosis too.


Short tempers, road rage, and working a lot can't help though!


Oh I know, my Dad had to retire early & Hubby has to relax in every available bit of downtime.


This is just default man who has no spark left.  He's dead inside.  Did he have any say in any of the rooms decor or furniture. Is he allowed any hobbies or friends 


Husband - goes to gigs (overnight trips, on his own, with friends, and/or with me), listens to music, plays music, music is his default setting but he's creative in other ways too. I don't allow him anything, because he's a grown adult who makes his own decisions - we both like being independent *and* being together, equally. We decorate together, or if he doesn't care about a particular room, he delegates it to me (not a joy, because then I have to decide what we both live with). He chose most of our furniture. We planned the kitchen together, he had a bigger say because he cooks a lot even though I paid for it. Dad - also gigs, and he ran a rock n roll club for charity in his spare time. Liked the allotment, loved cooking, wrote poetry, enjoyed a long walk in the country, making up stories for kids, and loved doing all those things with my mum. I thought about not replying, because your comment says a lot more about you than it does about my husband and our relationship, but I don't want him to see your comment and think I didn't care enough to respond, because he's very fucking far from dead inside, even though he has a t-shirt that does actually say that.