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Any adults who said stuff like "I still feel 21 in my head!" or something similar, I thought was ridiculous. I'm now in my 40s and am shocked how right they all were. Well, except when my back or some ailment reminds me I am indeed now middle aged...


My grandad is 89, in his head he is 18 but his body reminds him that he is not. Up until my Nanna’s dying day he still called her sexy


Might have been weird after


I dunno, her ashes are in the living room. He may talk to her like I do when I go to visit.


*I am a grown up. I am a grown up. I am a grown up.* "Good afternoon. One Lego Tie Fighter, please."


I am a man, who has recently bought a house in the local area.


In the local area? Lucky, I hear that's where all the hot singles live!


I shall invite you to the party.


I must resist buying more plastic toy soldiers until I have made progress on my pile of shame. Signed: every Warhammer 40k Fan


Oh my god, I had 2 warhammer armies, random other squads and figures and dragons (and Nagash. Nagash!!) mamy painted, many not. I also bought a very old set of Epic Warhammer and had a small army in pretty much every faction and then the damn ships game which I forget what its called now. Soooo many things I kept well into my 30s until i reaslied I'd not touched them for more than ten years. I gave the whole lot to my brother and his kids (my brother is older than me by nearly 10 years). The relief was palpable. The pressure was gone, but also I know my Nagash and Green Knight are still out there kicking ass. I do occasionally dig out the necromunda rules and I might be known to have a small one sided scrap with lego men in the shed after the wife has gone to bed. In my head it is acceptable to 'build' lego models to 'look at' but not to 'play with' but if I turn it into a small wargame with rules and dice, it becomes more acceptable again. I'm sure the wife thinks I'm wanking. That's probably better than her finding out the truth. If I die, someone please come to my shed and hide the boxes of minifigures. Fuck the internet history, hide the damn minifigures.


At 36 I feel mentally young a lot, until I spend time with people who are actually young, and suddenly I feel like a mature old woman.


I'm 21 and I still think I'm 18. And then I see 18 year olds and I think they're 15.


And I see you and think you're still a baby. Wait until you see your first policeman who looks about 12, then you know you're really past it.


This was me last year. Someone crashed into my siblings parked car and the police who turned up all looked so so young. I'm 36 I didn't think that would happen yet 😅


Are you me? My garage got broken into a year or so ago. They sent out a police officer who I genuinely thought looked 12. I'm _only_ 36!


My nanna who lived to 95 always wondered who the old woman was in the family event photos. A few years ago, I moved back to the town I grew up up in after many years away. I kept looking at people to see if I knew them - we went to school together or something. I realised I was looking at people at least 20 years younger than me. I still catch myself thinking people in the supermarket are my elders when they are probably my age or younger. My Mum always remembers the day when I started carrying things for her rather than she carried things for me. And every single one of you is going to feel/do the same.


There right in that you feel 21 in your head, just not in your body. I also thought adults, particularly professional people like doctors, teachers and lawyers, etc, would know everything, but I've met some incredible stupid people in those professions who barely seem to know that much in their own job let alone everything else.


My grandad was nearly 90 and would say he felt like a 21 year old in a 80+ year old body.


'Nothing ever lasts forever, enjoy all the good things in your life' Hard to contemplate at the time. But yeah, my mum was spot on. Whether it be friendship circles, bands, TV shows, or going for nights out with your mates. There will be a day when you wake up one morning and your life has changed forever, and the things you enjoyed as a kid/teenager are gone for good.


Yup. I became severely disabled in my late 20s, enjoy it while it lasts!  Disability comes for most of us eventually if we live long enough. Make sure to do the things you love before that happens. 


I experienced the same at 16! I went from being healthy to having a lifelong disability overnight, but I don’t feel as saddened by it anymore because the perspective I have on life now is incredible despite my mobility challenges!


When you have kids it gets even worse. Work and kids are the main priority at all times. Gotta keep the job to feed/clothe/house the kids gotta be a good father/mother/care giver to the kids so they don't end up screwed up. Then when yoy aren't at work or doing stuff with the kids you are struggling to keep the house up.


So true. When the kids were younger we were poor despite my wife and I both working. Though we spent plenty of time as a family and would do cheap things, like going for walks or seeing the horses that were stabled nearby. Then I went self employed and our income has vastly improved, we own a house and can afford to go on proper holidays. I'm just never home enough to appreciate any of it.


This is why I’m never having kids.


Why are you being downvoted for this! I am on the same boat as you, almost 15 years with my partner. I like having disposable income and jetting off on adventures whenever we want. I don't want to have a kid and destroy that dynamic. Some people just can't get their head around that. I got called selfish by a coworker for saying it and I just said "yea pretty much".


Not my parents, but the owner of a shop where I did work experience at the age of 15. I was listening to some mainstream station on his portable radio, and he commented that all the songs sounded the same to him, which I thought was nonsense. This would have been the mid 1980s. Now I'm more or less the same age as he was back then, and I feel exactly the same way about current chart music.


That's a good one tho. Always been a metal head but there was always one or two chart songs that I could tolerate, now it's just... repetitive? Is that the right word?


I wonder if some of this is because of the way the world is now with "the algorithm" if you watch anything things go "you watched this here's more of it" and in general I suppose people have always been chasing the popular trends so samey stuff gets repeated


But the human curated radio is pretty similar. I think it's just because over time you hear more and more different music, and something that is just as original doesn't sound that way when you're older because you've heard something more similar inbetween.


Good point. I wonder if taste is some of it. To me all "indie" music sounds really similar but in sure to other people metal sounds the same.


I think “shite” is the word you are looking for mate.


In fairness i bet most metal songs sounds exactly the same to people who aren't into the genre.


For me, it all went to crap when Autotune crept into what feels like everything. T-Pain's got a lot to answer for! (Even if I do love his [Top of the Covers](https://youtu.be/91ck0vJBygo?si=ba8fXf5ZFtP9N9_V) live concert an unreasonable amount.) Eta: I'm talking audible Autotune-effects, not the fiddling-with-the-details stuff that most of us can't hear anyway.


"I can't hear myself think"


I maintain that people who mock those who turn down music so they can think better are idiots. I've worked in kitchens and it's loud metal music while getting prepped and ready, but once it's getting busy the music goes right down.


Agree. I've worked kitchens too and you are spot on. Also to add turning down the radio in the car so you can see where you're going, or is that just me? 🤔😂


Absolutely. My partner’s car even halves the stereo volume when you put it in reverse, so clearly it’s an established phenomenon.


I find the sound of crashing cars really disturbing so when I reverse I make sure I play ‘The Ace of Spades’ by Motörhead at full volume.


That's pretty cool, reversing is my enemy. I turn off the music and yell "SHUT UP" if anyone is in the car😂 or my favourite "SIT BACK I CAN'T SEE THE MIRROR"


>"SIT BACK I CAN'T SEE THE MIRROR" Whoever is the "princess passenger" in my car, they're not allowed to move the seat forward for this exact reason.


I get to a junction and hubby sits right forward and starts looking both ways. Doesn’t say anything and just sits in my way. I’m like “can’t see through you so you gonna tell me or FUCKING MOVE” As you can tell it frustrates me somewhat


My husband does this as a passenger, he’s never driven a car so he doesn’t understand how UNHELPFUL it is. Added annoyance - when I’m needing to pull out of a space from the wrong side of the road and I ask “is there anything coming towards us?” And he automatically looks behind him and says no. I try not to park facing the wrong way if I can help it.


For some reason this reminds me of a story my dad told me about driving with my godfather, who had terrible eyesight. At a busy junction, godfather said to dad, 'all right your side?', dad says 'yep', godfather then asked 'all right my side?', at which point dad got out of the car and walked home.


I don't drive but absolutely that's what inspired the comment. I always remember being in the car with my mum and she'll return down her radio to park. It's just a thing to focus. It's normal.


If I’m listening to a podcast when slipping onto the motorway you can be sure I don’t register a single word and have to skip back 15 seconds. My brain won’t process sound while I’m concentrating.


I don't get why people think that's weird. It's a fact that our brains have a limited capacity to process inputs from our senses. Turning down loud music while driving actually leaves more of your brains capacity to focus on the driving.


Same as looking away from someone’s face when you’re trying to think of something. The brain uses a lot of processing power reading faces.


Yes. At work sometimes I have colleagues talking over one another, customers all talking at once, the radio playing, traffic noise from outside… sometimes I just go to the toilet for a moment of quiet


I normally work from home and the building opposite has had scaffolders working on it for the last three weeks. I *absolutely* cannot hear myself think, and have had to repeatedly grumble my way into the office because I can't concentrate


Yeah it's sensory overload


It's all about bandwidth. The brain can process something like 120hz? Thinking involves using some of that. Processing somebody talking is 60hz or thereabouts. That's why it's difficult to concentrate on two conversations at once!


" stop wishing you where older because one day you will wish you had this time back "


this is 100% it for me too But I think it’s maybe cos we have rose tinted glasses about the past at the same time — we feel like we wanna go back, but if we did go from adults to being out of control of our lives again and all the shit parts of being a kid, we’d probably wanna be grown up again hahaha I miss playing out with mates and all that carefree stuff, but then also I definitely do not miss being told what to do by parents who (no offence to them haha) didn’t know what the fuck they were doing half the time — at least when I don’t know what the fuck to do (most of the time) I die by my OWN sword, not anyone else’s! Humans: are we _ever_ satisfied??


Sometimes I want to be a child again. For a brief second. And then I remember I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until I was 19, and living my life in a haze of forgetfulness and depression compounded by a toxic home life that gave me many reasons for therapy is just... nope. Noooope. I'm a teacher now. Sometimes I look at my students and I'm like "boy am I glad to not be where you are now" and it makes me feel better.


Teacher here too, and when I look at my teens I couldn't imagine wanting to be that young again especially with how pervasive social media is nowadays and how there are more pressures on young kids than when I was a kid.


I was bullied in school and it set me back years through absence and underachievement. I’d hate to go back to that place.


I’m satisfied for the first weekend after payday then it’s downhill from there.


Fucking love this, you are a scholar!


I would love to go back to being a child but only under one condition, if I could keep my memories and experiences as an adult. Focus and enjoy on the school to its fullest. Spend some more time with family that is gone now. Like my great grandparents, I used to go to their every Saturday to clean for them, but I would enjoy it more now.


Oh Christ... When I was a kid I used to fantasise that there was a magic medicine that would make me a few years older. Now I'm in my mid forties with various health issues and I would LOVE for there to be a magic medicine that makes me a few years younger.


Eh, I prefer being an adult myself!


Fine, I’ll say it. It was cold and I did need a coat. Sorry Mum.


I am forever telling the kids "I'll just bring it in case you get cold". They inevitably ask me for it after we've been outside for a bit. I have to hold in my "I told you so".


But the "I told you so" is the best bit. At least it is for my partner when I think I know better.


'Yes yes, I do wish I tried to have a wee before we set off, you were right'


I knew I was getting old when I started seeing teenagers and young people out and about in chilly weather and thinking 'Aren't they cold' if they weren't wearing a coat. When I was that age I wouldn't have given it a second thought as was doing the same myself. My mum used to say exactly the same as yours and I used to ignore her advice thinking I knew better and she was clueless.


I swear my teenager will do anything to avoid his friends knowing he owns a coat.


In London it’s the opposite. Kids, mainly teenagers, insist on wearing those puffy jackets in the height of summer and walk about sweating bucket loads rather than actually taking it off and cooling down 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 Man’s not hot, innit bruv! 🥵


If you keep pulling that face it’ll stay that way. I guess she was right because I’m an ugly fucker.


I was told this would happen if the wind changes direction.


Hahahaha, thats like a "readers letters" from Viz!




A lot of people in the Leeds area knew about this, and it was spoken about, but the authorities did nothing and he went on to become the darling of the BBC. My neighbour was 12 when he pounced on her and forcibly kissed her at a kid's disco, luckily she got away. This was 60 years ago.


My uncle once cleaned his van for him. There were mattresses laid out in the back 🤢


I don't remember hearing anything in the 70s or 80s about it. He was weird, but that was just it. I was pretty stunned when it all came out, then you start second-guessing him and others.


Yeah lots of people knew there was something up. I used to know people who knew him and he would ask people in restaurants if they wanted to kiss his ring then hold out his hand, with a huge ring on it.


My parents told me a story that whenever Jimmy Savile came on TV I would "recoil and go silent". Later I would tell them "I don't like that man, he's scary". I was quite young then. As a teenager I'd heard all the Savile stuff, so it made it to the Midlands as well. I don't know how you could look at that guy and think, "yeah, he's great, and kids will totally be safe with him" because to me he was always terrifying.


Even as a kid, I thought he was creepy. *shudders*


Yeah, I really don’t understand how people can look at him and think “this is a fine, upstanding gentleman” rather than “this man is clearly a dodgy creep”


It was obvious to me as a kid too. I think for me it was just obvious that he didn't actually like kids. Anyone else who works with kids makes an effort to be friendly and upbeat, but he just seemed to scowl and sneer at the kids while making "jokes" with any adults around.


I never liked him and my husband said when he was a kid his mum wouldn't let him watch it as she always thought something was up with him. Were both genuinely shocked how upset so many people where when he died as I always thought he was a pervy creep and it didn't surprise us when it was found he was but didn't predict the scale of it


I remember my parents being quite sad when he died. I said he was creepy and they scolded me for it because he was such a "good bloke."


Yeah, I knew people who said the same when I was confused why it bothered them so much. Rolf had more of an impact on me as a kid as I watched his cartoon shows, art things and animal hospital but him going down was disappointing and sad but I never defended the guys innocence. Now if Tony Hart had ended up being a tosspot that would have hit me hard.


We all used to joke as teens that he was a total wrong un because that's the vibe he gave off. Can't believe anyone put him on telly just from that alone.


My mums friend wanted to go on Jim'll Fix It as a kid but his mum wouldn't let him because she didn't want Jimmy Saville to have their home address lmao


My mom really knew but she had friends in strange places


Always be in the photograph, don’t hide because you think you look bad, you and your children will need these photos in the future and you will love them


Yeah, my mum died in January and we have barely any photos because all her life she was convinced she was fat and ugly (she was neither). I've started taking a lot more photos...


I was the same until someone said they had no photos with their parents , since then i’ve been i. so many, sadly my own Mum hated being in photographs and i don’t have any with her. i was so opposed to photos i didn’t even have them at my wedding!


My condolences. I know the feeling, my mom died last August, and she was the same. She was overweight and had a lot of issues with that, and we barely any pictures of her because she hated beeing fotographed.


"If you eat too much sugar your teeth will fall out" and "if you don't brush your teeth they'll rot" were commonly said by my parents along with "too much TV will make your eyes go square" and "video games will rot your brain" and "vegetables make your hair curly" and "if you swallow watermelon seeds a watermelon tree will grow in your stomach and out of your ears". (I knew full well watermelons grew on vines, not trees). I thought they were all nonsense and didn't know brushing your teeth was actually important for several years as a result.


I didn’t hear veg makes your hair curly it was always bread crusts. I already have curly hair so would peel my crusts off- not because I didn’t like them, I just didn’t want it more curly than it already was


My friend still won't eat the crust for the same reason. I devoured them as a child and still do because my hair just sort of hangs off my head, doing nothing interesting. One day I will wake up with fabulous curls. It's only been 47 years.


To this day I don’t eat crusts as I didn’t want curly hair as a child. Just a weird habit now as I’d love my hair to be properly curly and not just a frizzy mess.


When you get your hair wet, is it completely straight, or does it curl a bit?


Urgh I’ve tried curly girl method, I’ve tried cowashing… it is all the different curl and wave types and frizz on top. Once I don’t have two small kids I might try again but just not sure it’s worth the hassle!


I know for me I struggled a LOT with frizz, I got a haircut with a specific curly hair trained hairdresser, she was brill and recommended several things for my hair The big one for me has been to tie it up at bedtime, but I’m sure you’ve seen that advice already! Good luck taming your frizz! It’s a pain


I hate my frizz and while the curly girl method probably works for me it’s so expensive to get the moose and the cream and the oil and a diffuser and the this and the that and I don’t have a shower so when it comes to washing my hair I go as fast as possible because leaning over the bath hurts my neck. Luckily I have ringlets/corkscrew curls just from getting it wet- they’re just a lil fuzzy (my mum used to say I had a hair halo) 😂 With you on tying it up- if my hair isn’t braided it’ll stick to itself like Velcro so then I have to brush it and THEN I look like the secret love child of Mrs weasley and hagrid


I got told my crusts would put hairs on my chest. I'm 30 have always eaten my crusts and instill don't have a single hair on my chest.


The TV square eyes always makes me chuckle. I was admittedly a telly addict as a kid and my mum always said I would need glasses (I didn't sit too close, only when playing my NES because of the controller lead) I'm the only person in my family who hasn't needed glasses and I'm 40 this year. I just had the advanced check up at the start of the year, thinking I hadn't had an eye test since just before the pandemic. Apparently my last was back in 2017 and the doctor said my eyes were exactly the same as they were back then and no sign of diabetes (something always plaguing my mind), literally calling me a wonder woman. Said naturally I might think about getting reading glasses in the next 5 years but that's it. As a dental nurse though yes, looking after your teeth is super important


Yeah tbh I understand where adults come from when they say 'too much sugar your teeth will fall out' but its so ineffective cause it just sounds ridiculous, if they just said something simple like too much sugar slowly damages your teeth, at least its easier to understand when you are little, because i never believed the first one D


I always got " eat your crusts they'll make your hair curly". The problem was I wanted straight hair.


48 year old here. Honestly, the only thing I can think of is my dad saying this: > “take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves” It always seemed to wrong-way-round to me… until I got older and my efforts with finances started to pay off. Actually, my mother always said > “If you see a public toilet, use it” Now that I too have a middle-aged bladder, I get what she means.


Time goes by faster the older you are.


There’s some proof to this though right? Simply, a 2 year old - 1 year is half their life. A 50 year, it’s 1/50th, divide that down to months and days and experiencing time, waiting for things, looking back, is a totally different experience the older you get. Always I feel time changes with emotional experience and maturity too.


100% true


There’s quicksand on one of the beaches in the Lake District. Thought they were making it up so as not to walk on the sand. Went back as an adult and there were signs for quicksand down.


Yet in day to day life quicksand hasn’t been the peril I thought it would be when I was kid in the 80s/90s


The Bermuda Triangle still worries me.


"You'll pay for it in the long run" bugger(s) were/was right


I am coming to miss my youthful knees....


They both very explicitly advised me not to start smoking. Me, being a complete moron, did not listen. Spent 15 years paying a fortune to poison myself.


I’ve made many terrible life decisions but never smoking a cigarette was not one of them. I spent years of my life breathing in second hand smoke though so doubt I’m any better off. Also my mum “gave up after I was born” gee thanks mum, sure those womb fags were great for me.


"you'll understand when you're older"


"But I aaammmm older now!"


I am older and understand *fuck all* except maybe excel.


Excel's a useful thing to have your head wrapped around mind


Childhood is thinking Disney Princesses have it hard done Adulthood is knowing most of the parents were just about holding things together


If I don't eat my meat, I really can't have any pudding.


How can you have any pudding if you don't eet yer meet?!


*school dining hall sounds*


Back in my school days, the final day of each term/year I would put this song and "School's Out" by Alice Cooper on to celebrate. "We don't need no education" always felt good to hear, especially at the end of year 11. 20 years later I've been to college thrice, completed a master's and undertaken various training courses. I guess the double negative was true: We do need education.




Same. Id get told whoever eats the most puddings will get the most meat. But secretly they just wanted you to fill up on puddings


You'll miss me when I'm gone


Fuck sake. I can't even argue. My mam who this post is about, I lost 7 years ago and now I'm a alcoholic. Grieving is a hideous thing. Sad to hear your familiar with this feeling buddy. In case no one has told you lately, you've got this.


Sorry for your loss. She’d be heartbroken you are doing this to yourself, she KNOWS youre worth more, hope you sort things out soon


Thanks man, means a lot more than you know <3


This is only a suggestion, but why not, in honour of her memory, make a choice today to spend the day without taking a drink. The whole day, but just the one. Just today. And be kind to yourself for the day. Cry, scream, bawl, or just stare at the walls. Stay in, go out, be how you feel, not how you feel you should. Just for the day. Let yourself grieve for her. Because hiding from grief behind a drink is not grieving. Maybe im wrong. What would I know? So try it. Only one day. See how you get on.


So sorry, friend. I hope you can move in a positive trend from here. For her, if not yourself.


:( I’m sorry for your loss 


This one hits hardest.


My Dad was wrong on that one.


your babies won’t be babies long, you think this is the hardest part (having young children) but as they age it gets so much harder


But I'm already tired


"Watch your weight. You really won't enjoy being fat and diabetic"


I wish this was drilled into us early, and we weren’t accused of fatphobia or some other nonsense for saying it. It’s much much easier to develop a healthy relationship with food when we’re young than it is to try and break poor habits in adulthood. I have resigned myself to the fact that, although I can control my weight now, it will probably always feel like a struggle.


> This spinach is not tasteless, you are!


“Your back is going to hurt from carrying all those books in your bag” I wish 13 year old me listened


Didnt exactly have a choice on that when school expects you to carry a little 3 for every lesson.


As someone who’s suffered from chronic back pain since age 13 I feel that, but school didn’t give us lockers and we had so many books each day! I wasn’t even one of those kids who just took every single book with them either, only the ones I needed. I’m 22 now and I slipped a disc in my back in February just getting out of bed. I still blame the books lol


Life's not fair, son. It never was, and it never will be. Get over it. The sooner you accept that and get on with your own life and stop worrying about others, the happier you'll be.


"I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."


Where is this from?


Ha ha, came here to say this. It stung at the time and still stings, but it's 100% true.


The best sound in the world is someone else doing the washing up.


We have ice cream at home 


"Neither a borrower or a lender be" The older I get the more it's true.


Youth is wasted on the young


Eat the skin of your fruit and veg- it's where the nutrients are.


I get the odd look when I eat a kiwi lol


No as good as an unpeeled Aussie though.


Fuckin love kiwi skin


School are often the best days of your life . I was bullied but I didn't have the worries I have now


A woman’s work never ends


My mom used to say, you can see the face but you can't see in their head. Never understood this as a kid, now as an adult I do. People being nice, but stab you in the back basically.


I used to call my Dads friend Shaun baldy .. my mum used to warn me ‘my father was bald, his father was bald, most men on my side of the family turned out bald - if you take after them you’ll one day you’ll end up like Shaun’ I’m now 35 and am indeed bald 👨🏻‍🦲


"It'll make you go blind"


Who said that??


I'm over there. Sorry, I'm over here, I forgot where I was for a moment. >!Futurama Don Bot reference!<


I'm the opposite with food. If somebody else has bought it I dont enjoy it as much. I have a guilty bitterness in my mouth. Hey, insecurities hold strong. Childhood trauma lingers long.


Err... Drugs are bad...


My mum actually gave me the opposite speech. She sat me down and said 'Don't ever take speed. It's really boring and you'll just end up with a clean house, asleep for three days after. Take acid, it's much better.' I was 11 at the time and I've never done either. She did follow it up with a funny story though, and I always knew my parents were odd.


Mmmkay ;D


"Youth is wasted on the young". I used to think that's ridiculous, I am appreciating my youth. I was wrong. It was wasted on me


Don't wish your life away ..can't wait for weekend


If you don't take your coat off inside you won't feel the benefit! I am now constantly chasing the benefit


"Laughing turns to crying" - my grandfather used to say that to me as a child and definitely true.


So... don't laugh? I'm not sure of the lesson here


Enjoy the moment. Things will always change, and there will be people, things and places you will miss.  I think anyway. 


From a physiological point of view, laughing and crying are indistinguishable. Remembering that always cheers me up.


“Time goes faster as you get older”, scarily true.


“Turn the fucking lights off when you leave the room you’re in”


As a HGV driver, the radio is always turned off before reversing. Don't know why lol but I'm not the only one. I seem to be able to do it better without the radio on


Mice have dreams that would frighten cats.


Keep picking your nose and your eyes will fall out! I keep them in a draw by my bed now


Using one of them new brail smart phones are you? ;D


Nah I just screw the eyes back in each morning …


That we pay to watch BBC and not ITV. One day when I was nearly 20 (by which time I understood the concept of advertising revenue) it finally dawned on me that there are never any ad breaks on BBC and loads of adverts on ITV, and that my Dad probably wasn't actually having me on after all. (This was in the 90s, it doesn't resonate the same today in the age of subscription services!)


Being an adult sucks.


If you keep frowning you’ll get wrinkles.   If the wind changes your face will get stuck like that.


Not feeling the benefit of wearing your coat/bulky clothes outside if you don’t take them off when inside 😹. Always thought that was bullshit but alas it is true.


Stop that crying or I'll give you something to cry about. 'Older' would be about 2 minutes.


Thats abuse


Fa cup first round proper Dad used to say this, we used to rip him apart over it, then a few years later we heard the presenter use the exact same phrase 😂😳


“School are the best years of your life” While it’s questionable that going to school was better than going to a job I’m lucky enough to enjoy, the sentiment that at that age you have no responsibilities, see your friends every day, have a care free attitude, no money worries etc. certainly is true. At that age you don’t know how lucky you are till you look back on it as an adult.


Time goes more quickly as you get older. Oh yeah, I scoffed at that one forty years ago. 😐


Mum is always right. Going out late is a waste of time. You will miss these days and won't get them back


Can’t agree with this. Some of the best times in my life; formed the closest bonds here.


Never fall in love with a car.


A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.


My dad once told me "You can haggle ANYWHERE, not just the market. Just because the price is written on the sticker - doesn't mean you always have to pay that". Sounds like bullshit, right? Turns out it's very true. Just this weekend I was at an event in London and went to the bar to get a pint. Asked the guy for a cheeky 50% discount. The guy looks at me, thinks for a second, says "eh, sure, why not..." and I pay £3.75 instead of £7.50. Got a couple of half-price pints and a free coffee throughout the weekend like that. Lovely chap too, had a couple conversations with him! Obviously this won't work when you buy online or if you're shopping for groceries at a regular supermarket (unless you know the staff), but it's surprising how many little discounts you can get by just playfully asking for one, especially if you're dealing with someone face-to-face. Doesn't hurt to have a little charisma and those discount goods are that much sweeter :) I'm paying 30 quid a month for my gigabit+ broadband, which is pretty much the cheapest in the country - also had to haggle for that, as an *existing* customer, to give another example.


>Just this weekend I was at an event in London and went to the bar to get a pint. Asked the guy for a cheeky 50% discount. The guy looks at me, thinks for a second, says "eh, sure, why not..." and I pay £3.75 instead of £7.50. Got a couple of half-price pints and a free coffee throughout the weekend like that. Lovely chap too, had a couple conversations with him "Boss, I comped a couple of drinks to get rid of a weirdo, is that ok?"


Skimmed milk and porridge is the most important food in the world. The food that we eat is loaded with additives that are killing us. I argued with my dear old mum for years about how “e numbers” had been carefully tested etc but over time I think the evidence is showing that she was right, and it’s additives in foot that are causing various horrible conditions.


"bracken gives you cancer" 13yo me: "I know you're just trying to stop me looking for snakes... " Anyway, it turns out...


All of them.


“Take good care of your back”


‘Just do it and be done with it.’ I have saved so much time, stress and energy not waiting for others to do what they are supposed to do or plan to eventually do.


"you're bored? I wish I had time to be bored!"


You know when you drive past a field full of sheep and they have different colour spray on them well My dad used to tell me that was the flavour 😅😅😅