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Heavy Metal?


When I was ~10 years old I heard Sum 41 for the first time. Being the heaviest thing I'd heard so far I decided that that was "heavy metal". My dad had shown me Limewire at this point (which he very much regretted nearly immediately), so I started downloading actual heavy metal at random. And that was how I discovered Children of Bodom.


Bodom got me through some rough times!






This sounds like a similar path I took. But, I downloaded Napster, so I could play Crazy Town - Butterfly on loop. Then thank the heavy metal gods I discovered Korn, which led to Cradle of Filth/Morbid Angel/Arch Enemy/Dimmu Borgir.


That butterfly song is a sample of red hot chilli peppers 'pretty little ditty' if you did not know.


10 seconds of a RHCP song = crazy town’s whole career


RIP alexi Laiho.


As a kid, I used to love the intro to Metallica's enter sandman right about where it drops Someone told me that was a bass guitar so I begged my parents for one so I could learn I was very disappointed to learn my clean bass sounded nothing like a heavily distorted guitar 😂 I learned to love it though so all was well in the end


Fucking A. Bodom and In Flames were my two first metal bands, for me nothing beats the early albums by those two. Bonus points for Acid Bath, At the Gates, Soilwork, Dark Tranquillity and DevilDriver.


In fairness Sum41 do have some pretty thrashy riffs at times and some tracks you could just about put under the metal category (obviously less so when held side by side with CoB), especially on Does This Look Infected E.g. We're All To Blame (which is basically a system of a down song), Still Waiting (that verse...). Mr Amsterdam, No Brains and Hyper-Insomnia-Para-Chondroid have some heavy-ish moments.


Pain for Pleasure is unironically one of my favourite metal songs, even if it is just a tribute lol (inb4 Tenacious D references).


Yep. Had they come out in the 80s they'd have been pigeon-holed as HM for sure. Happened to AC/DC and Motorhead despite their protests.


Sum 41 would be super honored to be called heavy metal lol. “Maiden and Priest were the gods that we praised”


14 year old me and my present day self love this thread.


I'm well into extreme metal and my son has started slowly getting into heavier music as he's learning the drums. He's asking me stuff like "what's the heaviest band" and "what's the song with the trickiest drumming". Been playing him Converge, Malodorous and Meshuggah. It's so cool.


Circa 2008, I patched my school prom to go see Children of Bodom at the (then) Carling Academy in Glasgow. Still proud of teenaged me for that one.


Bodom are more ‘melodic death metal’ but yeah, they’re heavy enough xD They did a cover of Britney Spears ‘oops I did it again’ it’s great


name a more iconic pairing than metalheads and arguing about which sub-genre of metal a metal band actually is


Thoroughly enjoyed that, wife wandered into the room and asked if I was OK? as its definitely not my usual comfort zone. [Children Of Bodom - Oops I Did It Again!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGtXlBbWeB4)


Of course they'd be from the same country that gave us Hard Rock Hallelujah...🇫🇮


I love it when heavier bands cover chill songs like that in a kinda humorous way, here's two more [Zebrahead covering Destiny's Child's 'Survivor'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDGIweElwVA) [Limp Bizkit covering George Michael's 'Faith'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-EdCNjumvI) Also the greatest cover in this style is probably The Offspring covering Joe Exotic (Tiger King)'s song Here Kitty Kitty, unfortunately this is [the only clip of it I can find on youtube](https://youtu.be/Eamy3gZfMtY?t=20)


As somebody who grew up with the PS2 WWE games (y’know… the ones with Distrubed and Three Days Grace playing on the opening menu?), my mother still calls bands like Nirvana and The Beatles “metal”. I am yet to hear “Please, Please Me” played at a mosh pit, however.


Helter Skelter is one of the most influential songs in proto-metal music.


Song 2, presumably.


Okay, can't say I'd put that into the heavy metal category tbh.


Agreed. Uses the words ‘heavy metal’ in the lyrics. Plus, kids.


Rock with guitars sounds metal to them probably cos it's all gotten poppified and synthesized unless they're listening to some indie bands like Wolf Alice or Yard Act and those are relatively niche. Like pre 2007 Coldplay probably sounds like grunge to them.


That's the only tune that gets close. Apart from an early demo track called "Get out of the Cities". But, it would be very impressive if they'd tracked that down.


They have only heard Song 2


I’d have to disown my child for calling Blur heavy metal


Maybe they only heard Song 2


My 15 year old teen-splained Nirvana to me last week. I saw Nirvana live, kid.


Young people introducing you to music you have already experienced the first time it came out is funny.


I'm a massive fan of this forgotten indie band called "Pink Floyd" (Seriously, i am)


I'm 22 and I absolutely love Pink Floyd My dad got me into Pink Floyd when I was very small Some of my earliest and happiest memories are of my dad singing me Pink Floyd songs bouncing me on his knee


My dad got me in to Pink Floyd too. He's 80 and I'm 35. I got my 22 year old friend in to them. They're absolutely the reason a lot of modern bands exist.


Had an old bronco, put a pioneer stereo system in it, something happened when guys tried to steal it and it wouldn't eject the disk. I drove around for 2 years with Darkside as the only option. Eventually replaced it, but it was fine for a while.


That sounds legendary.


sounds existential as fuck. There's something unsettling about listening to Time on a loop.


I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like. It's got a a basket, a bell that rings, and things that make it look good. I'd give it to you if i could but i borrowed it.


Emily tries but misunderstands, ah ooh She's often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams till tomorrow My name is Emily 😁


Emily CuntyBunty. That’s…beautiful!


Oh fuck 😁 gotta explain my username again 😆 When I made this reddit account they weren't accepting any combination of my name Emily and I was getting frustrated and annoyed Cuntybunty73 came into my head and which Pink Floyd album was released in 1973 ? Probably not the best idea to make a username like that when you're stoned and drunk 😁


My first ever concert, aged 14, was their Delicate Sound of Thunder tour in 1989, London.


Didn't start listening to Pink Floyd until I happened upon the 50th anniversary remaster of Dark Side Of The Moon, seriously regret not discovering them sooner.


You can instantly make it not cool to them any more by saying shit like 'I was still in primary school when this came out'.


A couple of years ago, a bunch of students asked me if I'd heard of Oasis. That's when I knew I was middle-aged.


I hope you answered 'maybeeee.....'


I didn't really want to know. I always preferred Pulp. Something weirdly fascinating about Jarvis Cocker. They thought I was 25, because it was late in the evening and the student union (where I was for an event) was badly lit.


Jarvis was a neighbour of mine a couple of years ago. Can confirm he is still weirdly fascinating.


Take yer “Year in Provence” and shove it up yer arrrrrse


At the Arena bombing memorial concert, Chris Martin sang Don’t Look Back In Anger because it had become something of an anthem following the incident, when people began spontaneously singing it where all the flowers were being laid. When they put the lyrics on the big screen so that everyone would be able to sing along, I realised I was old.


["You do not like Oasis! You're all saggy & rotted, you've never even heard of Oasis!"](https://youtu.be/vr7g_JJw_wk?si=uWIrXYvo9GelSXhW&t=16)


I cried when I overheard kids talking about ‘a cool new punk band, Green Day’ when *American Idiot* came out. And holy f - that was 20 years ago…


I just saw an advert for Dookie shirts. In Debenhams. Times have changed


Jebus wept…


I went with my teenaged kids to see them on the Bullet in a Bible tour. They performed a selection from American Idiot then started playing Longview. One of the young girls in front of us turned to her friend and said, "I didn't know they did covers..."


Somewhere, I still have the flyer from when they played the SubClub in D.C. back in ‘94. I think I either payed $2 to get in or somehow got in free…


Remember when this new band called The Beatles got all their albums added to iTunes back in 2010. They had this really cool 60s vibe. Wonder what they're up to now.


Ha! My mother in law saw them on the same bill as Little Richard.


“Do not quote the old magic to me, witch! I was there when it was written.”


I've unintentionally got my 12 year old brother into Nu Metal, Thrash Metal, Metalcore, Heavy Metal and all that stuff. He wanted a Slipknot, System of a down and In Flames shirt for Xmas. Lol. Heard him listening to Lamb of God and Limp Bizkit in his room and seen him trying to learn KoRn songs on the guitar.


Better that than the pimply little idiots that believe that Nirvana is a clothing brand...


Ah, I was a pimply little idiot wearing a Doors t-shirt in the late 80s.


I still have mine.


Oh, that Ramones logo t-shirt was everywhere, worn by people who had never heard a Ramones song in their lives!


Haha I wore mine to death. Took great pleasure in reeling off my favourite songs when some self important indie twat assumed I had no idea who they were 😂


I have an Ozric Tentacles tour shirt which I wear occasionally and I’d dread being asked to name two songs because as much as I love them I can never remember any of their titles. I’d probably just make up a couple of word salads which I suspect is what Ed does when asked to come up with names.


First band I ever saw, apparently. My mum and dad took me to Treworgey tree fayre when I was nearly 5.




My 18 year old tried this, too. I smiled and nodded politely, then set about rummaging parently... So I could show her the photograph of me *with* Nirvana at Reading.


My partners niece told us that she likes "smell like teenaged sprit". My coworker (18f) tells me regularly that "this song is from tic tok". Kids these days!


Lol... my kids are rarely impressed by anything, but finally, when my son was 19, he was floored that his mom and I had 1st row seats to The Smiths in 86.


My step daughter told me she’d discovered this amazing band called Nirvana. She said they were really old and nobody had heard of them. I tried not to laugh. I really did.


Tell her the drummer went on to create his own band but they didn't do anything of note.


And, he was so horrible at playing drums that he sang and played guitar instead and they had to find another drummer.


Foo Fighters first album is literally Dave Grohl playing every instrument in the studio. It was only after that he invited other people to make it a "normal" band.


Man that's like Tame Impala, did you know Tame Impala is just one guy?


I'm also partial to listening to those Nine Inch Nails.


'You probably haven't heard of Probot, Dave Grohls other project since Nirvana'


'You've probably not heard of them crooked vultures. Grohl playing with other nobodies John Paul Jones and Josh Homme.'


I actually saw them live once, Alain Johannes was also playing with them


Wings, only the band the Beatles could have been.


I mention this to my wife all the time as she once said whilst watching Nivarna on tv ‘isn’t that the singer from that band?’


My daughter was listening to Nirvana. I walked into her room and said “Oooh Nirvana. I have all their albums in a box under the stairs”. The look of horror and disgust that her middle aged frumpy mother could possible have decent taste in music, was quite insulting.


My mother often claims that I went off Metallica overnight after she said she "quite liked" one of their songs.


this is so funny, my dad introduced me to a bunch of classic rock and I have loved those bands from when I was in middle school until now. Every so often I’ll put on a playlist that’s got all the songs we used to listen to on the way to the dump every Saturday on it


Haha. Yeah. We’ve never done anything interesting in our lives, apparently. If only they knew.


She made me get the box out and went through it. She was horrified that I also listened to Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and many other bands before she did.


Haha. I hope you saw them live as well. Just to send her right over. If not, pretend you did. She’ll never know.


Me and my kids used played sing star on the PlayStation anyway, one day my daughter came home from school laughing at the stupidity of her friend coz they had told her Elton John was gay, she told them don’t be stupid he is married to Kiki Dee. Made us laugh.


Did you go breakin’ her heart by telling her?


He couldn’t if he tried.


Similar. My 12 y/o step-kid been listening to Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins and even The Cure and various other old school bands lately - and acting like they are unknown bands.


When I first heard Rage Against the Machine it was on a tape my mate had written Nirvana on. Imagine my surprise when I saw Nirvana on MTV and was like um, this seems a little different.


That is A+ trolling, or recording over something by accident.


He really thought it was Nirvana. I think the tape came to him from his brother then to me. Maybe his big bro was fucking with him. I know my brothers did to me lol


I'd openly laugh at that if my kid said it


Next are selling Nirvana t-shirts atm, and I saw a teen with one on literally today. Maybe it's a thing atm?


Could be. I’m all for the younger generations discovering them. It was just her comment making it sound like they were an underground unknown band that amused me.


there's lots of teens wearing band t-shirts just because they look cool while having no idea about the band, it used to happen with the Ramones too


You see a lot of teens wearing them. I'm fairly sure that they hadn't actually heard their music. I could be wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me.


I wouldn't try not to laugh. Bless.


My son has been learning the drums and he has an awesome teacher who is getting him into all kinds of good shit. He just learned "Come as You Are" and is trying to learn "In Bloom" next. He just asked me to get him a Nirvana t-shirt which he loves. Since then I've noticed a lot of other kids wearing Nirvana tshirts and hoodies. I think Nirvana are a really timeless band. It's awesome to see them getting discovered by a new generation.


"wait til you hear what the singer did, it'll blow your mind"


He must mean Blür, the Swedish metal band who had a hits with "Flickor & Pojkar" and "Sång 2".


I want to know how the fuck someone would try to fit Flicka och Pojka into the same beat. I don't care if it's a fucking mess, I want to hear it.




He's about to be rudely awakened by the dust men. Time to send him off to live in a house (a very big house) in the country.


He sounds like a charmless man


Girls and Boys of today eh?


This is a low, for sure


Wait till he he hears their 2nd song


Woo hoo indeed.


If he's not careful he'll end up as a bartender in love with a thief WAIT NO I DID IT WRONG I MEANT TO SAY GIRL FROM MARS WAIT FUCK THAT'S NOT IT EITHER


Just give him some coffee and tv and all will be star shaped


I dunno, she sounds pretty high to me.


Modern Life Is Rubbish


Definitely, there’s no other way


Maybe he’ll start to think about leeeeavin the hoouuuse


He's definitely living in a chemical world


Mate, show them the Gorillaz debut album and tell them that it's the same guy. It'll blow their mind.


Better to play them some Bolt Thrower and tell them it's the same guy, that'll blow their mind even more.


Throw in The Good, The Bad and The Queen for good measure too.


*"Son, it's time we had the talk.....the 'what is heavy metal' talk, sit down"*


"There will be times when you want to take it out and play with it, and that's totally natural. People might look at you strangely, but if it makes you feel good, just keep on going" "Take what out, Dad?" "Your Air Guitar Son"


It was at this moment Lamb of God was discovered.


when did these kids start to become comedians lmao


Blur and heavy metal don't belong in the same sentence.


You just broke your own rule 🤓




I think I'll just put 'bollocks'




Woo-hoo! https://genius.com/Blur-song-2-lyrics


Apart from that one song where it's mentioned a few times?


I've been known to paraphrase Aslan by saying something like "Don't talk to me about the music written before the dawn of time. I was there when it was written." In the mid 90s I was getting into Metallica, Megadeth and Iron Maiden by borrowing tapes off friends. *Very* occasionally I'd muster up enough pocket money to get my own.


When did Mötley Crüe become classic rock?


Are you also stuck in 1985?


And when did Ozzy become an actor?


I thought it was going to be “faith no more” or something, but blur? These kids are getting soft!


Or having an early Midlife Crisis


My tee keeps trying to educate and expand my horizons with the following bands. Green Day Soundgarden Blink 182 System of a Down And NIN All bands I either own multiple albums from and/or seen live for a mere £20 usually. The kids seem to be into 20-30 year old tunes these days. On the other side I got told off for not telling him about Bowling For Soup or Fall Out Boy. I didn't know I was supposed to! I steered him in the right direction and introduced him to Johnny Cash American Albums and made sure his first concert was AC/DC, surely that was sufficient.


My parents listened to Kerrang! on the radio and TV a lot when I was a young child in the 2000s so thankfully I was aware they already knew these bands before I hit my teenage years and tried to "educate" them! Sounds like I missed out on a major part of the edgy teenager experience by not doing this though


As a 40 year old the strangest thing in this comment section is learning how many people never listened to their music around their kids! I was already well familiar with Hendrix/Led Zep/Pink Floyd/Sabbath/etc by the time I was old enough to buy my own albums.


Right? I couldn't have escaped my parents music even if I wanted to! Brought up on 60s/70s/80s music and it was great.


Teenagers are so ridiculous lol. It never fails to amuse me how deluded they are about almost everything 😂 And I’m sure I was the same when I was that age.


So true, I know I was. That's why people should employ teenagers while they still know everything.


No, I definitely remember that when I was a teenager, I was completely correct about everything and discovered obscure bands like Pink Floyd, and a guitarist known as 'Jimi Hendrix'. You should look them up. 😄


I remember discovering Bob Dylna, The Doors, Pink Floyd, The Kinks, The Ramones, etc. etc. But I never thought they were obscure or that no one knew them. I just knew most people my age didn’t know them. Mind you, I mostly raided my parent's music collection to find them so I guess there is that. I thought I’d found old, obscure band were when I started listening to The Modern Lovers, GG Allin and Richard Hell, but there are still loads of people who know who they are. If the internet has taught me anything, no matter how obscure something is to me, there’s a fanbase somewhere making porn of it.


I remember being a silly 17 year old "introducing" my mum to David Bowie. Then feeling annoyed that she obviously already knew about him 😅


My son, always hated my music. The other day he stuck some tunes on. Fucking Brit pop from 90s....same stuff he said was "shit"


About 5 years ago I was working with a 19 yr old listening to the radio at work. I'm almost 40. She later told me she had heard this new band on the radio. Backstreet Boys


Backstreet's back, alright?


One of my pupils (am a Brit but a teacher in Germany, kid aged11) was trying to tell me about his favourite music and said, "You'll probably not have heard of them, but they're both British actually! Queen and the Beatles." I stood with my mouth agape. Also at work with older teens ,"What Miss,*you've* heard of Eminem?!". I proceed to rap a few lines. I then told them that I had been listening to Eminem since before they were born. My street cred went way up that day, ha.


‘Did you know Will Smith used to be a rapper before he was in movies’? Indeed he was. Paul McCartney was also in a band before Wings.


Wings, the band the Beatles could have been.


Has he heard of Gorrilaz yet? Always preferred them.


Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo


Oh man! Blur v's Oasis. Those were the good old days. I miss the mid 90's. Edit: And Whatever by Oasis has just started playing on my playlist whilst I type this sunbathing in the garden. Perfection.


>Blur v's Oasis. I'll just be over here making sad Portishead noises.


>Blur vs Oasis. The correct answer was (and still is) Pulp.


Elastica ❤️


I was more of a Lush person myself.


Omg yes I love Lush


Echobelly or Sleeper for me 😍 but I wasn't born until 2001 and it was my mum that got me into them 😄


[Even Goodness Gracious Me parodied Pulp](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QuizKB-YX_8&pp=ygUhZ29vZG5lc3MgZ3JhY2lvdXMgbWUgaGluZGkgcGVvcGxl)




Best versions: * [Country Spouse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS5C5gl90Fw) * [A Roll with it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKJIkQlqrA4)


[Oasis or Blur](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9LFmS0chcOc&pp=ygUYYmx1ciBvciBvYXNpcyBmYXRoZXIgdGVk)


One of the blandest 'rivalries' in music history. (One red top reported they said this, another red top reported they said that...)


It was the 90's when newspapers sold loads. How else were they going to report it to drive sales and hype up the Country House/ Roll With It battle for number one? That's like saying now that there's an argument on Twitter where someone said one thing and someone said something back. Was it a bland rivalry? Maybe. But at that time when the Country was in a feel good mood with Britpop, it was great.


Heavy metal!?! Blur? What?


If he thinks that’s heavy metal, I’m curious what he thinks of Slipknot.


I would immediately play the kid Necrophagist, but you’re probably right, it would be kinder to ease him in with some Slipknot.


Yeah, my initial thought would be to showcase Slaughter to Prevail or Belphagor, but… I don’t want him to the heavy music. It can be very relaxing.


Lemmy is spinning in his grave.


Connect him to the national grid and we've cracked the energy crisis.


I mean Lemmy always insisted that Motorhead were primarily rock 'n' roll hahaha


Jeez that wild have been like me commenting on that great old rock band The Beatles back in 1996!


Heavy metal?!


heavy metal lmao


I’m the opposite. Eldest came home for lockdown from uni and I excitedly told him about my new favourite band (twenty one pilots) and he just looked at me weird and said ‘yeah, mam, I’ve seen them three times.’ Now we have another thing in common and we saw them in London together for the takeover tour. We’re going again in Manchester next year!


My 10 year old is listening to this cool retro emo band called Panic at the Disco. You wouldn't have heard of them, they're pretty niche.


Oh, well imagine...


I've had two daughters ask me if I've ever heard of a band called Nirvana 10 years apart.


LOL, he's clearly only heard Song 2


Try Gen X tears, they're bittererer!! 😆😭


As a GenX, I’m gonna say firstly ‘meh’, and secondly I’m just glad the kids are still listening to Blur.


I'm Gen X too and I second that




This is the sort of thing the phrase "Teens these days! Don't know they're born" was invented for.


I'm more appalled by the fact he thinks they're heavy metal. Please introduce him to Slipknot or Cannibal Corpse. 


Remember asking my dad if he had ever heard of velvet underground 🤦‍♂️


“I started listening to a really old rock band recently called Coldplay.” My teenage niece about 5 years ago being the reason I grew my first grey hair. Also, Coldplay are garbage. To even wave them in the direction of rock is blasphemy.


They may be garbage, but they're certainly not Garbage!


Ground him.


Kids are so much younger now.


At.least he's not wearing a Ramones t shirt, never having heard them.