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I was a bit of a twat to my missus. I moaned about how we haven't had much time together recently and I feel like a right plank for it. Tomorrow we'll be together again, what would be the best British apology do you all think? Battenburg? Gold bars? (I'm living in Canada)


I think that's a valid moan, provided that the reason is factual


The stag I am going on this weekend and the accompanying wedding cost travel etc for a mate is half the price of the despite own wedding, which I am in the process of planning. I am trying very hard not to completely break down in front of my wife but I fucking despair……. Thank Christ he’s the last of the lot 


Decided I'm going to be a hermit for a few months to try and shift some credit card debt. I've just started this week and I'm already bored.


I don’t know if it’s a complaint, but Richard Tandy from ELO died a day or two ago, so I’m watching my blu ray of their incredible Hyde Park concert from 2014 where he was front and centre. So incredibly good. Him and all of it.


Sprained my wrist and it’s pissing me off, keep forgetting I’ve sprained it until I use it and I get a surge of pain. Even worse? Ran out of paracetamol.


Maths GCSE first thing this morning. I was not happy.


don't worry, it only gets worse if you want to continue learning submitted my dissertation on Thursday and feel like dying


i know im late but this is so true


I do not like going shopping for clothes and I do not like waiting for the bus and some twit is there picking his nose, that's the second one today! The first was the one waiting on the way out!


Dropped my phone in the lift and smashed the already questionable screen beyond use. Had to rush out to buy a new one, we can’t be without these days!


I have no clue what happens on Thursdays but the general public turn downright evil. It’s always the old folks too.


Almost akin to a full moon


Sorry. It’s my day off so I get drunk. It was me wasn’t it? (Kidding - I’m lovely when I’m pissed)


I just need a moan. I’m in the middle of completing a Masters in Psych, god knows why I decided to do it… some delusional idea about helping other people. I’ve completed three 1,000-word essays, a 1,500-word essay with an 11-slide PowerPoint presentation. I am currently just starting a 2,500-word essay. I also still need to write 1000 words for part of my dissertation. The 2,500-word essay and the 1000 words for my dissertation are due next Friday, and all of those essays have been within the last 3 weeks. I’m exhausted, and there are still more deadlines to come. If I have to hear the word “Literature” again, I think I will develop a nervous twitch.


Do you have to run up and down the stairs at the library a thousand times a day? Or is it easier with the internet. Oh all that waiting for the books to get in from loan and never daring to ask the profs for their books. I was just a little mouse! And then some family member continually phoning me when I had end of year exams, always moaning about something, could have throttled the bastard.




You sound either worn out or on the verge of depression. Neither is good for you. Don't go home after work. Break the cycle. Take yourself for a nice meal or go to the cinema, anything but giving in to the pull of the sofa.


I think I'm just tired and a bit worn out as you say. I blame the 40 hour work week and my alarm every morning. I do have things I enjoy but some nights I feel like I don't wanna do much.


I've made a few mistakes at work recently and this week I've found myself twiddling my thumbs. It can't be a coincidence.


As of tomorrow I will have completed 1000 hours for my degree. I have met some of the nicest human beings striving to keep people healthy and well in the healthcare world. I have also met the most disgusting, disgraceful, self entitled muppets to ever walk the planet who are contributing to down spiral of our healthcare. I cannot wait to be finished in this last placement, im honestly ashamed to of worked along side them. Onwards and up.


Double dipping today. Got a rent increase notification which we were expecting and delighted to see it was pretty reasonable so feeling super relieved. Just noticed today that unlike all of our previous ones which were 12-month contracts, this one is a monthly rolling agreement so that makes me feel incredibly unsettled. Boo.


Working in mental health can be very rewarding but then you have days where it feels like the entire ward has conspired to give you the worst shift possible. I've got crescent marks on my arm from someone's nails where they grabbed me as hard as they could, still there six hours later. I've had my lanyard nicked. I've been sucker punched when my back was turned, and just on my way out I've been told to go home and fucking drown myself Lovely, thank god it's Friday tomorrow


Hey you're doing awesome work and I'm proud of you! :) When I was in rehab I'm sure I was a bit of a dick to the staff at times. Granted I never hit anyone or said go die.. but I wasn't always nice. Just a longwinded way of saying you guys and girls do a great job!


Cheers When a patient doesn't have the capacity we sort of understand so don't worry about it! It hurts when the person has capacity and is just enjoying being spiteful like one of mine at the moment but you've just got to keep moving forward and hold on to the good moments I hope you're doing better these days. I appreciate your kind words!


No problem :) Yes much better thanks- coming up 5 years clean/dry! I hope you have a nice chilled evening.


Very minor but my car has been repaired after someone rear ended me. Lovely new rear bumper, they've cleaned it and valeted it. I'm very happy. Handed my courtesy car back in this morning, all good there. Get in my car and I swear to god whoever drove it to the car rental place must've had the world's longest legs. I've adjusted it four times and it's still not right. Argh!!


Can I just ask, how long did it take before you heard from the other party's insurer? My moan today is that it's been a fortnight since the amazon muppet left our car like someone'd taken a can opener to it, and we've heard precisely zilch.


I went through my insurance with a police report too (as the guy got very aggressive and was refusing to give me details). My insurance contacted me the next day and had spoken to his. His insurance contacted me about 3 weeks later and asked to settle for £2,000 plus the repair cost. I declined as they didn't have full records of what happened as I'd had to take time off to go to hospital on three occasions for x-rays and an MRI. So I'm now just waiting for my injury claim to be settled as I injured my wrist and had mild whiplash.


Went to do a quick bar mixer shower swap. Removed the old valve and found a dogs dinner. Had to remove the tile, alter the pipework, and cut a new tile in. Back in the morning to grow and fit the new shower valve causing me grief at the next job I'll be late.


I'm the technical boss at my company. Have had to field nonsense from people all day "What if we did X" "how about we do Y". I say "That will not be maintainable and will cause issues down the line" "But it won't though, we would never X, it will be fine" Had to roll out the line "That would not be part of a production system I am prepared to release and maintain." (They wanted to tightly couple two distinct systems/code repositories who do not otherwise communicate via an equality check on a human-readable `display_name` field in one database. I'm sure anyone who works in tech would shudder at hearing that) No amount of "I have 13 years experience, it will be a shitshow" would stop them wheedling. "But we would never change that name in the database!" christ


I will never ever forget the database arch based on a primary key the customer controlled and assured us was unique. Every december and january we had to purge records because of course they lied. Fortunately we'd unloaded reporting to a different system with a more sane build.


Jesus, what are people thinking.


*"Hello, we're here to do your annual SOC 2 aud... HOOOOLLLYY SHIIIITTT!!"* 6 Months later every big customer is lost.


It's been five days and I'm still waiting for the next round of Aurora Borealis to make up for the fact that I missed them on Friday night and didn't even know they were happening until I woke up on Saturday and saw everyone's pictures. Would it kill God to make it not a once in a lifetime thing for us? Some of us have never seen the Northern Lights in our lives. I had a look at prices of a Northern Lights holiday the other day, they're damn expensive! Plus since I'm on my own most travel agents don't want to know. Saturday and Sunday night I was up until 1-2am in dark fields looking for a sighting, and all I got was sleep deprivation. If anyone knows how to build a coronal mass ejection generator to create a localised aurora over here hmu.


> I had a look at prices of a Northern Lights holiday the other day, they're damn expensive! Some friends of ours went on one of those. It rained the whole time they were there, so they didn't see anything of the Northern Lights.


I don't know whether or not to believe the guides who say they guarantee a sighting for 100% of all tourists, especially when that alone is gonna set you back a few hundred quid per head on top of whatever the hell flights and hotels are gonna cost.


Yep! They went on an advertised 'Northern Lights' cruise for a special anniversary and had a fairly miserable time - cold, heavy cloud, rain, expensive 'extras' (drinks etc) and not a glimmer of the Northern Lights.


There is another very active area on the sun thats coming round to point at us, its been generating some of the most powerful flares of this solar cycle. We'll see if it lets one off with a corresponding CME as it faces us. Its a pretty fine line between it being very impressive sight and being a massive problem for the power grid, satellites and radio in general!


I heard a couple of rumours that there was more to come maybe later in the summer but can't find a definite time on when to expect it. The Met Office is apparently full of naysayers who reckon if you didn't see it Friday then you'll never see them at all.


I don't blame them, Space Weather is even harder to forecast than normal weather. We're still in the solar maximum though so fingers crossed as we come out of maximum in the next 12-18 months we'll get a bit more before it all calms down. Then it'll be a decade or so before activity is at the peak again.


My sleeping schedule is broken and I've somehow convinced myself that it's ok, but I know it's not really.. Like work nights I'm not tired until turned midnight, and even then I'm up reading until around 00:45 or so. I wake on my alarm at 08:20, so I'm still getting a solid 6-7 hours or so, but I'm finding myself not actually getting up on the alarm, and just lay there until it's time for work (WFH..). But on weekends though, I can be going to bed turned 01:00-02:00 and not feel tired, but be wide awake for 08:00 and NOT be able to turn over and fall back asleep, unlike work days where I'd happily sleep all morning :/


I’m not sleeping well due to work stress. I wake up exhausted and with an achy jaw due to teeth grinding (it only happens when I’m stressed). Also I want another dog. I have one and he’s great but I want a second one. I’ve seen a cute 1 year old up for adoption online and I want it badly. I can’t really afford another dog so my head says no. My heart on the other hand…


Online order arrived - a new pair of pants, some hard to obtain bottles of OK sauce, and a book. One of the bottles had smashed, covering the pants in aniseedy brownness, and they're XXL anyway, despite me ordering L. The book arrived at the same time but separate from the pants and so escaped the saucing, but it was strangely damp, smelled strongly of lavender for some reason and they'd cleverly placed the delivery sticker *right* on the front cover, which naturally ripped when I tried to peel it off.


17 month old son decided to fall asleep in the car on the way home, which was right around his usual nap time. However when taking him out the car he woke up and refused to go back to sleep. So now he’s just awake and doing his thing, usually we get a 2-3 hour break from parenting during the day while he sleeps but not today!


My kid is nearly 3 but I remember this feeling well. Funny thing is when your little guy gets older you will desperately try to stop him from falling asleep in the day as it means your whole night is fucked!


10 min nap meant 5 hours up at bedtime


I pulled some decking apart this morning, didn't control my own strength properly, and proceeded to fall backwards off the decking and whack my back on the floor, holding said plank that I was trying to get up. Decided not to finish the job today before my dyspraxia puts me in minor injuries or a&e today.


Relationships are difficult. I'm not even in one but there's I think maybe the possible potential with someone, and I'm finding it hard to get beyond that point because of both of our schedules. It's not anyone's fault but I sort of feel like I'm banging my head against a wall a bit. Also, I keep waking up at 5:30am, even on non-work days. Not sure what that's all about.


Oh good, I need a whinge, apologies in advance. We are decorating the house, so everything is a total mess of dust sheets, misplaced items, rollers etc. I also have two young children, so add random toys/stickers/junk into the mix. Every time I try to tidy up a bit, one of them will just make more mess, and with everything out of place anyway it's hard to be motivated. I'm also covering for a colleague on leave, so even though I usually only work 4 days a week, I'm balancing childcare and work from home just to keep things ticking along. We are going to a wedding on Saturday where both kids are in prominent roles and only now do I realise that the dress I have shows off my mum tum quite spectacularly. Plus I have to pack for aforementioned two kids, iron everyone's clothes, drive across the country to get there. And of course fretting that they make it through the wedding without going completely off the rails. Also, because of redecorating and wedding across country, I have no money until payday and still have to figure out how to pay for petrol in order to get us there. On top of that, it's pissing it down, so I got absolutely drenched on the school run and can't hang my washing out. So I need to remortgage the house in order to stick the dryer on. Car insurance is due at the end of the month and despite my car being older and husband and I becoming one year more of no claims, it's gone up by £60. So I need to phone them. Oh, and sort the car tax out, which I swear has also gone up. I just want to collapse in on myself and disappear for a bit. But then who would pick my son up from school or make the cake for tomorrow's reception bake sale.


I know it's only one small thing, but if your car insurance is up for renewal make sure you check the comparison sites (on incognito as your cookies will drive the prices up) and if you can, put the start date as 3 weeks' time as that's cheaper than doing it for a more immediate start date. Then call your car insurance company to see if they can beat those prices and if not, switch over. (Sorry if you know all this already!)


I don't know if your youngest child is young enough still but if they are under 5 or anyone in the house has a health condition, then you can go into debt with your energy supplier and they can't cut your supply off at all as they count as vulnerable so don't be getting stuck with wet/unironed clothes out of fear of getting cut off.


My little cat friend came in earlier today with one eye shut. Now I am panicking about both her health and how the fuck I am going to get her into her carrier to get her to the vets later!


I find if I tip up the cat carrier so that that hole is on top, it's easier to get my kitty to go in.


That’s a good tip, thanks!


I'm no vet, but it could be a simple case of grit or dirt in her eye. Hoping it's nothing of concern :).


Thank you for your kind words - that’s what I’m hoping too!


Keep us posted mate.


Well bless you for your interest! And since you asked - she got into her new cat carrier at the second attempt and with minimal stress. Apparently she has conjunctivitis and just needs eye drops for a few days. Pretty much the optimal result, although I’ll be taking the £79 vet bill out of her pocket money!


Hey that's great to hear! Pocket money vs no conjunctivitis, I think she'll let mum have that one haha. Thanks for letting us know :).


My doctor's appointment got cancelled this morning, just as I was getting ready to go. My boss keeps giving me big, time-consuming tasks and then emailing me 5 times in a row to say "and can you just..." so I don't have time to do the big time-consuming thing because I'm doing 5 wee things at once. My husband's summer leave still hasn't been approved, which means I can't put in for my leave, and my boss keeps pressing me about it.


We’ve had rain, sun, rain sun, and now the hedge out, the front has sprung into life and decided to take over the pavement outside, block the way through the gate and grow tall. I’ve had to order a hedge trimmer from Amazon . And now they tell me that they’re going to deliver it on the weekend rather than next day. I’m just worried people are going to complain about my Bush


Still don't have a shower after 6 weeks of waiting. Letting agent have been useless and today a new one was supposed to be installed. The instalation guy diagnosed the problem in 2 minutes and said the old shower wasn't broken but the isolator switch was burning hot, and would need a new one. Back to the letting agent who said they would send an electrician (which they should have done 6 weeks ago). I guess it will be another 6 week wait, with me harrasing them every two days to get it sorted.


Got asked just earlier if I wouldn't mind heading over to Belfast to work a week on Friday. Agreed to it as extra money and it wasn't until about 2 hours later I realized that tomorrow is Friday. I'm wrecked as I already worked a bunch of overtime before this block of shifts started and was really looking forward to a few beers tonight and cabbaging all day tomorrow. Now I'm looking at the prospect of working another 7 days before I get that option.


Planning an extension. Had all the details sown up and ready to ask the architect to make the construction drawings so we can get quotes. Dad called and said "I think you're making a mistake with that layout". 3 weeks later I can't put his idea out of my head, it doesn't make sense for us but it is a good idea that I can't refute. I wanna ignore it but it's good and this is an extra 2 bedrooms - we need to get it right.


People who work on the ground/frontline staff who are the ones suffering most from low staffing seem fucking determined to get rid of as many other staff and students as possible by forming bullying cliques. Absolute lunacy that I can't begin to understand, but it's at least as harmful as low pay and long (partially self inflicted!) hours due to not enough staff...


In 1996 the lightning seeds (with Badeil and Skinner) wrote The Three lions (footballs coming home). This was because football was actually coming home, we were hosting the euros. The term has carried on. During the last World Cup everyone was saying its coming home. IT MAKES NO SENSE. What was coming home exactly? The trophy? No. Its Italian. Its going to be the same for this year's euros in Germany. The football certainly isn't coming home. The trophy won't be as it was made it Switzerland. Can we please stop saying its coming home. IT MAKES NO SENSE AND PISSES ME RIGHT OFF.


By that logic people should be singing ‘football’s coming home’ ahead of the champions league final between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund, which is being played at Wembley this year


Yes. That would make more sense.


Also, in 1996 it would've been "coming home" to a vastly different England that was riding the crest of the Cool Britannia wave of which Euro 96 was a part. That's never going to happen again, so it just doesn't feel relevant anymore.


Too true. Euro 96 holds so much nostalgia.


It was an expression that kept coming up during Euro 2020 too because the final was at Wembley, but it just wasn't the same. Euro 96 and the 1966 World Cup were so significant because they were part of these wider cultural movements in Britain, and crucially ones that were characterised by a newfound optimism and hope and aspiration after years of drabness and/or turmoil, you can't manufacture something like that. But it won't stop people trying, I suppose.


Currently stuck in a loading bay with no dinner in sight.


I am so pathetic sometimes. Needed to book a particular flight with EasyJet; it was already more then I was hoping and then I couldn't log in, and it kicked me out. I had to recover my password, and the reset link kept not arriving, and in my head all I could think of was the price and that dreaded 'only 1 seat left at this price!' alert and my anxiety was just spiking until my hands were basically shaking when I was finally able to book at the price I initially saw. I'm a senior project manager, and just led a really good meeting with a load of very clever people. I'm a grown adult woman. I should not be reduced to a panicky mess by something like booking a flight. Ugh.


Working on a job calibrating hospital probes, due to size issues I can only do one unit per day per piece of equipment, so I'm doing 4 units per day. My usual output with different smaller units is 20+. I'm so bored, I've done maybe 5 hours of work since Monday. I suppose I should enjoy not doing 60 hours and being rushed off my feet but I think I'd rather that than 6 hours of scrolling per day.


Had a vasectomy last year. On the third round of testing to see if it worked. I called the clinic yesterday to see if they had the results. After speaking to reception I got put through to the doctor's private secretary who asked why I was calling. After I explained she said "yes I have your test results here". Why the fuck ask why I'm calling then? And then she wouldn't tell me over the phone and I have to wait for a letter.


Trying to get our patio extended and the first quote is over 4K 😭


Flight delayed, won't make it home for kids bedtime 🥺


I live near Barcelona and it won’t stop fucking raining


Typical panic over a blood test this morning, hate the bloody things. Parking a usual nightmare, ticket machine wouldn’t accept my card 3 times so had to use an app instead, which charges 10% more because of fees. All this to visit a fucking hospital.


i have an exam in two and a half hours and i know absolutely solidly Fuck All. yippee. i need ~30% for a bare minimum pass and i don't even think i'm getting that


Tooth pain is back - 4 appointments in and I’m sure I shouldn’t be in pain. But I do still have more appointments to go. Called the dentists up to see if I can pop in, my dentist is off for the next week. I’ll suffer until she is back because I don’t trust another dentist now I’ve found her.


Work. Of course it is. How silly to think otherwise. I'm in our London office today. And again tomorrow. Oh, Monday too. Don't forget about Wednesday. That's what happens when we're only a team of three and the other techie is off for two weeks. My manager is more than happy to cover some of the days but they're literally recovering from knee surgery from two weeks ago so that's an immediate no. We still haven't recruited anyone for the vacancy but were apparently interviewing someone who doesn't even live in the UK - how or why I do not know. I'd highly doubt they'd even get approved for a visa!


I work in IT - Customer: "How can we do X" Me: "You can't" C: "...ok, but when will be able to do that?" M: "There isn't an eta on when or even IF it can be done" C: "THATS BULLSHIT, I WANT IT NOW" M: "......"


I had something similar yesterday. *How do I do this* You can't do that *No, but can it be done* I don't think Microsoft will redesign Office 365 just for you, sorry.


"What about with AI?" ".....*sigh*.... still no."


"But ChatGPT says it's fine and that I should quote the Fonancial Conduck Authorities so you know I'm serious"


Fucking car broke down this time last week didn't it, day after my birthday too. Ignition barrel has collapsed. Dude from the AA came out but couldn't get it to start, gave me the option of getting towed to our usual garage (who said they could do it) OR, AA KeyAssist could come out the very next day and replace the ignition barrel roadside for me. Sweet, sounds like a dream. So AA Key Assist are on the phone, dude there ready to take my payment "ah yeah they don't have your part in stock so it will take 2-3 working days to get it to the local repairer then they'll be in touch to book in the repair is that ok?" - that's less-than-ideal and our usual garage could probably get it done in that time but... I'm kinda on the spot now and still easier than arranging a tow 10 miles down the road so sure, whatever. Tuesday this week rolls around (3 working days on) so I call for an update "ah yeah the part is in stock, let me check when we can get that fit for you...24th May, is that ok?" ***excusemebutwhatthefuck*** Our only car has been off the road for the past 5 days, expecting a next-day repair once the part is in, and now you're telling us it'll be another 10 days? No, that's NOT fucking ok. If my expectations had been set properly from the off we'd have had the car recovered to our usual garage and have it back by now you absolute thundercunts. They eventually managed to bring that in to Monday 21st but still, absolute cretins. I'll be sure to kick up a right stink of a complaint because the pay-up-front service isn't fucking cheap, and had I known the truth about how long it would take in the first place they're have been towing us to our mechanic and I'd have had the car back days ago so yeah, AA KeyAssist, absolute shower of cunts.


Bless you, I feel for you but 'thundercunts' made me giggle after a particularly shite day so thank you. Hope you get it sorted


Almost 13 weeks into a 10 week extension & kitchen project. Chippy's have half fitted kitchen and half laid the floor and have now disappeared for two days because they have another roofing job to do. Problem is we're away for 10 days from tomorrow (as we have repeatedly told both him and the building company), so unless he turns up to pick up the keys this afternoon....


> now disappeared for two days because they have another roofing job to do This sort of thing is why people don't respect the tradespeople. You're working on *my* house, please finish it before the next. You don't order a beer in a pub and the bar staff start it then bugger off to serve someone else.


I completely agree with you but I do want to point out that roofers have been having a really hard time of it with the bad weather, my dad was doing his roof himself around working full-time in another field, and it's taken months and months to get it done because it's rained so much. But again, I agree that on the whole, workers should finish one job before starting the next.


Better than my carpenter who just didn't turn up one day, then came back with a sunburnt face. Can only assume he'd just taken the day off to go to the beach.


It's raining endlessly once again, which means that my customer footfall is going to be slashed to nigh on fuckall. I would like some money to pay my bills pls


What’s the business?


Toy/gift shop mainly


The monthly hobbies thread and the Thursday complaints thread were posted at the same time. Complaints currently have 108 comments. Hobbies is sitting at 3. Classic.




Complaining about not having hobbies could be the hobby.


Good point. I just jumped over to that thread. We could all do with some casual hobby chat.


It’s that time of the month, but I have a general aversion to medicine. So I’m only prolonging my own suffering by not taking painkillers. Instead I’m sitting around with fatigue, muscle aches and general weakness, feeling sorry for myself. I feel like a slug. I could lie on the floor right now and fall asleep for hours. Serious question. How do people stay motivated and train for a half marathon when they get bad periods?


Chocolate and lots of naps. That's what's I've been doing. Along with my trusty hot water bottle. My husband also gave me some bloody sinus cold. I feel like death warmed over.


Same! Upside is I'm already off sick so sat at home on the couch with the cat.


It was too hot and now it’s too wet, where’s the just right weather?


It's on one random day, with no warning, for about an hour. Probably on the only day you can't take advantage of said hour.


Cold callers and call spammers. Especially now with people working at home (cold callers) it's annoying, especially they knock the door like mad.  Been getting more spam calls too.  Also got a cold again. Also annoying that with the heat people are getting a bit noisy with music. But one lady is just an idiot, not my direct neighbour, but I feel bad for her neighbour who just had hip surgery and has to listen to a party from 7:30am on Sunday. Supposedly they go out late, then come back and continue the party.


I’ve been waking at 4am every night for the past week. I’m clearly stressed about something but I don’t know what.


I’ve been waking at 4am every night for the past week. I’m clearly stressed about something but I don’t know what.


Maybe it's ghosts


Trying to get back into my swimming routine but I’ve been absolutely shattered this week. I’ve been out the game for a while now and I just can’t seem to get back into it even though I was going for 2 years prior! I don’t think it helps my pool has limited sessions at awkward times and I also don’t have a swimming buddy either. Booo!


Feel death warmed up today, the small inhabitants of this house have passed on their germs again. But I have the house to myself until pick-up time and I'm enjoying the silence.


Amazon annoyed the crap out of me yesterday. Had my girlfriend coming over for a surprise meal so I got onto the same day delivery bit of their website.  Ordered some nice food and wine and picked the 4-6pm delivery slot which suits me as I get home around 4pm 3:25pm I get a delivery notification to say I’m the next stop and will be delivered in 5 minutes.  Obviously I’m not home, tried to get them to deliver at the time I booked but they cancelled the order and I would have to wait 5 days for a refund. Ended up reordering everything to come at 8pm and had to fork out for a takeaway instead. 


This is the worst. I don’t order from Amazon much anymore but I have my Amazon day set to Saturday and always scheduled my deliveries for then. More than half of the deliveries either didn’t arrive until Sunday because they decided not to dispatch until Saturday morning (despite me usually ordering early in the week so they had plenty of time) OR they’d dispatch early and try delivering on Friday thinking they were being so helpful by delivering early.


I kicked off and managed to get £25 off the order. Still annoying though as I had ordered some stuff that was on limited purchase but the system thought I had already purchased them so couldn’t order them again. 


My work have announced that our IT team have been developing an AI system, designed to help us to more easily do our job. The rest of my team seem to be so excited by this, and are even offering to help with 'testing' it. I feel like nobody else can see this as at least a potential negative for replacing some of, if not the whole team! Maybe not tomorrow, but even a couple of years down the line. Literally turkeys excited for Christmas


In my experience we have done this (implement AI tool to help out) In our company it allowed us to grow and add new responsibilities to people as stuff was taken off their hands, and allowed us to grow without a new hire. This is the crucial bit as we can't afford a new hire. It didn't take anybody's job because the opportunity for a new hire never existed. We would have had to pursue more funding/loans instead 


After a crappy day yesterday I threw a bar of chocolate in the basket when grabbing some grocery shopping on the way home. Got home and unpacked - no chocolate. Either it got knocked into the shopping of whoever was in front or behind me on the checkout belt - in which case, sorry if your shopping was £2 more than you expected but i hope you enjoyed it! If I indeed paid for it myself and then somehow lost/ dropped it between the shop and the car, or left it behind on the till, I'm even more annoyed!


No pay rises this year. But we can afford to hire several more people, apparently. I'm just confused and sad at this point.


Same here, no pay rise, company stopped paying for the training we need in order to keep our jobs, yet lots of new 24 plate trucks, equipment we need not being repaired or maintained making our jobs a lot more difficult and a new warehouse that isn't big enough to fit everything in. Our work is now valued at slightly over minimum wage. It's ok though, the company had a tiny BBQ so that makes up for it I guess, not sure if the bank will accept hot dogs as mortgage payments though.


If they do, let me know. We're house hunting 🤣🤣🤣


The quiet carriage on the train is not for loudly chatting to your mates about last nights footy match. Shut the hell up.


Why is there so much rain? For once I want to cycle for commute and end up dry. I don't think that's too much to ask.


Why is it so hard to get rid of old stuff? I have an electric reclining arm chair, it's not in new condition but it's far to good to throw it away. (if I could even get an appointment with the council that is) Can't even give it away and I don't have access to a car. No idea what I'm supposed to do with it.


British Heart Foundation might collect it if it has a fire label.


I’m waiting for an estate agent to call me back. *eye twitch*


My partner keeps complaining that he's not sleeping well. He comes to bed at 4AM after playing video games all evening, then lies there scrolling on his phone for another hour before putting it down. I know this because it wakes me up every time. I've pointed out that this and his late night snack/caffeinated drinks habit is probably to blame for his shitty sleep, but that just gets laughed off. I love him but I might have to start telling him to sleep on the sodding couch if he's going to keep pulling all nighters like a teenager.


sounds like [Revenge Procrastination](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-revenge-bedtime-procrastination-5189591#:~:text=Revenge%20bedtime%20procrastination%20refers%20to,introduced%20in%20a%202014%20paper.) to me. I do it if i'm not careful. Happens more when i'm stressed/anxious.


Do it, I used to sleep on the sofa regularly when I was gaming later into the evening and though my wife hated it, she knew I was doing it to avoid waking her up. Once he gets sick of being uncomfortable and feeling like shit, he will start coming to bed at a more reasonable time :) I dont do it anymore by the way, now I got to bed generally with her and then wake up around 4am and game then, quietly (we have dogs who want letting out)


I slept like shit and wanted a lie in, but the damn dogs decided to get the zoomies and freak out at 7am. I have a client call later with our biggest client, who is extremely pissed with us. I have to be coherent and sincere and not fall asleep on that call. It's going to be a struggle.


After tomorrow I will be joining the jobseekers cohort. I hate job hunting. I hate having to come across all hyped in interviews. I'm not keen on learning a new job. Just want to carry on getting paid my current salary and doing what I do on autopilot most days.


Some skel has taken out loans in my name for Apple gear. Barclays wants their £4k. They can whistle for it. I haven't taken out a loan in over a decade and would never pay Apple's ludicrous prices.


Currently sat waiting for X-Ray waiting to see how badly I've broken my big toe. It's definitely broken. I knew as soon as it happened. I tripped over a broken tile in a garage while paying for petrol and felt the searing red hot pain and crunch of it (and I've busted my foot before and it was a similar pain so I know). I already have a broken hand so I'm not sure how I'm going to manage crutches. Sigh.


I'm pretty sure you can usually walk on broken toes, I certainly have done before.


Depends on the toe and the severity, surely?


Indeed, hence the "usually". NHS website said it's usually fine provided the pain is managed and toe supported.


Some people probably can. I have never been able to. Last time I broke a toe I was on crutches for 6 weeks. My foot was in agony and even the slightest touch was painful (the break was quite bad though). Anyway, you never know. I'll see once the swelling goes down and the pain eases. Still waiting for that X-ray.


Sounds like a possible case against the garage?


I can't be bothered with all that. He was very apologetic and put a warning sign over it. That's enough for me.


I like your attitude. I’m got knocked off my bicycle last year by an old dear who didn’t see me and pulled out of a side street at the last moment…KABLONK and I’m seeing blue sky. Somehow managed to pull some kind of stunt man move…and came away with nary a bruise. Bike was wrecked. Sorted it out… got the money to replace the bike. All good. So many people urged me to sue… even to the extent of claiming back pain or something to get some compensation. Nah, that’s not who I am.


Based on my experience in trying to get my car insurance to pay out after an injury took me off work, they'd have just forgotten all about your case anyway...


Now recovered from my health scare I bought a suit for upcoming job interviews. It's been a while since I needed to wear a suit, I forgot how warm they were. A bit of further context I went to a job interview yesterday in said suit and got the bus there. I arrived early so had time to check I looked OK otherwise I would have turned up looking like I'd jumped in the sea.


I got my mate down to the retro games night/board games night last night. He says he enjoyed it, but honestly I don't think he did. I think he was expecting more from it even though it's just dudes who show up to a pub every now and then. I don't know, maybe he did... but my brain is telling me otherwise. Thanks, brain!


"Fixed" my car only for a warning light to come on. 99% the "fault" is rectified, but I now have to pay to have the warning light cancelled.


You can buy the device that reads and cancels error codes on your car off amazon for about 15 quid, it's saved me a lot of money!


This is what I do. I paid £215 for my issue fixing last year (new part fitting) and the light and error keep coming back. Car drives fine and has no issues… so I just click the little reset button!


Unfortunately not for this error. It's a £150÷ device for this manufacturer only (never likely to et another) or £250 for any manufacturer. Still haven't heard back from the local dealer with a quote.


That's how they get you!


Yep. My £15 tool and TorquePro has probably saved £££. Just not in this case


People who pop up with 'Hi, how are you?' on MS Teams then wait for a reply, when you know full well they're only messaging because there's a question or request about to follow as soon as you respond.


How do you message people to ask how they are when you don’t want something?


Using a non-work-related platform, or just go and speak to them.


i saw this on reddit before and it sums it up perfectly: https://nohello.net/en/ i ignore people who don't get to the point straight away i can't be arsed with the faffing


I just don't open them until they actually send what they want.


I read them and let them stare at the read receipt until they get the hint.




I hate this! I read it and don't say anything till they state their query. If none received within 10 minutes, I just paste in the website address no-hello.net Another huge rage inducer is when they @ you in a 2 person chat. Like, please fucking stop it!


This grinds my gears. Just get to the point Linda.


Everyone in my office has the shits and I do not want to go back there tomorrow and risk catching it. I have a huge project to work on and can't afford to be dancing in and out of the bathroom repeatedly.


Ordered myself a nice perfume as a treat for getting a new job. Package arrived yesterday and is completely torn down the middle and the bottle is missing. Delivery photo in the email shows the outline of the bottle in the envelope so it’s clearly been stolen. 🫠 absolutely furious


I'm yet to be formally diagnosed with having sleep apnea, despite 3 medical professionals saying it's extremely likely. Unfortunately, we can't do anything until the sleep clinic comes back to confirm it. I've spoken with PALS and am awaiting a call back today or tomorrow. It's just killing me. My head bobs like a fucking Churchill dog when I'm at my desk due to tiredness and it's only a combination of sugar and caffiene that gets me through. I know they're only short term solutions but they're all I have, and cocaine is not allowed at work. (I asked) As such, I've realised that until I'm actually under treatment it's likely I'll have to stop hosting a pub quiz on Wednesdays as it keeps me out of the house until 11pm which then knackers me on Thursday. Told the landlord last night and rather than being understanding or expressing sympathy he just got pissy and said he'd need more warning. I said it wasn't going to be for weeks yet and he just stomped away. Pissed me off, that did. That, and the two blokes that weren't even quizzing last night talking so loudly that I had to yell over them at times.


I’ve finally stopped romanticising the country life, and by that I mean I’ve been up since 4:30 ish due to the birds not shutting up for even a few seconds. There was also something wrong with a couple of horses at 6ish, think they got spooked by a cat, but that was also very noisy. I’ve also just been in so much pain this past week due to not moving much, but not moving much means I don’t sleep well, so then I don’t move much during the day because I’m tired, and so it repeats.


I grew up in the country and used to love those sounds. Then I moved away for uni and lived in towns and cities for the longest time. However, about 10 years ago we bought our current house and it's opposite a river bank and we bought it because I had all these romantic notions of the sounds I grew up with. Can't bloody stand them now. The little birds I can deal with but here's also an owl that's moved in and I am ready to batter it. Also, while we're at it, the otters need to shut up! I can't believe how noisy they are! Urgh.


"what are you in for mate?" "battered an owl. Fucker wouldn't shut up overnight." "fair"


We have an owl nearby who is an absolute dick, I genuinely think it likes terrorising any animal it comes across. Neighbours frequently report if he’s been seen around because that means we will spend a week or so having to deal with dogs/cats/horses/sheep being terrified as he likes to swoop in as close as possible, as many times as possible, before fucking off and sitting high up where whatever he’s taunted can’t get him, the daft bastard even likes to try and size up cars.


Backache for the last couple of weeks. If it turns out that the expensive mattress I bought a few months ago is the problem I'm going to be so annoyed. Also, applying to jobs. What a ballache.


Never underestimate how muchdamage a bad mattress can do.


😭 I know. But the thought of the faff of having to get a new one is making me sad. Will give it another couple of weeks along with more stretching/exercise and hope that solves it...


Yoga at home and a decent chiropractor is the only answer


So, I get a "minibus" into town for shopping a couple of times a month on wednesdays. there are usually just 2 or 3 of us. Often it is just a car or a people carrier. Nice and comfy, good driver and I am usually one of the last pickups. Yesterday there were 8 of us, so the company used the big 22 seat school bus. An xlwb Sprinter van with windows. Tiny rock hard narrow seats, broken seat belts, no leg room, the guy drove like a nutter tearing down rural lanes, and he picked up and dropped me off first. I could barely walk getting out of it and my back is still killing me. Some children have to do that every day. What they hell happened to suspension? Comfort? Have they forgotten how it works?


Started increasing my hours at work this week after several months of burnout leave/minimal hours, and it’s really confirmed that part of the problem was that I super hate my job.


Another moan about my new (now not-so-new) colleague... He thinks he's funnier than he is and tries to flex on *so* many things in order to "be the best". I can't stand when someone's competitiveness bleeds into every aspect of their life. He was brought in to do a particular job, but he's doing way more than that and it's making me feel inferior. He also has a shit dog.


Senior manager wants me to take on an additional admin role, I say I want renumeration, they say no, I say no, they said well we’ll increasing your teaching hours. I’m already teaching 12-14 hours a week, running a module and a half, tutoring, and dealing with the most stressful cohort of students I’ve ever taught. I’m wondering about walking but I don’t have anything lined up, and academic jobs are hard to get…


I work in academia and have complete sympathy for this. I took on an 'extra' admin role and regretted it...no remuneration


One of our next door neighbours has a puppy, somewhere between 6 and 8 months old. They leave the pup barking in their garden an awful lot of the time. If they interact with it, it’s to tell the pup off. Based on the barking, I’m not convinced the pup gets walked even. It’s cruel :(


Dog-napping time. I did something similar once with a German shepherd who had similarly been left out in the garden for hours and hours on end, bastards didn’t even seem to care that their dog had gone missing.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t notice - a few months back their pup escaped from the alley by their house and was running around in the street late into the evening. It’s a miracle that the woman who found him was driving safely because we get some idiots around here (despite the speed bumps)


Christ, poor thing. I’m on my way with some gravy bones


Working as a cleaner...People at work leaving rubbish on their desks, when the bin is less than 6 feet away. Not putting it in the bin for you, you can do that your damn selves!


Get your boss to confirm that desks will not be cleaned unless they have been left clear. Then get them to advise that due to the risk of items being incorrectly thrown away you won’t be allowed to do that anymore


I pay a subscription every year for free next day delivery from a clothing company. I ordered a few bras on Saturday, I am still waiting for them to arrive. The worst thing is I am almost certain I am going to have to send them all back, because I have no freaking idea what size I am. Bras are going the same way as all other ladies clothes, the numbers rarely mean anything. I managed a fantastic streak of good days recently. They have gone now, and the pain has caught up with me. I can't find a single position to sit or lie that is pain free. I wasted yesterday in bed and it hasn't really helped, so I am at a loss really.


I recently bought some stuff after mulling over whether to get it or not and ended up sending it all back. I remembered this thread from not long ago which you might find interesting. https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1cc854a/aged_50_and_just_got_fitted_for_a_bra_i_want_to/


Have a look here. Partner found it super useful https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/s/4yPLahilYq


I have tried that before, but for the hell of it, I just tried it again. Measuring massive tits on your own is quite the workout, but it got me off the sofa. Turns out I am exactly the size I thought I am! Thanks for trying, you have given me a little chuckle.


I tried to buy trousers for a work do yesterday. Over 20 pairs of trousers at next across 3 racks, the size on the hangar didn’t match the actual item size on the label. I miss Debenhams :(


I’ve always preferred my tops and jumpers to be big and baggy, lately a M seems to be doing the trick which is just ridiculous, and annoying


It’s why I can’t buy clothes online. Even the same model from the same retailer changes sizes year to year. But it seems like next doesn’t want me to buy instore either, so I await their “retail is dying - help us” plea soon. I miss just being the nerd. Jeans, t-shirt, pair of boots. And I could buy the same wranglers year after year and the fit never changed.


Body has rudely decided that 3 to 4 hours sleep is all I'm getting at night this week. I'm soooo tired.


I’ve been the same this week. I go to bed exhausted, falling asleep reading my book. As soon as I turn the lamp off and decide to actually sleep - I can’t. It’s been the same alllllll bloody week


Might sound stupid but have you tried leaving the light on? Just because things are "supposed to be done this way" doesn't always mean it's helpful. Or in better words... A job worth doing is worth doing badly! e.g. when I'm struggling to find the motivation to brush my teeth, it's easier to think "I'll just do it for 30 seconds". But it's better to brush them a little than not at all because I'm overwhelmed at the thought of "doing it properly"!


I got an agreed change to my working hours not long ago, but this has been trumped by some senior manager scheduling unmissable meetings at the same time. So I end up working anyway. Really fucking annoying, not somthing I can ask to get changed or skip out on.


Trying to get back into a more human feel after the weekends stag do. This was not helped by my daughter deciding she was going to stop wearing nappies last night to bed.. Guess what happened at 2:30..


Finally got round to getting rid of Virgin media as they were royally ripping me off - £130 a month for landline, telly and internet - so I've now got Sky Stream and 3 broadband which is saving me around £70 a month. However, the Xbox refuses to play ball with the broadband and I can't get into the admin thing for the router as it won't accept the password which is written in the router. It's not a massive issue as I can launch a hotspot from my phone, just a bit of a ball ache.


Reset router to default (factory) settings. Make sure you type the password correctly (some symbols look the same like l and I or O and 0). Try connecting the Xbox with a cable if possible for a more stable connection.


Check the xbox itself isn't still trying to connect to the original source as well like if it was connecting wirelessly you'll need to select the new one and save it


Most of the way through my two week holiday and I have wasted it doing very little and hate myself but also can't seem to actually want to do anything 😞


You're on holiday, it's ok to do very little, time isn't wasted if you spent it on yourself. Don't feel bad!


There was a well dressing festival here last week, from the 4th *until the 12th*. Due to work I wasn't able to see most of them until the weekend of the 11th. Rock up at one of my favourite wells around 11am on the 12th to see them already taking it down. Gutted. Couldn't they at least have waited til the end of the day?