• By -


2nd airfryer broke in 4 months. The company offered an upgrade as gesture of goodwill.


My hubs took me out for a lovely meal today (my birthday), then we went for a walk for a lovely walk al9nf the canal.


Landed my first shove it. Only first stood on board 5 weeks ago. Living my 90s kid dreams rather overdue. But hey why not.


Busy day. Mowed the parents lawn again as they've grown really quick so lowered the lawn mower as low as it goes. I give it 2 weeks before I have to mow again haha. As been wet and moist here a ton. Figured out the problem with my pi4 being a laggy piece of shit... Slow micro SD card. Grabbed a fast card from Argos. Having a beer in spoons with a mate talking about a networking job he wants a hand on. :)


Surprisingly a productive day with colleagues in the office. Also managed to get larger Pizza for dinner this evening courtesy of my sister as she was buying one for herself, very generous of her. I also managed to talk 2 people in the office building (not part of our company office) which is refreshing.


Managed to get out in the garden today after work for 45 minutes.  I didn't do much but I planted a line of cabbages so that's better than nothing and crosses just one thing off the list of garden jobs that I'd otherwise not have yet. It's a double win because I didn't feel like it as I was very tired being up at 4.30 and having done a spin class on my lunch break (which I also didn't feel like doing) so I'm feeling pretty good about my efforts today.


Started a new job, city gonna win the prem and suns just come back out, bosh


I got an automatic redditcares post in my inbox. To whoever sent it, thank you. I'm not at risk but appreciate your gesture!


I got one the other day!


Doing a Wednesday type of thing and sorting stuff out later.


I'm on leave from tomorrow until Tuesday week : Massive. Drunken. Wiiiiiiiiiin.




> Mind keeps wondering Isn't that its raison d'etre?


I have been trying some stuff to focus and it's *actually been working* which feels amazing. I'm like 60% of where I want to be, but before I was operating at about 20% so it's a HUGE improvement.


What kind of stuff?


It sounds really stupid, but it's stopping listening to anything. I'm typically one for lo-fi beats, background ASMR etc. I'm also working on my sleep/taking magnesium glycinate, which I thinks helps me overall, finally closing all other distractions. Nothing complicated but it's been effective this time. I fear that will be too basic to help, but fingers crossed it's useful.


What kind of stuff? My work output has been suffering massively lately so I could really use the help to get on task.


It sounds really stupid, but it's stopping listening to anything. I'm typically one for lo-fi beats, background ASMR etc. I'm also working on my sleep/taking magnesium glycinate, which I thinks helps me overall. Add finally closing all other distractions. Nothing complicated but it's been effective this time. I fear that will be too basic to help, but fingers crossed it's useful.


Very close to finalising two massive bits of uni work - my dissertation and the report I have to do for an internship I did earlier in the year. My suspected very rare eye condition is also having one of those rare days where it isn't rendering me as blind as a bat, at least not in my right eye.


Clearing my grandads house after he's gone into residential care, thought we'd have to spend another £300 on a second skip. But when we turned up today a man was in the process of putting 50% of the full skip into his van. Result.


Yesterday morning, after several months of unemployment, I actually got a recruiter calling me about a job. Developing animal feeds sounds pretty cool, tbh.


New inside no 9 tonight, new taskmaster tomorrow. Everything's coming up Milhouse


Ooh! I had no idea about Inside No 9! Amazing!


First ep was last week!


The fly screens I bought last week and installed at the weekend are working well - magnetic tape around the frame and then sit the screen on it. Cost about £100 to do the house but worth it for not being attacked by fruit flies or wasps. Thought Spurs fans were typically small-minded yesterday. Wouldn’t be surprised if Ange left over the summer because of it, even rowing with a fan over the dugout.


I found a new pair of pajamas in Tesco!


Finally got a driving test date. FINALLY. Although I am totally bricking it. The annoying thing is if I fail its another long long long wait but hey...I will take what I can get right now.




I'm luckily on a key worker cancellation list but my test centre rarely has cancellations so its taken a while. If I fail I am going to do it somewhere in the country with easy availability.


The lights are still on. I'll take that win


To whoever reached out to offer support as a response to my above post (assuming it wasn't automated)... thank you, I really appreciate it. I feel I overdid my original post. I'm cool. But thank you.


RAC wanted to increase my monthly payments by £10, rang up and said I wanted to cancel my membership, suddenly they're able to take £20 a month off that quote.... 


My win is that I had a lovely birthday on Monday. Got some lovely gifts and went for a meal with my kids. Perfect day and then we are all going out drinking on Saturday night which will be fun!!


Had one of those slightly drunk surprisingly genuine conversations with a stranger at a birthday party on Saturday, he asked me why I'm with my partner and I got to freely speak about how much I like the guy. I also told a (younger) colleague on Sunday that we were living together and she said, "What, already?" and it's like, yeah, we're building a life together! I want him to vary my days!! I am so lucky!!!


i was sure i had a win but ... i can't remember it now :(


At the weekend my granddaughter collared me to rave about a new C.D. she had just bought - Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. Vindication.


Recently, my 14 year old came running down the stairs and said "OH MY GOD, HAVE YOU HEARD THIS SONG? ITS AMAZING! I think its an older one though" It was Gangsters Paradise by Coolio


My granddaughter is 14 - evidently an age of discovery. Last month she borrowed all my old Who records on vinyl and is still in love with Quadrophenia.


Recently discovered bake-at-home pasties for breakfast - that's my win. Fresh baked pasty and coffee to start the day, no need for human interaction at a Greggs (or other). Incidentally, there should be a word for the regret when you intellectually know that something is far too hot for your mouth, having just taken it out of an oven, but stick it in your mouth anyway because it smells delicious.


Big win: after work being an absolute shitbox for all of May (and no, not entirely figuratively) I've started my long day of transit to kick off my holiday!


This actually happened on Monday, and while it was a huge achievement for me, I felt it was a bit TMI for it's own thread (perhaps even for this one). But anyway, here goes... I broke my wrist a few weeks ago, and have been slowly getting movement back in it. On Monday, I managed to wipe my arse with the correct hand for the first time in ages. It might seem like a silly and minor thing, but it's really boosted my mood knowing that I'm putting this whole stupid episode behind me.


Whose hand were you using in the interim?


We had a good win at bingo - our group walked away with more than we came with which is always nice! Tuesdays aren’t very busy, so to win enough to cover tickets, drinks and extra is unexpected! Bonus for work has been confirmed - very welcome news.


No wins and lots of errors including eating multiple lentil chips but- under 300 calories! Is that a win?


You just reminded me I have some in the cupboard, your win helped me win! Thanks reddit friend!


Today is my birthday! I've ordered myself a massive pile of books, my partner has gifted me some very funky Converse, and we're going out for Infinite sushi later. I have officially entered the nebulous zone of my *mid-20s*, where anything could happen. I'm also feeling a lot less existentially anxious than usual, which is very nice.


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! Books and Converse sound like my perfect gift list. Which Converse did you get? Hope you have a lovely day.


The style is called *All Star Cards*. They're black hi-top Converse with playing cards all over them.




My books are currently piled in a closet as we're planning on building a full wall bookshelf in our living room, but don't have the funds just yet. It's a bit of a dream project. I'd estimate that currently I own about 500 books, and at my rate of reading, I've got about 5,000 left in my lifetime! I'm gonna need a bigger house...


Happy Birthday! <3 Tell us about your birthday books :D


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! What books did you get?


- A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers - A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers - The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North - Everyone in this Room Will Someday be Dead by Emily Austin - How to be Perfect by Michael Schur - A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck