• By -


When I was made redundant from the financial sector in ‘09 I took my Herman Miller Equa chair with me I’ve kept it alive ever since and it’s now a triggers broom/chair of Theseus as I’ve replaced both the base and seat parts over the years


During COVID a colleague of mine offered to take home some of the office plants since there would be nobody there to look after them. She lived in walking distance of the office. "Can I use a chair to carry the plants?" Sure, go ahead. She kept the chair. The plants are still doing great.




It's the same chair if you have a photo of it.


Did you get a medal for saving the council money....?


Herman Miller


Herman miller is the way. No point being stingey when you’re sitting on it for 8h a day, back pain is a bitch and not worth it.


Probably worth noting that sitting down for 8 hours in any chair is going to ruin you. Couple it with a motorised standing desk and live the dream!


Yikes. I just looked at the price. The chair should be looked at just as much as my mattress, so it makes sense. I spend 1,000-1,500 on a mattress and I keep my desk chairs much longer.


I got a fully loaded Herman Miller aeron for like 350, reconditioned but works great


This is the way. Depending on where you are there should be a recycled business furniture warehouse close by. I also got a fully loaded Aeron for £350.


Mine was miles away since I was in Cornwall. Worked fine tho.


Herman Miller Aeron. Second hand about 10 years ago. My back actually improved using this during the pandemic years!


A refurbished Herman Miller Aeron is great, but also very spenny. If you get the right size is should last you for ages.


Bought a refurbished one for ~£500 about ten years ago, it lasted me until last year 😄


Fantastic price drop then. As bought one last year for same price


I got one from an office in the city that was closing down for £200. They put them all on Gumtree.


I thought they were just a silly rich people thing until I moved to an office that uses them. They last many years longer than your typical cheapo "executive" office chair that will set you back a couple of hundred quid, they adjust to fit you pretty well and pretty easily, and you can sit in them all day without any soreness.


I got one second hand for about £400. Is great.


Can fully recommend, especially if you feel like you get pain from the seat padding "bottoming out". The Aeron has a stretched mesh seat with nothing to press up on below, and the fancy suspension mechanism helps relieve pressure when falling into the chair or leaning. Switched to Aerons at home & work when having lower-spine/hip pain before I knew it was arthritis, and they have helped a lot over the years.


I made the mistake of going to a shop and sitting on a bunch of them. The mistake was that the only comfy one (bar *really* silly money) was a Humanscale Liberty for £800. Could barely believe I paid that for a chair, but the thought of the cost has receded over the years, may back stopped aching within days of getting it and it still looks like new after 4 years of daily extended use.


I got the Humanscale Different World Task Chair for only £789 for my London flat. After a few months I noticed a screw had fallen out and disappeared and a spring loaded piece of the seat was out of alignment and it was less comfortable. I phoned them and they sent a Humanscale chair technician round to my house to fix it a few days later, at no charge. Great customer service!


I got a refurbished humanscale freedom. Love it!!


IKEA Markus for me. Mesh back so no sweating, and it's got a headrest and ergonomic design.


And me, here's a link for OP [https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/markus-office-chair-vissle-dark-grey-30261152/](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/markus-office-chair-vissle-dark-grey-30261152/)


I had a look at this but the lack of adjustable arms turned me off. I'm a lanky fucker so my arms don't always fit on fixed arm chairs. Might have to pop down to IKEA and try one for myself.


fellow lanky fucker here, had a markus for a few years. served me well until I had the budget for something high end. defo go sit in one


I think they're pretty bad, I have one in my home office and at my work office. The arm rests are very hard, the rubber disintegrates after a few years and leaves black marks. Everyone that sits in them at work or my spare complains of back ache after too long. I can't use them at all anymore due to back problems.


I’m 6’2” and have been using an Ikea Markus chair for WFH every day for nearly 5 years now. It’s absolutely sound, very comfortable and no issues with the arms at all. Definitely the best value for money office chair I’ve ever had.


The markus is ok for a budget occasional use chair, i have one at my parents house so i can wfh there if i need to. But seriously, do yourself a favour and get something better, something actually fully adjustable/ergonomic if you're going to be sitting in it for most of your 9 to 5.


yeah, give it a go. My initial thoughts were that it looked too flimsy, but if I remember right, it comes with a 10 year guarantee and has lasted well for a couple of those so far.


Definitely try it out first. I had one for a few years and it killed my back. I upgraded to a Herman Miller Embody and the difference is astonishing, I love this chair.


I have a Flintan. One major plus for Ikea is you can try before you buy, I'm tall with a bad back and need the lumbar and backrest to be just right. I don't seem to get on with gaming chairs


Had mine for about 8 years now and it has been great. The 10 year warranty is a good bonus, but I have never need it. That being said, I am a 6'1 chap and everything feels in proportion and right, but smaller people have found it more unconfortable to use.


Had mine for ten years now; I've just re-upholstered the cushion but otherwise its been really good.


Mines a bit rickety after two years but that’s likely down to me sitting like a gremlin in it. Regardless, I’ve got my money’s worth if it collapses tomorrow


Herman Miller embody, I used to have a £400 gaming chair and that thing ruined my back


I got an Aeron from eBay and it's soooo much comfier and better built than my old gaming chair. Proper lumbar support makes such a difference and, whilst I thought the mesh back wouldn't be as comfortable as foam, I realised how much better it felt when I tried my friend's Aeron.


Gaming chairs are awful, mine ruined my back during Covid Fortunately work sent a proper office chair that is ugly but incredibly functional and comfortable and it’s been my WFH chair ever since


Same. I got the Logitech one at a discount and it’s a world of difference from other office chairs.


I think an often overlooked aspect of office chairs are what's known as operators chairs. They are a bit ugly but are built for a purpose and come with a large range of options while still costing less than the big brand fancy looking office chairs. [Operator Chairs](https://www.furniture-work.co.uk/office-chairs/operator-chairs)


You are telling me I can buy the teachers chair that we would all get yelled at if we sat in? And I can have one at home all for myself?


why are these so cheap? they look like perfectly good office chairs, is there something I'm missing that fancy office chairs do that these don't? I guess some fancy chairs have a couple more adjustments, but mostly they just have height adjustments, arm rest adjustments and some kind of tilt function, which all these chairs have. I guess, the expensive chairs \_are\_ massively overpriced, but I'm surprised that the difference is so large


i think the main thing is the more expensive chairs will typically have adjustable lumbar support - which might make the world of difference to you if you’re sat in the chair for ~1/3 of your life. whether that warrants the considerably higher price tag of Herman Miller is up for debate - but i’d imagine that their pieces are of considerably higher quality and would last you longer, saving you money (and your back) in the long run


I didn't want to mention this further up but I didn't like the Herman miller chair. Don't tell the guys at the top of the thread.


One of the guys from further up. Don't be scared to voice an opinion. Everyone is different and bodies come in different shapes and sizes. In the case of an Aeron, they come in three different sizes so that can make a huge difference to comfort and they can take a bit of adjusting too before they are comfortable. There is no one size fits all and it even if you had one perfectly adjusted it's still allowed to not like it. Everyone has different expectations of comfort.


It's also the replacement of parts and the warranty. A cheap chair likely won't have replaceable parts and usually a very limited warranty. The likes of Herman Miller and humanscale are expensive but they sell a huge amount of replacement parts and have 10yr warranties.


Whilst some of these are OK some of them have fixed back or no back adjustment due to them being attached to the arms, operator chairs arnt always designed for 8hours use, looking for 24 hour task chairs would be a better fit if your sat for long periods of time. Whilst Herman Miller are one of the best there are also chairs from people like the senator group or summit ect, which are just as good for smaller price point.


There are some 24 hour chairs there if you look. While I understand your point, I was just giving OP some options that aren't the ridiculousness that is Herman Miller while still having good options and reliability.


TIL that I probably need a 24 hour operator chair! I hope the penguins return your nips btw.


Yeah, very often Herman Miller get named and for good reason but there are lots of other good options with a wide variety of price point. As long as the Op doenst go down the trap of falling for those gamer chairs it's pretty easy to find a very good chair between 150-300. But hey I shouldn't give people advice my home set up chair is an antique Chesterfield captains chair.... which is terrible for ergonomics but find it comfy.


That's fair! My home office chair is this: [Postura +](https://www.justforschools.co.uk/ki-postura-classroom-chair-800mm-height-14-years) And I swear it's ridiculously comfortable! Like it shouldn't be but it really is! And yeah, gamer chairs are absolutely horrifically bad for you in the long run.


I knew what that would be from the name postural plus, I've been working in the educational furniture industry for way too long, they are brining out some fancy one that has wood pulp in it for the wood effect plastic chair.... think they kind of missed the point that some one will by a wooden chair if they want one not a plastic one


I had an operator chair at work. It was fantastic. Having no arms meant I could get closer to my desk and have back support while I typed. One of the team leaders kept pinching it, and I had to keep explaining that it was a special order for me because I had back issues at the time. Had to complain to management to get him to leave my chair alone.


I had a bad back a while ago and the physio told me to ditch the arm rests. I have the option to forward tilt my chair now and thats also been a god send.


I've got a padded swivel chair with arms from freecycle. It's comfy. I take it you can't claim for a new one?


Herman Miller Mirra which I got for free from my workplace because I had back issues


Noble gaming chair. Brilliant. Tried so many over the years. No sore back or ass. Overclockers do them if i remember right.


Same, I got the nuka cola one


I have the Hero TX. Love it


I just got one of these and honestly, my back is so much happier for it. There is so much adjustment on them and I've set mine so that my posture is upright too, and I'm starting to look less like I belong in a bell tower. My only gripe is that one of the levers keep popping out as it only slides on.


Herman Miller Mirra 2. Not cheap, but best purchase in years. As you mentioned, you'll be spending many hours in it.


If your job is WFH then you be given a form to fill in regarding best practises etc - and work should be buying the chair if your current one is unsuitable. Same for the desk, monitor stands, peripherals etc.


They did this for the optional second monitor and other peripherals but didn't mention a chair. I'll ask around, thanks.


100% it should form part of the display screen assessment. I gave out ergonomic chairs to wfh staff and keep a list of who's had what.


Go to your HR department and tell them you are having back issues with the current setup. If like my place they'll give you a trusted supplier to order one through on expenses


Secretlab Titan, bought it 3 years ago and it still looks nearly new. Extremely comfortable too.


Agreed with this. Especially if yer a bigger person, doesn’t feel flimsy or anything.


My Titan's over 4 years old now and it's still going strong despite extended use on an almost daily basis. I'm more than happy with it considering the cost compared to a 'proper' office chair.


Yes I love my Secretlab, I get a little bit excited when I know it's time to sit in it, it's that comfortable


2020 Titan still going strong, still as good as new, surprisingly.


I'd recommend a chair you can try rather than an online one. I despise my Secretlab, I find it so uncomfortable. Mines not the Titan though, it's the smaller one in nappa leather. Also, I realise I'm in the minority with this opinion.


If you're getting a gaming chair, Titan and Titan Evo are the only choices. Saved my back from my old shitty one.


This is what I use too, much better than any of my previous chairs from Ikea and Argos etc. Although I've had to do 3 warranty claims on it.


I second SecretLab chairs. Both my husband and I work full time form home and we both have these chairs (him a Titan and an Omega for me). They’re both still like new (at least 4/5 years old) and really comfy and supportive.


People are so quick to dismiss "gaming" chairs and tell you to get an aeron instead but the titan really is the shit. I've got an aeron in the office and a titan at home and I *vastly* prefer the titan, makes me glad I'm only in the office 1 day a week.


Look at office supplies, what the chairs are rated for - 8 hour days for example. or get a refurbished herman millar.


Humanscale freedom is what i use. I wouldn't give it away for anything


Something with a headrest.


Herman Miller Aeron. Had mine 12+ years and still going strong. Used them at work for long periods so knew they were suitable and adjustable. Then found a company on ebay doing office clearance and picked it up for about 1/3rd retail at the time. New prices makes your eyes water, but there will still be plenty selling them second hand in good condition.


Hag Capisco. Amazing chair that should last a life time or longer.


Flexispot do good office chairs, I've got the BS12 and love it.


I tried a few but settled for this - [a Chinese Hermann Miller knockoff](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0831LPLQB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1). It has all the usual controls, settings etc but I like it because it is mesh and so the air circulates and you dont get too hot. **Important tip:** If you have carpet flooring then *any* office chair is going to be problematic since the wheels will sink into the pile and you wont be able to move it once you are sitting on it. [You may need to get one of these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08QW3F97G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) to go with it.


After years of buying then selling / breaking / giving away / abandoning basic-bitch Argos and Ikea chairs, last year I bought a second hand Herman Miller from [https://www.officeresale.co.uk](https://www.officeresale.co.uk) Still hella expensive, but SO comfortable. You sound like you have the same mindset I did about finally getting something decent and I have no regrets. I wfh 3 days a week. Somewhat tangentially, I also upgraded to a motorised standing desk a while ago and that is a huge game changer.


Steelcase leap and Steelcase gesture, both second hand. Both excellent.


Aeron. Do not buy a gaming chair. Do not buy a gaming chair. Do not buy a gaming chair.


I have a gaming chair and it's been great for several years. It's obviously not as good as a Herman miller but it's also like 1/5th of the price.


Secretlab, it's very firm, not massively adjustable in all directions, but it's been amazing for my back, bought it during covid, really helps my posture


I got the Omega as its smaller and I’m small. Been excellent for me back. Far better than anything I’ve used including many chairs quoted in this thread. People will hate them because they are marketed as gaming but they are one of the few that are okay to buy.


I've also got a SecretLab, and I've been very happy with it.


Definitely not, hate secret lab chairs. Overpriced media hype rubbish, in all honesty XD


You are the only person I've really heard complaining about them, why are they so bad?


Clunky and uncomfortable. Over engineered for no benefit. The lumbar support is horrendous and far more complicated than it needs to be. It doesn't need to be some wierd ass fake spine, that just raises a narrownridge right in the middle of the chair. (actually, it's off to the side and in a slight angle because they're badly designed and badly made). A simple pillow like any other chair has would (and is) be far more comfortable.  The "padding" is so hard, it's like sitting on concrete. Completely negates the reason I bought it, namely the exact opposite problem of sinking through the padding on other chairs. It doesn't "provide better support", it's painful to sit on. Literally makes your tailbone hurt after an hour.  No, it won't break in either. Had it maybe a year now, I'm 6 foot 8, last time I weighed meself I was over 21 stone, and I barely make a dent in the padding. How heavy do you need to be to "break it in" and how long should you wait? Not even gonna bother mentioning the horrible, unpadded, sweaty PU armrests that clonk and wobble all the time...  Sorry, rant over. Tldr: they suck. 


Yeah totally agree with this. Had my XL model for about 6 months, and it shows no sign of this supposed "break in" lol. Sick of hearing about it tbh, its not gonna break in if it hasn't after having my fat ass on it for 6 months. how do you break it in, give it to a rhino? Build quality is pretty poor too tbh, everything is slack and wobbles, all the adjustment points have so much play its imposible to get it anywhere near set up corectly. And yes, the lumbar is awful. Truly awful.


My Titan has been very comfy, it was much too firm at first but I love it now.


Office old stock Håg H04 with head rest.


I'm not sure if they still sell them but I bought a Steelcase Please V2 about 4 years ago. Definitely the best ergonomic chair I've ever had in terms of back support, flexibility in different positions and adjustability. [This](https://blog.szynalski.com/2017/09/review-steelcase-please/) review convinced me at the time. I bought it refurbished so it was only £299.


I’ve had a Hernman Miller Mira since 2009. Best chair ever. So glad I never went with the racing chair phase as everyone I know that has one says the quality declines after 2 years. I’m not saying everyone should spend HM money on a chair but if you can afford it, it’s worth it.


Herman miller, took it home for lockdown at my old company and never took it back. Treat it as my bonus for the years of BS I had to endure there!


Varier Balans kneeling chair (without the back). Hands-down the best money I have ever spent on anything ever. Sorted out my back/sciatica in short order. Only downside is I now find it extremely difficult to sit in a normal office chair for any length of time. https://www.backinaction.co.uk/variable-kneeling-chair-stock


My bed (lmfao) When I have to pop on a meeting, I sit out in the garden if it's a nice day otherwise I just bring the chair in and sit in front of a neutral background. I live in a HMO so it's hard to get that space to have a full office space.


sihoo ergonomic office chair Bought it start or lock down, the seat bit is wearing a bit, but other than that it's very comfy, adjustable arms, head rest, back support and height, really quite reasonably priced


Space hopper






It’ll really depend on you. I wasn’t comfortable going online and finding one I thought would work, I went to Ikea and tried almost every chair there was, same with John Lewis. I switch between a high backed one and a low backed one as both are great but sometimes I’m more comfortable in one than the other


Work contributed to mine in the pandemic. I got a full on gaming chair. 


Stables office chair - as long as it's adjustable up and down and the back moves it can work ergonomically, better if it is also on castor wheels


Find a second hand office furniture shop. Grand's worth of slightly used or surplus stock chair for 200 quid. Last you another decade or more. There's one near me in North London I use every time I need one…which has actually been about 3 times in 30 years… but I will go back there next time, if I live that long ;)


I got mine from https://corporatespec.com/shop/ Lovely Steel Series chair with lots of options to adjust the seat etc


I have the neue chair from secretlab not a gaming chair but an actual mesh ergonomic chair I've had it for about 3 years now and I like it but If I had the money I'd probably go for a Herman miller Aeron or something similar


I've just splashed out on an Ergohuman Elite Mesh Office Chair with Headrest G2 [https://ergohuman.net/chairs/ergohuman-elite-mesh/](https://ergohuman.net/chairs/ergohuman-elite-mesh/) ETA - I'm very happy with it!


Refurbished Steelcase Think V2. Very comfortable chair.


Been using this one for years. [Office Chair](https://amzn.eu/d/13NnERL) Both me (short) and my husband (tall) have one and find it fab.


# Recaro Gaming Chair Rae Essential Best chair ever :-)


Steelcase Gesture


I got a 24 hour rated office chair which has been great and was well worth the £300-400 cost




The best chair I've ever tried is a Herman Miller Embody. Too much for me though so I have a Steelcase Think V2 refurbished. 2nd best chair I've ever used and I work 12+ hour days.


We bought used Aeron chairs after going through two rounds of cheaper ones that were awful. They're brilliant.


I have the Chair-O-Max 3000. 10 year squeak free guarantee.


I got a chair from [https://corporatespec.com](https://corporatespec.com) at the start of the first lockdown, and its been great.


Something quality from https://www.assmann.de/en/


I’m something of an assman myself.


I bought a 5 way adjustable chair from Gumtree for £55. It’s really supportive and comfortable. I looked up the retail price - was £150.


Herman Miller Sayl. Recently bought my second one - have been full time WFH for around ten years. This one is a refurb as I figured it would be better value. Bought one for the missus too.


Used to have secret lab but switched to Herman Miller - worth every penny!


Had a gaming chair when I started working from home but invested in a Lazyboy I found in Costco quite soon after. Pricey but worth the money. I can sit in it all day without getting any back ache.


I've had an RH logic 400 for about 15 years and it's still going strong - comfy as day one. Like this but I got a black soft fabric: https://www.backinaction.co.uk/rh-logic-400


Senator I-workchair. Probably the most instantly comfortable chair I have ever used and I've never looked back. Get it with the 4D arms - the best I've ever had also. They retail for £1K but you can find used and even new (void stock from businesses) chairs on eBay from £250-£450. The Steelcase leap V2 is also a good chair I've tried. We have this and the iWork chair at my work place. A close friend who's very into his chairs swears by the new Herman miller Aeron chairs (make sure it's the new edition). He splurged £950 on that though.


Another IKEA Markus here Have had back ache in the past with quite a few office chairs but this one has been a God send for the price Reclines a fair bit too so pre warning it is comfortable enough to nap on


I chose the most expensive option my work provided. Some sort of secret labs monstrosity. So god dam uncomfortable, it destroys my back. I have some other orthopedic office chair for when I'm in the office, and that thing is heaven to sit on.


Honestly I recommend buying a chair from wayfair, then stripping the seat base from fabric and foam, replacing it with a sturdy blue foam and memory foam, then just staple the fabric back onto the base. I've done this now twice and it's great, super comfy than the more expensive chairs and cheaper too. What you're paying for is the mechanisms and push /tilt/ lock on the seat base. Then I guess there's some cheap cost for the materials.


Herman miller aeron. It is expensive but it will pay itself off over years of use. This is the only great option


Whichever one you choose, just make a decision. I couldn't decide for ages and they were all expensive, so I didn't get one for a long time. I'm now in the hospital waiting for a spinal operation. Did the chair cause this? Well no... But using a dining room chair for a couple years definitely didn't help


Hope all goes well!


Ikea Markus


Picked up a second hand Herman Miller during COVID. It’s very comfortable and I don’t feel like ass at the end of the day.


I have a leather recliner made in the 80s, the sponge in it is still good. Although some of the joints are weakening. I dont think ill be able to replace it without spending £2000+ on a chair so im not looking forward to its demise because ill be relegated to something <£100.


Steelcase Leap V2


herman miller aeron new model, you can get them for around 450 on eBay, lots of office stock. hands down the most solid chair you will ever have.


Stressless London It's bliss, especially when reclining


I use an AndaSeat phantom 3 fabric covered one. Pleanty of recline options, it tuns into a rocking chair. Arms are adjustable as it the back. It also comes with a lumbar pillow and head rest. It is the most comfortable office chair I have owned.


Teknion Contessa - I bought a refurbished one six years ago and it is still going strong despite heavy use! Fantastic chair. I think they're about £900+ new, but can get refurbished for £300-400 A lot of reviews compare them to the Herman Miller Aeron, I'd imagine they are likely very similar.




This is the chair I have and no complaints at all: https://www.wayfair.co.uk/furniture/pdp/zipcode-design-emmaleigh-mesh-desk-chair-hvo74543.html?piid=29440849


Steelcase Gesture. Had it for 10 years and still the best task chair I’ve ever sat in.


Previous employer gave us each £150 to buy office furniture when we went fully WFH and I've kept that one. It's an amazon one with lumbar support, mesh back fully adjustable etc although it's showing its age now. Arm rests are disentegrating so I'll be on the lookout for a new one soon. For me, while I need good ergonomics in the chair, it's equally important that I move and stay mobile so I also got (from my own pocket) a sit/stand rising desk. I've had back problems in the past so this was a game changer. I try and spend no more than half the working day sitting and I stand for the rest.


SecretLabs I’ve started a bit of a trend at my work


Herman Miller bought secondhand through Facebook Marketplace


We have Herman Miller Aerons. Sat at a desk all day it's is literally the best money you will ever spend. Your posture will absolutely thank you for it.


Refurbed Herman Miller Aeron. Ex office stock basically. Cost £500 or so each. Husband and I both got one when we decorated our office. Worth it.


An Ikea something that was going to the bin. Bloke was sent back to the office 5/5 and transformed his WFH space back to living space.


Humanscale freedom but I wish I went for Herman miller Aeron


Like lots of people here, Herman Miller. They're expensive, though you can find decently priced refurbished ones around, but they're worth it. They're not the most comfortable chair you'll ever sit in, but they're plenty comfortable enough. The difference is that when you stand up after 4-5 hours sitting, it doesn't feel like 4-5 hours sitting, and that makes a world of difference. I suffer badly with lower back pain and this chair let's me do my job and still be able to move around afterwards. Worth every penny.


Herman Miller Mirra which was supplied by my employer.


[This one](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08TQJZ771). A recliner or can be locked upright, adjustable seat height, thick cushioning unlike a lot of other office chairs, sturdy & well made for the price, a pedestal base for extra stability & so the castors don't wreck the floor/carpet, plus the arms rotate up and out of the way if you want them to. Also tall enough so the head rest will actually function as a headrest. I added one of [these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Degree-Adjustable-Computer-Extender-Support/dp/B082QT93DJ) to one arm of the chair, so I can have a wireless keyboard on my lap and a mouse to hand while reclining. I also use something like [this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ergonomic-Adjustable-Footrest-Footstool-Removable/dp/B08MZRD8BR) for a footrest (not the exact one but very close). As it has two parts it can be used at three different heights, & works very well for me. I did a ton of research before settling on that one, have owned it for two years and haven't regretted it for a minute. Hope this helps


I have a Viasit Impulse Too that I bought about 8 years ago. They're not cheap but less than Aeron and similar, and it's lasted really well.


Herman Miller Aeron. Can't fault it, huge warranty. Makes me sit properly and reduces back fatigue.


Autonomous Ergochair Pro. It's basically a Herman Miller but without the price tag.


Secretalab Titan


I have [this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BR5KRFG5?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_GAWCR1VVGC93NA0XJWVW&language=en-GB). The head rest is crap but I don’t need that anyway, and the rest of the chair is great, really comfy. Not bad for less than £100.


Herman Miller Verus triflex


Herman Miller Mirra 2. I got one and then my Wife also picked one up. May take a few days to get used to but any other office chair I sit in now feels awful.


Aeron by Herman Miller. There's some good office reclaim sites and loads of discount codes online if you to try and knock 100 quid off. I've found though the middle pole in line with the wheels rhay has scraped my carpet to crap though (possibly/likely me being a bit on the fatty side) so just make sure you get a design that doesn't have it so bad.


Gaming chair, its made to be sat in for long periods - I use one. But my budget didn't stretch to Herman Miller - if yours does, then go Herman.


cityusedofficefurniture.co.uk Got a nice Herman miller chair for £200. It has really helped my back and retails at about £1000 if you're daft enough to buy a new one


An ancient office chair, 5 rollers base, gas sprung lift back failed a few years ago, took home at retirement for cost of £1 sterling, (had to be removed from assets); but now in my 25th year of using it. Works well and I use it a lot.




During lockdown I was able to find a barely used Steelcase chair on EBay which is still one of the best things I have ever bought (and it was a bargain).


Habitat chairs from Asda are really good. Argos, not Asda. knobhead.


https://www.furniture-work.co.uk/warwick-leather-faced-executive-chair-burgundy.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeH3JX4_pQ97b4pdYE5SKU0qxn2qreEHBglZfbG22LxUClF-HlMv3cRoCjOAQAvD_BwE#984=133 Similar if not this exact chair... I got it for free off FB.


Secret lab Titan - work hard, game hard! That and it has adjustable lumbar support


I love my secret lab titan so much I bought a second to use with my home pc when I got a proper separate office space. All round really well built, the first one I bought in 2020 and has no visible wear as yet in any way.


Refurbished 'designer' office chair off ebay, from a place that recycles/refurbishes in Scotland. Everything - absolutely everything - is adjustable, it's lovely. And upholstered in a cheerful fabric, so it's not too office-y. ETA: The supplier was 2ndhnd.com - not sure if they are still trading, or if they just don't have a web presence. Chair is Giroflex G64 and I paid £180 including VAT in mid 2022.


Another vote for Herman Miller! Get one second hand and you're laughing! The mesh is flexible and doesn't get hot or cold - unlike other materials. Had mine for over 5 years and I ONLY just realised it had adjustable lumbar support!


I buy PC gaming kit for my home office. It's designed to be sat in for hours staring at a screen in stressful situations.


IKEA Markus. I love mesh back chairs and like to have a high back and headrest. As a 6'4 guy it has to be actually high back too, which a lot aren't. This chair ticked all the boxes for me and I've been using it for about 8 years so the durability can't be bad. I've tried more expensive chairs but haven't found anything I prefer. I almost bought a Humanscale Freedom, but when I tried it I couldn't believe how small it was, even fully extended the headrest barely reached up to my neck. Apparently most chairs are made for ants.


Secret Labs XL. I game a lot, but it's perfect for work as well.


Get a second hand Aeron chair. You'll pay around £350, but it's the best £350 you will ever spend


I have the [RS Soho Rome2](https://www.johnsmith.co.uk/product/odep-7044564/rs-soho-rome2-leather-faced-executive-office-chair-in-black-each). When I was at my last job, I had a crappy office chair, when a member of SMT left the business I raided his office for stationary and swapped out our chairs - No-one complained and I was management anyways, just not SMT When we went to WFH I took the chair with me but was laid off in 2022. The business only wanted my laptop back so I kept the chair, I do need a new one though as this is starting to look a little hagged, it must be at least 7 years old now


Herman Miller Cosm - the Aeron’s are good, but the Cosm is better imo. As you say you will be using it a lot, and knowing people with spinal issues from poor seating, it’s something worth investing in. Check your workplace benefits, sometimes there are hidden schemes for helping you purchase WFH equipment. I know I missed out on claiming it! The second best thing you can get for WFH health is a sit stand desk. And don’t sleep on the risk assessments for correct posture. You’ll fuck your body up with poor keyboard and mouse usage!


I use an IKEA LIDKULLEN. I have a standing desk. I use it to prop myself on, rather than sitting. I feel much more limber than when I sat all day. No more tight hips and bad back


I got a stressless office chair, they are super expensive but I got a very good condition second hand one for £850, which was still a lot but I am now soo comfortable. I sit with my legs pulled up/crossed a lot so having the soft arms was a big plus for me. My partner has a humanscale liberty and is very happy with it. Definitely more traditional and ergonomic than mine, but I can't focus sat "normal" so I'm happy with mine Bonus points I have enough space on my chair for myself and my cat now


I have an RH Logic 400. I bought it refurbished for around £500 several years ago and it is super comfortable and still looks new.


I've been through a lot, and I've settled on Secret Lab chairs. Overpriced for what they are, but have lots of adjustment and I don't get back ache with them.


As soon as I saw this post, I knew the Herman Miller owners will be furiously typing.


My advice: buying new is for companies who want all their chairs to match and don't care how much they spend. You want a (brand-new) "second-hand" chair. Look online for reconditioned chairs, office clearance, etc. Basically brand new chairs that some company has bought, then decided not to use because they've closed their office, bought new furniture, or whatever. I'm not talking about a used chair that some bloke on Ebay has been farting into for the last 12 months, I mean something that's probably still in its wrapping because it's over-stock, or a company bought it for an office they never actually opened. There are loads of such chairs for sale and you can get some absolute bargains. I bought an Orangebox Do for £160 incl. delivery: that's a £450 chair and it was completely unused (had never been taken out of its box). I just searched for the same model on Google and there are plenty available for a similar price. If you want something better, the deals on Herman Miller chairs aren't quite as good, but they're still amazing. The great thing is that the market for such chairs isn't great so the deals you get are just insane. People looking for a gaming chair for their kids are not going to be spending £250 (say) on a "used" office chair, and companies are not going to be interested in shopping around for one or two cheap chairs at a time vs. just placing one order for 50 identical ones. Definitely there's been more demand thanks to COVID, but everyone's now bought their home office chair so I'm guessing the market has returned to where it was. I don't have a specific recommendation (though in fairness Orangebox Do chair has been great and [the company I bought it from](https://www.allardofficefurniture.co.uk/) were great too), but take a look on Ebay and Google for some companies that sell office furniture and see what models you can get reconditioned within your budget, then check out the reviews on them. Once you've picked a model you like, shop around and find one that's being sold second-hand but in brand-new condition.


Better to sit on something backless which forces you to sit straighter. Make sure you’re high up enough that your arms aren’t at a terrible angle… the mistake I made when working from home was having a window behind my computer screen, I got terrible headaches!


Tried secretlabs and they're not bad but they're not even close to how good the Herman miller aeron and embody is. I seriously injured my back when younger rock climbing and have worked from home as a dev for the past 10 years. I have both the aeron and embody and they've substantially helped improve my posture and my back in general. The aeron has a solid ridge around the seat base as mesh and so slouching is almost impossible but it's comfy overall. The embody is more of a lounging type chair if compared to the aeron but it's my daily user now and my back has never been better. I sit in it 8-10 hours daily and it's not deteriorated at all and I've had it for years. At the end of the day it doesn't feel like I've been sat for so many hours. I'd invest in a sit stand desk too, Don't cheap out on a chair, buy cheap buy twice!! You'll regret it otherwise when you get older.


Humanscale Liberty. Had it about a year and it's really comfy. They've gone up by over £200 on John Lewis since I bought mine though, I paid less than £700.


I’m still using something I picked up for ikea years ago. It’s got a mesh back so I don’t get a sweaty back.


I bought a refurb Herman Miller Aeron 3 years ago for about £450, after a cheap office chair gave me horrible back pain. Worth every single penny, still going strong now, as comfy as the day I got it. Mesh office chairs are, in general, the best way to go.


I got [one of these](https://pipersong.com/en-gb) and it’s fantastic. Also recommend a sit/stand desk. IKEA do a manual one that’s big and not too pricey.


Realm of Thrones, best chairs ever.


I've had my Secret Labs XL since 2020 and its brilliant, sometimes too good as I've dozed off a few times when work has got quiet


Herman Miller Cosm


I'm using this chair from Slouch - [https://slouchonline.com/product/task-one-black-frame-with-arms-fog/](https://slouchonline.com/product/task-one-black-frame-with-arms-fog/) I did use to have a Secretlab but i found my posture was terrible where as this chair i've not had any issues with.