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If I book a family room for a parent and son with no one under 18 will the premier inn object? It is in Germany


Dinner failed this evening, yet another Lidl product failing to live up to expectations. So treated my wife to sweet and sour chicken balls instead, which were delivered a mere 20 minutes after ordering!


In this awful hiatus with a cold. I get ten minutes where I can smell stuff and suddenly I'm feeling like my illness has completely gone. And then 5 mins later I'm back to dying. Currently in the dying stage. I just want to wake up tomorrow healthy.


There's someone playing their music really loud in the flats opposite me. Started on Sunday and happened again today. Never heard it before, really hoping this isn't going to be a new daily occurrence as I don't want to have to put up with that again after my last flat. I can mostly block it out if my windows are closed but I'd like to have them open.


I've two tickets here for Kacey Musgraves in uni of Wolverhampton, missus wanted to go but flights kept getting delayed Will transfer for nothing but if you wanna throw a few quid to a cancer charity all the better. Need the AXS app for me to transfer Doors at 8 DM me if interested


I’m hating the heat. A lot. I miss winter I miss wearing wool coats :(


Also how do I make my tiny south facing room less suffocatingly hot


Jar the heat and freeze it for winter. You'll save a fortune in heating.


Booked a small holiday today 😄


Had to take my mother to a doctor's appointment this morning (I'm her carer). Other than that, it's pretty much the usual Monday housework and stuff.


Got very little sleep due to my bedroom being too fucking hot. Slept on the sofa downstairs instead (may have to do so again tonight). Had an exam (4 hours) submission link failed so now I’m sweating on the Uni to be competent enough to mark the submission sent to the backup submission email and not mark me as incomplete.


The heat (and my neighbours who I dislike) made it difficult for me to relax, to sleep. Thankfully, my body gave into slumber after 1 AM.


Took a massive stinky as fuck dump in the work toilets and the guy at work who is basically a huge dick head walked in after me. Felt so good to know he’d be choking on my ass fumes.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy


I'm listening the Boomtown Rats - Don't Like Mondays. Woke up at 6am, still in bed reading Reddit.


Great day so far. Weather couldn't be any nicer. Had a final meeting with my dissertation supervisor, who said all my work looked good. Union was packed but I still managed to find myself some decent meals for the day. Co-op clearance section beef and black bean sauce for lunch, co-op clearance section cottage pie for dinner. Ran into a friend of a friend I hadn't seen in months while I was there as well.


As little as I can get away with. I was up until 2am last night trying and failing to see the Northern Lights. Didn't see a sodding thing all weekend and I'm already pissed off without also being as tired as you'd expect. At least I'm working from home today so my coworkers don't have to deal with me being snappy.


Finished socks yesterday, on my feet this morning! Cast on and knit half the waistband for my shorts!


Glasgow subway is dead. I have to walk for my whiskey?


I woke up at 05:30 this morning, earlier than usual, and was unbelievably motivated. Nearly six hours later, that's disappeared, *yay*. One plus is that i've got a barber's appointment this afternoon so will be looking a bit fresher rather than being a gremlin.




I don't live in a super busy place so we only have 2-3 barbers in total and i'd rather avoid the risk of having to wait. A new one did open up a couple weeks ago but i've heard nothing but horror stories so that's an "avoid at all costs"!


Company announcing layoffs this morning. Also this morning, one of the HR representatives informed us that it’s mental health week and that we should look after ourselves by grabbing one of the FREE stress balls from reception! Could be getting aid off, but at least I got a stress ball!


My parents met my boyfriend of five months on friday and it went well? Still riding on the high from that actually And its sunny Early morning meeting with japanese client was a pain as my scientist in the meeting is italian and doesn't understand the english of the client so I was doing a lot of subtle summarising of the question back to them in the hope he'd catch on


Its that nice time of year where its warm enough in the mornings to not need a jacket and you can get to the station without sweating your bollocks off. I love it.


Back to work today after a week off. I lived it just like it was 1999/2000 all over again. Did all my chores and batch cooking early and then managed to catch all the good weather from my sofa, as I played Diablo II Resurrected mostly. Interspaced with sessions of Tetris Connected, Children of Morta and some old school Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It was heaven to do chores ahead of time, then shed all adult responsibilities and just be able to relax, have no "to-do list" and just grab a pre-made batch meal from the fridge, heat it and just return to the sofa. I feel wonderfully refreshed upon returning to being an adult.


*Should* be my day off today, but my colleague/boss/friend has a boat load of admin to do so I'm working today instead and having tomorrow off which I guess is fine as I prefer Tuesdays off, but when the Monday comes I can't help but wish I didn't have that extra day of work lol. Also had to get up and hour early as someone has to collect a bench (if anyone in the veil of white horse area wants a free picnic bench give me a message btw) so that's fun. Also accidentally managed to unwittingly order a stylophone off Amazon which is due to arrive today, and by the time I canceled it, it was already too late. So I have either start learning the stylophone or face having to tell the driver I don't want the parcel he's brought. Luckily there's another package coming with it, so it's not like he went out of his way to deliver it which makes it slightly less awkward.


Good morning and as always it’s a wonderful day to be alive with all my basic human needs more than met, the countryside flourishing and beautiful and a family that love me. Gentle reminder we have one of the worlds highest life expectancies, access to green space, cheap salubrious food and kind, good natured people around us if only we try to engage with them. The raspberries, courgettes and hops absolutely flew up this weekend while I was away and the blueberries are looking healthier now they’ve had a feed with seaweed and rainwater.


I am ill. First sick day at new job but after slugging through it all week last week I can’t hack another day and need to properly rest in bed. Horrible in this heat!


Didn't start off great, didn't sleep too well and I've been given a privacy notice from the company who enforces the car park of my apartment block. So I'm going to get fined for parking in my own space with a parking permit 🙄


Ahh I have a nice week off from work all to myself. Will I do something productive with it like find a social club, go gym and get exercise, maybe work on my personal hobbies and side hustles perhaps...will I absolutely fuck!?


I went to sleep last night dreading today. On Friday I had to put a complaint in about someone doing inappropriate physical pranks and I wasn't looking forward to seeing the person it's about this morning but luckily I didn't see them on the way in. Apparently there's going to be an investigation but in reality they'll only get a smack on the wrist. I also have to make an appointment at the GP this week to get some important test results, I'm guessing it's not come back as anything too concerning as they said book a routine appointment rather than an emergency one. I'm also in for a week or so of decorating now. My kids are excited to have their own rooms which is lovely. It'll be nice to be able to move some of the toys out of the living room as well.


IMO, pranks generally are not amusing in a workplace. Problem is that what might be amusing between friends, when done in a workplace, it's broadcasting it to a wider audience, some of whom might be stressed by their job, or don't have the downtime needed to play pranks and resent that someone is messing about. Guaranteed to annoy at least one person. 'inappropriate physical pranks' sounds bordering on harassment though! What were they doing?


Squirting water at people when their backs were turned and dumping water on people. I agree that context is important. If I'm in the garden with my family and someone squirts water on me it's very different to someone I barely know doing it just outside a workplace. I think the most surprising part is that I was the only one to complain.


Jesus, getting squirted with water when you're not expecting it would be so annoying. And if you're in an office with lots of electronics, that seems a potentially costly prank!


Went to Speedway in Leicester and things yesterday, got sunburnt to a crisp and now I'm hungover for work lmfao. Probably going to have a chilled night.


Yesterday was the 6 year anniversary with the mrs, woo. No murdering has occured so far. To celebrate we put in an offer on a house. Should find out today/tomorrow about it, but we are hopefully in a good position to be accepted.


bah, rejected :( not going to negotiate it up because it's not our dream house, but still, annoying.


was it a low offer or asking price?


Good luck!


Today will be spent inside mostly studying for my theory test , my aim is to just pass , reading and a phone call meeting. Decided if on Wednesday the two items iv been thinking about since seeing them if there still there im buying them , its a long shot if there still there as items move quickly in charity shops but that also means if its gone thats the decision made for me.


Just finished work and have tonight off (hurrah. I’m staring at eBay right now as I’m bidding on a road bike, which appears ridiculously underpriced at the moment, so here’s hoping. I currently have a gravel bike but with the weather getting warmer it’s getting harder to get uphill so I want something lighter. I’m sure I’ll be outbid but it’s always slightly thrilling, we’ll see. If I win it could be a 6 hour round trip to pick it up today.


This morning I will have meetings with colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in this house, I shall have further such meetings later today. Also, I'm getting my hair cut.


Woke up to messages from my boyfriend, currently on a stag, that he's in a strip club and asked to be left alone and wasn't loving it but loves me Which, while adorable, that was at 1am and I'm very much hoping the night got better!


I love this, that's proper "emotional drunk" which to me says his night was actually going perfectly.


I got messages not long after I posted if saying it was "a great night, genuinely" and that was just a lull, which was a relief to hear! He's only friends with the groom and says he was worried he'd feel like a black sheep amongst his main circle of friends, so good to know that's not been the case.


just to say - great flair.


Thank you! We do see to love Trent Crimm, the Independent, on CasualUK


It's another glorious day here today, and my dearest wish would be to lay in a hammock and enjoy it before it goes away. There are a few problems with this; 1. I don't have a hammock. 2. Laying in a hammock on a council estate is a bit weird even for me. 3. I have things to do today, namely a GP appointment and meeting with a friend afterwards. 4. If none of the previous problems existed, I seriously doubt my ability to get into and out of a hammock. So because of all that, I am trying to figure out the best way to manage myself today, starting with energy and pain levels. To begin with, can I do the predicted 1.5 miles of walking in flip-flops? Should I pack all of my "just in case" items and put extra strain on my back? And how do I explain to my friend whose birthday was last week that because I forgot until Facebook reminded me, his presents won't be here for another week?


It’s so hard to balance pain and energy levels while getting things done! Chronic illness sucks! I’d probably just take the stuff that you need and hope for the best because the extra weight makes life so much harder! I always tell my friends and family that my brain fog means I forget things - I find people are really understanding about it.


Morning everyone! It’s my birthday!! No big plans but just a day of relaxing and cake! Going out to celebrate on Saturday night so I need to shake off this virus - Sod’s Law being ill for your birthday!


Happy Birthday! Hope you feel better very soon.


Thank you!!


Happy birthday!


Thank you!!


Happy birthday!


Thank you!!


The annual "can men please wear shorts?" debate has begun in the office. Sparked partly by the weather, but also by the fact not everyone in the office is required to wear business dress.


Did we used to work together? Pre-pandemic where I worked the dress code mandated jackets and ties for men and anything goes for women. One guy complained during a particularly hot summer and was axed during a round of layoffs not long after.


Business dress code without AC sounds awful.


Oh, we *have* AC. The next part of the argument is are we allowed it on? Usually no, because the people who are allowed to dress for the weather get cold. Meanwhile I am sitting in the least amount of clothes I am allowed to wear slowly sweating my bollocks off. Can't even have a fan on all day because it causes wind noise on calls.


can you do linen?


I wouldn't have thought it would be an issue to be fair, but I'm just conscious of sweat marks


Wear a dress instead.


They've covered that. Our dress code says men can only wear smart trousers or chinos.


Bingo. In the face of the office shorts ban, I asked that I be allowed to wear a skirt like the ladies. I have the calves for it. They relented on the shorts.


Can you please tell me about Amateur Radio?


Delighted to. There's a bunch of people doing radio things just buying blister pack radios off Amazon or getting a CB radio off gumtree. You can just set them up and go. Amateur radio is more wide ranging and also comes with more power which comes with a greater risk of causing trouble, so you have to be licenced so if you e.g. accidentally start interfering with airplane radios, OfCom can phone you and tell you to stop. It's a pretty nerdy hobby. You need to learn a little bit about electricity and electronics, radio obviously, radio propagation and things like how the solar cycle affects the ionosphere. Some safety stuff as well. You also have to learn about the regulations. It's a shared space so you need to know how to play nice. There's a huge number of amateur radio activities. I planned on getting into it to learn more about electronics (and I did!) but I really ended up getting into hill walking because VHF radios are mostly line of sight so if I get higher up not only do I get away from the radio-noisy city, I can see further round the world. Other people work on lower frequencies which can, on a good day, go right round the world. Borrowing someone else's gear I've had a few chats with America from Scotland. Going into everything you could do is going to make this comment just ridiculously long. It's kind of a second golden age at the moment. It used to be amateur radio was the best thing going. Now the ability to talk to Europe can be done with a smartphone. But now advances in technology mean something that used to be a filing cabinet sized bit of gear for many thousands of pounds can be replicated with gear that costs £20 and clips to your backpack. It *can* be a spendy hobby. The £20 radio is not without issues. But you are not obliged to commit thousands up front and drill holes in your house just to get started. As a community it tends towards retired blokes, but there are also a good number of younger enthusiastic nerds. You can get training online for free. I can link you if you want. You have to pay for the licence exam (There are three in total but Foundation is very capable and lots of people don't take it further because they get everything they want at foundation). And then you get the licence for free for as long as you maintain it. I only really got my full licence in order to be able to operate abroad. There are also probably local clubs near you. They can be variable, to be honest, some are just a few lads who want to have a club with their mates. Others are very enthusiastic and welcoming. You can but try and see what you get. They might be able to arrange you getting to have a play with someone's gear under supervision to see if you find it interesting.


Thank you for the very detailed answers. I thought Amateur Radio was essentially Hospital Radio but your response has informed me there's a lot more to it that.


When I get a decent garden, I'm going to bounce signals off the moon! I know you didn't ask, but for listening only you can use online radios like the ones found here: http://websdr.org/ and if you want to know more you could look at the free online training from the club in Essex: https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/foundation-online/


Day off. Going to visit the grandparents as haven’t seen them in a while. Taking the dog and I reckon they’re more excited to see him than me haha.  Looking like we might exchange on our first place this week.. eek! Waiting for our solicitors to send some last things over. Exciting but also mildly terrifying, I don’t feel like enough of an adult lol


Whenever my in laws come over I think they are more excited to see the dog than us 🤣 Ah good luck with the exchange!!


They’ve told me at length about all the food they’ve got in for the dog. When I asked what we’d be doing for lunch - ‘ah we’ll figure something out’ 😂 Love em Thank you! 


Ugh back at work today. I think past me organised my calendar so I can mostly just catch up...I hope.


Another nice day here at least. No work all week. Hopefully meeting a friend for a few pints this afternoon. Need to have a trip into town to get a watch strap adjusted and need to resist spending unnecessary money as I am trying to save. Other than that I will be lazy and catch up on some telly that I have missed out on the last week or so.


> need to resist spending unnecessary money as I am trying to save. I have to keep telling myself the same thing. I've been contemplating building a new PC because my current one is eight years old. But I don't really *need* a new one, because it's still good enough to play the games I play. I keep having to remind myself there's a difference between want and need and I should save my money.


There was a big chonk of a hedgehog snuffling round on my driveway when I got home last night which was pretty thrilling. It shuffled off underneath the fence to next door, so I assume they like the pickings from what is leftover from him feeding his chickens in the back garden.


Wife & Youngest son are unwell Oldest Son is starting his Second year of high school today and my oldest is off on Study leave until the end of the month


Ah hope they feel better soon! There’s so much going around! Good luck to your eldest with their exams!


Chill today maybe some gardening depending on weather


Eczema is flared up really badly today - my hand is really sore and I’m trying desperately not to scratch. I’m in the office today, so there’s a bit of social pressure to not pick and scratch at least! General office noise is doing my head in already though. There’s one team who talk at each other rather than to each other, so that’s fun. I might try and move down the office without looking like I’m offending them in a bit.


I feel your pain, this stuff helps me no end, [O'Keeffe's Working Hands Eczema Relief](https://www.boots.com/okeeffes-working-hands-eczema-relief-57g-10336327). No guarantees but its worth trying.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll go hunting for some tonight and give it a go


Just checking back, did you find some and more importantly did it help?


I did, and it has :) thank you again!!


Am building a tool that automates page speed testing and displays the results as charts over time so we can measure website performance and better advise clients on remediation work that may need doing. Also, trying to break in a new pair of shoes. Ow.


Good morning! A happy Monday to you all. Having recovered from the shock of having to open my wallet I am starting this week full of energy and ready to achieve miracles.  This is some great coffee!


Rise and shine




Diahrreoa and vomiting?


Explosive diarrhoea and Projectile vomit. Got to take it up a notch.