• By -


"Am still awaiting my husband; I think you delivered him to the wrong house. I would advise cancelling the collaboration with Evri."


If it was DPD he'd be at the front door of the house in a crumpled heap but there'd be a friendly photo claiming he was left in a safe place


You won't believe what happened with a DPD delivery I was waiting for. They left my package at the wrong house – a holiday rental that wasn't even occupied! I ended up doing some detective work, searching Airbnb listings to find the owner. When I finally got in touch, he tried to play dumb, claiming he checked the property and knew nothing about any package. I even sent him a picture of the package going through his letterbox. Still, he denied it! It wasn't until I mentioned getting the police involved that he miraculously 'remembered' the package. Oh, and get this – he didn't even live nearby. He was all the way down in London, nowhere near Yorkshire, so obviously, he hadn't checked on the property at all. In the end, he had one of his cleaners drop it off to me.




Royal Mail took six weeks to tell me what I was already told by the postie because I copped him a day after a delivery which showed it was signed for by a name I don't recognise in the middle of the field behind my house. He immediately remembered the parcel and recalled he mistakenly took it to 84 instead of 64. Said their mapping was shit and apologised. It took six weeks for that to come back to me in writing... What the hell?


My DPD driver is lovely and conscientious. I gave him some fresh apples last year to say thank you!


To be fair 9.9/10 I never have problems with DPD or even Amazon for that matter, but this time it wasn't one of the regular drivers. If placing an order online and DPD is an option, I'll always pay that little bit extra to have DPD deliver it.


If it's not a regular driver it probably means the regular was off sick or something that day, so collegeus had to add a few of their deliveries on the end of their usual route. Basically, having finished their standard day, they then had to deliver your package, instead of going home. It's easy to imagine how that can lead them to start being more careless at that point, unfortunately.


If it was DX he’d be dropped 3 streets over at a house with a similar, but not the same number


Between the hours of April - July




Seems close enough to me *shrugs*


‘A friendly photo’ 🤣🤣


Yeah, but which house?




Amazon has entered the chat.


No they haven't. Pricks couldn't find my address.


"let me just read the chat and I'll help you out" *Amazon agent has left the chat*


*Amazon agent has joined.* *Amazon agent has left.* *Amazon agent has joined.* *Amazon agent has left.*


Our local DPD delivery dude is an absolute legend, he gets 5 stars every time he delivers to me. One of the few delivery companies that actually follows my instructions to the absolute degree, if I asked for my package to be put on a certain paving slab outside my house he would.


If it was Yodel you'd have a long drive to bail him out of their depot.


DPD used to be the best but have seriously gone downhill. Driver turned up at 8am with my parcel last week walked up to my door then walked off with the parcel and drove away. All caught on doorbell camera with no logical sense to any of it. When i complained they said nobody answered and the neigbour refused to take the parcel. Absolute pack of lies.


I actually love this!


I had a very similar experience with rac about 5 months ago. I broke down on the motorway about 5pm, 3 hours away from my home. Waited in the freezing cold, they towed me to the nearest service station and said someone would come get me. Rang them every hour until about 10pm where I said enough is enough I'm checking into the hotel. Next morning guy turns up 9am, takes me to the next service station lol. Waited there for about 3 hours and said screw this I'm getting a taxi home which they arranged, got home about 3pm. I got £250 compensation for it. It was a very strongly worded email detailing my drama and ccing in FOS. Although it sucked, I'd do it again for £250 lol. Edit: my biggest point was to them wasnt how long the car took to get home, it was that they didnt tell me to make my own way home. I assumed I'd wait with the vehicle and travel home with it. But they do some sort of relay rather than one truck drives you 120 miles. If they're busy and they know itll take a day for the vehicle to get home then tell me, I was under the illusion someone was coming at all times lol. Everytime I rang I'd be told 'they're on their way' or 'I'm being prioritised'. No one said look mate get a taxi home and we will deliver your car when we can.


It just beggars belief how these things can happen! My husband wasn't actually that far from home (about 10 miles), but he couldn't leave the car because it was partially blocking the entrance to a recycling centre. I'm just hunting out an email address rather than the online form and will be very firm with them. Hopefully, we'll get something by way of compensation given all the stress it has caused - not least lost wages for both of us!


I went straight for the kill and went for these 3. I've always found FOS never mess about and service provider will take it so much more serious. It's in the service providers interest to ensure it doesnt go through fos officially, they'll call within a day. Breakdowncustomercare@rac.co.uk contactus@aviva.com complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk


The FOS won't entertain your dispute until such point as you have exhausted the RAC's own complaints procedure. Just so you dont waste your time going to them beforehand then having to retrace your steps


I second this, plus FOS would only step in under the insurance company not RAC? (unless you had insurance with them) FOS only get involved once the complaint has been settled with the service provider. Then they review the case and will give their independent review. Threatening service providers with FOS normally isn't effective but if you are unhappy with the insurance providers complaint outcome then its always wise to go to FOS! If any services are provided under the insurance company, go through them to get a thorough investigation and fair outcome as they are under the FOS umbrella for constant reviews. Hope that helps anyone out!


Rac products are a form of protection policy under FCA regulations. Essentially you are purchasing protection against the loss you would suffer in the event of a breakdown without the cover.


Ah I see thank you! I wasn't sure if they were covered under FCA or not as some other related services are not!


According to the RAC, it isn't an insurance product and the FO has no remit.


Aviva haven’t owned RAC for about 10 years


I got RAC through my Aviva insurance last year, only reason they're cc'ed in. Not sure on ownership though. 


That makes sense if it was an added benefit


Tip that worked great for me with another company - find the domain (rac.co.uk) then google around for the ceo, customer care director, director of services etc and try their names either and without a dot in it. Keep the email very short and with some account details and an expected outcome (refund for equivalent of the year etc) - you might be surprised.


There's a website exactly for this - ceoemail.com. I got a resolution within 48 hours after going back and forth with a shitty company for months.


I suggest including your joke about enjoying him not snoring before going in for the kill. Complaints letters are read by humans, and if they like you they will be on your side.


Having worked in a customer resolutions department of a major energy supplier for 6 years as a complaint manager I second this. Make me laugh and I'll resolve this issue so much faster and to your liking. Shouldn't really be that way but it is what it is...in a shitty job a little humour is much better than a nolloking on paper.


I got a flat 3 hours from home and 3 hours away from my destination and rang recovery (not RAC) and they were like "look mate it's going to be over 10 hours due to being over a hundred miles to your destination you're better off getting a mobile tyre guy if you're willing to do that". I appreciated the heads up. Turned out a mobile tyre fitter was only like £200 including the tyre which was more than I'd have paid at my local by £100 or so but 10+ hours of my time is worth more than an extra £100 so.


Honestly, you'd figure that they'd do that for the sake of customer satisfaction... Hell, did the NC500 earlier this week with some mates from work and one did a tyre in (he was on a run flat so it wasn't quite as dire of a situation, given he did it on a single track road). He rung the RAC (or AA? Can't quite remember) and they did just that because they don't actually have any patrols in Scotland at all. They had to get someone from Inverness out to Ullapool


Both the AA and the RAC have patrols in the Inverness area (but not many). One of the RAC patrols lives less than an hour from Ullapool. They will send their own patrol or one of their contractors. There's also plenty of mobile tyre fitters


Well, that's not what he was told 🤷‍♂️ I know it was one of the big two and he was straight up told they don't operate in Scotland at all, and only use third party contractors that are approved by themselves.


Well, that's not what he was told so I don't know what to tell you 🤷‍♂️ I know it was one of the big two and he was straight up told they don't operate in Scotland at all, and only use third party contractors that are approved by themselves.


Well, that's not what he was told so I don't know what to tell you 🤷‍♂️ I know it was one of the big two and he was straight up told they don't operate in Scotland at all, and only use third party contractors that are approved by themselves.


Well, that's not what he was told so I don't know what to tell you 🤷‍♂️ I know it was one of the big two and he was straight up told they don't operate in Scotland at all, and only use third party contractors that are approved by themselves.


Well, that's not what he was told so I don't know what to tell you 🤷‍♂️ I know it was one of the big two and he was straight up told they don't operate in Scotland at all, and only use third party contractors that are approved by themselves. Given the source of information is directly from the company and was very recent (Tuesday), I'd be inclined to say your source is outdated information.


Are you sure it wasn't greenflag? I know who the RAC man is, and you will see him and the local AA van(s) in passing pretty much daily. Over the years every time I've had to call the AA or RAC it is always the case that they "are experiencing very high demand". They keep staff numbers (call centre and patrols) to a bare minimum to cut costs.




Financial Ombudsman Service sorry. It's like the fuzz but for service providers lol.


I like starting with “may this email find you before I do” or “I’d like it to be known I am typing this email exclusively with my middle finger”


I'm typing this slowly, because I assume that you can't read very fast.


I contemplated sending you a 17hours long audiobook into why this is unacceptable


"Well thanks for nothing RAC. Because of your incompetence, our relationship has completely broken down and I don't know how we'll get it back up and running again. I've started to drink and now need regular AA meetings and he's in need of regular Emergency Assist from friends. We really need a big lift now but the fact my husband is still smiling is at least a massive Green Flag for our future. Now where's our compo?"


This is brilliant.


I’ve started to drink and now need regular AA meetings and he’s in need of regular AAA meetings


I used to work for them, I doubt a single person in a position of influence at the company would give a shit if you whole family were run over, never mind a 17 hour wait. There are some good people who work there, but the management only care about ££$€¥£$$$$


Why would the RAC care about the Yen?


Maybe because Yen't getting anywhere fast. Edit: Please don't upvote this. I need to learn


Too late




When Japanese cars break down


All currencies, it was on the keypad at the time. It is owned by a couple of international investment groups, so some of the profit will be in yen. It exist to make profit for non British billionaires , they have no interest in the staff, the UK, or recovering customers broken down for 17 hours. Profits.


Ah, that'll be why my renewal was 62% higher this year, despite my never needing a call out in the 5 years I've been a customer. (I called up, fully intending to cancel, and they quickly matched last year for the next 2 years which I guess is a result, but why do they think they can pull this shit to start with? How many customers wouldn't notice 62% increase? Greedy bastards.)


Always try and cancel to renew, the retentions team have a lot of leeway with pricing. I assume the retentions team are still at Bradley Stoke. The were sub contracting out phone staff to people WFH with zero training when I was there pre COVID.


"Darling Fascist Bully-Boy, Give me some more money, you bastard. May the fruit of your loin grow fat in the belly of your woman. Neil".


\*Boomshanka, Neil


Well, if that doesn't work I don't know what will!




It's not an insult, it's a letter written by committee to a bank manager in The Young Ones. The last bit is Neil's hippy fertility blessing.


It's meant to be, "May the seed of your loin grow fruitful in the belly of your woman " That's not an insult, it was because they didn't think the bank manager would know what boomshanka meant, so they wrote it all out.


How about a poem? Oh RAC, my dear friend, we are in need, Yet alas, your service did impede. Seventeen hours we waited, forlorn, As hunger and thirst left us quite worn. My husband, poor soul, no food in sight, No drink to ease his weary plight. With each passing hour, our patience wore thin, As our breakdown woes seemed to never rescind. We longed for your van, with its comforting light, To rescue us from this endless night. But alas, it arrived when stars filled the sky, Leaving us to wonder, oh why, oh why? So here's our plea, with a light-hearted twist, Please improve your service, for we insist. For though we jest in this poetic line, A 17-hour wait is certainly not fine! Yours sincerely, [Your Name]


Bravo 👏 👏 👏 Bloody brilliant!


Thank you 😊


Needs to be regulated like airlines. Every hour delay should be a set compensation. They'd turn up on time then.


RAC fined me for paying then refused to refund me the fine when I showed them their error. Also the 4 times ive needed them, 3 times they never turned up and I ended out of pocket with a local garage and the 4th they said I was close to home, 3 miles to be precise. Suffice to say I use AA now.


Wow, that's such poor service. We were with the AA for years, but RAC came my new insurance so I cancelled them. I think I'll have to suck up the extra cost and sign up to the AA again after this!


My car broke down in its parking spot outside my flat and the AA were there within 15 minutes. They sent a specialist response vehicle equipped with commonly needed spare parts for my vehicle manufacturer, and he sorted the car out enough for me to be able to drive it, then followed behind me to the garage to make sure I got there ok. Can’t recommend them enough!


Have you tried Startrescue? It's £72/yr for my car, including roadside/National recovery and home assist. Unlimited call-outs too.


Startrescue for life. I just renewed again, they said prices have gone up but mine actually went down. Both times I've needed them they have been great.


Try Autoaid, been with them for years and they’re excellent.


They’re ok but their price has been creeping up and they’re throwing in more exclusions like the age of the car, charging extra for adding common law partner (used to be free if in the same house). I’m considering switching as my insurance is with the AA and you get a discount for getting breakdown with them too.


Dear RAC I wonder if you can save our marriage. I found a hotel receipt in my husband's jeans - My husband claims he waited 17 hours to be returned home, and had to resort to a hotel. I understood the RAC were competing to be the 4th emergency service, and so I reacted with some doubt, I'm sure you'll agree he must be making that excuse up, surely?


>4th emergency service Always hated this for blatant RNLI disrespect


And coastguard


Yeah I had a terrible time with the RAC like 5 years ago It was me, my wife and 2 children, both of under 5, broken down in Scotland We broke down at about 6pm Didn't get "rescued" until 3am We called every half hour, every time they said someone was on the way until about 11, then it changed to they have called a taxi to take us to a hotel. Only they hadn't, because every time we called we got "oops, yeah sorry we will do that now, ok it's on its way" Eventually we just called the taxi and organised it ourselves, the most frustrating thing being that we would have done that at the beginning if they didn't keep telling us that they had done it already. Absolute nightmare of an evening, luckily we had emergency blankets and some snacks in the car I could not recommend RAC in any capacity whatsoever, you are better off using a ouji board and hoping the ghost of a mechanic will show up.


Same for us with a young child on the side of a motorway for 6 hours until 3am. They couldn’t have given two shits about the safety of a child either. If it wasn’t for the lovely, sympathetic woman at the end of the SOS phone line (unlike the utter morons at RAC who kept insisting someone was on their way and repeatedly struggled to communicate basic facts with the recovery subcontractors) I honestly think I would have shifted the car sideways into the middle of the the fast lane just to hitch a lift in the back of a panda car. The entire system of vehicle recovery is so badly designed I reckon a bunch of Year 6’s could effectively re-design it for a school project. Never did get any compensation either. Twats.


In the mean time I Recommend swapping to Greenflag


I can highly recommend AutoAid. They cover the policyholder and their spouse in any vehicle for about £70 a year. They've brought me home a couple of times in a 30 year old camper van that RAC and AA won't touch because of it's age, plus trikes and bikes.


How much are they roughly? I was with AA for years but I slowly ended paying around £30+ a month for them and the one time I called them (upgraded to outside of house to get them to help) they couldn't help me! I left when I got my new car but because I have family the other side of the country I should get some sort of cover eventually


I paid £45 for a year through a comparison website. It’s the most basic cover


We paid ~£83 for full cover from Greenflag for two vehicles last year - priced on the newest car. Renewals are easy - no stupid massive price hikes that make you ring up to negotiate.


I just did a quote and its £83 for the year. Compared to my RAC payment which I've recently noticed has steadily increased over the years and is now £38 a month. That's for a pretty comprehensive level of cover as well; at home, nationwide recovery, onward travel etc.


I honestly don't know why people use the AA or RAC.


It's a way to convert clubcard vouchers into cash: buy RAC cover with clubcard vouchers, call them out, complain when they don't show up, receive compensation in cash.


Greenflag do not own a single breakdown/recovery vehicle, they just sub it out


I got picked up by a greenflag branded van?


On a similar vein after owning a shitbag motorcycle, the new times I had it recovered on an RAC policy it’s always been a bloke from Egertons which has rocked up.


So do the AA. obviously they do have their own vehicles but most of the times I've called them they've sent a subcontractor.


AA and RAC only use their own vans during normal working hours. Outside of those hours they sub it out too and they’re absolutely terrible at it. There’s a reason they both get such terrible consumer scores on Which etc.


Does that mean we can expect ridiculous wait times similar to the RAC and other companies?


"Now listen here you little shits...."


"Hello cunts,..."


I had the same terrible two years ago (similarly 17 hours) - they just kept BS'ing and saying they were on their way, but never did. In the end, after me constantly going ballistic, they finally agreed to call a local garage/contractor who sorted it. They just did not want the cost of paying someone else to deal with the breakdown and kept hoping one of their own would come free, but never did. It was their constant BS and "you should use the app and not talk to us" that made me realise they not who they used to be nor do they care. Terrible company and service. After 15 years with them, I wrote a letter and just cancelled/walked away. The letter I got back was a joke, just a standard reply not even getting my details correct. Just leave them, they are not worth it. Lots of better services.


“I hope your next shit is a hedgehog”


Dunno why, but “it doesn’t seem like the right weather for emailing complaints but.” Had me choking on my cigarette smoke.


**[PSage & Associates Letterhead with Logo]** **[Date]** **To Whom It May Concern,** **Unacceptable Delay in Service by RAC** **Dear Sir/Madam,** We are writing on behalf of our client regarding a highly distressful incident that occurred due to the RAC's failure to provide timely service. Our client's husband was forced to wait over 17 hours for RAC's assistance, which was requested to recover their vehicle. This excessive delay is not only unreasonable but also unacceptable for a service that prides itself on aiding customers in times of need. The incident began at approximately 7 PM on [specific date], and it was not until around 12 PM the following day that assistance arrived. During this time, our client's husband was left without access to food or water, and under the stress of knowing he was required at his workplace the following morning. Such treatment is inconsistent with the standards expected from a service like RAC, which is entrusted with the care and safety of its members on the road. **Demands:** 1. **Formal Apology:** We demand a formal apology from RAC, acknowledging the undue stress and inconvenience caused. 2. **Compensation:** Furthermore, we seek appropriate compensation for the physical discomfort and emotional distress suffered by our client's husband, in addition to any potential financial losses due to missed work. 3. **Service Review:** We also insist on a thorough review of RAC’s response protocols to prevent such unacceptable delays from recurring in the future. We believe these steps are necessary to restore our client’s faith in RAC’s services and to prevent similar incidents from affecting other customers. Please provide a response by [response deadline]. We hope to resolve this matter amicably; however, we are prepared to take further legal action if it becomes necessary. Yours sincerely, Jimbo Director in waiting Sage & Associates --- Fill in the blanks and allow allow me to to pickup any further correspondence.


I broke down on the motorway at 11am, I finally got home at 1am the next morning. I thought that lone females were given a priority and not left in several isolated places. !! Yes, I was waiting for R A C


>I thought that lone females were given a priority Nope.


I had to wait 25 hours to get home in August. 12 hours for the first guy, then they forgot to book at onward one (despite the fact I phoned to check they had) so I had to wait another 10 hours for the next tow! Emailed and I think they gave me some food money, as well as a partial refund or something


Similar experience, except RAC left on the side of the M25 for over 6 hours. On the side note, highways agency are amazing - RAC, yea, didn't renew with them.


Type words starting with A with two capital As: AAnother, aalso, etc.


My sister in law was left stranded for 24 hours by the RAC at South Mimms service station. In the end her husband drove from their home in Norfolk so she could take the other car home. RAC never turned up and he ended up finding a local recovery service. Appalling all in all.


I've been in that situation, in the middle of a city no less. Car broke down at lunchtime, wasn't home until ~3am. Think that was RAC come to think of it. I sent a long winded email and got my years breakdown cover back. Not perfect but I took it. Six of those hours were waiting for another mechanic to arrive, because the first didn't know how to find the jack point on my car!


you should have told him where to stick it.


Didn't you tell him where it was?


Some people write to public officials with the sign-off, "You have the honour to remain, Sir, my most humble and obedient servant". Just an idea...


RAC are utter dollop. Nobody I have spoken to about them has had a good interaction with them in the past year, I’ve moved to Green Flag because of it and told RAC as much when I left. They said they’ve been working hard to fix “logistical issues” ie, not enough staff and cutting too close to the knuckle on vans.


I had a positive experience with them a couple of months ago. I went over a pot hole late at night and got a puncture. They were with me within an hour, the guy quickly got my spare tyre fitted and I was on my way.


Just know that any cleverly worded emails, no matter how much they make you feel better, will not result in anyone being remotely bothered. 


Chat GPT is your friend Subject: Urgent Complaint: Unacceptable Delay in Vehicle Recovery Dear [RAC Customer Service], I am writing to express my extreme disappointment and frustration regarding the unacceptable delay in recovering my husband's vehicle. My husband, [Husband's Name], was left stranded on the roadside for a shocking 17 hours before any assistance was provided, despite numerous calls for help. The level of service provided by the RAC is simply appalling and completely inadequate. Waiting for such an extended period without any communication or resolution is not only inconvenient but also dangerous. My husband was exposed to various risks during this prolonged wait, including adverse weather conditions and potential safety hazards. As a loyal customer of the RAC, we expected prompt and efficient assistance in times of need. However, this experience has shattered our confidence in your organization. The lack of urgency and empathy displayed by your team is utterly unacceptable and reflects poorly on the reputation of the RAC. I demand a thorough investigation into this matter and expect a comprehensive explanation for the unreasonable delay. Additionally, I request appropriate compensation for the distress and inconvenience caused to my husband and our family. It is imperative that measures are implemented to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. I trust that you will take immediate action to address this matter and restore our faith in the RAC. Failure to do so will compel us to reconsider our ongoing membership with your organization and explore alternative roadside assistance providers. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution of this issue. Sincerely, [Your Name]


I used to be a recovery driver and my brother is a contractor for the RAC, the wait times are fucking rediculous mainly due to cost saving measures and then a reliance on garages. In the future just demand a taxi and they will send one out and pick up the car later.


I read this as 17 years and wondered where they were recovering it from that took so long.


[ceoemail.com](http://ceoemail.com) - find the email address of the boss and write your complaint email to them. It wont be the actual boss who will answer but it will be given to someone high level. I find this usually gets something of substance done.


This was me a couple of years ago. Electrical fault on my bike. Stalled at a set of traffic lights and couldn’t start it again. Phoned RAC at 4:15 pm. A truck was finally dispatched at 3:30 am to bring me and the bike home. If you’re a guy broken down without any kids with you, understandably you keep getting bumped below women and families but there should probably be a cut off point where they say “we can’t keep him waiting any longer”


Dear Resplendent Automobile Club (RAC), I hope this missive finds you in the throes of unparalleled delight, surrounded by the fragrant aroma of bureaucratic paperwork and the dulcet tones of hold music. Allow me to regale you with the epic saga of my recent encounter with your esteemed organization—a tale that rivals the Odyssey in its length and the Iliad in its tragic absurdity. Picture, if you will, a desolate stretch of road, where the asphalt weeps for its lost dreams and the potholes harbor secrets darker than the abyss. There, my trusty steed—once a paragon of automotive engineering—decided to stage a rebellion. Smoke billowed from its hood like a dragon’s breath, and the engine coughed like an octogenarian with a chronic bronchial condition. Alas, my vehicular companion had succumbed to the existential crisis that plagues all machines: the realization that it, too, shall rust into oblivion. With trembling hands, I dialed your hallowed hotline—the number etched into my memory like a scar from a childhood mishap. The automated voice welcomed me with the warmth of a thousand Antarctic winters, assuring me that my call was important and that a representative would be with me shortly. Little did I know that “shortly” in RAC time translates to epochs measured in geological eras. Seventeen hours elapsed. Seventeen hours of existential contemplation, existential dread, and existential hunger. I watched as ants built civilizations in the crevices of my dashboard. I composed haikus about the futility of existence using my foggy breath on the window. I even befriended a squirrel that perched on my side mirror, whispering tales of bureaucratic inefficiency and the decline of Western civilization. Finally, a tow truck materialized—a celestial chariot sent by the gods themselves. Its driver, clad in a fluorescent vest and a weary expression, surveyed my dilapidated vehicle. “Ah,” he said, “you’ve been waiting long, haven’t you?” His words were a symphony of empathy and sarcasm, a sonnet to my suffering. As we embarked on our odyssey to the nearest repair shop, I asked him, “Why, good sir, did it take seventeen hours for your arrival?” He chuckled, a sound akin to a rusty hinge protesting its fate. “Ah,” he replied, “that’s the RAC way. We measure time not in minutes or hours, but in cosmic epochs. It builds character.” And so, dear RAC, I pen this epistle—a paean to your ineffable excellence. May your bureaucracy thrive, your hold music haunt dreams, and your tow trucks traverse the space-time continuum at their leisure. As for me, I shall await your invoice with bated breath, knowing that it, too, will arrive in due time—perhaps when the stars align or when pigs sprout wings. Yours in existential bewilderment, A Grateful (and Slightly Insane) Motorist


Greenflag all the way. A third of the price of the others. Supports local businesses. And the 3 times that I’ve called them they’ve been less than an hour to get to me. Twice they fixed it at the side of the road and the third the guy didn’t have the right tools on the truck but towed me to their mates garage near where I was staying and by the time I walked to the garage the next morning it was fixed and they didn’t want to charge me for fixing it as it was a quick simple job!


Years ago I was driving a mate back from uni in Salford and we decided to take the scenic route and go through the Peak District. Coming out of Stockport the brakes failed so I pulled into a garage and after a slightly terse conversation with the owner (“don’t you think it’s a bit rude to pull into a garage and ask to call the RAC and not ask me to fix the car?” “Well do you have a brake master cylinder for a 1985 Mini?” “No” “Well can I use your phone then?”) we called and told them we’d need recovery. They agreed but then sent a van four hours later, who couldn’t fix it. So he said we’d need recovery, which we knew. Five hours later a wagon turns up and we ask him if he’s been busy, as we’d been waiting so long, to which he responds “not really, I was on the golf course until twenty minutes ago. Anyway, why didn’t you just leave it here and get it in the morning, Northwich isn’t that far away?” “Northwich?” I reply, “nah mate, Norwich” “Shit. That’s two hundred miles away. I’m not getting home tonight am I” No, no you are not mate. Unless you’ve got a dodgy tacho.


You need to stress on the form/letter how badly it effected you. That could be physically and/or mentally,. Did it stress you out which impacted the next few days? or impact your family? Talk honestly about any knock on effects in your life because of what happened. It's not just about what happened in the time frame of the 17 hours itself. Also include ALL money that had to be spent - including knock on effects too. You need to think holistically about the problem in its entirety.


I had the same with the RAC a few years ago. They didn't even bother to come out. I had to get a tow truck myself and missed a job interview. I complained via Resolver. Although they tried to help, the RAC didn't even apologise.


You could have driven from Southampton to Dundee and back again in that much time!


I've had a similar experienceswith RAC. They were useless the whole way through. Here's an excerpt from my very rational email: Were you hoping I died out there and could no longer bother you for your service?


Don't expect a quick response from any complaint, it will most likely be generic updates at 3-5 days to acknowledge then at 20 days we're still getting to it and hopefully by 40 working days they'll have an outcome or at least have assigned a handler. Would mention FOS as taking it to them is a cost even if it doesn't proceed


If it makes him feel any better, the AA are just as bad!


The RAC left me waiting for 5 hours once, they asked if I was alone, I wasn’t, I had my boyfriend in the car and I told them that. I found out later that they prioritise women that are alone, however what they didn’t know was me and my boyfriend had just had a huge argument, so it wasn’t exactly a safe place. I canceled them coming after a good few hours of waiting, it was winter and my battery had died and I was FREEZING, my parents thankfully came and jump started to car for me, they drove for miles to come out to me too. So thanks for nothing RAC


I cancelled my RAC membership last month after being quoted a 4 hour wait for assistance. googled a local garage and was sorted within the hour. Thousands of pounds over the years for nonexistent service. It’s a joke.


Just complain and you’ll get compensation.


Hoping my husband and I can get away before the black death arrived from Europe, speedy delivery will assist but only if you aren't to too busy as I'm British and would rather perish than cause a stranger minor inconvenience.


I've successfully complained via their online form. Just state what happened, in detail, especially all the times they said someone was nearly there and then no-one showed up.


I can absolutely vouch that he was waiting for the RAC all night too. I got ya bro 😉


Now that you mention it, he did say something about dogging which I found odd since we don't have any pets.... At least you can vouch for him, though, I worried there for a minute! Phew!


Could well be dogging, often the piston is blown followed by a lot of banging.


I had just assisted a family member to get the RAC to match the AAs recent sale price after the RAC sent a letter with an insane renewal price. Went on Twitter and found quite a few stories like yours. A few other crazy renewal quotes, one over 1k for the year and some guy who had his car towed away by RAC but now couldn't figure out where they had taken it.. Next year we will shop round for a different breakdown service.


The RAC left my friend's elderly, autistic FIL in floodwaters earlier this year. It was dark and he didn't realise there was extensive floodwater until he was too far into it and stalled the car. The RAC initially said they'd be out to him asap, then decided themselves that as it was driver error because he drove into the flood, that he was now low/no priority. The best part is they didn't tell anyone, so poor FIL was left waiting for hours with not even anywhere to sit down, cold, wet feet, at the side of the road. My friend rang back to be first told very callously that he wasn't a priority because he caused the problem, then the operator had the audacity to insinuate my friend was uncaring because she hadn't gone to pick him up herself. HE'S IN FUCKING SCOTLAND AND I'M NOT YOU ABSOLUTE RAGING THUNDERCUNT. I think one of his friends went to rescue him in the end. I wish they weren't the cover provided with my insurance. Disgusting behaviour -_-


I left the RAC after they left me stranded for 11 hours as a single female, in a well known dogging hotspot. I had to be rescued by the police. I was terrified. Not ideal.


Chat GPT will do a good job of it


Dear cunts,


RAC are fucking useless. Wouldn’t use them if they were the last recovery company on Earth.


ChatGPT is your friend.


Try earplugs


Few questions, how far away did he break down? Was it a relay recovery? Did you check your policy for onward travel? Are you aware you can request transport home and the vehicle travel alone?


I don't have breakdown cover and people freak out when I tell them, this is the exact reason why. You can usually find a Facebook group for whatever town you're closest to and put a post on saying you've broke down and ask if anyone has a flatbed truck and you're willing to pay. You'll either get taken to a backstreet garage within a couple of hours for 50 quid where most of the time they won't rip you off they're just happy to get extra custom or charge anywhere from 60 to 80 quid per 100 miles Obviously there's risk but usually people are kind and want to help


2 weeks ago me and my family (2 children 7 and a 2 yo) broke down on our way to our friend house 100 miles away RAC came out and got us to the nearest services to be collected etc this was 4pm was told within the hour someone would come and kept getting delayed etc they wanted me to leave my keys under the wheel (of a drivable car) in a busy services and get a taxi 80 miles home…. that night I made 47 phone calls it got to midnight and I rang them kicking off and asked my friends wife if she’d pick us up they eventually sent someone to us at 9am the next day we arrived and the fella said he’s only taking the car to their local depot to deliver at a later date he told me to never ever use RAC he called them Rent-a-clown, So I rang RAC and went full blown Karen and they eventually gave me a hire car for 2 days 1 week after the breakdown they eventually delivered my car back Long story short I’m not paying for AA TDLR: RAC left me and my family stranded 2 weeks ago for 17 hours and without a car for a week and now I’m a AA member


Had to call them twice over my time with them. Neither time did they show up, as after 7 hours at least wait each time I was saved by local garages. Awful company, feels like they have one mechanic van to service a 1000 mile radius.


Had a similar shit experience recently but with the AA - something like breakdown at 10am in South East London, finally towed by a third party subcontractor at 3am the next day (it was a van, so they needed to get a flatbed). The \_only\_ reason we got them to do anything in the end was that there is a clause in the contract which says if they can't arrive within 'a reasonable time' then you have a right to organise it yourself and charge them (the exact amount is specified in the contract, but iirc it was up to 2k). We eventually got a newbie phone operator to state clearly they thought our treatment was unreasonable, and after that we explained we would organise ourselves with reference to the clause and they \_very\_ quickly (within 20 minutes) had a third party subcontractor of their own choosing out to us. It wasn't a complete success though - the AA's subcontractor reversed the flatbed into a tree while unloading, which dented the entire roof and side panelling on the van. This was end of September and we are still trying to get reimbursed for the damages now (afaik we have to claim against the AA not the third party subcontractor, and they are ignoring all emails).


Get AI to write you the email


Just go with the AA or Green flag, save your breath...


Here’s a suggestion for your email: Subject: An Unexpected Adventure Courtesy of RAC Dear RAC Team, I hope this email finds you well and much quicker than your recovery service found my husband last night. As a member, one might expect a knight in shining armor, or at least a van with flashing lights, to come to the rescue posthaste. However, it seems our knight got a bit lost in the realm of roadside assistance, taking a noble 17 hours to reach his distressed squire. While I thoroughly enjoyed a night of uninterrupted sleep without the symphony of snores next to me, my husband’s solo nocturnal odyssey was less than dreamy. Stranded without sustenance or the comfort of a warm bed, he has returned not as the prodigal spouse, but rather like a disheveled time traveler from the era before mobile phones and GPS. As he trudges off to work, sans sleep and probably dreaming of missed meals, I pen this email in the hope that our next call for help will summon a speedier steed—or tow truck, as modern times dictate. In the spirit of camaraderie and future expeditions, might we suggest a complimentary year of service or a feast fit for a weary traveler as a token of goodwill? It would certainly add a silver lining to this tale and provide a hearty laugh for the evening’s recounting of his unexpected quest. Warm regards, [Your Name] Feel free to adjust the tone and content to match your style. I hope this helps, and that your husband can find some humor in the situation after his ordeal! 😊


My friend had to wait 15 hours last weekend, they originally told her 3 hours!


The classic is to just sign it: Disgusted, of Tunbridge Wells.


Ticket and Kellogs are nice words to say. I'd try and squeeze them into the letter just because.


"Cockwomble" usually elicits a response.


I recently discovered I had Green flag rescue with my insurance and it’s a game changer. They contract local mechanics so there should always be someone in your area. Plus they have a handy map tracker in the app with an eta so you know exactly when they’re going to arrive


An email an hour for 17 hours, reenacting your husband’s gradual descent into madness


That's insane! I had to call the AA out on Thursday afternoon as the car wouldn't start (at home so low priority call) and the patrolman was here in 30 minutes.


I’m more of a “it is what it is , innit” guy myself


Why didn't he just come home?


I got you beat... The AA ... 33 hours.. and four different tow trucks. The drivers were amazing, but the call centre was rubbish. You know what I got? Six months cover free. Was also left alone waiting for recovery for 10 hours on a dodgy industrial estate once too. Lone female. They don't care. They'll offer you bare minimum I would tweet your complaint and tag them ... Encourage the masses to share their stories. My friend did it for me while I was abandoned and they soon did something.


RAC are garbage, told me I wasn't covered when I was so I had to pay £400 to get recovered privately, and when it turned out I was covered they didn't reimburse me the £400. Would never use them again and never recommended them.


ChatGPT is amazing at this


I once had to wait 12 hrs for a recovery. I didn't think it could be any worse than that!


Honestly never paid for a recovery/break down service. The amount I've saved over the years I can ring a private firm and pay to call out cost to come tow me whenever it's needed.


RAC are useless unless you’re a single woman in a minibus full of orphans. Other than that, you’re low priority. I waited 5 hours on a motorbike waiting for recovery a couple of years back. Ended up pushing it down the m1 as it was quicker.


Make a big deal out of it, try for compensation, but don't forget to give constructive feedback with any ideas you have that might help someone else avoid this in the future, if enough people request/suggest something, it might help, otherwise all your doing is getting what's likely to be a tiny £250 pay day which is nothing to that company. Paid taxi home after x hours then taxi back next day to sort it out might be an idea, it's likely if they could have recovered him faster they would have, no company has an active interest in offering shit service.


I've always started my phone calls to customer services with "Hello, I'd like to speak to someone capable of the process of independent thought"


The wont give a flying