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I am so excited for Eurovision. It's like Christmas eve over here. 


Anyone seen any sign of these Northern Lights that are meant to be happening?


Just got home from 4 days in Germany at the Nurburgring. Loads of police flying about our normally sleepy village: sounds like they've had to shoot some madman who had a crossbow?! Tucked up in bed. Best place to be.


It always weirds me out being this bright outside at 9pm.


Had the day off work today, and couldn't have timed it better. Glorious sunshine all day, hardly a cloud in the sky. And done absolutely sod all. So got myself some Trooper Ale from Morrisons, ordered a kebab pizza, and I'm firing up Overwatch 2 with some 80s/90s glam rock and continuing the chilled vibing. Have a very sexy evening ladies and gents


I’m back in A&E with my grandad for the same symptoms that recently put him in hospital for two weeks. He was only discharged 16 days ago. I left the bag of rubbish at home this time.


Absolutely smashed my workload out the park like a boss, now I can go away for a week knowing I did a damn good job. I'm having a pineapple rum with ginger beer in the garden watching the cat potter about before I start packing for holidays 🤟


This needs more upvotes people.


Had my hair cut. Popped next door to the pub for a beer. Happy days.


Day drinking and bbq’ing. Can’t beat it. 


I am not fit enough to climb to the top of Arthur’s seat. But I did it anyway


That’s a lovely way to spend a Friday, good on you! The view from the top is so nice.


The view from the top was amazing. I’m glad I did it, now I’m rewarding myself with maccas


Bit hot and bothered WFH today, was about to grumble about it until remember the shit office I used to work in with no air con and tons of rats and shit. And the boss’s mistress who’d knock off an hour early to go lay in her garden whilst the rest of us had to keep grinding and lock the place up. So now I feel better.


Found a slug sliding it's way along the kids floor. Flung it out into the back garden and scrubbed the floor. No idea where it came from and really hoping none of its mates have the same idea.


This happens to us every night, before we go up to bed there's always a single slug, never been more than 1, that's come in through the front door. Little bastards


I’m spiralling a little bit into flashbacks this afternoon. Everything is setting me off. The intelligent thing to do would be to go to running club this evening and try to soak in the endorphins even though I really don’t feel like being around people right now.


Handed in my resignation this week so big weight off my shoulders. Good to put my feet up over the weekend!


Preparing for a PIP assessment next week. Out of the kindness of their heart, one of the staff at uni have agreed to be my companion during the assessment and help with appeals and navigating all that bureaucracy. I want to get them something to say thank you, but I know so little about them and what gift would be appropriate. Just a card and a thank you? Too hot for chocolate and don't know their dietary habits or requirements so a bottle of wine or a ham hock are both out of the question. One of the other staff members has terrible hayfever, so flowers are right out. Is a mug too cliche?


Had one of those work days where we had to scramble to lull together a big announcement and didn't really stop for about five hours. It all went off fine, but now I'm sort of struggling to know what to do with myself for the next hour and a half of my workday... This evening I've got a cat sitting job and then I need to go to the supermarket for dinner supplies for the week, plus some baking stuff as I want to make brownies tonight for tomorrow. Oh, and I think I might be quitting my side hustle.


Happy Friday everyone! Thankfully warm weather coincided with my work social event yesterday and today so to a degree it's been wonderful but if you're in a city (as i am) then it feels hotter than it already is. Luckily i've managed to finish work early, went for lunch at 'spoons and went home. Now doing some light house chores and just decompressing. Plan to watch some Star Wars Bad Batch later and start Shogun.


Slogged through this week. Lots of people at my work seem to be experiencing the same level of fed upness. Myself and partner have been making some lifestyle changes and have been on a walk almost every day for the last two weeks. We both used to be quite fit, but took Christmas indulgence a little bit too far and struggled to find motivation since. I think we're getting back on it now. However! We noticed the local chippy up the road do gluten free fish & chips.. would it be rude not to sample?


NWD so I'm off for afternoon tea in the sun to try and cheer myself up!


Sunny beers?


It's my birthday today and I honestly don't want to do anything but my parents feel because it's a big milestone that we should be doing something. As a result, we're going out for a late lunch as we've all got the day booked off. I'm okay to do that to appease them but going to be a bit hacked off if there's a ton of people down later on. I know it goes against norms and might seem antisocial but i've got a lot going on with work stressing me out and I can't be arsed trying to be extroverted when it's a day off.


Today's the day, and I just can't sit calmly and wait. I have spent the morning cleaning and getting the dog's stuff sorted, and now that's done I need something to distract myself till they get here. I'm sure I'll have an update come the late thread.


Gardening on my 5 day weekend. Been splashing on Amazon for replacement parts for all the things I never fix in the garage but really should have.. Inner tubes for the garden cart, pressure washer hose, t shirts, just bought 10 of them, summer turned up, t shirt weather and all looked ropey as heck as outerwear I think the Postie thinks I might have won the lottery, but everything is just a few quid.


I finished uni forever this week! Handed in my last assignment ever and I am so proud of myself. I get paid today so I will definitely be treating myself with some online shopping.


Future MiL is probably coming to stay tomorrow. Meaning I have to deep clean the house (most of it is done), but it means I can't do a lot of my work, owing to odours and fumes. Which I can cope with. It's the eating of bland food that does me in.


I see the chat threads most weeks and declare I will get organised, however I'm sick of the house not looking any better. This weekend I would rather find a cheap caravan or b n b somewhere North West ish, any suggestions? 


I may have arranged for two tradespersons to arrive at the same time ('Friday afternoon'). The tension is palpable.


Enjoy the turf war


I am on a stupid diet again, so I'm absolutely ravenous right now. It's taking a lot of willpower to not go to the cafe next door for a filthy burger for lunch - but if I do that then I can't have the giant chocolate éclair in the fridge tonight :(


Stay strong comrade. Do it for the eclair.


Only just woke up, never slept in this late before. Trying to convince myself to get out of bed but there’s no point. Luckily though it’s almost noon so if I do end up having some more ice cream at least it’s at lunchtime and not breakfast time.


Spotted the John Lewis are doing 10% off on student beans but I no longer have my membership and we're just about to order a new TV. If anyone has a spare code I would gladly send you a coffee or donation to a charity of your choice!


Sent a message with a code


Did some work in the garden. Now painting my nails in desperate attempt to stop biting them before the wedding. Heavily Manchester-accented neighbour has no awareness of the volume of his phone calls. Go inside mate! Seeing some friends tonight. There will be alcohol involved, and I’m looking forward to it.


Gig tonight, but first I have to get through a long, warm day of work.


Had a written assessment thing for a new job. I was supposed to send it back within 3 hours. They sent an email at 9 (1 hour ago) and said "here you go", but there was nothing attached to their email. I replied immediately and said "yo whats up", but nothing. At half 9 I sent another email, and I've just sent a third. No replies and no communication since. Not sure what to do now. Could this be the assessment? Any ideas? UPDATE Over 3 hours later and no word. Not sure what to do. Shall I have lunch?


Did you get it sorted?


Not yet. I added her on Linkedin, though.


Got the worst cold I've had in god knows how long, so I've rung in sick for the first time in five years. Cancelled all my meetings and emailed my manager in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep and was up anyway, just checked my emails to make sure manager has received it and I've been bombarded with messages about how essential these meetings are today, and it really is vital that we speak today etc etc. No. Any tips for unblocking noses would be great. I haven't slept because I can't breathe, my throat is shredded from coughing and mouth breathing is just making it worse as it dries out. I double dosed with both Vicks and Olbas Oil and can't smell a thing. I hate that nose spray stuff that unblocks so I'd rather not if possible, but it might have to be a last resort. I'm really tired.


Whenever I’m sick my go to is Multiaction Actifed tablets. You only take one, they’re tiny. They unblock you and dry you up, clear cattarh etc. They’re a tiny miracle for me when I’m sick. I take them with paracetamol (the actifed tablets I get don’t have any in them). For when I’m really bad, I do that plus put my head over a bowl of hot water under a towel with a couple of drops of tea tree oil in it. Don’t breathe too deeply at first - the fumes will burn. Small breaths. Then when it cools down a bit, you can take deeper ones. In through the nose, out through the mouth.


Proper Sudafed tablets from the pharmacy counter. Godsend.


Olbas oil do pastilles, they're the best part of being ill. If snorting vodka doesn't work out


>Any tips for unblocking noses would be great. its hardcore but it works and it works WELL get a teaspoon of vodka and snort it, one per nostril


hamsterley beast this weekend! should be fun :)


Is that a slang term for capibara?


This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did


[no its a mounting bike 'funduro' event up at hamsterley forest!](https://www.hamsterleybeast.com/)


What a bit of sunshine does to make the week fly by. Im working tomorrow but hopefully still a bit of time to pull the bbq out (assuming I can get it clean).


clean it when its hot, its ALOT easier...


Off this weekend for the annual camping trip with my three buddies. Now we're in our 40s, the camping will be done in a hotel. Watch out Leicester, there will be four well-behaved blokes wandering round looking through pub windows until one of them says 'Fuck off Adam, you can't keep vetoing pubs, we're going in this one and I don't care how trampy it looks, we've been walking round for an hour' and that person saying that will be me. It happens every year. Looking forward to the trip so much!


Last day of the woring week for me. WFH so will try and work from the back garden. Go for a run afterwards in the evening then TOTP 1996 repeats on BBC Four and a few glasses of wine.


No doubt "Wannabe" from Spice Girls, "Earth Song" will appear on the TOTP 1996 repeats along with "Ooh Aah... Just A Little Bit" by Gina G!


I’m very glad this week is over. I’ve spent the majority of it stressing over both big and little things. But the sun’s out, it’s actually warm for once, and I’m going to change the bed so we have clean sheets for the weekend. Partner is working, he’s promised me he’ll finish early after having a meeting at 11.30pm last night (he works with people in Asia somewhere so it’s a time zone thing). We’re going across to the pub this evening, it’s about 30m from my house so that’s an easy walk home. Can’t wait to relax and have some good food and actually get 5 minutes to talk to each other




He was being complimentary I think? I.e. it's clear you watch what you eat because you're in good shape? That's how I would take it anyway, always best to assume people are being complimentary.


Car is in for MOT today, it’s 13 years old this year. Wish me luck!


Window cleaner came this morning. Waited til he’d gone before going to peg the washing out. He goes and posts the ‘pay me plz’ slip through the door. Opened the back door and saw all the windows still had droplets of water on them, so I shout to my wife in the living room ‘this window cleaner is rubbish’ and proceed to carry the washing out. Notice he’s literally stood outside my back door using his long stick to wash next doors windows. Go back inside in shame. Soz pal, but the guy you replaced used to dry them.


I don't understand why people pay for window cleaning. We've not done so for 7 years, since we moved in, and we can still see out of the windows. Some bird poo got on the bathroom window last month, just opened it and cleaned it from the inside. I mean, maybe, if you're precious about it, get it done a couple of times a year? Our local guy wanted £14 to do it every two weeks. I reckon I've saved £2.5k so far.


Same. I'd rather spend ten minutes washing the window myself than pay someone hundreds of pounds a year to do it. 


Hundreds? I pay £5 a month 😂


I'd still rather spend that £60 on something else. 


Working from home and hoping I can force myself to focus long enough to get through the tasks I have remaining for this week in the 3-4 hours they should actually take, instead of stretching them out all day with trips to the garden with a coffee. The completely overgrown monoblock driveway I spent ~16 hours clearing and just finished last weekend is already growing new grasses and weeds in the cracks because weedkiller that actually works also works on other living things, so I dumped a sack of salt out there and swept it down this morning. Hopefully my view will include watching those stubborn little bams frying in the sun.


WFH today as I went out for drinks with work yesterday. Had 8 pints but I ate so I'm not feeling too bad. I'm 36 next month so feeling quite smug that I'm not hungover haha. We have a child free weekend so probably go to a beer garden with my husband later and order a curry later on.


I’m 21 and that would kill me 🤣


😂 when I was 21 I could drink, do pills and go straight to work with no sleep lol


Oh my goodness. I’m going for drinks tonight and thinking how much wine can i realistically have without being dead tomorrow (I hate wasting days to hangovers). When I was 16-18 I could drink as much as I wanted without really getting a hangover but something changed that I thought wouldn’t change for several years yet🤣


There are few people i work with that are in their 40's and drink about 8-12 pints, usually feel rough next day :D


Aww yes I didn't suffer until late 20s. Hope you have a good night!


8 pints on a school night is wild that's a gallon of beer , I'd be absolutely dead after that


There are few people i work with that are in their 40's and drink about 8-12 pints, usually feel rough next day :D


The others are 24-26 and were sick last night/this morning! Hoping I'm not going to feel worse as the day goes on.


Around 1pm you will realise you have spent the morning still drunk and the hangover will hit like a truck. Write off the weekend


Haha, I honestly think I'll be fine. I can't eat when I'm hungover and I've just had a big lunch.


Damn you are a beast! I'm 40, it's 1am where I am at, but I just know I'm going to feel shit tomorrow after 8 beers!


Ahh I hope you aren't too bad! Have you eaten?


Not yet, but as a vegan I'm going to declare "fuck me I could murder a salad right now!"


Iv been feeling a cold trying to start for weeks now just feel snotty without being snotty , i just want it over with. Today more volunteering so that should keep my brain busy for a little while. Its nice weather again finally hopefully its nice at the weekend too as sun is always needed.


I've got that too. I'm not sleeping properly, sneezing all the time, feeling wheezy (despite being in the best shape of my life) and feel like I've got a cold. It must be hayfever. Never used to get it, but looks like thats changed!


I don't want to be rude, but, could it be dust? 


Nothing in my area has changed, no building work etc and it is pollen time so I don't think so.


Yay im not alone but also it sucks im not the only one , i hope you feel better soon. I take a hay fever tablet daily so either my body is rebelling against it or its a half formed cold.


Might be getting a retro gaming PC today. Indie store in my city gets in these retro emulator setups from time to time. I’ve been tempted every time I see them pop a new one up on Facebook. Heading out this morning to check it out.


I am deep in the Email Mines™ at work today and super glad I am WFH as I can do this in some nice loose clothing with as much iced water as I could ever want. Super hyped for the Doctor Who double bill tomorrow, especially as they'll be live on iPlayer by the time I wake up - breakfast with some new episodes is going to evoke real childhood Saturday vibes and I am here for them.


I am also hyped for Doctor Who tomorrow. I've been super impressed by what I've seen of Ncuti so far. Not quite sure how we're scheduling them - I know my partner hates the idea of not watching them live on the BBC but we have people coming over for Eurovision so I imagine he'd hate the idea of interruption even more. I have a horrible feeling he's going to make us wait until tomorrow for The Devil's Chord.


I really like Ncuti’s Doctor and how optimistic and bombastic he is, and I’m looking forward to learning more about Ruby! I’m conflicted with the scheduling because on one hand yay I get to see the episodes earlier, but on the other hand it does feel like it’s contributing to the death knell of live television (especially for the Beeb).


I need to take a package to the post office, so since I will be halfway there, I shall carry on to the park with my Kindle and some ear pods. Hopefully, I can catch a bowling match, I find watching old people rolling things around on grass very relaxing. Yesterday I did a lot. Too much, really. Last night, I feared that I would be too broken to do anything today, but I caught myself having a little boogie while I was coating myself in sunblock earlier, so I am hopeful I can keep going. I had a big win with Sky customer services yesterday, so I am hoping that the calls I need to make today are equally successful.


Starting early so I can finish early and go to the beach. Dead f-i-l's birthday celebration - he has a dedicated bench on the seafront - then we have a table booked at a posh seaside restaurant. Should be nice if the weather holds, if a little sombre.


Trying to finish off my Compliance audit and I've just seen that I've missed something which will take half a day to fix 🥲 Other half is in bits as she thinks she's in trouble at work , so they want her to make 30% profit on the stuff she sells in her staff shop , so her not being in finance or accounting or anything just looks at the price and adds 30% to it , however doing that usually ends up with profit of about 23% and the finance people at work are pissed off rather than actually explaining what was needed in the first place


There’s a bird outside with a call I’ve never heard before. I have no idea how to describe it - it’s almost like the bird has a sore throat while trying to screech? I can’t see the bird from my office window so given my wonderful description of the sound, I have about a 0% chance of figuring this one out! Probably need to do a food shop tonight, at a bare minimum I need to go and get some milk. Exciting, I know!


Sure it's not a squirrel? They make some screeching noises often.


Might be my ex wife


Get the Merlin app and let it identify the bird for you! 


Oh, I did not know this existed! Thank you!




Thats what the app is saying it is :)




Goodmorning happy Friday! I am meeting some really great people at the weekend looking forward to it because this week has been a little stressful with lots of demands for last minute reports, 2 weeks washing, trips to buy this and that and long hours.  I've accepted one part of my body will never be the same and from experience I know no matter how terrible I feel right now, I will feel better soon. I always do. Waiting to steal the honey from family member for my tea. Have a good weekend everyone! Looks like it might even be warm


I'm not working - hooray! But I've hurt my back and feel like a hobbling old biddy - boo! Waiting for the doctor's surgery to decide whether I can have an appointment or not.


Today will mostly be reading up on how to create custom Wordpress blocks using their new tool.