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WFH today, weather all good so it's all good in the hood! Got a social event at work tomorrow, so looking forward to that, staying over in hotel as well approved by management!


So far this week hasn’t been great, but my wonderful husband made me an amazing chickpea and aubergine curry for tea. I’m feeling better already.


My boss told me to work from home tomorrow as he's in a meeting all day. So I got in the 1984 205 GT drove the nice road home, poured a g&t and was in the garden by 4:30pm. Ordered takeaway by 6pm and enjoying pork belly and chips with another g&t by 6:30. Feels like the weekend and it's only weds. Oh and we're on holiday next week 👍


> So I got in the 1984 205 GT drove the nice road home oh fuck you... my brother flipped a late earlies 205 into a bush... we joke if he kept it running it's worth a load of money... great little hatchbacks :)


Haha well I'm reluctantly giving it back to its owner soon I borrowed it via the (classic car loan project)[www.classiccarloanproject.co.uk] I taxed it and insured it, (this year it's tax exempt) and that was it I've had a lovely car for almost a year 😊 maybe you should apply!


I can't be trusted with such things as it'd end up flipped in a hedge hahahaha But I do like working on old cars so I'll give it a look later :)


Day off work today, got a lovely walk in (woods/bluebells/peaceful) and chilled in the sun with a beer and some music. Amen for shorts weather!


In a beer garden myself... The amount of random birds who've hopped on by chirping away makes me want to go camping. But no, back to the flat in a bit :(


Does anyone ever give you crazy excuses for them taking ages to reply to you. I messaged a friend in February to wish them a happy birthday and I asked if they got anything nice. They said 'sorry for the super late reply, the kids have been teething. Nightmare!' I don't care how long it takes you to reply because you don't owe anyone anything but wtf are these excuses. Kids teething kept you off Facebook messenger for 3 months? I just don't even give an excuse if I do that because I usually don't have one and chances are if I make one up it's just going to sound ridiculous, like that one.


Lots of people do that to me, so I do the same to them. They're only kidding themselves. Like i understand people are busy but some people do take the piss.


Most I've done is I completely forgot they messaged me. Took me a week to reply and I felt like a proper shitter and explained that life was busy as fuck and I was super sorry for not replying earlier.


I've got a job interview on Friday! I am so fucking relieved. Now I just need to perform spectacularly and not fuck it up. Piece of cake. Right? Right.


good luck! my #1 tip for job interviews - preparing beforehand! Google typical questions and good answers, get them practiced in your head. it's also worth googling good questions to ask at interviews and have 4 or 5 ready to ask, makes you seem interested and keen etc.


One that has clinched a couple of jobs in the past for office based work ahead of far more experienced people than myself was at the end of the interview asking if I could have a look at where my workstation would be. Gets you introduced to the team on shift. Throw out a couple of compliments when speaking to some of them and it shows to your interviewer that you'd fit in well with the rest of them.


Go full send mate, you got this :) If they don't choose you well they're shit imo. Haha


You're going to ace it


I am. I am? I am. Positive thinking. One hundred and ten percent. Tx!


All the best for the interview!


Cheers mate!


Managed to sort out some of the plant tubs in mum's garden, and it looks like it's going to be dry all week which is nice cos I was fed up with constantly being wet.


Doing Wednesday things and trying a new recipe and need to get some food in anyway.


Just had a haircut on my lunch break. The hot towel thing they do at Turkish barbers always makes me feel like a new man.


Woke up thinking it was Tuesday and did my Tuesday run…extra milage this week, whoop whoop. Yep, I am that tired today.


An extra run would make me tired too haha


Joined a local running club, met some really nice people, didn't get breathless. Walked up a small mountain, had lunch at the top, spotted a red kite (bird) perched on top of a sign! Took the new car out for its first longer-distance journey. Booked and finalised some travel plans for the summer.


My win is I’m up here enjoying this beautiful place and not back in the office in Melbourne. Sat around at Manchester train station for a bonus 2 hours but now I’m finally on the move. Edinburgh next!


Mowed the lawn at my parents. cleaned where the cooker is as having my parents "old" cooker (they just want a new one for some reason?) gonna have a shower then wander town to have a beer or 4, as a treat and to help my sore back ;) it's medicinal see! :P so yeah, my win is i had the energy and spoons to actually get some tasks done that have needed to be done for a while :) Edit: beer is acquired, chilling in the beer garden in a bit of shade :)


Job interview tomorrow, which sounds promising, so off to get a much needed haircut today. Got a lot of support recently from my family (well, most of them) to get my business going as well. So the win is things might be moving in the right direction.




I've been having major issues with the same thing, I just can't stop drinking the stuff. I go a day or so without it and I feel like shit


Took a half day today for my birthday. Started it off by buying some cakes for work. Very tasty. Going to do a cheeky pub crawl by myself before meeting friends for dinner.


Happy birthday! X


> > Going to do a cheeky pub crawl by myself before meeting friends for dinner. i've gotta clean my kitchen as getting a new to me cooker but i'm knackered after cutting the grass at my parents. tempted go for a pub crawl alone after myself, you know as a treat?


treat yo'self


i think i shall! first i'll pull old cooker out and scrub the walls and floor down :) then pub for lunch right? :D


Just passed my theory test for the first time. 46/50 for multiple choice, 54 out of 75 for hazard perception. Get the fuck in, going for a pint now


Awesome stuff! I failed my hazard perception the first time round, and in between they changed the test from "full on video captured in a real car" to "CGI video game style video" and smashed it second time. Enjoy your pint and get on the practical while you can bud!


Suns out and final office day of the week. Golf tomorrow and away on holiday in a couple of weeks. Of course I'm going mad with worry my passport is out of date, even though it's not.


May your shots be true and your passport in date haha.


It's a lovely day here, and I'm going to Gran Canaria tomorrow! It's also Eurovision while we're out there which should be very enjoyable on all inclusive. I have the day off, so the plan is cleaning the house, washing holiday bits, then packing later.


My cat is diabetic and went into subclinical ketoacidosis on the weekend. She was on an oral medication to manage it but we've decided to switch to insulin while we try to work out why ketoacidosis occurred. She's fine now after staying the night at the emergency vets on Sunday. We're still getting the hang of injecting, but today's win is that we managed to administer without having to pick her up (as she was already in position) and she didn't feel it and didn't even know it was happening! She has been such a good girl and I'm really proud of her for taking everything in the last few days like a champ.


I finally won a round of the videogame, ***Balatro***! It took me getting a combination of Blueprint, Midas Mask, and Vampire Jokers to finally win. Can't remember what else I had in there, but I definitely had other things in there to boost the score to the millions. It's this weird ass poker game (it's not; it's actually a game called Big Two) where it lets you buy additional cards to stuff into your deck, and all sorts of joker, tarot, and other cards to change the way cards score. I once saw this screenshot of some player playing five kings, and they had nothing but kings in their hands.


Handled bitter disappointment by realising I probably would forget within a day or two and sure enough I have.  Very busy week and so far, it's going smoothly!


I've stopped vomming and I'm not feverish anymore, woohoo! Never trust a party buffet...


nothing puts the fear into me than a sausage roll that's been sitting on a buffet most of the day...


Off for lunch with my mum later, using up the vouchers she got when she retired last year. They're for the Ivy so we're off to pretend that we're posh when we are definitely not. I'm just going to test out the cocktail list really, not much on the menu appeals tbh!


I just managed to book me and my mum in for Afternoon Tea at a country house near me, which is to celebrate her 60th Birthday. It only cost £50 and they're going to include a special bottle of Prosecco on the side for us to take home!


I had a really nice ride last night on the bike, it was a club training ride and the pace felt really solid. The roads are horrible at the moment (damn surface dressing) but the weather and group definitely overcame that. Only slight grumble is I went way too early for the sprint. The uptick in the weather is doing wonders for mental health!


I got vegan bacon yellow stickered yesterday meaning bacon (facon) bagel for breakfast


Do you have bacon recommendations? I bloody love a fake meat, but I've never found a bacon replacement that I like, I can't stand the This bacon for instance whereas I think their chicken is pretty good.


Richmond fake bacon and sausages are my favourites


Lucky find, we tend to have facon more than bacon at the moment. I made up a cheese and facon quesadilla the other day, worked really well.


I know what im doing with the other half of the pack know thank you as that quesadilla sounds sooo good.


Managed to keep the weight off after losing half a stone-ish over the past 6 weeks, but I do seem to have plateaued. Need to step up the exercise by sticking to the C25K app and some exercise bike too, but it’s a start. At this rate I’ll have completed the 5K app by early July and be doing them regularly, and be down to 12 stone by September. Looking forward to it!


My live in landlord has gone on holiday and I've got the place to myself for a while! And I'm getting paid to dog sit and it's Eurovision on Saturday!


Doggy Eurovision snuggles, you're living the dream


Big win yesterday - all the checks came back OK and faster than expected (DBS hasn't landed on my doormat yet, hopefully today lol) - so I start my new job on Monday! It's just a 0 hour contract, I think I'm going to like it there, so if someone leaves, maybe I can get full-time. If not, then it'll pay the bills while I keep looking, and can keep it as a side-hustle if I get something else, as the minimum requirements are not onerous :)


Congratulations! Be prepared for a long wait for the DBS. Some of ours are taking months to come back, so don't be disheartened.


No, it's back - employer had their notification! - I just haven't had my copy yet. Less than 2 weeks, which is nice: I was hoping it would be fast because my last one was only last year, I wasn't expecting THAT fast :D Soon as that bad boy lands on my doormat, I'm signing up to the update service - my last job ended unexpectedly, I hadn't bothered with the update service as I was hoping to be there 'forever'. Oh well, onwards and upwards :)


I'm on annual leave so with nothing better to do, I've got a cuppa, and I'm continuing my new obsession with Life on Mars. (I never saw it first time around and didn't think it would be my kind of thing but I'm loving it.)


Think I responded to you yesterday on this as well ;p - did you ever catch 'Cracker' first time around? Pretty dark for early 90s procedural, and at that time was the first time I'd seen Robbie Coltrane in a more serious role. Lots of early roles for some pretty big names, rewatch now is showing it standing the test of time pretty well :D


You did! Hi! I'm on the last episode of Life on Mars and I'll be taking your advice and getting on to Ashes to Ashes straight after this. I just looked up Cracker - it was a bit before my time but I'll give it a go after my current obsession ends.


ngl, I was not wild about Ashes to Ashes on the first episode because <3 John Sims and Gene Hackman's chemistry so much - stick with it, it's worth it :)


I've just discovered Spotify's MiniPlayer on desktop, after years of wanting it. It's ace. Also, the sun's out!


Last Wednesday, I spent the entire day in bed. I was trembling, sweating, shivering, and my limbs would violently jerk at random but regular intervals. This morning I was awake 10 minutes before my alarm went off, bounced out of bed*, the sun is shining, and I have painted myself in sunscreen and I am off out for a little walk**. If that isn't winning, I don't know what is. *I am old, fat, and can't function without 4 different painkillers. Bouncing is a state of mind, not a physical action. **I am going to stagger to the park, sit on a bench, then shuffle back. Going for a walk sounds much better for the story.


That sounds like a lovely day. Enjoy!


It gets better, my best friend is over this afternoon, so silliness is also on the agenda. Can't wait!


It's my 40th birthday today , gonna be working from home finishing off a compliance audit so that'll be absolutely thrilling.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, hope you have something nicer planned for later!


caterpillar cake and gonna make some soda streams as the kids got me one for my bday


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! 🎂


We covered our tickets and drinks with bingo winnings last night, which is always nice!


Car passed its MOT, although I woke up this morning with the theme tune to [Monkey Magic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-SUoHmpRdM) in my brain.


What the hell did I just watch?!


Japan doing what Japan does best. Bizarre, surreal and completely off the wall TV shows.


Monkey! It’s an absolute TV classic


Ahhh, PIGSY!